How to make MethamphetamineHow to Make Cryztal Dope in 2-3 Hours Using terjemahan - How to make MethamphetamineHow to Make Cryztal Dope in 2-3 Hours Using Melayu Bagaimana mengatakan

How to make MethamphetamineHow to M

How to make Methamphetamine

How to Make Cryztal Dope in 2-3 Hours Using a 2 Liter Bottle
by Lord Mighty

Disclaimer: Neither I nor the host of this page take any
responsibility for your actions after reading this text. This material
is for educational purposes only. It is to inform the general public
of the materials and methods used by clandestine chemists to
manufacture this highly illegal substance. By scrolling beyond this
point, you agree not to try any of this and not to bring any criminal
charges to the creators of this file.

Note: This is a very easy 12-Step program. :-)

This recipe makes REAL Crystal Methamphetamine, unlike most recipes
out there that only make crank. This is not hypo either, it's kick ass
ammonia dope. My way was developed to be quick and to not give off as
much smell as other methods. It doesn't require going out and stealing
anhydrous ammonia from farms either. I still only recommend doing it
if you have had previous experience making dope. Clean up is easy too.
All you have to do is wash out the bottles you used and throw
everything away.

1 2 Liter Bottle (with cap)
1 1 Liter Bottle (get 2 caps for it)
1 20 oz. Bottle (with cap)
1 Quart Jar
2 ft. 1/4in. diameter rubber/plastic hose (aquarium hose works good)
Coffee Filters
1 Funnel
1 Tubing Cutter (go to Home Depot)
2 Plyers
1 Roll of Ductape or Electrical Tape 1 Blender or Food Processor

200 60mg Pseudophedrine HCL pills (Actifed, Sudafed, Suphedrine, etc.)
1 1/2 cups Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer (33-0-0)
3 cans starting fluid
3 AA Energizer Lithuim Batteries
1 bottle Red Devil brand Lye
2 caps of water (use the top off the 2 liter)
1 box Iodized Salt
1 bottle Liquid Fire brand drain opener

