[Otto: How am I mistaken? It’s too late to take back your words from a terjemahan - [Otto: How am I mistaken? It’s too late to take back your words from a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

[Otto: How am I mistaken? It’s too

[Otto: How am I mistaken? It’s too late to take back your words from a moment ago……]

[Subaru: It’s not that you’re lower in priority than a ground dragon. It’s that you are much, much lower in priority than a ground dragon]

[Otto: That’s twice over! That’s even worse!]

Content with Otto’s response and foot-stomping, Subaru turned his gaze toward the window. That is, toward the front yard where the dragon carriage pulled by Patrasche was parked.

Otto followed his gaze, and seemed to understand its meaning. With a still somewhat bitter face, he spoke,

[Otto: I’ve already put Patrasche in the stables. She is a proud and difficult child, but she didn’t want to cause Natsuki-san any trouble, so she was quite docile]

[Subaru: Hearing that from you, it makes me doubt your Divine Protection of “Animal Whispering”. If she were a woman, Patrasche would have been a total kuudere, even though she’d be soft on the inside. When did this change happen??]

[Otto: How would I know that kind of thing. More importantly……]

As Subaru was still struggling to understand just what made Patrasche so devoted to him, Otto moved the conversation to the other matter regarding the dragon carriage, that is—-

[Otto: What should be done about the girl sleeping in the carriage? I think it’s rather pitiful to leave her shut up in there. If you are busy I could carry her to a room……]

[Subaru: —Don’t you lay a finger on Rem]

There was not a hint of malice in Otto’s proposal. But his own voice was ice cold… Subaru himself was surprised by the razor sharpness of it, when he saw Otto flinch.

It was almost a whisper, the words were low and dark, a reflection of the viscous heaviness of his mind. It was good that this did not reach the ears of the girls, but still, Subaru was deeply disturbed by the abnormality of the sound that had escaped his throat.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
[Otto: How am I mistaken? It’s too late to take back your words from a moment ago……][Subaru: It’s not that you’re lower in priority than a ground dragon. It’s that you are much, much lower in priority than a ground dragon][Otto: That’s twice over! That’s even worse!]Content with Otto’s response and foot-stomping, Subaru turned his gaze toward the window. That is, toward the front yard where the dragon carriage pulled by Patrasche was parked.Otto followed his gaze, and seemed to understand its meaning. With a still somewhat bitter face, he spoke,[Otto: I’ve already put Patrasche in the stables. She is a proud and difficult child, but she didn’t want to cause Natsuki-san any trouble, so she was quite docile][Subaru: Hearing that from you, it makes me doubt your Divine Protection of “Animal Whispering”. If she were a woman, Patrasche would have been a total kuudere, even though she’d be soft on the inside. When did this change happen??][Otto: How would I know that kind of thing. More importantly……]As Subaru was still struggling to understand just what made Patrasche so devoted to him, Otto moved the conversation to the other matter regarding the dragon carriage, that is—-[Otto: What should be done about the girl sleeping in the carriage? I think it’s rather pitiful to leave her shut up in there. If you are busy I could carry her to a room……][Subaru: —Don’t you lay a finger on Rem]There was not a hint of malice in Otto’s proposal. But his own voice was ice cold… Subaru himself was surprised by the razor sharpness of it, when he saw Otto flinch.It was almost a whisper, the words were low and dark, a reflection of the viscous heaviness of his mind. It was good that this did not reach the ears of the girls, but still, Subaru was deeply disturbed by the abnormality of the sound that had escaped his throat.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
[Otto: Bagaimana aku salah? Sudah terlambat untuk mengambil kembali kata-kata Anda dari saat lalu ......]

[Subaru: Ini bukan berarti bahwa Anda lebih rendah prioritas dari naga tanah. Ini yang jauh, jauh lebih rendah dalam prioritas dari naga tanah]

[Otto: Itu dua kali lebih! Itu bahkan lebih buruk!]

Konten dengan Otto respon dan kaki-menghentak, Subaru mengalihkan pandangannya ke arah jendela. Artinya, menuju halaman depan di mana kereta naga ditarik oleh Patrasche diparkir.

Otto mengikuti tatapannya, dan tampaknya memahami maknanya. Dengan wajah masih agak pahit, ia berbicara,

[Otto: Saya sudah menaruh Patrasche di kandang. Dia adalah anak bangga dan sulit, tapi dia tidak ingin menimbulkan Natsuki-san masalah, jadi dia cukup jinak]

[Subaru: Mendengar itu dari Anda, itu membuat saya ragu Divine Protection Anda dari "Whispering Animal". Jika dia seorang wanita, Patrasche akan menjadi kuudere total, meskipun dia akan lembut di dalam. Kapan perubahan ini terjadi ??]

[Otto: Bagaimana saya tahu hal semacam itu. Lebih penting lagi ......]

Sebagai Subaru masih berjuang untuk memahami apa yang membuat Patrasche sehingga setia kepadanya, Otto pindah percakapan ke hal lain mengenai kereta naga, yang is--

[Otto: Apa yang harus dilakukan tentang gadis itu tidur di kereta? Saya pikir itu agak menyedihkan untuk meninggalkan dia diam di sana. Jika Anda sedang sibuk aku bisa membawanya ke kamar ......]

[Subaru: -Jangan Anda meletakkan jari pada Rem]

Tidak ada tanda-tanda kejahatan dalam proposal Otto. Tapi suaranya sendiri es dingin ... Subaru sendiri terkejut dengan ketajaman pisau cukur itu, ketika dia melihat Otto gentar.

Itu hampir bisikan, kata-kata yang rendah dan gelap, refleksi dari berat kental dari pikirannya. Itu baik bahwa ini tidak mencapai telinga gadis-gadis, tapi masih, Subaru telah sangat terganggu oleh kelainan suara yang lolos tenggorokannya.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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