[Subaru: …Puh][Emilia: Hihahaha!]Looking at each others faces, they su terjemahan - [Subaru: …Puh][Emilia: Hihahaha!]Looking at each others faces, they su Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

[Subaru: …Puh][Emilia: Hihahaha!]Lo

[Subaru: …Puh]

[Emilia: Hihahaha!]

Looking at each others faces, they suddenly burst out laughing.

For a while they let themselves be taken along by their laughter, but after a little while their laughter started to wane, until silence once again descended upon the carriage.

At that moment,

[Subaru: Letting this heavy atmosphere be, really isn’t like me, is it?]

[Emilia: You’re right, it’s not like you at all. The Subaru I know is a much more spirited, unreasonable, lively person. So much so that he completely blows all my bad feelings away]

[Subaru: I feel like that could also be translated into an airhead who can’t read the mood…]

In any case, Otto being there had actually cleared up the mood tremendously. Thanking Otto for this would probably make him angry, but nevertheless, Subaru thanked him in his mind while getting up and sitting down next to Emilia as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Seeing this put a wry smile on Emilia’s face.

[Emilia: You always just naturally sit next to me huh, Subaru?]

[Subaru: Well, it’s natural for someone to want to sit next to the girl they like, so I want to sit as close as I can, and breathe the same air as you]

[Emilia: Geez, the first half of the sentence was embarrassing, and yet somehow the second half of the sentence managed to give off a really bad feeling]

Being hit straight with an earnest confession of love made Emilia’s face turn red, but the pervertedness of the second half made her scowl. Leaning his head toward her at her reaction, Subaru said

[Subaru: Hmm, I was just trying to act like I always do, you know]

[Emilia: Come to think of it, I guess you’ve always been like that. It’s because you’re like that that I’m never able to just take in what you’re saying…]

As Emilia looked at him, her voice turned into a quiet mumble, then faded completely. Subaru scratched his head, considering whether or not he should pick up the conversation…

[Subaru: Guys just can’t mentally handle being straightforward, and not pretending to be kidding around when it comes to this sort of thing. Me loving Emilia-tan, me looking at Emilia-tan in a perverted way, and me wanting to help Emilia-tan are all my true, honest feelings. You can believe that you know?]

[Emilia: I believe it, but believing and accepting are two different things…]

[Subaru: That’s fine with me, believe me, and I’ll work hard until you accept my feelings]

Thinking about it again, that was a pretty aggressive proclamation. In fact, hearing that from Subaru, Emilia’s face was blushing.

Fighting hard to remain unflustered, her cheeks and ears already turned so red that her expression couldn’t keep up. She must never have had anyone express their unconditional fondness for her before. Of course Subaru, the one trying to hit on her, didn’t have any experience either, so his face was also completely red.

Even so,
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
[Subaru: …Puh][Emilia: Hihahaha!]Looking at each others faces, they suddenly burst out laughing.For a while they let themselves be taken along by their laughter, but after a little while their laughter started to wane, until silence once again descended upon the carriage.At that moment,[Subaru: Letting this heavy atmosphere be, really isn’t like me, is it?][Emilia: You’re right, it’s not like you at all. The Subaru I know is a much more spirited, unreasonable, lively person. So much so that he completely blows all my bad feelings away][Subaru: I feel like that could also be translated into an airhead who can’t read the mood…]In any case, Otto being there had actually cleared up the mood tremendously. Thanking Otto for this would probably make him angry, but nevertheless, Subaru thanked him in his mind while getting up and sitting down next to Emilia as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Seeing this put a wry smile on Emilia’s face.[Emilia: You always just naturally sit next to me huh, Subaru?][Subaru: Well, it’s natural for someone to want to sit next to the girl they like, so I want to sit as close as I can, and breathe the same air as you][Emilia: Geez, the first half of the sentence was embarrassing, and yet somehow the second half of the sentence managed to give off a really bad feeling]Being hit straight with an earnest confession of love made Emilia’s face turn red, but the pervertedness of the second half made her scowl. Leaning his head toward her at her reaction, Subaru said[Subaru: Hmm, I was just trying to act like I always do, you know][Emilia: Come to think of it, I guess you’ve always been like that. It’s because you’re like that that I’m never able to just take in what you’re saying…]As Emilia looked at him, her voice turned into a quiet mumble, then faded completely. Subaru scratched his head, considering whether or not he should pick up the conversation…[Subaru: Guys just can’t mentally handle being straightforward, and not pretending to be kidding around when it comes to this sort of thing. Me loving Emilia-tan, me looking at Emilia-tan in a perverted way, and me wanting to help Emilia-tan are all my true, honest feelings. You can believe that you know?][Emilia: I believe it, but believing and accepting are two different things…][Subaru: That’s fine with me, believe me, and I’ll work hard until you accept my feelings]Thinking about it again, that was a pretty aggressive proclamation. In fact, hearing that from Subaru, Emilia’s face was blushing.Fighting hard to remain unflustered, her cheeks and ears already turned so red that her expression couldn’t keep up. She must never have had anyone express their unconditional fondness for her before. Of course Subaru, the one trying to hit on her, didn’t have any experience either, so his face was also completely red.Even so,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
[Subaru: ... Puh]

