A2A. Statutory objectivesThe FSA has four statutory objectives under t terjemahan - A2A. Statutory objectivesThe FSA has four statutory objectives under t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A2A. Statutory objectivesThe FSA ha

A2A. Statutory objectives
The FSA has four statutory objectives under the FSMA:
• Maintaining confidence in the UK financial system. It achieves this by, among other things, supervising exchanges, settlement houses and other market infrastructure providers, and conducting market surveillance and transaction monitoring.
• Contributing to financial stability. The FSA contributes to the protection and enhancement of the UK financial system.
• Securing the appropriate degree of protection for consumers. Authorizing only those firms and individuals that satisfy the necessary criteria (including honesty, competence and financial soundness) to engage in a regulated activity. Once authorized, the FSA requires firms and individuals to comply with the rules and requirements as laid down in the FSA Handbook (see section D.). How firms and individuals meet these requirements is monitored. Where problem arise, the FSA has the power to investigate, give instruction on future conduct or actions and, if appropriate, discipline or prosecute those responsible for breaching its rules. It can also use its powers to restore funds to customers.
• Reducing financial crime. Work focuses on three main types of financial crime: money laundering, fraud and dishonesty, and market misconduct (e.g. insider dealing).

Amendment to FSA Objectives in Financial Services Act 2010
Following the perceived failures of the FSA during the Financial Crisis the Government decided to strengthen and emphasise its role in maintaining financial stability. Therefore, in the Financial Services Act 2010 the Government enhanced the Financial Stability objective by including a duty for the FSA to determine and review financial stability in consultation with the Treasury. The 2010 Act also requires the FSA to establish a new consumer financial education body. When this body is fully operational, it will take over the FSA’s current activities in respect of financial education.

A2B. Principles of good regulation
The FSMA also requires the FSA to comply with six principles of good regulation. These relate to:

(a) Efficiency and economy
The need to use resources in the most efficient and economic way:
The non-executive committee of the FSA Board is required, among other things, to oversee the allocation of resources and to report to the Treasury every year. The Treasury is able to commission value-for-money reviews of FSA operations.

(b) Role of management
The responsibilities of those who manage the affairs of authorized persons:
A firm’s senior management is responsible for its activities and for ensuring that its business complies with regulatory requirements. This principle is designed to guard against unnecessary instruction by the regulator into a firm’s business and requires the FSA to hold senior management responsible for risk management and controls within firms. Accordingly, firms must take reasonable care to make it clear who has what responsibility and to ensure that the affairs of the firm can be adequately monitored and controlled.

(c) Proportionality
The restrictions the FSA imposes on the industry must be proportionate to the benefits that are expected to result from those restrictions:
In making judgments in this area, the FSA takes into account the costs to firms and consumers. One of the main techniques used is cost benefit analysis of proposed regulatory requirements. This approach is shown, in particular, in the different regulatory requirements applied to wholesale and retail markets.

(d) Innovation
The desirability of facilitating innovation in connection with regulated activities:
This involves, for example, allowing scope for different means of compliance so as not to unduly restrict market participants from launching new financial products and services.

(e) International character
The international character of financial services and markets and the desirability of maintaining the competitive position of the UK:
The FSA takes into account the international aspects of much financial business and the competitive position of the UK. This involves co-operating with overseas regulators, both to agree international standards and to monitor global firms and markets effectively.

(f) Competition
The need to minimize the adverse effects on competition that may arise from FSA activities and the desirability of facilitating competition between the firms:
These last two principles cover the avoidance of unnecessary regulatory barriers to entry or business expansion. Competition and innovation considerations play a key role in FSA cost-benefit analysis work. Under the FSMA, the Treasury, the Office of Fair Trading and the Competition Commission all have a role to play in reviewing the impact of FSA rules and practices on competition.

A2C. The role of the FSA
The FSA therefore carries out the requirements of the FSMA through implementing the above mentioned objectives and principles. In practice, this means that its role is to:
• Set the rules, via its Handbook and other guidance;
• Authorize firms and individuals (Approved Persons) to operate within the regulated markets;
• Monitor the external environment for threats to its strategic objectives;
• Monitor the markets and the regulated firms operating within those markets;
• Respond to changes (e.g. new EU Directives), threats or other developments by amending its rules; and
• Act to prevent or resolve failures, problems or breaches of its rules (enforcement role).