1) Rinse and dry out all of your bottles. Be sure to get ALL of the
moisture out. Don't go any further until they are completely dry.
2) Put your pills into the blender or food processor and grind them
into powder. Mix them in with the 1 1/2 cups of Ammoniun Nitrate
fertilizer. Use the funnel to pour the mixture into the 2 liter
3) Hold your cans of starting fluid upside-down and hold the button
until all of the air is out. Once the air is out, use a screwdriver (I
use a bottle opener.) to poke a hole in the bottom of the cans. Using
the funnel again, pour the liquid (ethyl ether) out of the cans into
the 2 Liter with the Ammonium Nitrate/pills mixture.
4) Now you have to take the Lithium strips out of the batteries (This
is why I recommend being experienced.). Tighten the tubing cutter onto
the center of the battery and spin it around until the metal casing is
cut. Be careful not to cut into the guts of the battery. If you mess
up the battery may become extremely hot and catch fire. Next take your
2 plyers and grab each end of the battery. Pull each side of the
casing off. Once the insides are out of the casing, place them in an
air tight container (Tupperware, Rubbermaid, etc.). They can be stored
for up to 3 hours. The lithium will become very volatile if exposed to
moisture in the air or water. Be careful!
5) Unroll the guts of the first battery and remove the Lithium strip.
There are two strips in a Lithium battery, so be sure not to get the
wrong one. You do not want the one that has shiny metal around the
edges. Tear the Lithium strip into tiny pieces and place them in the 2
Liter. Do the same with the other two batteries.
6) Take the cap off your bottle of Lye and fill its cap with it. Pour
this into the 2 Liter as well. Use the funnel!
7) Take the top of the 2 Liter and fill it with water. Pour the water
into the 2 Liter. Repeat once. You should see little bubble floating
to the top of the liquid in the bottle. Place the cap on the bottle
and swish it around a little (do not shake!).
8) Now your dope is cooking (I call it "rolling"). About every 5
minutes loosen the cap a little to release the pressure and to make it
"roll" a little harder. After about 10 seconds re-tighten the cap.
Don't breathe too deeply, because gaseous ammonia is released.
9) You have to keep adding Lye or your dope will stop "rolling". About
every 20 minutes add about 1 cap (use the cap off the lye bottle!) of
Lye. Tighten the top tight on the 2 Liter and shake the bottle
vigorously for about 8 seconds. Loosen the top, releasing the
pressure, and the dope will start "rolling" perfectly. Repeat every 20
minutes. You do not want to use more than 2/3 bottle of Lye, so you
may have to adjust the amount you add or how often you add it to make
it go for 2 hours.
10) After 2 hours, your dope is through "rolling". Get the funnel and
place it in the 1 Liter bottle. Put two coffee filters in the funnel
and pour the liquid from the 2 Liter through them into the 1 liter
bottle. Pour a little at a time to make sure you don't let any get
outside the filters. Once the 1 liter is filled, tighten the top on it
all the way. It'll ruin your dope if you let dirt or moisture get into
11) Take the 2nd top to the 1 liter and the top to the 20 oz. and cut
holes in them barely big enough to fit the plastic/rubber hose into.
Put each end of the hose into each top and make them air tight using
ductape or electrical tape. Make sure you use a clean hose!
12) Remove the cap from the 1 liter bottle and screw on the one with
the hose attached to it. Pour iodized salt into your 20 oz. until it
is filled about 1/2 inch from the bottom. Take the cap from your 2
liter or another cap the same size and fill it with Liquid Fire. Pour
the Liquid Fire onto the salt and tightly screw the top attached to
the other end of the hose onto the 20 oz. Shake the 20 oz.
left-to-right for about 4 seconds. Pump (squeeze and release) it once
and sit it down. Smoke will begin the fill the 1 liter. As the smoke
begins to go into the liquid, you will see the dope "fall". It looks
snow. When the smoke stops, take the top off the 1 liter and tie a
knot in the hose. Put the other top back on the 1 liter and shake it
vigorously for 30 seconds. Let the crystal settle. Put the funnel over
the jar with 2 new coffee filters it it and pour the liquid through
them. A little bit of meth gets caught in the filters, but the rest
stays in the bottle. Cut the top half of the bottle off and use a hair
dryer to dry the crystal. Snort it or smoke it and get high as a bat.
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Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
