Chapter 166 – An accident“I’m well aware of this, I have already made  terjemahan - Chapter 166 – An accident“I’m well aware of this, I have already made  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 166 – An accident“I’m well

Chapter 166 – An accident

“I’m well aware of this, I have already made the arrangements.” Ye Zong said, nodding his head. How could he not understand the importance of this matter.

“Then it’s all good.” said Nie Li, nodding his head.

“Right, there’s still another matter!” Ye Zong recalled and said, “When I was facing the Snow Wind Great Ape, a mysterious expert released a forbidden technique to save me. I’m guessing, that expert would probably be your master.”

“My master?” Nie Li was stunned for a moment. He almost forgot about this matter. He nodded his head and said, “That should’ve been my master. Why?”

Nie Li wasn’t prepared to seize the credit for this matter, so his non-existent master lucked out.

“Thank your master for me. Furthermore, I’ve obtained a demon spirit from the corpse of the Snow Wind Great Ape. This Snow Wind Great Ape had its wisdom unlocked, it’s extremely precious as a demon spirit. Help me pass it back to your master.” Ye Zong said, taking out the Snow Wind Great Ape demon spirit.

Nie Li smiled and said, “My master already told me that this Snow Wind Great Ape demon spirit is of no use to him. He has been pondering over what to send father-in-law as a gift, so consider this Snow Wind Great Ape a dowry!”

“Dowry?” Ye Zong was dumbfounded. Nie Li and Ye Ziyun have yet to even have their engagement ceremony and he’s already giving a dowry? His face went dark, “Nie Li, this wouldn’t be something that you came up with, right?”

Nie Li’s face suddenly turned serious and solemnly said, “A day as a master, father for life. My respect for my master is something only the heavens and earth can express. Without the permission of him, how could I dare to give away something so precious?”

Ye Zong was stunned by Nie Li’s expression. Could it be that this is really the dowry of that expert? Should he accept this or not? If he doesn’t accept it, it’ll mean that he’s not giving that supreme expert any face. If he accepts it, it’d be the same as marrying his daughter off!

However, was everything that Ye Zong have accepted any less? The Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array, the Blood Crystals and now, adding a Snow Wind Great Ape demon spirit into the pot. This is simply an arrow that has no way of returning. It’s easy to accept all of this, but hard to send them back. Ye Zong was simply tearing silently in his heart. If he were to continue to oppose this marriage, he won’t even know who to show his face to anymore.

Once he integrates with the Snow Wind Great Ape, Ye Zong might be able to step into the Legend rank realm. He has to admit, this kind of temptation is too great. When Ye Zong reaches Legend rank, it won’t be as dangerous when he’s facing the demon beast hordes.

Accept it or not. Ye Zong struggled with the decision for a long time. Gritting his teeth, he accepted it. After accepting so much already, adding one more doesn’t really matter that much.

“Cough cough. Nie Li, I’ve accepted this Snow Wind Great Ape. As for Yun’er, as long as she is willing, I’ll have no other comment. But if she is not willing……” Ye Zong dryly coughed.

“It’s all good as long as you don’t disagree to it.” Nie Li laughed and said, “As for Ziyun’s side, I will definitely not make her feel any sadness.”

Ye Zong’s face heat up, but he could do nothing about it.

“I’ll return first,” said Nie Li, bidding farewell.

