He turned to face the other men in the room. “You can’t be serious?”Ha terjemahan - He turned to face the other men in the room. “You can’t be serious?”Ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

He turned to face the other men in

He turned to face the other men in the room. “You can’t be serious?”
Hank nodded solemnly as the others looked everywhere but at Jay. “Which means the commissioner will likely want to be kept apprised of what we’re doing.”
Which meant Jay’s day had just gone from bad to worse. The NFL commissioner, Reggie Austin, thought Jay was too young and too inexperienced to own the Blaze, and wanted one of his cronies to take over the team instead. But he hadn’t had the power or the votes to block Jay’s ownership bid. So instead, the man took every opportunity to say “I told you so” to anyone who’d listen. Now, thanks to a cyberbully, this was apparently going to be another one of those opportunities.
“The cheerleader, what do we know about her?” Jay directed his question at Donovan Carter, the Blaze’s chief security officer, who was seated at the opposite end of the table. A former college football star, the stocky African-American with the shaved head had once been an agent with NCIS before joining the Blaze staff.
Don scanned his tablet. “Not much yet. Her name is Jennifer Knowles. She was a student at the University of Maryland, but she’s not enrolled there this semester. She cheered for the Blaze for two years beginning with the Super Bowl season year before last. The roster doesn’t list her as a member now. I have a meeting with Nicki Ellis, the coordinator of the Sparks, at ten. Hopefully she can shed more light on this.”
“What does she want?” Jay asked. Someone always wanted something from him. Especially women. Usually it was Jay the women wanted, and if they couldn’t have him, they wanted money. Lots of money.
Hank released a long-suffering sigh. “We won’t know for sure until Art gets ahold of the complaint being filed.” He gestured to the man seated beside him: Art Langford, a tall man sporting a bad combover, who served as the team’s general counsel. “We’ve got someone at the courthouse ready to grab a copy when it reaches the clerk.” Hank steepled his fingers and leaned back in his chair. “In all likelihood, she’s jumped on the bandwagon of other cheerleading squads who’ve filed similar suits against their teams. Most have claimed wage discrimination. That argument won’t hold up in our house.”
“Explain it to me,” Jay demanded. He made it a habit to know every detail of each business he owned, but it hadn’t occurred to him when he bought the team that he needed to familiarize himself with the operations of the Blaze cheerleaders. Jay was angry at himself for the slipup.
“The Sparks generate their own income in the form of special appearance fees, as well as through other merchandising such as calendars and posters. Last year that amounted to just over one point three million dollars.”
Jay’s personal assistant, Lincoln Harris, interrupted Hank’s explanation with a loud whistle before Jay locked gazes with the young African-American man. Linc quickly dropped his eyes back to his tablet.
“Most teams reabsorb that money into their own coffers, but we use it to ensure the young women are afforded a decent wage—keeping in mind this is only meant to be a part-time job.” Hank continued. “The women sign a contract outlining what they’re responsible for with regard to appearances, transportation, and practice time. All in all, the Sparks are among the highest paid in the league.”
“Yet, according to some malicious blogger, one of them is filing a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against this team.” Jay let out an impatient huff as he continued pacing. Something didn’t make sense.
The four other men in the room were silent. Art squirmed a bit in his chair.
Jay pinned the lawyer with his gaze. “Out with it.”
Art flinched slightly before pulling out a sheet of paper from a folder in front of him and handing it to Jay. “The suits pending haven’t all been strictly about wage issues.”
Jay scanned the sheet, his pulse squeezing at his neck despite his loosened tie. He lifted his eyes to the men assembled in the room. “For the love of Christ, tell me there is no one in this organization performing a jiggle test on the cheerleaders.” Somehow he managed to push the words out through his tight jaw.
“Whoa,” Linc said from beside Jay. “Is that really a job? Because if it is—”
Jay silenced his brash young assistant with a glare. Linc had been with him for four years. A three-time all-American wrestler from Duke, Linc had a sharp mind for software that usurped even his prowess on the mat. When Jay went public with his company, he’d intended to leave Linc in place to look after Jay’s remaining shares. But Linc was an athlete at heart and the opportunity to work in the NFL was every boy’s—and man’s—dream, so he’d convinced Jay to bring him along. Up until this moment, Jay hadn’t regretted that decision.
Linc gave him a sheepish look. “Not a joking matter. Got it.” He went back to his job of taking notes of the meeting.
