Chloe packed her bag first thing in the morning and put her jeans and  terjemahan - Chloe packed her bag first thing in the morning and put her jeans and  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chloe packed her bag first thing in

Chloe packed her bag first thing in the morning and put her jeans and T-shirt back on.

Last night had been too close. She’d wanted Chase too much.

Which was why she couldn’t stay here any longer.

A new basket of pastries and fruit was on the counter for her again and pride should have dictated that she walk right by it, but that would have been plain stupid. She didn’t have the money for a taxi. Which meant she was going to be walking out of here, down long country roads until she could find a bus stop.

Pride was fine and dandy. But not when she was going to desperately need the fuel to keep going.

Only, what had tasted so delicious the previous morning was sawdust in her mouth now, and she had to force herself to eat the croissant she’d picked up.

Of course, the folded note with Chloe written on it in Chase’s handwriting didn’t help, either. As she chewed and swallowed, she stared at the paper.

She swore it stared back.

It would be better not to read it. Just to walk out of here, say her thank-yous and goodbyes, and forget she’d ever met a beautiful man whose kisses tasted like heaven.

But Chase had been nothing but kind to her. So kind, in fact, that instead of taking her the way she’d been so desperate to be taken the previous evening, he’d put a halt to their kisses. He’d actually pulled his hand from her panties after she came for him and walked her home without another touch.

Oh, that first kiss had been intense. Wicked. Perfect. She could have kissed him all night. Chloe had dreamed of that kiss all night long, could still feel the way they’d almost been taking breath from each other’s lungs. She’d woken up aching for another kiss…and for the chance to cuddle up with Chase under a blanket somewhere and just kiss all night long.

It was that urge to cuddle with him, that desperate desire to feel warm and safe, that clarified her intention. She had to leave.

But the truth was, she’d wonder what had been in his note every second of every day if she didn’t look at it. As she grabbed it off the counter top, the edges crumpled with her rough handling.


I hope you slept well. One day soon, I’m going to be able to enjoy breakfast with you. I’m looking forward to that. A lot.

Please join us again today. Everyone thinks you’re great.

See you soon,



P.S. It does need all caps, don’t you think?

Somewhere between the A lot and the crossed-out Hotstuff, all the tingly, mushy feelings that Chloe had been trying to squash inside of herself popped back to life. Bigger and stronger than they’d been before, even.

Last night, she’d been riding a light buzz and enjoying herself until Marcus’s innocent questions. At which point she’d started guzzling his wine. Chase had known she wasn’t all there, that the wine had dulled her just enough for her to give up control without a thought of protecting herself.

But they’d been so close to what she’d wanted and a not-so-secret part of her wished that he hadn’t stopped them from making love. So much of her wished that he had just taken advantage of the fact that she was a little drunk.

What was wrong with her? If that’s what she was wishing for, then she had some serious problems. And Lord knew if she couldn’t control her mind—or body—around Chase any better than that, staying was definitely out of the question.

It didn’t matter that she still had nowhere to go. It didn’t matter that her situation with her ex hadn’t changed and that she still needed to deal with police and see what they could do—if anything—to help her. Enough of this fantasy la-la-winery-land, with the beautiful clothes, pretending that this great guy was hers. None of that was reality. It was just prolonging the inevitable for another three days: Dealing with her ex, making sure he never hurt her again, and then rebuilding her life from the ground up and making sure it was the life she wanted this time.

Now for the hard part: saying goodbye to Chase.

Something told her it was going to be harder than getting hit in the face by her ex. More painful than driving into a ditch. Worse than standing in the middle of a hail storm.

Chase had been incredibly honorable. She owed him the same respect. She wasn’t just going to sneak away. She wasn’t just going to leave him a note like a coward.

She needed to head out to the vineyards where he was photographing the models with his crew, pull up her big-girl panties, and say a proper goodbye to his face. Sneaking out was for wimps. And even though the wimp inside her longed to prevail, it was time for her to learn how to be strong.

It was time to tell Chase goodbye.

* * *

“Chloe, thank God you’re here!”

Jeremy looked frazzled. And not just because he’d been enjoying the fruits of Marcus’s cellar along with the rest of them the previous night.

