While the concept of sustainable development clearly enhanced the expe terjemahan - While the concept of sustainable development clearly enhanced the expe Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

While the concept of sustainable de

While the concept of sustainable development clearly enhanced the expected benefits of
environmental management from one of an amenity to one of necessity, it did little by itself to lower its costs. More benefits of an essential nature do justify more effort in protecting the environment even in poor countries, but a high and sharply rising supply price quickly eats up the newly discovered benefits. The continued use of rigid command and control regulations that are insensitive to compliance cost differences among economic agents and fail to provide incentives for continued environmental improvement and technological innovation are not consistent with the positive view of environmental management in the context of sustainable development.
Enter economic or market-based instruments with the promise of flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and dynamic efficiency—all critical factors in development and restructuring efforts. Not only is more environmental management justified on account of lower costs, but the new incentive structure created improves resource allocation and promotes technological innovation. The premise of economic instruments is that environmental degradation and unsustainable development is a behavioral response to perverse market signals created by the failure to fully price natural resources and environmental assets and their products and services. The economic instruments approach to environmental management aims to correct the incentive structure by phasing out subsidies and other policy distortions and internalizing externalities and other social costs. Since full cost pricing is essential to both efficient environmental management and sustainable economic development and since the two are interrelated, the use of economic instruments to effect full cost pricing operationalizes the concept of efficient and sustainable development.
There is a large set of economic instruments to choose from and the choice is neither trivial or
immaterial to the objectives of efficient environmental management and sustainable economic
development. First, there is the choice of the right instrument or rather, the right combination of instruments that would best fit the specific conditions of the industry and county in question. Second, there is the choice of the level at which each instrument should be set to either ensure optimal environmental management or at least, attainment of stated environmental objectives at the minimum possible cost. Third, there is the choice of the pace of implementation or compliance schedule to minimize disruption and to ensure public support. Fourth, there is the choice of related or parallel policies necessary to address side-effects such as the regressivity of certain instruments (e.g., product taxes).
To inform this choice we reviewed the experience of selected developed and developing countries
with a variety of economic instruments, including environmental taxes, emission charges, product
charges, tradeable permits, refundable deposits, and environmental bonds among others. We
concluded that while there is increasing interest in and use of economic instruments, the objective is more to raise financial resources than to change behavior or institute full cost pricing. Pollution charges are usually set too low to induce a major change in behavior, much less to attain an optimal level of pollution. Yet, this experience is suggestive of the potential gains from an incentive-based approach to environmental management. In addition to reviewing past experience, we examined the applicability of economic instruments to the special circumstances of developing countries and modalities and strategy for their successful introduction. In the short-to-medium run, the best prospects for economic instruments in developing countries are first as sources of revenue and second as supports or supplements of command and control regulations. Economic charges may be introduced as enforcement incentives, tradeable permits, and credits as instruments to increase compliance with effluent or emission standards, and transferable development rights as supports of zoning regulations. The outright replacement of command and control regulations by economic instruments does not appear feasible at this time, and even if it were, it would be too disruptive. Economic instruments need to prove themselves before they can be trusted to attain society's environmental objectives; yet governments appear unwilling to set these instruments at levels that have an incentive effect on behavior. Nevertheless, it would mean substantial progress if economic instruments were to be introduced even as a source of flexibility and financing in conjunction with existing standards. By influencing investor expectations, a preannounced schedule of escalation over time would create the right incentives long before the instrument attains its full force.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
