St. Basil's was built to commemorate the capture of the Tatar strongho terjemahan - St. Basil's was built to commemorate the capture of the Tatar strongho Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

St. Basil's was built to commemorat

St. Basil's was built to commemorate the capture of the Tatar stronghold of Kazan in 1552, which occured on the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin. The cathedral was thus officially named Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin by the Moat (the moat being one that originally ran beside the Kremlin).

But the cathedral was popularly known as St. Basil's Cathedral, after St. Basil the Blessed (a.k.a. St. Basil Fool for Christ; 1468-1552), almost from the beginning. Basil impressed Ivan in 1547 when he foretold a fire that swept through Moscow that year. Upon his death, Basil was buried in the Trinity Cathedral that stood on this site at the time.

The Cathedral of the Intercession a.k.a. St. Basil's Cathedral was constructed from 1555 to 1560. Legend has it that after it was completed, Ivan had the architect blinded in order to prevent him from building a more magnificent building for anyone else. (In fact, he went on to build another cathedral in Vladimir.)

In 1588, Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich added a ninth chapel added on the eastern side to house the grave of St. Basil.

In modern times, St. Basil's came very close to falling victim to Stalin, who resented that it prevented his soldiers from leaving Red Square en masse. But the architect Baranovsky stood on the cathedral's steps and threatened to cut his own throat if the masterpiece was destroyed and Stalin relented (but punished Baranovsky with five years in prison).

More recently, St. Basil's Cathedral has suffered significant damage from weather and neglect. It was not until the Millennium that funds were allocated to restore its foundations and flaking surfaces.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
St. Basil's was built to commemorate the capture of the Tatar stronghold of Kazan in 1552, which occured on the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin. The cathedral was thus officially named Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin by the Moat (the moat being one that originally ran beside the Kremlin).But the cathedral was popularly known as St. Basil's Cathedral, after St. Basil the Blessed (a.k.a. St. Basil Fool for Christ; 1468-1552), almost from the beginning. Basil impressed Ivan in 1547 when he foretold a fire that swept through Moscow that year. Upon his death, Basil was buried in the Trinity Cathedral that stood on this site at the time.The Cathedral of the Intercession a.k.a. St. Basil's Cathedral was constructed from 1555 to 1560. Legend has it that after it was completed, Ivan had the architect blinded in order to prevent him from building a more magnificent building for anyone else. (In fact, he went on to build another cathedral in Vladimir.)In 1588, Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich added a ninth chapel added on the eastern side to house the grave of St. Basil.In modern times, St. Basil's came very close to falling victim to Stalin, who resented that it prevented his soldiers from leaving Red Square en masse. But the architect Baranovsky stood on the cathedral's steps and threatened to cut his own throat if the masterpiece was destroyed and Stalin relented (but punished Baranovsky with five years in prison).More recently, St. Basil's Cathedral has suffered significant damage from weather and neglect. It was not until the Millennium that funds were allocated to restore its foundations and flaking surfaces.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
St Basil dibangun untuk memperingati penangkapan Tatar kubu Kazan pada 1552, yang terjadi pada Pesta Syafaat dari Perawan. Katedral demikian resmi bernama Katedral Syafaat dari Perawan oleh Moat (parit menjadi salah satu yang awalnya berlari di samping Kremlin). Tapi katedral ini dikenal sebagai Katedral St Basil, setelah St Basil yang Diberkati (alias St . Basil Bodoh bagi Kristus; 1468-1552), hampir dari awal. Basil terkesan Ivan di 1547 ketika ia meramalkan kebakaran yang melanda Moskow tahun itu. Setelah kematiannya, Basil dimakamkan di Katedral Trinity yang berdiri di situs ini pada saat itu. Katedral Syafaat alias Katedral St Basil dibangun dari 1555 ke 1560. Legenda mengatakan bahwa setelah itu selesai, Ivan memiliki arsitek buta untuk mencegah dia dari membangun gedung yang lebih megah untuk orang lain. (Bahkan, ia melanjutkan untuk membangun katedral lain di Vladimir.) Pada tahun 1588, Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich menambahkan kapel kesembilan ditambahkan di sisi timur untuk rumah makam St. Basil. Di zaman modern, St. Basil datang sangat dekat dengan jatuh korban Stalin, yang membenci bahwa itu dicegah prajuritnya meninggalkan Red Square secara massal. Tapi arsitek Baranovsky berdiri di tangga katedral dan mengancam akan memotong lehernya sendiri jika karya itu hancur dan Stalin mengalah (tapi dihukum Baranovsky dengan lima tahun penjara). Baru-baru ini, Katedral St Basil telah mengalami kerusakan yang signifikan dari cuaca dan mengabaikan . Tidak sampai Milenium bahwa dana yang dialokasikan untuk mengembalikan dasar dan permukaan mengelupas.

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