“Chase was just about to send me to see if you were up yet.” His glasses were on crooked as he explained, “Alice has the stomach flu.”

“I’ll go check on her,” Chloe immediately offered, dropping her bag to the ground.

Jeremy grabbed her arm. “No! I mean, a doctor has been in to see her, but we can’t risk anyone else getting sick if they don’t have it already.”

Chloe shook her head. “But I’m not part of the crew. I can stay with her and then you all can—”

She felt Chase’s presence a split second before he moved into her line of vision. “We need you to take over for her.”

Chloe blinked once. Twice. “Me?” She frowned. “What makes you think I can take over for her?”

“You were a lifesaver yesterday.”

“I sewed up one dress.”

“You did more than that. I saw you talking with Alice, helping her put outfits together.”

Chloe shook her head. “They were offhand comments. I wasn’t trying to take over her job.”

“I know that. She knows that. But the fact is, you’ve got a great eye for color and pattern. You instinctively know what works. And the models trust you. They like you. That matters more than you know. If they feel great, they look great.”

She opened her mouth to protest again, but before she could, he moved a little closer, close enough that her already racing heart all but jumped out of her chest. “We all need your help. I need your help.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chloe makan tasnya hal pertama di pagi hari dan memakai jeans dan T-shirt dia kembali.Tadi malam telah terlalu dekat. Dia telah ingin mengejar terlalu banyak.Itulah sebabnya ia tidak bisa tinggal di sini lagi.Baru keranjang kue-kue dan buah pada konter untuknya lagi dan kebanggaan harus mendikte bahwa dia berjalan baik olehnya, tapi itu akan menjadi bodoh. Dia tidak punya uang untuk taksi. Yang berarti dia akan berjalan keluar dari sini, turun panjang jalan negara sampai dia dapat menemukan sebuah pemberhentian bus.Kebanggaan itu baik-baik saja dan pesolek. Tetapi tidak ketika ia akan membutuhkan bahan bakar untuk terus berjalan.Hanya, apa telah merasakan begitu lezat pagi sebelumnya serbuk gergaji di mulutnya sekarang, dan dia harus memaksa dirinya untuk makan roti croissant yang dia telah mengambil.Tentu saja, catatan dilipat dengan Chloe Simon yang tertulis di atasnya dalam tulisan tangan Chase tidak membantu, baik. Saat dia mengunyah dan menelan, dia menatap kertas.Dia bersumpah Ia menatap kembali.Akan lebih baik untuk tidak membacanya. Hanya untuk berjalan keluar dari sini, mengatakan thank-yous-nya dan selamat tinggal, dan lupa dia pernah bertemu seorang pria yang indah ciuman yang terasa seperti surga.Tapi Chase telah apa-apa tapi baik baginya. Jadi baik, pada kenyataannya, bahwa alih-alih mengambil dia cara ia telah begitu putus asa untuk diambil malam sebelumnya, ia akan meredakan ciuman mereka. Dia telah benar-benar menarik tangannya dari celana setelah ia datang untuk dia dan berjalan ke rumah tanpa sentuhan lain.Oh, that first kiss had been intense. Wicked. Perfect. She could have kissed him all night. Chloe had dreamed of that kiss all night long, could still feel the way they’d almost been taking breath from each other’s lungs. She’d woken up aching for another kiss…and for the chance to cuddle up with Chase under a blanket somewhere and just kiss all night long.It was that urge to cuddle with him, that desperate desire to feel warm and safe, that clarified her intention. She had to leave.But the truth was, she’d wonder what had been in his note every second of every day if she didn’t look at it. As she grabbed it off the counter top, the edges crumpled with her rough handling.Chloe,I hope you slept well. One day soon, I’m going to be able to enjoy breakfast with you. I’m looking forward to that. A lot.Please join us again today. Everyone thinks you’re great.See you soon,HotstuffHOTSTUFFP.S. It does need all caps, don’t you think?Somewhere between the A lot and the crossed-out Hotstuff, all the tingly, mushy feelings that Chloe had been trying to squash inside of herself popped back to