The metallic bond has had a very spotty history inthe chemical literat terjemahan - The metallic bond has had a very spotty history inthe chemical literat Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The metallic bond has had a very sp

The metallic bond has had a very spotty history in
the chemical literature. Whereas the thrust of band
theory has been the prediction and rationalization of
the thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties of metals,
chemists are far more interested in bonding models
which offer simple correlations between valenceelectron
counts and both the compositions and structures
of possible compounds. Though they have been
very successful in developing such correlations in the
cases of both the covalent and ionic bonding extremes,
similar success in the case of intermetallic compounds
and alloys has been almost totally lacking. While one
can cite the pioneering attempts of such metallurgists
as Hume-Rothery, Laves, and Engels, as well as the
brilliant work of the German chemist, Eduard Zintl, on
the transition between ionic and metallic bonding, the
situation today remains much the same as when it was
summarized by Fernelius and Robey in 1935 (9):
The classification of intermetallic compounds is very
difficult. Not only are the experimental difficulties
great, but as yet no single theoretical or empirical
method of treatment has been sufficiently powerful to
elucidate more than a portion of the entire field.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The metallic bond has had a very spotty history inthe chemical literature. Whereas the thrust of bandtheory has been the prediction and rationalization ofthe thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties of metals,chemists are far more interested in bonding modelswhich offer simple correlations between valenceelectroncounts and both the compositions and structuresof possible compounds. Though they have beenvery successful in developing such correlations in thecases of both the covalent and ionic bonding extremes,similar success in the case of intermetallic compoundsand alloys has been almost totally lacking. While onecan cite the pioneering attempts of such metallurgistsas Hume-Rothery, Laves, and Engels, as well as thebrilliant work of the German chemist, Eduard Zintl, onthe transition between ionic and metallic bonding, thesituation today remains much the same as when it wassummarized by Fernelius and Robey in 1935 (9):The classification of intermetallic compounds is verydifficult. Not only are the experimental difficultiesgreat, but as yet no single theoretical or empiricalmethod of treatment has been sufficiently powerful toelucidate more than a portion of the entire field.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ikatan logam telah memiliki sejarah yang sangat jerawatan di
literatur kimia. Sedangkan dorong band
teori telah prediksi dan rasionalisasi
sifat termal, listrik, dan magnet dari logam,
ahli kimia jauh lebih tertarik pada model ikatan
yang menawarkan korelasi sederhana antara valenceelectron
jumlah dan kedua komposisi dan struktur
senyawa mungkin. Meskipun mereka telah
sangat sukses dalam mengembangkan korelasi tersebut dalam
kasus kedua kovalen dan ekstrem ikatan ionik,
sukses serupa dalam kasus senyawa intermetalik
dan paduan sudah hampir benar-benar kurang. Sementara satu
dapat mengutip upaya perintis metallurgists seperti
sebagai Hume-Rothery, Laves, dan Engels, serta
karya brilian dari ahli kimia Jerman, Eduard Zintl, pada
transisi antara ionik dan logam ikatan,
situasi saat ini tetap sama seperti ketika itu
dirangkum oleh Fernelius dan Robey pada tahun 1935 (9):
klasifikasi senyawa intermetalik sangat
sulit. Tidak hanya kesulitan eksperimental
besar, tetapi belum ada teori atau empiris tunggal
metode pengobatan telah cukup kuat untuk
menjelaskan lebih dari sebagian dari seluruh bidang.
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