Seeing Nie Li’s leaving figure, Ye Zong smiled and cross-leggedly sat down and began integrating with the Snow Wind Great Ape. Although Ye Zong’s Black Scaled Earth Dragon is a demon spirit that carries a trace of dragon-tribe’s blood, it still pales in comparison with the Snow Wind Great Ape. There are extremely few demon spirits that had its wisdom unlocked, even if it’s a Legend rank demon spirit. As long as they have their wisdom unlocked, they can be considered a step closing to Legend rank. In the end, Ye Zong removed his Black Scaled Earth Dragon without any hesitation and chose to integrate with the Snow Wind Great Ape.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter 166 – An accident“I’m well aware of this, I have already made the arrangements.” Ye Zong said, nodding his head. How could he not understand the importance of this matter.“Then it’s all good.” said Nie Li, nodding his head.“Right, there’s still another matter!” Ye Zong recalled and said, “When I was facing the Snow Wind Great Ape, a mysterious expert released a forbidden technique to save me. I’m guessing, that expert would probably be your master.”“My master?” Nie Li was stunned for a moment. He almost forgot about this matter. He nodded his head and said, “That should’ve been my master. Why?”Nie Li wasn’t prepared to seize the credit for this matter, so his non-existent master lucked out.“Thank your master for me. Furthermore, I’ve obtained a demon spirit from the corpse of the Snow Wind Great Ape. This Snow Wind Great Ape had its wisdom unlocked, it’s extremely precious as a demon spirit. Help me pass it back to your master.” Ye Zong said, taking out the Snow Wind Great Ape demon spirit.Nie Li smiled and said, “My master already told me that this Snow Wind Great Ape demon spirit is of no use to him. He has been pondering over what to send father-in-law as a gift, so consider this Snow Wind Great Ape a dowry!”“Dowry?” Ye Zong was dumbfounded. Nie Li and Ye Ziyun have yet to even have their engagement ceremony and he’s already giving a dowry? His face went dark, “Nie Li, this wouldn’t be something that you came up with, right?”Nie Li’s face suddenly turned serious and solemnly said, “A day as a master, father for life. My respect for my master is something only the heavens and earth can express. Without the permission of him, how could I dare to give away something so precious?”Ye Zong was stunned by Nie Li’s expression. Could it be that this is really the dowry of that expert? Should he accept this or not? If he doesn’t accept it, it’ll mean that he’s not giving that supreme expert any face. If he accepts it, it’d be the same as marrying his daughter off!However, was everything that Ye Zong have accepted any less? The Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array, the Blood Crystals and now, adding a Snow Wind Great Ape demon spirit into the pot. This is simply an arrow that has no way of returning. It’s easy to accept all of this, but hard to send them back. Ye Zong was simply tearing silently in his heart. If he were to continue to oppose this marriage, he won’t even know who to show his face to anymore.Once he integrates with the Snow Wind Great Ape, Ye Zong might be able to step into the Legend rank realm. He has to admit, this kind of temptation is too great. When Ye Zong reaches Legend rank, it won’t be as dangerous when he’s facing the demon beast hordes.Accept it or not. Ye Zong struggled with the decision for a long time. Gritting his teeth, he accepted it. After accepting so much already, adding one more doesn’t really matter that much.“Cough cough. Nie Li, I’ve accepted this Snow Wind Great Ape. As for Yun’er, as long as she is willing, I’ll have no other comment. But if she is not willing……” Ye Zong dryly coughed.“It’s all good as long as you don’t disagree to it.” Nie Li laughed and said, “As for Ziyun’s side, I will definitely not make her feel any sadness.”Ye Zong’s face heat up, but he could do nothing about it.“I’ll return first,” said Nie Li, bidding farewell.Seeing Nie Li’s leaving figure, Ye Zong smiled and cross-leggedly sat down and began integrating with the Snow Wind Great Ape. Although Ye Zong’s Black Scaled Earth Dragon is a demon spirit that carries a trace of dragon-tribe’s blood, it still pales in comparison with the Snow Wind Great Ape. There are extremely few demon spirits that had its wisdom unlocked, even if it’s a Legend rank demon spirit. As long as they have their wisdom unlocked, they can be considered a step closing to Legend rank. In the end, Ye Zong removed his Black Scaled Earth Dragon without any hesitation and chose to integrate with the Snow Wind Great Ape.