How to make MethamphetamineHow to Make Cryztal Dope in 2-3 Hours Using a 2 Liter Bottleby Lord Mighty--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: Neither I nor the host of this page take anyresponsibility for your actions after reading this text. This materialis for educational purposes only. It is to inform the general publicof the materials and methods used by clandestine chemists tomanufacture this highly illegal substance. By scrolling beyond thispoint, you agree not to try any of this and not to bring any criminalcharges to the creators of this file.Note: This is a very easy 12-Step program. :-) Introduction:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This recipe makes REAL Crystal Methamphetamine, unlike most recipesout there that only make crank. This is not hypo either, it's kick assammonia dope. My way was developed to be quick and to not give off asmuch smell as other methods. It doesn't require going out and stealinganhydrous ammonia from farms either. I still only recommend doing itif you have had previous experience making dope. Clean up is easy too.All you have to do is wash out the bottles you used and throweverything away.Materials:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 Liter Bottle (with cap)1 1 Liter Bottle (get 2 caps for it)1 20 oz. Bottle (with cap)1 Quart Jar2 ft. 1/4in. diameter rubber/plastic hose (aquarium hose works good)Coffee Filters1 Funnel1 Tubing Cutter (go to Home Depot)2 Plyers1 Roll of Ductape or Electrical Tape 1 Blender or Food Processor200 60mg Pseudophedrine HCL pills (Actifed, Sudafed, Suphedrine, etc.)1 1/2 cups Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer (33-0-0)3 cans starting fluid3 AA Energizer Lithuim Batteries1 bottle Red Devil brand Lye2 caps of water (use the top off the 2 liter)1 box Iodized Salt1 bottle Liquid Fire brand drain openerProcedure:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Rinse and dry out all of your bottles. Be sure to get ALL of themoisture out. Don't go any further until they are completely dry.2) Put your pills into the blender or food processor and grind theminto powder. Mix them in with the 1 1/2 cups of Ammoniun Nitratefertilizer. Use the funnel to pour the mixture into the 2 literbottle.3) Hold your cans of starting fluid upside-down and hold the buttonuntil all of the air is out. Once the air is out, use a screwdriver (Iuse a bottle opener.) to poke a hole in the bottom of the cans. Usingthe funnel again, pour the liquid (ethyl ether) out of the cans intothe 2 Liter with the Ammonium Nitrate/pills mixture.4) Now you have to take the Lithium strips out of the batteries (Thisis why I recommend being experienced.). Tighten the tubing cutter ontothe center of the battery and spin it around until the metal casing iscut. Be careful not to cut into the guts of the battery. If you messup the battery may become extremely hot and catch fire. Next take your2 plyers and grab each end of the battery. Pull each side of thecasing off. Once the insides are out of the casing, place them in anair tight container (Tupperware, Rubbermaid, etc.). They can be storedfor up to 3 hours. The lithium will become very volatile if exposed to
moisture in the air or water. Be careful!
5) Unroll the guts of the first battery and remove the Lithium strip.
There are two strips in a Lithium battery, so be sure not to get the
wrong one. You do not want the one that has shiny metal around the
edges. Tear the Lithium strip into tiny pieces and place them in the 2
Liter. Do the same with the other two batteries.
6) Take the cap off your bottle of Lye and fill its cap with it. Pour
this into the 2 Liter as well. Use the funnel!
7) Take the top of the 2 Liter and fill it with water. Pour the water
into the 2 Liter. Repeat once. You should see little bubble floating
to the top of the liquid in the bottle. Place the cap on the bottle
and swish it around a little (do not shake!).
8) Now your dope is cooking (I call it "rolling"). About every 5
minutes loosen the cap a little to release the pressure and to make it
"roll" a little harder. After about 10 seconds re-tighten the cap.
Don't breathe too deeply, because gaseous ammonia is released.
9) You have to keep adding Lye or your dope will stop "rolling". About
every 20 minutes add about 1 cap (use the cap off the lye bottle!) of
Lye. Tighten the top tight on the 2 Liter and shake the bottle
vigorously for about 8 seconds. Loosen the top, releasing the
pressure, and the dope will start "rolling" perfectly. Repeat every 20
minutes. You do not want to use more than 2/3 bottle of Lye, so you
