Tornadoes occur when the conditions that cause thunderstorms are unusu terjemahan - Tornadoes occur when the conditions that cause thunderstorms are unusu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Tornadoes occur when the conditions

Tornadoes occur when the conditions that cause thunderstorms are unusually violent. Winds blowing in opposite directions around a strong updraft start a narrow, violent whirl. Centrifugal force effectively throws the air away from the center, leaving a core of very low pressure. This is much like stirring water in a cup, thus forming a vortex-like dip in the surface.

This low-pressure core acts as a partial vacuum, sometimes helping to lift the roofs off houses. Most of the damage, though, results from the force of the wind itself. Around the edges of the whirl, wind speeds may reach 300 miles (480 kilometers) per hour. At first, the tornado's funnel is whitish-gray because it is composed of minute water droplets formed as the air in the funnel expands and cools. After touching down, the funnel becomes dark because of all of the debris it has picked up. This debris can include soil, tree limbs, and parts of buildings; tornadoes have been known to pick up automobiles, horses, and whole trees.

A tornado usually moves toward the east (or often northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and southeast in the Southern Hemisphere) at 25 to 40 miles (40 to 65 kilometers) per hour. Fortunately, most tornadoes are less than half a mile (800 meters) wide; the edge of one may destroy all of the houses on one side of a street while leaving those on the other side completely undamaged.

Deaths from tornadoes in the United States averaged roughly 100 per year over the last century. However, they have dropped somewhat in recent decades as better forecasting and warning systems have been implemented.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tornadoes occur when the conditions that cause thunderstorms are unusually violent. Winds blowing in opposite directions around a strong updraft start a narrow, violent whirl. Centrifugal force effectively throws the air away from the center, leaving a core of very low pressure. This is much like stirring water in a cup, thus forming a vortex-like dip in the surface.This low-pressure core acts as a partial vacuum, sometimes helping to lift the roofs off houses. Most of the damage, though, results from the force of the wind itself. Around the edges of the whirl, wind speeds may reach 300 miles (480 kilometers) per hour. At first, the tornado's funnel is whitish-gray because it is composed of minute water droplets formed as the air in the funnel expands and cools. After touching down, the funnel becomes dark because of all of the debris it has picked up. This debris can include soil, tree limbs, and parts of buildings; tornadoes have been known to pick up automobiles, horses, and whole trees.A tornado usually moves toward the east (or often northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and southeast in the Southern Hemisphere) at 25 to 40 miles (40 to 65 kilometers) per hour. Fortunately, most tornadoes are less than half a mile (800 meters) wide; the edge of one may destroy all of the houses on one side of a street while leaving those on the other side completely undamaged.Kematian dari Tornado di Amerika rata-rata kira-kira 100 per tahun selama abad terakhir. Namun, mereka telah jatuh agak dalam beberapa dekade terakhir sebagai lebih baik peramalan dan sistem peringatan telah dilaksanakan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tornado terjadi ketika kondisi yang menyebabkan badai yang luar biasa kekerasan. Angin bertiup di arah berlawanan sekitar updraft kuat mulai sempit, pusaran kekerasan. Gaya sentrifugal efektif melempar udara jauh dari pusat, meninggalkan inti tekanan sangat rendah. Ini jauh seperti mengaduk air dalam cangkir, sehingga membentuk dip pusaran-seperti di permukaan.

Inti tekanan rendah ini bertindak sebagai vakum parsial, kadang-kadang membantu untuk mengangkat atap rumah. Sebagian besar kerusakan, meskipun, hasil dari kekuatan angin itu sendiri. Sekitar tepi pusaran itu, kecepatan angin bisa mencapai 300 mil (480 kilometer) per jam. Pada awalnya, corong tornado adalah keputihan-abu-abu karena terdiri dari tetesan air menit dibentuk seperti udara di corong mengembang dan mendingin. Setelah mendarat, corong menjadi gelap karena semua puing telah dijemput. Kotoran ini termasuk tanah, ranting pohon, dan bagian-bagian bangunan; tornado telah dikenal untuk mengambil mobil, kuda, dan seluruh pohon.

Sebuah tornado biasanya bergerak ke arah timur (atau sering timur laut di belahan bumi utara dan tenggara di belahan bumi selatan) pada 25 sampai 40 mil (40-65 kilometer) per jam . Untungnya, sebagian besar tornado kurang dari setengah mil (800 meter); tepi salah satu dapat menghancurkan semua rumah di satu sisi jalan sementara meninggalkan mereka di sisi lain benar-benar rusak.

Kematian akibat tornado di Amerika Serikat rata-rata sekitar 100 per tahun selama abad terakhir. Namun, mereka telah jatuh agak dalam beberapa dekade terakhir sebagai peramalan dan peringatan sistem yang lebih baik telah dilaksanakan.
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