Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
25200:16:45, 180--> 00:16:49, 200Bab ilmuwan inibisa mendapatkan cukup obsesif tentang merekabekerja.25300:16:49, 210--> 00:16:52, 200Benar-benar. Kadang-kadang, MonsieurPoirot,25400:16:52, 210--> 00:16:57, 080Kurasa aku bisa mendengar miskin kecilmakhluk-makhluk yang berteriak-teriak di malam hari.25500:16:58, 000--> 00:17:01, 150Sempurna mengerikan.Stephen dan aku adalah sebagai salah satu ini.25600:17:01, 160 00:17:07, 030-->Aku bisa begitu sangat tertekan yangSaya pikir apa yang lega akanmengakhiri semuanya.25700:17:07, 040--> 00:17:10, 040Oh, datang, madame.Tapi apa gunanya saya kepada siapa saja?25800:17:10, 050--> 00:17:16, 070Oh, untuk melangkah ke Unknown besar -dan kemudian John akan gratis.25900:17:17, 070--> 00:17:18, 230Aku akan mengambil susu malted Anda.26000:17:18, 240--> 00:17:21, 240Aku akan datang dengan Anda. Hastings!26100:17:22, 000--> 00:17:24, 100Madame, monsieur.26200:17:24, 110--> 00:17:27, 090Baiklah, tua chap?Ya, saya perlu istirahat.26300:17:29, 080--> 00:17:31, 130Aku mengumpulkan kau ada di sini pertamaperang.26400:17:31, 140--> 00:17:34, 120Ya, pada 1916. Saya datang ke siniconvalesce.26500:17:34, 130--> 00:17:36, 000Saat itulah aku bertemu Poirot.26600:17:36, 010--> 00:17:38, 120Tidak seorang wanita tua mendapatkan dibunuh?Oui.26700:17:39, 060--> 00:17:41, 130Saya sempat di rumahmana ada pembunuhan.26800:17:41, 140 00:17:44, 080-->Dia adalah seorang wanita tua-salah satu pasien saya.26900:17:44, 090--> 00:17:47, 190It was not by any chancethe case of Miss Sharples, was it?27000:17:47,200 --> 00:17:49,230Yes, it was, actually.27100:17:49,240 --> 00:17:52,090Her niece Freda Claywas accused of her poisoning27200:17:52,100 --> 00:17:54,180but there was evidence insufficientto prosecute.27300:17:54,190 --> 00:17:59,010How did you know?Oh, it is my job to know, NurseCraven.27400:17:59,020 --> 00:18:01,060He doesn't miss a trick.27500:18:08,130 --> 00:18:11,170Blasted pigeons.They do a lot of damage, you know.27600:18:12,140 --> 00:18:14,110Toby's always been a fine shot.27700:18:14,120 --> 00:18:16,220Oh.....I used to be.27800:18:16,230 --> 00:18:19,150I often used to think of eveningslike this out in India,27900:18:19,160 --> 00:18:23,010but nothing's ever quite as youpicture it.28000:18:23,020 --> 00:18:27,010I don't know why, but I've got quitea thirst on.28100:18:27,020 --> 00:18:29,080Oh. Have a drink on the house!What d'you say?28200:18:29,090 --> 00:18:31,140Splendid idea!28300:18:33,080 --> 00:18:36,060Have you done the tropics, Norton?No. No, er...28400:18:36,070 --> 00:18:40,060W-W... My hands were t-tied withMother.28500:18:41,190 --> 00:18:43,160You all right, old chap?28600:18:43,170 --> 00:18:45,160Can't s-s-st-stand b-blood.28700:18:45,170 --> 00:18:47,040You get used to it.28800:18:47,050 --> 00:18:50,180Nothing like bagging a few birdsand blasting the odd bunny, eh,Hastings?28900:18:50,190 --> 00:18:54,020Darn good fun.What on earth are you doing, Toby?29000:18:54,030 --> 00:18:57,210I just thought I'd give the fellowsa snifter. You'll do no such thing!29100:18:57,220 --> 00:18:59,120Give that bottle to me!Daisy...29200:18:59,130 --> 00:19:04,060How do you think we'll ever makethis place pay if you keep standingpeople drinks?29300:19:04,070 --> 00:19:06,160They're old friends, Daisy.29400:19:06,170 --> 00:19:08,210Locked up! That's the way of it.29500:19:08,220 --> 00:19:12,100I won't have it.You won't? Who are you, I'd like toknow?29600:19:19,110 --> 00:19:21,140I'm... I'm awfully sorry, you chaps.29700:19:21,150 --> 00:19:23,100We...29800:19:23,110 --> 00:19:27,130We seem to have run out of whisky.Do you know, I'm not that thirsty,anyway.29900:19:27,140 --> 00:19:29,150We'll soon be having dinner.30000:19:29,160 --> 00:19:31,130Oh, dinner, yes.30100:19:31,140 --> 00:19:33,110Don't worry, Toby, old chap. We'lllive.30200:19:35,190 --> 00:19:39,220Right. Stretch the old pins beforemess call.30300:19:44,060 --> 00:19:47,040Splendid chap, isn't he?Yes.30400:19:47,050 --> 00:19:51,050Whatever he turns his hand to,always makes a success of it.30500:19:51,060 --> 00:19:54,080Some chaps have all the luck.All he needs now is a wife.30600:19:54,090 --> 00:19:56,220So long as she doesn't b-bully him.30700:19:56,230 --> 00:19:58,210He won't get bullied.30800:19:58,220 --> 00:20:00,240He wouldn't let himself.30900:20:02,080 --> 00:20:04,120There's a damned rabbit!Is there?31000:20:04,130 --> 00:20:07,110Nibbling at the bark.I thought I'd wired the place.31100:20:12,110 --> 