Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
ABSTRACTCaptopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)inhibitor as antihypertensive treatment with half-life about 2h.Development of sustained-release dosage form can maintenancethe drug concentration at therapeutic window in long period oftime with constant release. Montmorillonite, zeolite andhydrotalcite nano-composites were used as drug carrier assustained release dosage form. This study aimed to determine thedrug release from nanocomposite of montmorillonite-drug, zeolitedrug and hydro-talcite-drug. Nanocomposite drug and carrierswere made with the model drug was dispersed in carrier withmatrix system. Matrices used montmorillonite, zeolite andhydrotalcite with concentrations of 20%, 30% and 40%.Characterization of matrices were done by testing the physicalproperties of the granules and drug release. Dissolution test usingapparatus II USP model with speed rotation of 50rpm of, 900mL ofHCl 0.1N as medium. The results were compared statistically withone way ANOVA 95% of interval confidence. The results showedthat the difference of matrices and concentrations gave thedifference effect in flow time, compact-tibility, DE360, initial burstrelease and maintenance release (p<0.05). Nanocompositesbetween drug and nanoclays occurred after 60min were shownwith decreasing the drug release rate. Nanocomposite was formedwith the drug molecules adsorb on nanoporous of carrier material.Meningkatkan konsentrasi lempung ditingkatkan fluiditas dancompactibility, mengurangi pelepasan obat.Kata kunci: Nanocomposite, tanah liat, obat rilis
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