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2A. Tujuan hukumFSA ini memiliki empat tujuan hukum di bawah FSMA:• Menjaga kepercayaan terhadap sistem keuangan UK. Mencapai ini dengan, antara lain, mengawasi pertukaran, rumah-rumah penyelesaian dan penyedia infrastruktur pasar lainnya, dan melakukan pengawasan pasar dan pengawasan transaksi.• Berkontribusi terhadap stabilitas keuangan. FSA memberikan kontribusi untuk melindungi dan meningkatkan sistem keuangan UK.• Mengamankan sesuai derajat perlindungan bagi konsumen. Otorisasi hanya-perusahaan dan individu yang memenuhi kriteria yang diperlukan (termasuk kejujuran, kompetensi, dan kesehatan keuangan) untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan yang diatur. Setelah resmi, FSA mengharuskan perusahaan dan individu untuk mematuhi peraturan dan persyaratan seperti ditetapkan dalam buku pegangan FSA (Lihat bagian D.). Bagaimana perusahaan dan individu memenuhi persyaratan ini dipantau. Mana masalah timbul, FSA memiliki kekuatan untuk menyelidiki, memberikan instruksi pada masa depan perilaku atau tindakan dan, jika sesuai, disiplin atau mengadili mereka yang bertanggung jawab untuk melanggar aturan. Itu juga dapat menggunakan kekuatan untuk mengembalikan dana ke pelanggan.• Mengurangi kejahatan finansial. Kerja berfokus pada tiga jenis utama dari kejahatan finansial: pencucian uang, penipuan dan ketidakjujuran, dan pasar kesalahan (misalnya insider berurusan).Amandemen FSA tujuan dalam undang-undang jasa keuangan 2010Mengikuti kegagalan dirasakan FSA selama krisis keuangan pemerintah memutuskan untuk memperkuat dan menekankan peran dalam menjaga stabilitas keuangan. Oleh karena itu, dalam undang-undang layanan keuangan 2010 pemerintah ditingkatkan tujuan stabilitas keuangan oleh termasuk kewajiban untuk FSA untuk menentukan dan meninjau stabilitas keuangan dalam konsultasi dengan keuangan. UU 2010 juga memerlukan FSA untuk membentuk sebuah badan keuangan pendidikan konsumen yang baru. Ketika tubuh ini sepenuhnya operasional, itu akan mengambil alih FSA aktivitas saat ini dalam hal keuangan pendidikan.A2B. Prinsip-prinsip regulasi yang baikFSMA juga memerlukan FSA untuk mematuhi prinsip-prinsip enam regulasi yang baik. Ini berhubungan dengan: () efisiensi dan ekonomiPerlu menggunakan sumber daya dengan cara yang paling efisien dan ekonomis:Komite non-eksekutif Dewan FSA diperlukan, antara lain, untuk mengawasi alokasi sumber daya dan melaporkan kepada keuangan setiap tahun. Departemen Keuangan mampu ulasan nilai-untuk-uang komisi FSA operasi.(b) peran manajemenTanggung jawab dari orang-orang yang mengelola urusan resmi orang:Manajemen senior perusahaan bertanggung jawab untuk kegiatan dan untuk memastikan bahwa usahanya sesuai dengan persyaratan peraturan. Prinsip ini dirancang untuk menjaga terhadap tidak perlu instruksi oleh regulator ke sebuah perusahaan bisnis dan memerlukan FSA terus manajemen senior bertanggung jawab untuk manajemen risiko dan pengendalian dalam perusahaan. Dengan demikian, perusahaan harus mengambil perawatan yang masuk akal untuk membuat jelas siapa yang mempunyai tanggung-jawab apa dan untuk memastikan bahwa urusan perusahaan dapat secara memadai dipantau dan dikendalikan.(c) perbandinganPembatasan FSA membebankan pada industri harus sebanding dengan manfaat yang diharapkan hasil dari pembatasan:Dalam membuat keputusan di daerah ini, FSA memperhitungkan biaya untuk perusahaan dan konsumen. Salah satu teknik utama yang digunakan adalah biaya manfaat analisis persyaratan peraturan yang diusulkan. Pendekatan ini ditunjukkan, secara khusus, dalam berbagai peraturan yang diterapkan untuk grosir dan ritel pasar.(d) inovasiKeinginan untuk memfasilitasi inovasi sehubungan dengan kegiatan:Ini melibatkan, misalnya, memungkinkan untuk berbagai alat kepatuhan agar tidak terlalu membatasi peserta pasar dari meluncurkan baru produk dan jasa keuangan.(e) International karakterKarakter internasional jasa keuangan dan pasar dan keinginan untuk mempertahankan posisi kompetitif di Inggris:FSA memperhitungkan aspek internasional banyak bisnis keuangan dan posisi kompetitif di Inggris. Ini melibatkan kerjasama operasi dengan regulator luar negeri, baik untuk menyetujui standar internasional dan untuk memantau perusahaan global dan pasar secara efektif.(f) kompetisiKebutuhan untuk meminimalkan dampak buruk pada kompetisi yang mungkin timbul dari kegiatan FSA dan keinginan untuk memfasilitasi persaingan antara perusahaan:Prinsip-prinsip dua terakhir ini mencakup menghindari hambatan regulasi yang tidak perlu untuk ekspansi entri atau bisnis. Kompetisi dan inovasi pertimbangan memainkan peran kunci dalam FSA analisis biaya-manfaat pekerjaan. Di bawah FSMA, Treasury, Office of Fair Trading dan Komisi kompetisi semua memiliki peran dalam meninjau dampak FSA aturan dan praktek-praktek persaingan.A2C. Peran FSAFSA karena melaksanakan persyaratan FSMA melalui pelaksanaan disebutkan di atas tujuan dan prinsip-prinsip. Dalam prakteknya, ini berarti bahwa perannya adalah untuk:• Menetapkan aturan, melalui Handbook nya dan pedoman lain;• Otorisasi perusahaan dan individu (disetujui orang) untuk beroperasi di dalam pasar yang diatur;• Memantau lingkungan eksternal untuk ancaman untuk tujuan strategis;• Memantau pasar dan perusahaan diatur yang beroperasi dalam pasar-pasar;• Menanggapi perubahan (arahan Uni Eropa misalnya baru), ancaman, atau perkembangan lainnya dengan mengubah aturan; dan• Undang-undang untuk mencegah atau menyelesaikan kegagalan, masalah atau pelanggaran aturan (penegakan peran).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
A2A. Statutory objectives
The FSA has four statutory objectives under the FSMA:
• Maintaining confidence in the UK financial system. It achieves this by, among other things, supervising exchanges, settlement houses and other market infrastructure providers, and conducting market surveillance and transaction monitoring.
• Contributing to financial stability. The FSA contributes to the protection and enhancement of the UK financial system.
• Securing the appropriate degree of protection for consumers. Authorizing only those firms and individuals that satisfy the necessary criteria (including honesty, competence and financial soundness) to engage in a regulated activity. Once authorized, the FSA requires firms and individuals to comply with the rules and requirements as laid down in the FSA Handbook (see section D.). How firms and individuals meet these requirements is monitored. Where problem arise, the FSA has the power to investigate, give instruction on future conduct or actions and, if appropriate, discipline or prosecute those responsible for breaching its rules. It can also use its powers to restore funds to customers.
• Reducing financial crime. Work focuses on three main types of financial crime: money laundering, fraud and dishonesty, and market misconduct (e.g. insider dealing).