00:20:13,170My God!31200:20:22,230 --> 00:20:24,230Get Franklin!31300:20:26,190 --> 00:20:28,220It's all right, Mrs Luttrell.31400:20:30,180 --> 00:20:32,200It's all right. That's it.31500:20:32,210 --> 00:20:34,040It's fine.31600:20:52,300 --> 00:20:55,240Franklin's seeing Daisy. She's goingto be fine.31700:20:56,190 --> 00:20:58,200Do you think he did it on purpose?31800:20:58,210 --> 00:21:01,300Well, I did until I saw themtogether. Now I'm not so sure.31900:21:01,310 --> 00:21:04,170Ah...Poor old Luttrell.32000:21:04,180 --> 00:21:08,260I mean Daisy's a good sort, Isuppose, but a chap can only take somuch.32100:21:08,270 --> 00:21:11,120After the bridge, Norton actuallysaid as much.32200:21:11,130 --> 00:21:13,170I'm sure Luttrell heard every word.32300:21:14,230 --> 00:21:16,310The killer is here! I know it!32400:21:16,320 --> 00:21:19,250How do you know?I know!32500:21:19,260 --> 00:21:26,130Whether Luttrell shot his wife byaccident or whether he meant to...itis impossible to prove.32600:21:26,140 --> 00:21:28,100Oh, you'll prove it all right.32700:21:28,110 --> 00:21:31,290You always do.If only life were that simple.32800:21:33,300 --> 00:21:35,300Poirot always gets his man.32900:21:35,310 --> 00:21:38,100Perhaps this time he does not wishto.33000:21:38,110 --> 00:21:40,240You've lost me there, old chap.33100:21:40,250 --> 00:21:42,130Unless, of course...33200:21:43,120 --> 00:21:47,250..someone was hiding in the bushes,and when the colonel fired, theyfired too.33300:21:47,260 --> 00:21:50,230Who might be this mystery killer inthe bushes?33400:21:50,240 --> 00:21:53,280I wouldn't put it pastthat drug-addled Lothario Allerton.33500:21:53,290 --> 00:21:55,340Drug-addled?A chum of Leonard Etherington.33600:21:56,100 --> 00:21:58,260That addict who was poisoned by hiswife.33700:21:58,270 --> 00:22:00,280How do you know this?He told me.33800:22:00,290 --> 00:22:03,120And you did not think to tell it tome?33900:22:03,130 --> 00:22:04,160Well...34000:22:04,170 --> 00:22:07,270The trouble with you, Hastings,is that you are lazy - mentally.34100:22:07,280 --> 00:22:10,260I know I'm not much of a fellowbut you don't have to rub it in.34200:22:10,270 --> 00:22:12,300You do not like to work with this.34300:22:12,310 --> 00:22:15,240We could get someone else on board.Boyd Carrington.34400:22:15,250 --> 00:22:17,280Certainly not.He's a good deal cleverer than me.34500:22:17,290 --> 00:22:20,200That would not be difficult.But Boyd Carrington...34600:22:20,210 --> 00:22:22,270Is a pompous bore,whose memory is so bad34700:22:22,280 --> 00:22:26,100that he tells back to youthe story that you have told to him!34800:22:26,300 --> 00:22:30,290Now, I forbid youto speak of this matter to anyone.34900:22:30,300 --> 00:22:32,290Do you understand?Yes.35000:22:32,300 --> 00:22:36,310It is up to you to follow peoplewhere I cannot go,35100:22:36,320 --> 00:22:40,310to talk to them, to listen to them,to spy on them, watch throughkeyholes.35200:22:40,320 --> 00:22:42,240I will not look through keyholes.35300:22:42,250 --> 00:22:46,150Oh, very well, very well,you will not look through keyholes.35400:22:46,160 --> 00:22:50,180You will remain the English gentlemanand someone will be killed.35500:22:50,190 --> 00:22:52,170Oh, dash it all, Poirot.35600:22:52,180 --> 00:22:57,160You can be quite obstinate at times.Do you know that, Hastings?35700:22:59,100 --> 00:23:01,340I also wish there was someone elseI could trust...35800:23:02,330 --> 00:23:05,200..but I suppose I will have to put upwith you.35900:23:05,210 --> 00:23:09,160And since you cannot use your littleabu-abu sel karena tidak memilikimereka,36000:23:09, 170--> 00:23:12, 310pada setiap tingkat menggunakan mata Anda,telinga, hidung Anda, jika perlu.36100:23:13, 270--> 00:23:17, 330Tetapi hanya, tentu saja,sejauh yang akan menentukan kehormatanmemungkinkan.36200:23:21, 190--> 00:23:23, 270Sekarang pergi.36300:23:24, 180--> 00:23:26, 200Aku sangat lelah.36400:23:42, 120--> 00:23:47, 250Sekali lagi, Apakah Anda... di Anda mematikanlatihan?36500:23:50, 110--> 00:23:52, 150Aku tahu kau akan.36600:23:52, 340--> 00:23:55, 110Untuk dosa-dosa saya, saya tahu Anda akan.36700:23:56, 300--> 00:24:00, 290Tapi sementara aku punya napas dalam tubuh saya, sayaakan...36800:24:29, 250--> 00:24:32, 220Saya akan sialan Anda ke neraka...36900:24:34, 200--> 00:24:36, 240.. biaya apa pun.37000:24:45, 190--> 00:24:47, 230Dia tidak tampak terlalu senang.37100:24:47, 240--> 00:24:49, 190Dia tidak.
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