Do not be flus­tered, re­sists fully!”The demon moun­tain is still bra terjemahan - Do not be flus­tered, re­sists fully!”The demon moun­tain is still bra Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Do not be flus­tered, re­sists full

Do not be flus­tered, re­sists fully!”
The demon moun­tain is still bran­dish­ing fire god spear, at­tempts the final re­sis­tance, at the same time in­spi­ra­tion morale loudly ex­claimed: „The friend pledge of high­est heaven city can trans­mit im­me­di­ately, our pop­u­la­tion in­fe­ri­or­ity will re­verse!”
The words of demon moun­tain are not ground­less, there­fore left our Cooldown also be­comes very lim­ited, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. al­most en­tered the wild con­di­tion, bring­ing the pro­ces­sion of lanterns to ride kills every­where sud­denly, but the ham­mer of god of thun­der after all was the high­est heaven city first trade union, the hard strength was much stronger, even if were when close rout as be­fore was main­tain­ing ex­tremely tyran­ni­cal coun­ter­force, under the archer, Mage and other Class 10 peo­ple of one group of bursts, rode the pro­ces­sion of lanterns, the iron blade edge rode kill to be dis­missed, the 5 W per­son who this war, the demon moun­tain led no doubt was not much left, but [Zhan Long] same loss more than half, foot. Ob­vi­ously ham­mer of trade union this god of thun­der of strength.
Thou­sand frost wings be­hind are bring­ing the bone-chill­ing cold cold wind, the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly in my hand turns the dance up and down is killing, basic no­body may keep off, the [Zhan Long] peo­ple full speed ad­vance, in ad­di­tion the im­pact of crag dragon cav­alry, rapidly a wave of de­fense of demon moun­tain fi­nally or­ga­ni­za­tion break­ing through, pro­ceeded again, was just the player who trans­mit­ted from the high­est heaven city, the [Zhan Long] peo­ple front sur­face rush of with­out hes­i­ta­tion went im­pres­sively, was a bloody bat­tle.
About 10 min­utes of Cooldown, I and Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian, Li Mu et al. led [Zhan Long] prob­a­bly the 1 W + per­son to ap­proach trans­mis­sion, how­ever pe­riph­ery ac­tu­ally full is the high­est heaven city player who trans­mits, the range es­ti­mate at least sur­passed the au­di­ences of 10 W, trans­mis­sion in the front, the NPC ma­gians in sur­round­ings high­est heaven city has been obey­ing the law the strength for a trans­mis­sion in ad­di­tion.
„Kills, chops up all ma­gians!”
Ran Min bel­lows, in­sti­gates warhorse lu­natic gen­eral over­run­ning of, but one sec­ond of heroic and god of death elegy, stars blade edge et al. also no longer hes­i­tant, rushes ahead to­gether with Ran Min.
„Holds one's ground!”
The demon moun­tain is rais­ing the fire god spear, pricks the ab­domen that a rem­nant blood pro­ces­sion of lanterns rides from tri­umph over him the spear sud­denly sharp im­me­di­ately, at the same time ex­claimed loudly: „Pro­tects Mas­ter NPC, sup­ports the pe­riod of time again, the Long Jing min­eral lode in this dragon re­stricted area be­longed to our high­est heaven city cer­tainly!”
Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. speed­ily at­tack, ac­tu­ally by the thick shield wall hin­der­ing, the demon moun­tain has at least or­ga­nized over 20 shield player over­lapped pro­tec­tions of be­yond trans­mis­sion, and these ride the war are the play­ers are the elite play­ers in high­est heaven city coun­tries trade union, al­though the na­tion­al­ity sym­bol on re­spec­tive top of the head is not same, but work­ing with con­certed ef­forts is ac­tu­ally fight­ing.
My body sinks to raise sword sharply to clash to go, the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly flut­ters, the whole per­son pre­sents the con­di­tion of screw im­pact en­ters the crowd, the sword chops to di­vide, cut down the high­est heaven city knights retro­cedes, but ac­tu­ally can only open a chan­nel, can­not erad­i­cate the de­fense of demon moun­tain tem­po­rary arrange­ment com­pletely, sev­eral thou­sand crag dragon cav­al­ries who even Chi Yu Han coldly leads by demon moun­tain di­vi­sion de­sir­ably, mas­sacring of de­feat in de­tail, again such were also de­layed, our these mil­i­tary strength were re­ally dan­ger­ous.
