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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
In this is a focus of public attention, Meng Hao did not hesitate again, he is taking the bronze lamp, has placed. around, in the look reveals decisively, maliciously after clenching teeth, fierce to open mouth, suddenly attractsUnder this attracts, the flame on bronze lamp, fierce swaying, has been separated from the bronze lamp immediately, directly soars Meng Hao to come, suddenly submerges in his mouth.Swallows the god fire!In this Divine Flame of Origin was swallowed in entrance by Meng Hao instant, Meng Hao mind bang, an indescribable flame burning hot, erupts in his throat in an instant.The intensity of flame, resembles to dry the blood of Meng Hao instantaneously, must in blinking just sent, burns down into the flying ash Meng Hao, on his face, no longer is the blue vein blows up, but is ... Had one after another crack.These cracks, are the red, among splitting, as if can see following the crack, if there is a rock magma to tumble, as if momentarily can erupt.Meng Hao sends out sad and shrill whooshing, his body shivers, his both eyes are bringing crazily, the whole person in the starry sky, is not the god fire that as if swallows, but has swallowed a volcano!Also or, he ... Became the volcano!122 Immortal meridians of his within the body, the complete revolution, the random walk of boundless immortal strength bang in within the body, may actually only be able to make Meng Hao maintain reluctantly, is unable to fuse.Nyeri tak terlukiskan, membuat api seluruh tubuh Meng Hao mengerikan, menyerupai batas-batas yang mampu bertahan.Ka suara dengung, Meng Hao retak semakin lebih dan lebih, setelah memiliki diisi seluruh wajah, mengikuti leher leher, menuju bertubuh spread, cepat, celah-celah, berkembang biak di Meng Hao seluruh tubuh.Dalam keretakan ini, mengirimkan merah-merah saja, seolah-olah tubuh-Nya, harus meledak.Tak seorang pun dapat membantu dia, bahkan jika bidang Dao, tidak mampu membantu Meng Hao menekan di saat ini, ini adalah bencana nya, ini adalah arteri, ini adalah pilihan!Hanya kemudian dia, dapat membantu diri sendiri, hanya kemudian dia bertahan ini berlalu, menyatu api dari asal-usul ilahi, self-help yang dapat berhasil."Aku harus berhasil!" Meng Hao kedua mata mengalir keluar api mengerikan, ia merasa saat ini, dalam tubuh terdapat kekuatan yang gila, yang api Tuhan!Jika tidaklah ia 122 Meridian abadi, takut yang berkedip menjadi abu terbang, mungkin memiliki Meridian abadi ini belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Juga mirip seperti sebelumnya pasti... Harus bergerak ke arah keruntuhan.Pada saat ini. Semua bidang Dao patriak. Dengan perhatian menegangkan tampak, Fang klan tempat leluhur, membuka mata, mengungkapkan cemas pada saat yang sama, memiliki kemarahan."Bajingan, bodoh, Anda... Ini Anda anak tampak seperti sangat halus, bekerja begitu kasar. Sialan, 122 arteri juga baik, bagaimana Anda tidak bisa melihat di sisi terang hal! " Ketika klan Fang leluhur cemas, tidak bisa mengembangkan memarahi, tapi cepat, Dia menghela napas, ketika melihat ke Meng Hao, telah mengungkapkan apresiasi intens.Looked with the family that he does not hope Meng Hao so take risks, may look from a cultivator angle. He approves crazy of Meng Hao, the practicing time. Only has to own great strength, nearly dedicated demented person, can call ... Powerhouses!Not is only his here so, these Dao Realm Patriarch, when looks to Meng Hao, was not quite same to the past, they felt the insanity of Meng Hao, felt Meng Hao regarding formidable rigid.This unrestrained gambling, this striving for success, making them change countenance.Three Great Daoist Societies is the same so.Fang Wei in the midair, looks at this, his mind reacted, but his father Fang Xiushan, is the look rouses, reveals the wild with joy meaning.„Courts death, this young animal court death, Ha Ha, explodes to be good!”Ninth Mountain and Sea these Chosen real immortals, at this moment also when seeing Meng Hao is so rigid, the look shows the different facial expressions.
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