While the concept of sustainable development clearly enhanced the expected benefits ofenvironmental management from one of an amenity to one of necessity, it did little by itself to lower its costs. More benefits of an essential nature do justify more effort in protecting the environment even in poor countries, but a high and sharply rising supply price quickly eats up the newly discovered benefits. The continued use of rigid command and control regulations that are insensitive to compliance cost differences among economic agents and fail to provide incentives for continued environmental improvement and technological innovation are not consistent with the positive view of environmental management in the context of sustainable development.Enter economic or market-based instruments with the promise of flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and dynamic efficiency—all critical factors in development and restructuring efforts. Not only is more environmental management justified on account of lower costs, but the new incentive structure created improves resource allocation and promotes technological innovation. The premise of economic instruments is that environmental degradation and unsustainable development is a behavioral response to perverse market signals created by the failure to fully price natural resources and environmental assets and their products and services. The economic instruments approach to environmental management aims to correct the incentive structure by phasing out subsidies and other policy distortions and internalizing externalities and other social costs. Since full cost pricing is essential to both efficient environmental management and sustainable economic development and since the two are interrelated, the use of economic instruments to effect full cost pricing operationalizes the concept of efficient and sustainable development.There is a large set of economic instruments to choose from and the choice is neither trivial orimmaterial to the objectives of efficient environmental management and sustainable economicdevelopment. First, there is the choice of the right instrument or rather, the right combination of instruments that would best fit the specific conditions of the industry and county in question. Second, there is the choice of the level at which each instrument should be set to either ensure optimal environmental management or at least, attainment of stated environmental objectives at the minimum possible cost. Third, there is the choice of the pace of implementation or compliance schedule to minimize disruption and to ensure public support. Fourth, there is the choice of related or parallel policies necessary to address side-effects such as the regressivity of certain instruments (e.g., product taxes).To inform this choice we reviewed the experience of selected developed and developing countrieswith a variety of economic instruments, including environmental taxes, emission charges, productcharges, tradeable permits, refundable deposits, and environmental bonds among others. Weconcluded that while there is increasing interest in and use of economic instruments, the objective is more to raise financial resources than to change behavior or institute full cost pricing. Pollution charges are usually set too low to induce a major change in behavior, much less to attain an optimal level of pollution. Yet, this experience is suggestive of the potential gains from an incentive-based approach to environmental management. In addition to reviewing past experience, we examined the applicability of economic instruments to the special circumstances of developing countries and modalities and strategy for their successful introduction. In the short-to-medium run, the best prospects for economic instruments in developing countries are first as sources of revenue and second as supports or supplements of command and control regulations. Economic charges may be introduced as enforcement incentives, tradeable permits, and credits as instruments to increase compliance with effluent or emission standards, and transferable development rights as supports of zoning regulations. The outright replacement of command and control regulations by economic instruments does not appear feasible at this time, and even if it were, it would be too disruptive. Economic instruments need to prove themselves before they can be trusted to attain society's environmental objectives; yet governments appear unwilling to set these instruments at levels that have an incentive effect on behavior. Nevertheless, it would mean substantial progress if economic instruments were to be introduced even as a source of flexibility and financing in conjunction with existing standards. By influencing investor expectations, a preannounced schedule of escalation over time would create the right incentives long before the instrument attains its full force.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sementara konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan jelas meningkatkan manfaat yang diharapkan dari
pengelolaan lingkungan dari salah satu dari kemudahan untuk salah satu kebutuhan, hal itu sedikit demi dirinya sendiri untuk menurunkan biaya. Manfaat lebih dari yang bersifat penting dilakukan membenarkan upaya yang lebih dalam melindungi lingkungan bahkan di negara-negara miskin, tapi harga pasokan naik tinggi dan tajam dengan cepat memakan manfaat yang baru ditemukan. Terus menggunakan komando dan kontrol peraturan kaku yang tidak sensitif terhadap perbedaan biaya kepatuhan pelaku ekonomi dan gagal untuk memberikan insentif bagi perbaikan lingkungan terus dan inovasi teknologi tidak konsisten dengan pandangan positif dari pengelolaan lingkungan dalam konteks pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Masukkan ekonomi atau instrumen dengan janji fleksibilitas, efektivitas biaya, dan efisiensi-semua faktor penting yang dinamis dalam pengembangan dan restrukturisasi usaha berbasis pasar. Tidak hanya manajemen lingkungan yang lebih dibenarkan pada rekening biaya yang lebih rendah, tetapi struktur insentif baru yang diciptakan meningkatkan alokasi sumber daya dan mempromosikan inovasi teknologi. Premis instrumen ekonomi adalah bahwa kerusakan lingkungan dan pembangunan yang tidak berkelanjutan merupakan respon perilaku terhadap sinyal pasar sesat yang dibuat oleh kegagalan untuk sepenuhnya harga sumber daya alam dan aset lingkungan dan produk dan layanan mereka. Instrumen ekonomi pendekatan untuk pengelolaan lingkungan bertujuan untuk memperbaiki struktur insentif dengan pentahapan keluar subsidi dan distorsi kebijakan lainnya dan internalisasi eksternalitas dan biaya sosial lainnya. Karena biaya harga penuh sangat penting untuk kedua pengelolaan lingkungan yang efisien dan pembangunan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dan karena keduanya saling terkait, penggunaan instrumen ekonomi untuk mempengaruhi harga biaya penuh mengoperasionalisasi konsep pembangunan yang efisien dan berkelanjutan.