I worry, Fang Geque, Ye to
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jangan bingung, menolak sepenuhnya!"Gunung setan masih mengacungkan api Tuhan tombak, usaha perlawanan akhir, pada waktu sama inspirasi semangat keras berseru: "janji teman kota surga tertinggi dapat mengirimkan dengan segera, inferioritas populasi kami akan membalikkan!"Kata-kata Gunung setan tidak berdasar, karena itu kiri Cooldown kami juga menjadi sangat terbatas, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. hampir memasuki kondisi liar, membawa prosesi lentera naik membunuh di mana-mana tiba-tiba, tetapi palu dewa Guntur setelah semua adalah tertinggi langit kota pertama pekerja, kekuatan keras adalah jauh lebih kuat, bahkan jika itu ketika dekat kekalahan sebagai sebelum adalah memelihara perincian sangat tirani , di bawah archer, Mage dan orang lain kelas 10 dari satu kelompok dari ledakan, naik prosesi lentera, membunuh rode tepi pisau besi untuk diberhentikan, 5 W orang ini perang, Gunung setan yang menyebabkan tidak diragukan lagi itu tidak banyak meninggalkan, tetapi [Zhan panjang] sama kehilangan lebih dari setengah, kaki. Jelas hammer Serikat buruh ini dewa petir kekuatan."Whish"Thou­sand frost wings be­hind are bring­ing the bone-chill­ing cold cold wind, the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly in my hand turns the dance up and down is killing, basic no­body may keep off, the [Zhan Long] peo­ple full speed ad­vance, in ad­di­tion the im­pact of crag dragon cav­alry, rapidly a wave of de­fense of demon moun­tain fi­nally or­ga­ni­za­tion break­ing through, pro­ceeded again, was just the player who trans­mit­ted from the high­est heaven city, the [Zhan Long] peo­ple front sur­face rush of with­out hes­i­ta­tion went im­pres­sively, was a bloody bat­tle.About 10 min­utes of Cooldown, I and Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian, Li Mu et al. led [Zhan Long] prob­a­bly the 1 W + per­son to ap­proach trans­mis­sion, how­ever pe­riph­ery ac­tu­ally full is the high­est heaven city player who trans­mits, the range es­ti­mate at least sur­passed the au­di­ences of 10 W, trans­mis­sion in the front, the NPC ma­gians in sur­round­ings high­est heaven city has been obey­ing the law the strength for a trans­mis­sion in ad­di­tion.„Kills, chops up all ma­gians!”Ran Min bel­lows, in­sti­gates warhorse lu­natic gen­eral over­run­ning of, but one sec­ond of heroic and god of death elegy, stars blade edge et al. also no longer hes­i­tant, rushes ahead to­gether with Ran Min.„Holds one's ground!”The demon moun­tain is rais­ing the fire god spear, pricks the ab­domen that a rem­nant blood pro­ces­sion of lanterns rides from tri­umph over him the spear sud­denly sharp im­me­di­ately, at the same time ex­claimed loudly: „Pro­tects Mas­ter NPC, sup­ports the pe­riod of time again, the Long Jing min­eral lode in this dragon re­stricted area be­longed to our high­est heaven city cer­tainly!”Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. speed­ily at­tack, ac­tu­ally by the thick shield wall hin­der­ing, the demon moun­tain has at least or­ga­nized over 20 shield player over­lapped pro­tec­tions of be­yond trans­mis­sion, and these ride the war are the play­ers are the elite play­ers in high­est heaven city coun­tries trade union, al­though the na­tion­al­ity sym­bol on re­spec­tive top of the head is not same, but work­ing with con­certed ef­forts is ac­tu­ally fight­ing.My body sinks to raise sword sharply to clash to go, the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly flut­ters, the whole per­son pre­sents the con­di­tion of screw im­pact en­ters the crowd, the sword chops to di­vide, cut down the high­est heaven city knights retro­cedes, but ac­tu­ally can only open a chan­nel, can­not erad­i­cate the de­fense of demon moun­tain tem­po­rary arrange­ment com­pletely, sev­eral thou­sand crag dragon cav­al­ries who even Chi Yu Han coldly leads by demon moun­tain di­vi­sion de­sir­ably, mas­sacring of de­feat in de­tail, again such were also de­layed, our these mil­i­tary strength were re­ally dan­ger­ous.I worry, Fang Geque, Ye to
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
! Jangan bingung, menolak sepenuhnya "
The setan gunung masih mengacungkan api dewa tombak, upaya perlawanan akhir, pada saat yang sama inspirasi moral keras berseru:" The teman janji kota surga tertinggi dapat mengirimkan langsung, rendah diri penduduk kita akan membalikkan "
kata-kata setan gunung tidak beralasan, oleh karena itu meninggalkan Cooldown kami juga menjadi sangat terbatas, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. hampir memasuki kondisi liar, membawa prosesi lentera naik membunuh mana-mana tiba-tiba, tapi palu dari dewa guntur setelah semua adalah yang tertinggi kota surga serikat buruh pertama, kekuatan keras jauh lebih kuat, bahkan jika itu ketika kemenangan sedekat sebelumnya adalah mempertahankan kekuatan melawan sangat tirani, di bawah pemanah, Mage dan lainnya Kelas 10 orang dari salah satu kelompok semburan, naik prosesi lentera, tepi pisau besi naik membunuh untuk diberhentikan, 5 W orang yang perang ini, gunung setan yang dipimpin tidak diragukan lagi tidak banyak yang tersisa, tapi kerugian [Zhan panjang] yang sama lebih dari setengah, kaki. Jelas palu dari serikat buruh dewa ini guntur kekuatan.