[Emilia:! Hihahaha]

Melihat satu sama lain wajah, mereka tiba-tiba tertawa terbahak-bahak.

Untuk sementara mereka membiarkan diri mereka dibawa serta oleh tawa mereka, tapi setelah beberapa saat tawa mereka mulai berkurang, sampai keheningan sekali lagi turun ke atas kereta.

pada saat itu,

[Subaru: Membiarkan suasana berat ini menjadi, benar-benar tidak menyukai saya, kan?]

[Emilia: kau benar, tidak seperti Anda sama sekali. Subaru saya tahu adalah semangat tidak masuk akal orang lebih,, hidup. Begitu banyak sehingga ia benar-benar pukulan semua perasaan buruk saya jauh]

[Subaru: Saya merasa seperti itu juga bisa diterjemahkan ke dalam tolol yang tidak bisa membaca suasana hati ...]

Dalam kasus apapun, Otto yang ada telah benar-benar dibersihkan mood sangat . Berterima Otto untuk ini mungkin akan membuat dia marah, namun demikian, Subaru mengucapkan terima kasih dalam pikirannya saat bangun dan duduk di samping Emilia seolah-olah itu adalah hal paling alami di dunia. Melihat ini menempatkan senyum kecut di wajah Emilia ini.

[Emilia: Anda selalu hanya alami duduk di sebelah saya ya, Subaru?]

[Subaru: Yah, itu wajar bagi seseorang untuk ingin duduk di samping gadis yang mereka sukai, jadi saya ingin duduk sedekat mungkin, dan menghirup udara yang sama seperti Anda]

[Emilia: Ya ampun, semester pertama kalimat itu memalukan, namun entah bagaimana paruh kedua kalimat berhasil mengeluarkan perasaan benar-benar buruk]

menjadi memukul langsung dengan pengakuan sungguh-sungguh cinta membuat wajah Emilia ini berubah menjadi merah, tapi pervertedness babak kedua membuat cemberut nya. Bersandar kepala ke arah dia di reaksinya, Subaru mengatakan

[Subaru: Hmm, aku hanya mencoba untuk bertindak seperti yang selalu saya lakukan, Anda tahu]

[Emilia: Kalau dipikir-pikir itu, saya kira Anda selalu seperti itu. Itu karena Anda seperti itu bahwa aku tidak pernah bisa hanya mengambil dalam apa yang Anda katakan ...]

Sebagai Emilia menatapnya, suaranya berubah menjadi bergumam tenang, kemudian memudar sepenuhnya. Subaru menggaruk kepalanya, mempertimbangkan apakah atau tidak ia harus mengambil percakapan ...

[Subaru: Pria tidak bisa mental menangani menjadi mudah, dan tidak berpura-pura bercanda ketika datang ke hal semacam ini. Saya mencintai Emilia-tan, saya melihat Emilia-tan dengan cara menyimpang, dan saya ingin membantu Emilia-tan semua benar, perasaan jujur saya. Anda dapat percaya bahwa Anda tahu]?

[Emilia: Saya percaya itu, tapi percaya dan menerima adalah dua hal yang berbeda ...]

[Subaru: Itu baik-baik saja dengan saya, percaya saya, dan saya akan bekerja keras sampai Anda menerima perasaanku]

Berpikir tentang lagi, itu adalah proklamasi cukup agresif. Bahkan, mendengar bahwa dari Subaru, wajah Emilia ini memerah.

Berjuang keras untuk tetap unflustered, pipi dan telinganya sudah berubah sehingga merah yang ekspresinya tidak bisa mengikuti. Dia pasti tidak memiliki siapa pun mengungkapkan kesukaan tanpa syarat mereka untuknya sebelum. Tentu saja Subaru, yang mencoba untuk memukul pada dirinya, tidak punya pengalaman baik, sehingga wajahnya juga benar-benar merah.

Meski begitu,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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