“Not as long as I’m managing this team,” Hank said, his expression every bit as stern as Jay’s likely was.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
He turned to face the other men in the room. “You can’t be serious?”Hank nodded solemnly as the others looked everywhere but at Jay. “Which means the commissioner will likely want to be kept apprised of what we’re doing.”Which meant Jay’s day had just gone from bad to worse. The NFL commissioner, Reggie Austin, thought Jay was too young and too inexperienced to own the Blaze, and wanted one of his cronies to take over the team instead. But he hadn’t had the power or the votes to block Jay’s ownership bid. So instead, the man took every opportunity to say “I told you so” to anyone who’d listen. Now, thanks to a cyberbully, this was apparently going to be another one of those opportunities.“The cheerleader, what do we know about her?” Jay directed his question at Donovan Carter, the Blaze’s chief security officer, who was seated at the opposite end of the table. A former college football star, the stocky African-American with the shaved head had once been an agent with NCIS before joining the Blaze staff.Don scanned his tablet. “Not much yet. Her name is Jennifer Knowles. She was a student at the University of Maryland, but she’s not enrolled there this semester. She cheered for the Blaze for two years beginning with the Super Bowl season year before last. The roster doesn’t list her as a member now. I have a meeting with Nicki Ellis, the coordinator of the Sparks, at ten. Hopefully she can shed more light on this.”“What does she want?” Jay asked. Someone always wanted something from him. Especially women. Usually it was Jay the women wanted, and if they couldn’t have him, they wanted money. Lots of money.
Hank released a long-suffering sigh. “We won’t know for sure until Art gets ahold of the complaint being filed.” He gestured to the man seated beside him: Art Langford, a tall man sporting a bad combover, who served as the team’s general counsel. “We’ve got someone at the courthouse ready to grab a copy when it reaches the clerk.” Hank steepled his fingers and leaned back in his chair. “In all likelihood, she’s jumped on the bandwagon of other cheerleading squads who’ve filed similar suits against their teams. Most have claimed wage discrimination. That argument won’t hold up in our house.”
“Explain it to me,” Jay demanded. He made it a habit to know every detail of each business he owned, but it hadn’t occurred to him when he bought the team that he needed to familiarize himself with the operations of the Blaze cheerleaders. Jay was angry at himself for the slipup.
“The Sparks generate their own income in the form of special appearance fees, as well as through other merchandising such as calendars and posters. Last year that amounted to just over one point three million dollars.”
Jay’s personal assistant, Lincoln Harris, interrupted Hank’s explanation with a loud whistle before Jay locked gazes with the young African-American man. Linc quickly dropped his eyes back to his tablet.
“Most teams reabsorb that money into their own coffers, but we use it to ensure the young women are afforded a decent wage—keeping in mind this is only meant to be a part-time job.” Hank continued. “The women sign a contract outlining what they’re responsible for with regard to appearances, transportation, and practice time. All in all, the Sparks are among the highest paid in the league.”
“Yet, according to some malicious blogger, one of them is filing a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against this team.” Jay let out an impatient huff as he continued pacing. Something didn’t make sense.
The four other men in the room were silent. Art squirmed a bit in his chair.
Jay pinned the lawyer with his gaze. “Out with it.”
Art flinched slightly before pulling out a sheet of paper from a folder in front of him and handing it to Jay. “The suits pending haven’t all been strictly about wage issues.”
Jay scanned the sheet, his pulse squeezing at his neck despite his loosened tie. He lifted his eyes to the men assembled in the room. “For the love of Christ, tell me there is no one in this organization performing a jiggle test on the cheerleaders.” Somehow he managed to push the words out through his tight jaw.
“Whoa,” Linc said from beside Jay. “Is that really a job? Because if it is—”
Jay silenced his brash young assistant with a glare. Linc had been with him for four years. A three-time all-American wrestler from Duke, Linc had a sharp mind for software that usurped even his prowess on the mat. When Jay went public with his company, he’d intended to leave Linc in place to look after Jay’s remaining shares. But Linc was an athlete at heart and the opportunity to work in the NFL was every boy’s—and man’s—dream, so he’d convinced Jay to bring him along. Up until this moment, Jay hadn’t regretted that decision.
Linc gave him a sheepish look. “Not a joking matter. Got it.” He went back to his job of taking notes of the meeting.
“Not as long as I’m managing this team,” Hank said, his expression every bit as stern as Jay’s likely was.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dia berbalik untuk menghadapi orang-orang lain di ruangan itu. "Anda tidak bisa serius?"
Hank mengangguk dengan serius seperti yang lain tampak di mana-mana tapi pada Jay. "Yang berarti komisaris akan cenderung ingin disimpan tahu tentang apa yang kita lakukan."
Yang berarti hari Jay baru saja pergi dari buruk menjadi lebih buruk. NFL komisaris, Reggie Austin, pikir Jay terlalu muda dan terlalu berpengalaman untuk memiliki Blaze, dan ingin salah satu kroninya untuk mengambil alih tim gantinya. Tapi dia tidak punya kekuatan atau orang untuk memblokir tawaran kepemilikan Jay. Jadi alih-alih, orang itu mengambil setiap kesempatan untuk mengatakan "aku bilang begitu" kepada siapa saja yang mau mendengarkan. Sekarang, berkat cyberbully, ini tampaknya akan menjadi salah satu dari kesempatan itu.
"Cheerleader The, apa yang kita ketahui tentang dia?" Jay diarahkan pertanyaannya di Donovan Carter, petugas keamanan kepala Blaze, yang duduk di ujung meja. Sebuah mantan bintang sepak bola perguruan tinggi, kekar Afrika-Amerika dengan kepala dicukur dulunya agen dengan NCIS sebelum bergabung dengan staf Blaze.