Thousand sayap es balik membawa dingin angin dingin menusuk tulang, instrumen kupu-kupu ajaib di tangan saya ternyata tarian naik dan turun membunuh, tidak ada dasar dapat menyimpan off , yang [Zhan panjang] orang kecepatan penuh muka, selain dampak karang naga kavaleri, cepat gelombang pertahanan setan gunung akhirnya organisasi menerobos, melanjutkan lagi, hanya pemain yang ditransmisikan dari kota surga tertinggi, [ Zhan panjang] depan orang-orang terburu-buru permukaan tanpa ragu-ragu pergi mengesankan, adalah pertempuran berdarah.
Sekitar 10 menit dari Cooldown, saya dan Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian, Li Mu et al. dipimpin [Zhan Panjang] mungkin 1 W + orang untuk mendekati transmisi, namun pinggiran sebenarnya penuh adalah pemain kota surga tertinggi yang mentransmisikan, estimasi kisaran setidaknya melampaui penonton dari 10 W, transmisi di depan, Majusi NPC di lingkungan kota surga tertinggi telah menaati hukum kekuatan untuk transmisi di samping.
"membunuh, daging semua Majusi!"
Ran Min bellow, menghasut kuda perang menduduki umum gila dari, tapi satu detik dari heroik dan dewa elegi kematian, dibintangi tepi pisau et al. juga tidak lagi ragu-ragu, bergegas ke depan bersama-sama dengan Ran Min.
"Gelar tanah seseorang!"
Roh jahat gunung adalah meningkatkan api dewa tombak, menusuk perut yang prosesi darah sisa lentera naik dari kemenangan atas dirinya tombak tiba-tiba tajam segera, di saat yang sama berseru keras: "Melindungi Guru NPC, mendukung periode waktu lagi, Long Jing lapisan mineral di area terbatas naga ini milik kota kami tertinggi surga pasti!"
Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. cepat menyerang, sebenarnya dengan tebal menghalangi dinding perisai, gunung setan telah setidaknya diselenggarakan lebih dari 20 pemain perisai tumpang tindih perlindungan dari luar transmisi, dan ini naik perang adalah pemain adalah pemain elit di tertinggi negara kota surga serikat buruh, meskipun kebangsaan simbol di atas masing-masing kepala tidak sama, tetapi bekerja dengan upaya bersama sebenarnya berjuang.
Tubuhku tenggelam menaikkan pedang tajam bentrok untuk pergi, yang berdebar instrumen kupu-kupu ajaib, seluruh orang menyajikan kondisi dampak sekrup memasuki kerumunan, daging pedang untuk membagi, memotong tertinggi ksatria kota surga retrocedes, tetapi sebenarnya hanya dapat membuka saluran, tidak bisa membasmi pertahanan pengaturan sementara setan gunung benar-benar, beberapa ribu cavalries tebing naga yang bahkan Chi Yu Han dingin mengarah setan divisi gunung diinginkan, pembantai dari kekalahan dalam detail, lagi seperti juga tertunda, ini kekuatan militer kita yang benar-benar berbahaya.
saya khawatir, Fang Geque, Ye ke
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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