may have to adjust the amount you add or how often you add it to make
it go for 2 hours.
10) After 2 hours, your dope is through "rolling". Get the funnel and
place it in the 1 Liter bottle. Put two coffee filters in the funnel
and pour the liquid from the 2 Liter through them into the 1 liter
bottle. Pour a little at a time to make sure you don't let any get
outside the filters. Once the 1 liter is filled, tighten the top on it
all the way. It'll ruin your dope if you let dirt or moisture get into
11) Take the 2nd top to the 1 liter and the top to the 20 oz. and cut
holes in them barely big enough to fit the plastic/rubber hose into.
Put each end of the hose into each top and make them air tight using
ductape or electrical tape. Make sure you use a clean hose!
12) Remove the cap from the 1 liter bottle and screw on the one with
the hose attached to it. Pour iodized salt into your 20 oz. until it
is filled about 1/2 inch from the bottom. Take the cap from your 2
liter or another cap the same size and fill it with Liquid Fire. Pour
the Liquid Fire onto the salt and tightly screw the top attached to
the other end of the hose onto the 20 oz. Shake the 20 oz.
left-to-right for about 4 seconds. Pump (squeeze and release) it once
and sit it down. Smoke will begin the fill the 1 liter. As the smoke
begins to go into the liquid, you will see the dope "fall". It looks
snow. When the smoke stops, take the top off the 1 liter and tie a
knot in the hose. Put the other top back on the 1 liter and shake it
vigorously for 30 seconds. Let the crystal settle. Put the funnel over
the jar with 2 new coffee filters it it and pour the liquid through
them. A little bit of meth gets caught in the filters, but the rest
stays in the bottle. Cut the top half of the bottle off and use a hair
dryer to dry the crystal. Snort it or smoke it and get high as a bat.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Melayu) 2:[Salinan]
Bagaimana untuk membuat Methamphetamine Bagaimana Membuat Cryztal Dope dalam 2-3 Waktu Menggunakan Botol 2 Liter oleh Tuhan Maha Kuasa ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Penafian: Bukan saya atau tuan rumah laman ini mengambil apa-apa tanggungjawab untuk tindakan anda selepas membaca teks ini. Bahan ini adalah untuk tujuan pendidikan sahaja. Ia adalah untuk memaklumkan kepada orang awam daripada bahan-bahan dan kaedah yang digunakan oleh ahli kimia sulit untuk mengeluarkan bahan yang sangat menyalahi undang-undang ini. Dengan menatal luar ini titik, anda bersetuju untuk tidak membicarakan apa-apa tentang perkara ini dan tidak membawa apa-apa jenayah caj kepada pencipta bagi fail ini. Nota: Ini adalah program 12-langkah yang sangat mudah. :-) Pengenalan: --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Resipi ini membuat REAL Crystal Methamphetamine, tidak seperti kebanyakan resipi di luar sana yang hanya membuat engkol. Ini tidak boleh tidak menimbulkan sama ada, ia sepakan keldai ammonia dadah. Cara saya telah dibangunkan untuk menjadi cepat dan tidak mengeluarkan sebagai bau sebanyak kaedah lain. Ia tidak memerlukan keluar dan mencuri ammonia kontang dari ladang-ladang sama ada. Saya masih hanya mengesyorkan melakukannya jika anda mempunyai pengalaman sebelum membuat dadah. Bersihkan adalah mudah juga. Apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah mencuci botol yang anda gunakan dan membuang semua jauh. Bahan-bahan: ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- 1 2 Liter botol (dengan topi) 1 1 Liter botol (mendapat 2 topi untuk itu) 1 20 oz. Botol (dengan topi) 1 Quart Jar 2 kaki. 1 / 4in. diameter getah / hos plastik (hos akuarium berfungsi baik) Penapis Kopi 1 Saluran 1 Tiub Cutter (pergi ke Home Depot) 2 Plyers 1 Roll Ductape atau pita elektrik 1 Blender atau Pemproses Makanan 200 60mg pil Pseudophedrine HCL (Actifed, Sudafed, Suphedrine, dan lain-lain) 1 1/2 cawan Ammonium nitrat baja (33-0-0) 3 tin bermula cecair Bateri 3 AA Energizer Lithuim 1 botol jenama Red Devil Lye 2 topi air (guna bahagian atasnya liter 2) 1 kotak yg mengandung natrium Garam 1 botol jenama api cecair pembuka longkang Prosedur: ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 1) Bilas dan keringkan semua botol anda. Pastikan anda mendapat SEMUA kelembapan keluar. Jangan pergi mana-mana lagi sehingga mereka benar-benar kering. 2) Letakkan pil anda ke dalam blender atau makanan pemproses dan mengisar mereka menjadi serbuk. Campuran mereka dalam dengan 1 1/2 cawan Ammoniun nitrat baja. Gunakan corong untuk mencurahkan campuran ke dalam 2 liter botol. 