Amendment to FSA Objectives in Financial Services Act 2010
Following the perceived failures of the FSA during the Financial Crisis the Government decided to strengthen and emphasise its role in maintaining financial stability. Therefore, in the Financial Services Act 2010 the Government enhanced the Financial Stability objective by including a duty for the FSA to determine and review financial stability in consultation with the Treasury. The 2010 Act also requires the FSA to establish a new consumer financial education body. When this body is fully operational, it will take over the FSA’s current activities in respect of financial education.

A2B. Principles of good regulation
The FSMA also requires the FSA to comply with six principles of good regulation. These relate to:

(a) Efficiency and economy
The need to use resources in the most efficient and economic way:
The non-executive committee of the FSA Board is required, among other things, to oversee the allocation of resources and to report to the Treasury every year. The Treasury is able to commission value-for-money reviews of FSA operations.

(b) Role of management
The responsibilities of those who manage the affairs of authorized persons:
A firm’s senior management is responsible for its activities and for ensuring that its business complies with regulatory requirements. This principle is designed to guard against unnecessary instruction by the regulator into a firm’s business and requires the FSA to hold senior management responsible for risk management and controls within firms. Accordingly, firms must take reasonable care to make it clear who has what responsibility and to ensure that the affairs of the firm can be adequately monitored and controlled.

(c) Proportionality
The restrictions the FSA imposes on the industry must be proportionate to the benefits that are expected to result from those restrictions:
In making judgments in this area, the FSA takes into account the costs to firms and consumers. One of the main techniques used is cost benefit analysis of proposed regulatory requirements. This approach is shown, in particular, in the different regulatory requirements applied to wholesale and retail markets.

(d) Innovation
The desirability of facilitating innovation in connection with regulated activities:
This involves, for example, allowing scope for different means of compliance so as not to unduly restrict market participants from launching new financial products and services.

(e) International character
The international character of financial services and markets and the desirability of maintaining the competitive position of the UK:
The FSA takes into account the international aspects of much financial business and the competitive position of the UK. This involves co-operating with overseas regulators, both to agree international standards and to monitor global firms and markets effectively.

(f) Competition
The need to minimize the adverse effects on competition that may arise from FSA activities and the desirability of facilitating competition between the firms:
These last two principles cover the avoidance of unnecessary regulatory barriers to entry or business expansion. Competition and innovation considerations play a key role in FSA cost-benefit analysis work. Under the FSMA, the Treasury, the Office of Fair Trading and the Competition Commission all have a role to play in reviewing the impact of FSA rules and practices on competition.

A2C. The role of the FSA
The FSA therefore carries out the requirements of the FSMA through implementing the above mentioned objectives and principles. In practice, this means that its role is to:
• Set the rules, via its Handbook and other guidance;
• Authorize firms and individuals (Approved Persons) to operate within the regulated markets;
• Monitor the external environment for threats to its strategic objectives;
• Monitor the markets and the regulated firms operating within those markets;
• Respond to changes (e.g. new EU Directives), threats or other developments by amending its rules; and
• Act to prevent or resolve failures, problems or breaches of its rules (enforcement role).

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