Al­though Hui Ye King al­most must ex­plode with rage, but on the face terjemahan - Al­though Hui Ye King al­most must ex­plode with rage, but on the face Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Al­though Hui Ye King al­most must

Al­though Hui Ye King al­most must ex­plode with rage, but on the face, ac­tu­ally in­stead re­veals thin smile: „Yun Che, you re­ally will be pleas­antly sur­prised to this Wang Zhizao, this king ac­knowl­edged that de­spised you greatly, but a mo­ment ago, should be your limit? But was a pity that the strength of this king has wielded 50%!”
„Be­fore this king, your still sim­ply trash goods!”
A Hui Ye King low roar, body that thin Golden Crow blood­line to have burnt large scale, a length ap­prox­i­mately two feet, jet black short-sword all over the body was grasped by him in the hand, that flash that the short-sword pre­sents, his Golden Crow flame drags fiercely, then by ex­tremely quick be­comes stronger, until that scar­let black pro­found is sim­i­lar to the dry blood is or­di­nary.
Above short-sword, pre­sents the scar­let trace that have flashed be­fore evenly.
The Yun Che com­plex­ion be­comes dig­ni­fied, be­cause on Hui Ye King fear­ful aura, had pro­moted one time com­pared with it a mo­ment ago fully!
„Then the sword is the black Yao demon sword in fable?”
„That shape and aura, with fable is same, will not be wrong!”
„Hui Ye King aura, com­pared with it a mo­ment ago un­ex­pect­edly that many hiss­ing, Duke Huai palace Pro­found Arts, re­ally com­pared with the fear­ful­ness of fable! Yun Che thor­oughly was then hope­less.”
„Hui Ye King that can com­pel uses the black Yao demon sword, Yun Che ab­solutely is glo­ri­ous de­feat feared that feared Hui Ye King is in a rage, will have aban­doned Yun Che di­rectly.”
Near the ear of Yun Che, broad­cast the Yun Qing­hong sound at this time: „That in his hand the black short-sword named black Yao demon sword, cre­ates the sword of first an­ces­tor drop­ping flame demon merit that an­cient times race left be­hind, the strength of em­bod­i­ment for­mi­da­ble demon ghost, re­leased the drop­ping flame demon merit the sword through this, will make the flame the pro­mo­tion of might enor­mous scope cer­tainly care­ful! Hui Ye King has given birth to you ob­vi­ously has killed in­tent, if de­ter­mined one do not beat, do not bump hardly, the life is more im­por­tant than any­thing!”
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Al­though Hui Ye King al­most must ex­plode with rage, but on the face, ac­tu­ally in­stead re­veals thin smile: „Yun Che, you re­ally will be pleas­antly sur­prised to this Wang Zhizao, this king ac­knowl­edged that de­spised you greatly, but a mo­ment ago, should be your limit? But was a pity that the strength of this king has wielded 50%!”„Be­fore this king, your still sim­ply trash goods!”A Hui Ye King low roar, body that thin Golden Crow blood­line to have burnt large scale, a length ap­prox­i­mately two feet, jet black short-sword all over the body was grasped by him in the hand, that flash that the short-sword pre­sents, his Golden Crow flame drags fiercely, then by ex­tremely quick be­comes stronger, until that scar­let black pro­found is sim­i­lar to the dry blood is or­di­nary.Above short-sword, pre­sents the scar­let trace that have flashed be­fore evenly.The Yun Che com­plex­ion be­comes dig­ni­fied, be­cause on Hui Ye King fear­ful aura, had pro­moted one time com­pared with it a mo­ment ago fully!„Then the sword is the black Yao demon sword in fable?”„That shape and aura, with fable is same, will not be wrong!”„Hui Ye King aura, com­pared with it a mo­ment ago un­ex­pect­edly that many hiss­ing, Duke Huai palace Pro­found Arts, re­ally com­pared with the fear­ful­ness of fable! Yun Che thor­oughly was then hope­less.”„Hui Ye King that can com­pel uses the black Yao demon sword, Yun Che ab­solutely is glo­ri­ous de­feat feared that feared Hui Ye King is in a rage, will have aban­doned Yun Che di­rectly.”Near the ear of Yun Che, broad­cast the Yun Qing­hong sound at this time: „That in his hand the black short-sword named black Yao demon sword, cre­ates the sword of first an­ces­tor drop­ping flame demon merit that an­cient times race left be­hind, the strength of em­bod­i­ment for­mi­da­ble demon ghost, re­leased the drop­ping flame demon merit the sword through this, will make the flame the pro­mo­tion of might enor­mous scope cer­tainly care­ful! Hui Ye King has given birth to you ob­vi­ously has killed in­tent, if de­ter­mined one do not beat, do not bump hardly, the life is more im­por­tant than any­thing!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Meskipun Hui Ye Raja hampir harus meledak marah, tapi pada wajah, sebenarnya bukan mengungkapkan tersenyum tipis: "Yun Che, Anda benar-benar akan terkejut Wang Zhizao ini, raja ini mengakui bahwa membenci Anda sangat, tapi beberapa saat yang lalu, harus menjadi batas Anda? Tapi disayangkan bahwa kekuatan raja ini telah memegang 50%! "
" Sebelum raja ini, Anda masih hanya sampah barang! "
A Hui Ye Raja gemuruh rendah, tubuh yang tipis Emas Gagak keturunan telah dibakar skala besar, panjang sekitar dua kaki, jet hitam pendek-pedang seluruh tubuh itu digenggam oleh dia di tangan, bahwa kilat bahwa hadiah pendek pedang, itu api Emas Gagak menyeret keras, maka dengan sangat cepat menjadi lebih kuat, sampai yang merah hitam mendalam mirip dengan darah kering biasa.
di atas pendek pedang, menyajikan jejak merah yang melintas sebelum merata.
The Yun Che kulit menjadi bermartabat, karena pada Hui Ye Raja aura menakutkan, telah dipromosikan satu waktu dibandingkan dengan itu beberapa saat lalu sepenuhnya!
" maka pedang adalah hitam Yao setan pedang di dongeng? "
" bentuk itu dan aura, dengan dongeng yang sama, tidak akan salah! "
" Hui Ye Raja aura, dibandingkan dengan itu beberapa saat yang lalu tiba-tiba bahwa banyak mendesis, Duke Huai istana Seni mendalam, benar-benar dibandingkan dengan rasa takut dari dongeng! Yun Che menyeluruh kemudian harapan. "
" Hui Ye Raja yang dapat memaksa menggunakan hitam Yao pedang setan, Yun Che benar-benar adalah kekalahan yang mulia takut takut Hui Ye King dalam marah, akan ditinggalkan Yun Che langsung. "
Dekat telinga dari Yun Che, menyiarkan suara Yun Qinghong saat ini: "itu di tangannya hitam pendek pedang bernama hitam Yao setan pedang, menciptakan pedang nenek moyang pertama menjatuhkan api setan jasa yang zaman kuno ras tertinggal, kekuatan perwujudan tangguh setan hantu, dirilis api menjatuhkan setan jasa pedang melalui ini, akan membuat api promosi kekuatan lingkup besar pasti hati-hati! Hui Ye Raja telah melahirkan Anda jelas telah membunuh niat, jika salah satu ditentukan tidak mengalahkan, tidak bertemu hampir tidak, hidup itu lebih penting dari apa pun! "
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