life. Bigger and stronger than they’d been before, even.Last night, she’d been riding a light buzz and enjoying herself until Marcus’s innocent questions. At which point she’d started guzzling his wine. Chase had known she wasn’t all there, that the wine had dulled her just enough for her to give up control without a thought of protecting herself.But they’d been so close to what she’d wanted and a not-so-secret part of her wished that he hadn’t stopped them from making love. So much of her wished that he had just taken advantage of the fact that she was a little drunk.What was wrong with her? If that’s what she was wishing for, then she had some serious problems. And Lord knew if she couldn’t control her mind—or body—around Chase any better than that, staying was definitely out of the question.It didn’t matter that she still had nowhere to go. It didn’t matter that her situation with her ex hadn’t changed and that she still needed to deal with police and see what they could do—if anything—to help her. Enough of this fantasy la-la-winery-land, with the beautiful clothes, pretending that this great guy was hers. None of that was reality. It was just prolonging the inevitable for another three days: Dealing with her ex, making sure he never hurt her again, and then rebuilding her life from the ground up and making sure it was the life she wanted this time.Now for the hard part: saying goodbye to Chase.Something told her it was going to be harder than getting hit in the face by her ex. More painful than driving into a ditch. Worse than standing in the middle of a hail storm.Chase had been incredibly honorable. She owed him the same respect. She wasn’t just going to sneak away. She wasn’t just going to leave him a note like a coward.Dia diperlukan untuk pergi ke kebun-kebun anggur yang mana dia adalah memotret model dengan kru, menarik besar-gadis Celana, dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal tepat wajahnya. Menyelinap keluar adalah untuk pengecut. Dan walau pengecut di dalam dirinya rindu untuk menang, itu adalah waktu baginya untuk belajar bagaimana menjadi kuat.Sudah waktunya untuk mengatakan selamat tinggal Chase.* * *"Chloe, terima kasih Tuhan kau di sini!"Jeremy tampak letih. Dan bukan hanya karena ia telah telah menikmati buah dari Marcus's gudang bersama dengan sisa dari mereka malam sebelumnya."Chase adalah hanya tentang untuk mengirim saya untuk melihat apakah Anda masih naik." Kacamatanya berada di bengkok ketika ia menjelaskan, "Alice memiliki flu perut.""Aku akan pergi memeriksa pada dirinya," Chloe segera ditawarkan, menjatuhkan tasnya ke tanah.Jeremy menyambar lengannya. "Tidak! Maksudku, dokter telah melihat dia, tetapi kita tidak risiko orang lain mendapatkan sakit jika mereka tidak memilikinya sudah."Chloe menggelengkan kepalanya. "Tapi saya bukan bagian dari awak. Aku bisa tinggal dengan dia dan kemudian Anda semua bisa — "Dia merasa kehadiran Chase sepersekian detik sebelum ia pindah ke baris dari penglihatan. "Kami membutuhkan Anda untuk mengambil alih baginya."Chloe berkedip sekali. Dua kali. "Saya?" Dia mengerutkan kening. "Apa yang membuat Anda berpikir saya dapat mengambil alih untuknya?""Anda adalah penyelamat hari.""Aku menjahit gaun satu.""Anda melakukan lebih dari itu. Saya melihat Anda berbicara dengan Alice, membantu pakaian menempatkan bersama-sama."Chloe menggelengkan kepalanya. "Mereka yang begitu saja komentar. Saya tidak mencoba untuk mengambil alih pekerjaan.""Aku tahu bahwa. Dia tahu bahwa. Tetapi kenyataannya adalah, Anda punya mata yang besar untuk warna dan pola. Anda secara naluriah tahu apa yang bekerja. Dan model mempercayai Anda. Mereka menyukai Anda. Lebih daripada yang Anda tahu yang penting. Jika mereka merasa besar, mereka tampak hebat."Dia membuka mulutnya untuk memprotes lagi, tetapi sebelum dia bisa, dia pindah sedikit lebih dekat, menutup cukup bahwa dia sudah jantung berdebar semua tapi melompat keluar dari dadanya. "Kita semua butuh bantuan Anda. Saya butuh bantuan Anda."
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