3) memegang tin anda memulakan cecair terbalik dan tahan butang sehingga semua udara keluar. Apabila udara keluar, gunakan pemutar skru (saya menggunakan pembuka botol.) Untuk mencucuk lubang di bahagian bawah tin. Menggunakan corong lagi, tuangkan cecair (eter) daripada tin ke dalam Liter 2 dengan Ammonium Nitrate / pil campuran. 4) Sekarang anda perlu mengambil Lithium jalur daripada bateri (Ini adalah mengapa saya cadangkan yang dialami .). Ketatkan pemotong tiub ke pusat bateri dan berputar di sekitar sehingga sarung logam yang dipotong. Berhati-hati tidak untuk potong keberanian bateri. Jika anda merosakkan sehingga bateri boleh menjadi api yang sangat panas dan menangkap. Seterusnya mengambil anda 2 plyers dan merebut setiap hujung bateri. Tarik setiap sisi sarung off. Setelah bahagian dalam berada di luar selongsong, meletakkan mereka dalam udara bekas kedap (Tupperware, Rubbermaid, dll). Mereka boleh disimpan sehingga 3 jam. Litium akan menjadi sangat tidak menentu jika terdedah kepada kelembapan di udara atau air. Berhati-hati! 5) membuka gulungan keberanian bateri yang pertama dan mengeluarkan jalur litium. Terdapat dua jalur dalam bateri Lithium, jadi pastikan anda tidak mendapatkan satu salah. Anda tidak mahu salah satu yang mempunyai logam berkilat sekitar tepi. Koyak jalur Lithium kepada kepingan kecil dan meletakkan mereka dalam 2 Liter. Melakukan perkara yang sama dengan dua bateri lain. 6) Ambil penutup dari botol anda Lye dan mengisi penutupnya dengannya. Tuangkan ini ke dalam 2 Liter juga. Gunakan corong! 7) Ambil bahagian atas 2 Liter dan isi dengan air. Tuangkan air ke dalam 2 Liter. Ulang sekali. Anda akan dapat melihat sedikit gelembung terapung ke atas cecair dalam botol. Letakkan penutup pada botol dan Swish sekitar sedikit (tidak berjabat!). 8) Sekarang dadah anda memasak (saya memanggilnya "bergolek"). Kira-kira setiap 5 minit melonggarkan penutup sedikit untuk melepaskan tekanan dan untuk menjadikannya "roll" sedikit lebih keras. Mengetatkan semula selepas kira-kira 10 saat penutup. Jangan menyedut terlalu mendalam, kerana ammonia gas dilepaskan. 9) Anda perlu terus menambah Lye atau dadah anda akan berhenti "rolling". Tentang setiap 20 minit menambah kira-kira 1 penutup (menggunakan penutup dari botol landa itu!) Daripada Lye. Ketatkan ketat teratas pada 2 Liter dan goncang botol bersungguh-sungguh selama 8 saat. Longgarkan bahagian atas, melepaskan tekanan, dan dadah akan mula "rolling" dengan sempurna. Ulangi setiap 20 minit. Anda tidak mahu untuk menggunakan lebih daripada 2/3 botol Lye, jadi anda mungkin perlu melaraskan jumlah yang anda menambah atau berapa kerap anda menambah untuk membuat ia pergi selama 2 jam. 10) Selepas 2 jam, dope anda adalah melalui " bergolek ". Dapatkan corong dan letakkan di dalam botol 1 Liter. Letakkan dua penapis kopi di corong dan tuangkan cecair dari 2 Liter melalui mereka ke dalam 1 liter botol. Tuangkan sedikit pada satu masa untuk pastikan anda tidak membiarkan mana-mana get luar penapis. Setelah 1 liter telah penuh, mengetatkan bahagian atas di atasnya sepanjang jalan. Ia akan merosakkan dadah anda jika anda membiarkan kotoran atau kelembapan masuk ke dalam ia. 11) Ambil bahagian ke-2 untuk 1 liter dan bahagian atas untuk 20 oz itu. dan memotong lubang di dalamnya hanya cukup besar untuk memuatkan hos plastik / getah ke dalam. Letakkan setiap hujung hos ke dalam setiap bahagian dan membuat mereka menyuarakan ketat menggunakan ductape atau pita elektrik. Pastikan anda menggunakan hos yang bersih! 12) Keluarkan penutup dari botol 1 liter dan skru pada satu dengan hos yang melekat padanya. Tuangkan garam yg mengandung natrium ke dalam 20 oz anda. sehingga ia dipenuhi kira-kira 1/2 inci dari bahagian bawah. Ambil penutup dari 2 anda liter atau cap lain saiz yang sama dan isi dengan api cecair. Tuangkan neraka cecair ke garam dan ketat skru bahagian yang melekat pada hujung hos ke 20 oz itu. Goncang 20 oz itu. Kiri ke kanan selama 4 saat. Pump (memerah dan release) sekali dan duduk ke bawah. Asap akan mula isian 1 liter. Sebagai asap mula pergi ke dalam cecair, anda akan melihat dadah "jatuh". Ia kelihatan salji. Apabila asap berhenti, mengambil bahagian atasnya 1 liter dan mengikat simpul di dalam hos. Letakkan bahagian atas yang lain kembali pada 1 liter dan goncang ia bersungguh-sungguh selama 30 saat. Mari settle kristal. Letakkan corong di atas balang dengan 2 penapis kopi baru itu dan tuangkan cecair melalui mereka. Sedikit meth mendapat terperangkap dalam penapis, tetapi yang lain kekal di dalam botol. Potong separuh bahagian atas botol kira dan menggunakan rambut pengering untuk mengeringkan kristal. Menghisapnya atau merokok dan mendapatkan setinggi kelawar.

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