Ada serangkaian besar instrumen ekonomi untuk memilih dari dan pilihan yang tidak sepele atau
tidak penting untuk tujuan pengelolaan lingkungan yang efisien dan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan
pembangunan. Pertama, ada pilihan instrumen yang tepat atau lebih tepatnya, kombinasi yang tepat dari instrumen yang terbaik sesuai kondisi spesifik dari industri dan kabupaten yang bersangkutan. Kedua, ada pilihan tingkat di mana masing-masing instrumen harus ditetapkan baik memastikan pengelolaan lingkungan yang optimal atau setidaknya, pencapaian tujuan lingkungan dinyatakan sebesar biaya minimum yang mungkin. Ketiga, ada pilihan kecepatan implementasi atau jadwal kepatuhan untuk meminimalkan gangguan dan untuk memastikan dukungan publik. Keempat, ada pilihan kebijakan terkait atau paralel yang diperlukan ke alamat efek samping seperti regresivitas instrumen tertentu (misalnya, pajak produk).
Untuk menginformasikan pilihan ini kita terakhir pengalaman dipilih negara maju dan berkembang
dengan berbagai ekonomi instrumen, termasuk pajak lingkungan, biaya emisi, produk
biaya, izin dapat diperdagangkan, uang jaminan, dan jaminan lingkungan antara lain. Kami
menyimpulkan bahwa meskipun ada peningkatan minat dan penggunaan instrumen ekonomi, tujuannya adalah lebih untuk meningkatkan sumber daya keuangan daripada mengubah perilaku atau lembaga harga biaya penuh. Biaya Polusi biasanya ditetapkan terlalu rendah untuk mendorong perubahan besar dalam perilaku, apalagi untuk mencapai tingkat optimal polusi. Namun, pengalaman ini adalah sugestif dari potensi keuntungan dari pendekatan berbasis insentif untuk pengelolaan lingkungan. Selain meninjau pengalaman masa lalu, kami menguji penerapan instrumen ekonomi untuk keadaan khusus negara dan modalitas dan strategi pengembangan untuk pengenalan sukses mereka. Dalam jangka pendek sampai menengah, prospek terbaik untuk instrumen ekonomi di negara-negara berkembang pertama sebagai sumber pendapatan dan kedua sebagai dukungan atau suplemen komando dan kontrol peraturan. Biaya ekonomi dapat diperkenalkan sebagai insentif penegakan hukum, izin dapat diperdagangkan, dan kredit sebagai instrumen untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap standar limbah atau emisi, dan hak pembangunan dialihkan sebagai dukungan peraturan zonasi. Penggantian langsung komando dan kontrol peraturan oleh instrumen ekonomi tidak muncul layak pada saat ini, dan bahkan jika itu, akan terlalu mengganggu. Instrumen ekonomi harus membuktikan diri sebelum mereka dapat dipercaya untuk mencapai tujuan lingkungan masyarakat; Belum pemerintah tampaknya tidak mau menetapkan instrumen ini pada tingkat yang memiliki efek insentif terhadap perilaku. Namun demikian, itu berarti kemajuan substansial jika instrumen ekonomi itu harus diperkenalkan bahkan sebagai sumber fleksibilitas dan pembiayaan dalam hubungannya dengan standar yang ada. Dengan mempengaruhi harapan investor, jadwal preannounced eskalasi dari waktu ke waktu akan menciptakan insentif yang tepat jauh sebelum instrumen mencapai kekuatan penuh.
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