“Repeat after me,” she said. “I, Jennifer Nolan, do swear on this stac terjemahan - “Repeat after me,” she said. “I, Jennifer Nolan, do swear on this stac Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Repeat after me,” she said. “I, Je

“Repeat after me,” she said. “I, Jennifer Nolan, do swear on this stack of Vogues that I will not scuff, scratch, or scrape Chloe’s Louboutin pumps. If I do, she will make me work the street corner to earn the money to pay for them. So help me, God.” I repeated Chloe’s statement with a straight face, but Kinsley was practically choking on laughter behind her back. Nodding, Chloe threw her magazines back onto her bed. “You’re good to go. Too bad you’re wasting this on Christian instead of a real date.”
Tell me about it, Chloe. Here we are on day four and I still haven’t met anybody. Still, I’ve been spending all my time on campus—going to class, studying, hanging with the girls. Going to the party dressed like this might put me in the path of some cute guys. If nothing else, I can improve by balance by spending the night trying not to break my neck in Chloe’s shoes.
A knock sounded at the door. I reached for my little silver, beaded clutch and slipped my cellphone and wallet inside. Chloe nodded in approval, so I guess it was a good choice with the dress. Kinsley swung the door open to reveal Luke on the other side.
“Christian went to get the car,” he said. “He’ll be pulling up out front any second. Oh, Kinsley, Mr. Wonderful is here.”
Kinsley jumped up at that and raced past Luke and down the stairs. I could hear her squeal and jump into her boyfriend, Aaron’s, arms.
“Ugh, gag,” Chloe mumbled as she shoved the clothes littering her bed aside and laid across the mattress. Reaching for the container of assorted nail polish on her nightstand, she went about choosing a color and forgot all about me and Luke.
His eyebrows shot up as he noticed my getup. “Wow,” he said. “You look … stunning.”
I ran a hand through my hair, which was now falling in soft waves thanks to the curlers. “You don’t think it’s too much?”
Luke flashed that boyish grin. “I think it’s just right. Too bad you’re wasting it on Christian.”
“That’s what Chloe said.”
Luke snorted. “Yeah, we’ve all been living together too long.”
A horn beeped outside—Christian pulling up out front. “Geesh, whatever happened to coming to the door for your date?” I grumbled as I passed through the doorway and into the hall. Luke followed, his hand resting on the small of my back. Kinsley and Aaron were snuggling on the couch and oblivious to everything else, so I didn’t bother to say good-bye.
“Fake date, no chivalry.”
“Still, I’m doing him a favor.”
I reached for the door, but his arm brushed mine as he stretched it out to grasp the knob before me. He swung it open and offered me the crook of his arm. “Milady,” he said in a terrible British accent. “Thou chariot awaiteth.”
Taking his arm, I giggled and let him lead me out into the front yard. “Awaiteth is not a word.”
“It is tonight,” he said as we walked down the front steps, steadying me as I wobbled on Chloe’s heels. “Are you going to make it through the party on those stilts?”
I gritted my teeth and forced myself to walk with grace and a slight swing of the hips. I was not going to fall in these heels, I wasn’t! “How hard can it be?”
Considering that the only heels I’m comfortable in are wedges—and even then only moderately so—it was going to be a taller order than I let on.
Christian hung his head out the window of his black Audi as we approached the curb and whistled.
“Right?” Luke agreed. “She almost looks hot.”
I elbowed him in the ribs and he doubled over. “Jerk.”
“Have fun, kids,” he said, still clutching his middle as Christian got out to open the passenger door for me. “Chris, have her back by midnight or you’ll turn into a pumpkin.”
We both waved good-bye before Christian peeled off from the curb. Fallout Boy blasted through the speakers as he merged onto I-35. The night was coming alive, and soon downtown would be clogged with students headed to 6th Street to blow off a little steam. We bypassed downtown and headed west, putting the bustling city behind us. Half an hour later, we arrived in what I think is the most beautiful part of Austin. If you live downtown, you could never know Austin could be so green or scenic. With the sun setting, the rocky ledges on either side of us were glowing red and orange, kissed by a pink glow. Then we came out into the neighborhood Christian had grown up in. The houses sprawled on large plots of land, with the lake running behind them. Boats floated in boat garages and docks jutted out from people’s backyards. As we drove down the winding road and descended into Rich-ville, Christian turned to me.
“Thanks for doing this. I’d have asked Chloe, but …”
He trailed off and I nodded in understanding. Chloe didn’t have the tact to deal with Christian’s mother; she was too outspoken. I was perfect for Christian’s fake girlfriend: pretty, but not too pretty; outgoing, but not outspoken; smart, but not a know-it-all.