Don dipindai tablet nya. "Tidak banyak belum. Namanya Jennifer Knowles. Dia adalah seorang mahasiswa di Universitas Maryland, tapi dia tidak terdaftar di sana semester ini. Dia bersorak untuk Blaze selama dua tahun mulai tahun Super Bowl musim sebelum terakhir. Daftar tersebut tidak mencantumkan sebagai anggota sekarang. Saya melakukan pertemuan dengan Nicki Ellis, koordinator Sparks, di sepuluh. Mudah-mudahan dia bisa menjelaskan lebih lanjut tentang ini. "
" Apa yang dia inginkan? "Tanya Jay. Seseorang selalu ingin sesuatu darinya. Khususnya perempuan. Biasanya itu Jay wanita inginkan, dan jika mereka tidak bisa memiliki dia, mereka ingin uang. Banyak uang.
Hank dirilis napas panjang-penderitaan. ". Kita tidak akan tahu pasti sampai Art mendapat Kuasai keluhan yang diajukan" Dia menunjuk ke pria yang duduk di sampingnya: Art Langford, seorang pria jangkung olahraga combover buruk, yang menjabat sebagai penasihat umum tim. "Kami sudah punya seseorang di gedung pengadilan siap untuk ambil salinan saat mencapai petugas." Hank jemarinya dan bersandar di kursinya. "Dalam semua kemungkinan, dia melompat pada kereta musik dari regu pemandu sorak lain yang pernah mengajukan gugatan serupa terhadap tim mereka. Sebagian mengklaim diskriminasi upah. Argumen bahwa tidak akan tahan di rumah kami. "
" Jelaskan kepada saya, "menuntut Jay. Dia membuat kebiasaan untuk mengetahui setiap detail dari setiap bisnis yang dimiliki, tapi itu tidak terjadi padanya ketika ia membeli tim yang ia butuhkan untuk membiasakan diri dengan operasi pemandu sorak Blaze. Jay marah pada dirinya sendiri karena slipup itu.
"The Sparks menghasilkan pendapatan mereka sendiri dalam bentuk biaya penampilan khusus, serta melalui merchandise lainnya seperti kalender dan poster. Tahun lalu yang sebesar lebih dari satu koma tiga juta dolar. "
Asisten pribadi Jay, Lincoln Harris, disela penjelasan Hank dengan peluit keras sebelum Jay bertatapan dengan pria muda Afrika-Amerika. Linc cepat menjatuhkan matanya kembali ke tablet nya.
"Kebanyakan tim menyerap kembali uang itu ke kas mereka sendiri, tapi kami menggunakannya untuk memastikan perempuan muda diberikan layak upah-mengingat ini hanya dimaksudkan untuk menjadi pekerjaan paruh-waktu . "lanjut Hank. "Para wanita menandatangani kontrak menguraikan apa yang mereka bertanggung jawab untuk berkaitan dengan penampilan, transportasi, dan waktu latihan. Semua dalam semua, Sparks termasuk yang tertinggi dibayarkan di liga. "
" Namun, menurut beberapa blogger berbahaya, salah satunya adalah mengajukan gugatan bernilai jutaan dolar terhadap tim ini. "Jay mengeluarkan sebuah sabar huff sambil terus mondar-mandir . Sesuatu tidak masuk akal.
Keempat orang lain di ruangan itu diam. Seni menggeliat sedikit di kursinya.
Jay disematkan pengacara dengan tatapannya. "Out dengan itu."
Art tersentak sedikit sebelum menarik keluar selembar kertas dari folder di depannya dan menyerahkannya kepada Jay. "Gugatan tertunda belum semua pernah ketat tentang masalah upah."
Jay scan lembar, denyut nadinya meremas di lehernya meskipun dasinya dilonggarkan. Dia mengangkat matanya untuk orang-orang berkumpul di dalam ruangan. "Untuk kasih Kristus, katakan tidak ada satu di organisasi ini melakukan tes goncang pada pemandu sorak." Entah bagaimana ia berhasil mendorong kata-kata melalui rahang ketat.
"Whoa," kata Linc dari samping Jay. "Apakah itu benar-benar pekerjaan? Karena jika itu-"
Jay dibungkam asisten muda kurang ajar dengan silau. Linc telah bersamanya selama empat tahun. Seorang pegulat tiga kali semua-Amerika dari Duke, Linc memiliki pikiran yang tajam untuk perangkat lunak yang merebut bahkan kehebatannya di tikar. Ketika Jay go public dengan perusahaannya, ia berniat untuk meninggalkan Linc di tempat untuk menjaga sisa saham Jay. Tapi Linc adalah seorang atlet di hati dan kesempatan untuk bekerja di NFL itu setiap boy's-dan bertuan mimpi, sehingga ia yakin Jay untuk membawanya bersama. Sampai saat ini, Jay tidak menyesali keputusan itu.
Linc menatapnya malu-malu. "Tidak masalah bercanda. Mendapatkannya. "Dia kembali ke pekerjaannya mengambil catatan dari pertemuan tersebut.
" Tidak, selama saya mengelola tim ini, "kata Hank, ekspresinya setiap bit sebagai buritan sebagai Jay kemungkinan adalah.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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