Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Pada zaman dahulu, ketika berharap masih melakukan beberapa baik, hiduplah seorang raja yang perempuan pula telah menjadi semua cantik, tapi yang termuda ini begitu indah bahwa matahari itu sendiri, yang, memang, telah melihat begitu banyak, kagum setiap kali itu menyinari wajahnya. Di sekitar istana raja itu ada sebuah hutan yang besar, gelap, dan di hutan ini, di bawah pohon linden tua, ada sebuah sumur. Di panas hari putri akan pergi ke hutan dan duduk di tepi sumur keren. Untuk melewatkan waktu dia akan mengambil bola emas, melemparkan ke udara, dan kemudian menangkapnya. Itu adalah mainan favorit nya.Sekarang satu hari itu terjadi bahwa sang putri bola emas tidak jatuh ke dalam tangan-Nya, bahwa ia mengangkat tinggi, tetapi sebaliknya itu jatuh ke tanah dan berguling tepat ke dalam air. Putri diikuti dengan matanya, tetapi bola menghilang, dan sumur itu begitu dalam bahwa dia tidak bisa melihat alasnya. Kemudian ia mulai menangis. Dia menangis keras dan kencang, dan dia tidak bisa menghibur dirinya.Karena dengan demikian ia meratapi, seseorang berteriak kepadanya, "apa itu masalah dengan Anda, putri? Menangis Anda akan mengubah batu untuk belas kasihan."Dia melihat sekeliling untuk melihat mana suara berasal dari dan melihat katak, yang sudah terjebak kepalanya tebal, jelek dari air. "Oh, itu adalah Anda, lama air-splasher," katanya. "Aku menangis karena bola saya emas telah jatuh ke dalam sumur.""Diamlah dan berhenti menangis," jawab si Katak. Saya dapat membantu Anda, tapi apa yang akan engkau berikan saya jika saya membawa kembali sesudah Anda?""Whatever you want, dear frog," she said, "my clothes, my pearls and precious stones, and even the golden crown that I am wearing."The frog answered, "I do not want your clothes, your pearls and precious stones, nor your golden crown, but if you will love me and accept me as a companion and playmate, and let me sit next to you at your table and eat from your golden plate and drink from your cup and sleep in your bed, if you will promise this to me, then I'll dive down and bring your golden ball back to you.""Oh, yes," she said, "I promise all of that to you if you will just bring the ball back to me." But she thought, "What is this stupid frog trying to say? He just sits here in the water with his own kind and croaks. He cannot be a companion to a human."As soon as the frog heard her say "yes" he stuck his head under and dove to the bottom. He paddled back up a short time later with the golden ball in his mouth and threw it onto the grass. The princess was filled with joy when she saw her beautiful plaything once again, picked it up, and ran off."Wait, wait," called the frog, "take me along. I cannot run as fast as you." But what did it help him, that he croaked out after her as loudly as he could? She paid no attention to him, but instead hurried home and soon forgot the poor frog, who had to return again to his well.The next day the princess was sitting at the table with the king and all the people of the court, and was eating from her golden plate when something came creeping up the marble steps: plip, plop, plip, plop. As soon as it reached the top, there came a knock at the door, and a voice called out, "Princess, youngest, open the door for me!"She ran to see who was outside. She opened the door, and the frog was sitting there. Frightened, she slammed the door shut and returned to the table. The king saw that her heart was pounding and asked, "My child, why are you afraid? Is there a giant outside the door who wants to get you?""Oh, no," she answered. "it is a disgusting frog.""What does the frog want from you?""Oh, father dear, yesterday when I was sitting near the well in the forest and playing, my golden ball fell into the water. And because I was crying so much, the frog brought it back, and because he insisted, I promised him that he could be my companion, but I didn't think that he could leave his water. But now he is just outside the door and wants to come in."Just then there came a second knock at the door, and a voice called out:Youngest daughter of the king,Open up the door for me,Don't you know what yesterday,You said to me down by the well?Youngest daughter of the king,Open up the door for me.The king said, "What you have promised, you must keep. Go and let the frog in."She went and opened the door, and the frog hopped in, then followed her up to her chair. He sat there and called out, "Lift me up next to you."She hesitated, until finally the king commanded her to do it. When the frog was seated next to her he said, "Now push your golden plate closer, so we can eat together."She did it, but one could see that she did not want to. The frog enjoyed his meal, but for her every bite stuck in her throat. Finally he said, "I have eaten all I want and am tired. Now carry me to your room and make your bed so that we can go to sleep."The princess began to cry and was afraid of the cold frog and did not dare to even touch him, and yet he was supposed to sleep in her beautiful, clean bed.The king became angry and
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