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bab 166 - Kecelakaan ". Saya menyadari ini, saya telah membuat pengaturan" kata Ye Zong, mengangguk kepalanya. Bagaimana bisa dia tidak memahami pentingnya hal ini. "Kemudian itu semua baik." Kata Nie Li, sambil mengangguk. "Benar, masih ada masalah lain!" Ye Zong ingat dan berkata, "Ketika saya menghadapi Salju Angin Besar Ape, seorang ahli misterius dirilis teknik terlarang untuk menyelamatkan saya. Saya menduga, bahwa ahli mungkin akan tuanmu. " " Tuanku? "Nie Li tertegun sejenak. Dia hampir lupa tentang hal ini. Dia mengangguk dan berkata, "Itu seharusnya sudah tuanku. Mengapa? " Nie Li tidak siap untuk merebut kredit untuk hal ini, sehingga guru tidak ada nya beruntung. " Terima tuanmu bagi saya. Selain itu, saya sudah memperoleh semangat setan dari mayat Salju Angin Great Ape. Salju angin Great Ape ini memiliki kebijaksanaan yang dibuka, itu sangat berharga sebagai roh setan. Membantu saya lulus kembali ke tuanmu. "Kata Ye Zong, mengambil semangat setan Salju angin Great Ape. Nie Li tersenyum dan berkata," Tuanku sudah mengatakan kepada saya bahwa roh setan Salju Angin Great Ape ini tidak ada gunanya baginya . Dia telah merenungkan atas apa untuk mengirim ayah mertua sebagai hadiah, jadi pertimbangkan Salju Angin Great Ape ini mas kawin! " " Mas kawin? "Ye Zong tercengang. Nie Li dan Ye Ziyun belum bahkan memiliki upacara pertunangan mereka dan dia sudah memberi mas kawin? Wajahnya menjadi gelap, "Nie Li, ini tidak akan menjadi sesuatu yang Anda datang dengan, kan?" Wajah Nie Li tiba-tiba berubah serius dan sungguh-sungguh mengatakan, "Sehari sebagai master, ayah bagi kehidupan. Hormat saya untuk master saya adalah sesuatu yang hanya langit dan bumi bisa mengungkapkan. Tanpa izin dari dia, bagaimana aku bisa berani untuk memberikan sesuatu yang begitu berharga? " Ye Zong terpana oleh ekspresi Nie Li. Mungkinkah ini benar-benar mahar ahli itu? Haruskah ia menerima ini atau tidak? Jika ia tidak menerimanya, itu akan berarti bahwa dia tidak memberikan yang tertinggi ahli wajah apapun. Jika ia menerima, itu akan sama dengan menikahkan putrinya off! Namun, itu semua yang Ye Zong telah diterima kurang? Sepuluh Ribu Demonic Binatang Array, Kristal Darah dan sekarang, menambahkan Salju angin Great Ape semangat setan ke dalam panci. Ini hanyalah sebuah panah yang tidak memiliki cara untuk kembali. Sangat mudah untuk menerima semua ini, tapi sulit untuk mengirim mereka kembali. Ye Zong itu hanya merobek diam-diam di dalam hatinya. Jika ia terus menentang pernikahan ini, ia bahkan tidak akan tahu siapa yang menunjukkan wajahnya untuk lagi. Setelah ia menyatu dengan salju Angin Great Ape, Ye Zong mungkin bisa melangkah ke Legenda peringkat dunia. Dia harus mengakui, jenis godaan terlalu besar. Ketika Ye Zong mencapai Legenda peringkat, itu tidak akan berbahaya ketika dia menghadapi gerombolan binatang setan. Terima atau tidak. Ye Zong berjuang dengan keputusan untuk waktu yang lama. Mengertakkan gigi, ia menerimanya. Setelah menerima begitu banyak sudah, menambahkan satu lagi tidak benar-benar peduli bahwa banyak. "Batuk batuk. Nie Li, Saya telah menerima Salju Angin Great Ape ini. Adapun Yun'er, asalkan dia bersedia, saya akan tidak memiliki komentar lainnya. Tapi jika dia tidak bersedia ...... "Ye Zong datar terbatuk. " Ini semua baik selama Anda tidak setuju dengan itu. "Nie Li tertawa dan berkata," Adapun sisi Ziyun ini, saya pasti tidak akan membuatnya merasa kesedihan. " wajah Ye Zong ini memanas, tapi ia bisa melakukan apa-apa tentang hal itu. " aku akan kembali pertama, "kata Nie Li, perpisahan. Melihat sosok meninggalkan Nie Li, Ye Zong tersenyum dan lintas-leggedly duduk dan mulai mengintegrasikan dengan Salju angin Great Ape. Meskipun Ye Zong Black Scaled Naga Bumi adalah roh setan yang membawa jejak darah naga-suku, masih artinya jika dibandingkan dengan Salju Angin Great Ape. Ada sangat sedikit roh setan yang memiliki hikmat yang terkunci, bahkan jika itu semangat peringkat setan Legend. Selama mereka telah kebijaksanaan mereka membuka, mereka dapat dianggap sebagai langkah penutupan ke Legend peringkat. Pada akhirnya, Ye Zong dihapus nya Hitam Scaled Naga Bumi tanpa ragu-ragu dan memilih untuk mengintegrasikan dengan Salju Angin Great Ape.

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