“It’s cool,” I said as he pulled into his parents’ circular drive. Their three-story, white stone house loomed over us.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Repeat after me,” she said. “I, Jennifer Nolan, do swear on this stack of Vogues that I will not scuff, scratch, or scrape Chloe’s Louboutin pumps. If I do, she will make me work the street corner to earn the money to pay for them. So help me, God.” I repeated Chloe’s statement with a straight face, but Kinsley was practically choking on laughter behind her back. Nodding, Chloe threw her magazines back onto her bed. “You’re good to go. Too bad you’re wasting this on Christian instead of a real date.”Tell me about it, Chloe. Here we are on day four and I still haven’t met anybody. Still, I’ve been spending all my time on campus—going to class, studying, hanging with the girls. Going to the party dressed like this might put me in the path of some cute guys. If nothing else, I can improve by balance by spending the night trying not to break my neck in Chloe’s shoes.A knock sounded at the door. I reached for my little silver, beaded clutch and slipped my cellphone and wallet inside. Chloe nodded in approval, so I guess it was a good choice with the dress. Kinsley swung the door open to reveal Luke on the other side.“Christian went to get the car,” he said. “He’ll be pulling up out front any second. Oh, Kinsley, Mr. Wonderful is here.”Kinsley jumped up at that and raced past Luke and down the stairs. I could hear her squeal and jump into her boyfriend, Aaron’s, arms."Ugh, muntah," Chloe pasrah seperti dia mendorong pakaian mengotori tidurnya samping dan meletakkan seluruh kasur. Mencapai untuk wadah dari berbagai macam nail polish di meja nya, dia pergi tentang memilih warna dan lupa semua tentang saya dan Lukas.Alis nya terangkat seperti dia menyadari getup saya. "Wow," katanya. "Anda terlihat... menakjubkan."Aku berlari tangan melalui rambut saya, yang sekarang jatuh dalam lembut gelombang berkat pengeriting. "Kau tidak berpikir terlalu banyak?"Lukas berkelebat menyeringai yang kekanak-kanakan. "Saya pikir itu tepat. Terlalu buruk Anda membuang pada Kristen.""Itu adalah apa yang dikatakan Chloe."Lukas mendengus. "Ya, kita semua telah hidup bersama terlalu panjang."Klakson berbunyi luar — Kristen menarik depan. "Geesh, apa pun terjadi untuk datang ke pintu untuk kencan Anda?" Saya menggerutu saat aku melewati melalui pintu dan ke aula. Lukas diikuti, tangannya, bertumpu pada kecil punggung saya. Kinsley dan Harun adalah snuggling di sofa dan menyadari segala sesuatu yang lain, jadi aku tidak repot-repot untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal."Palsu tanggal, ksatria tidak.""Namun, saya melakukan nya bantuan."Saya mencapai pintu, tetapi lengannya disikat tambang seperti dia mengulurkan itu untuk memahami tombol sebelum aku. Ia mengayunkan terbuka dan menawarkan saya lekuk tangannya. "Milady," katanya dalam aksen Inggris mengerikan. "Engkau kereta awaiteth."Mengambil tangannya, saya terkekeh dan membiarkan dia memimpin saya keluar ke halaman depan. "Awaiteth bukanlah kata.""Ini adalah malam ini," katanya ketika kami berjalan menuruni tangga depan, memantapkan saya sebagai saya bergetar pada tumit Chloe. "Apakah Anda akan untuk membuatnya melalui Partai panggung mereka?"Aku mengertakkan gigi dan memaksa diri untuk berjalan dengan rahmat dan ayunan sedikit pinggul. Aku tidak akan jatuh di tumit ini, aku tidak! "Betapa sulitnya bisa?"Mengingat bahwa hanya tumit aku sedang nyaman dalam irisan — dan bahkan kemudian hanya cukup begitu-itu akan menjadi urutan yang lebih tinggi daripada aku membiarkan.Kristen tergantung kepalanya keluar jendela Audi nya hitam seperti kita mendekati pinggir jalan dan bersiul."Benar?" Lukas setuju. "Dia hampir tampak panas."Saya menyikut dia di tulang rusuk dan dia dua kali lipat. "Brengsek.""Bersenang-senang anak-anak," katanya, masih clutching nya tengah sebagai Kristen keluar untuk membuka pintu penumpang bagi saya. "Chris, memiliki dia kembali pada tengah malam atau Anda akan berubah menjadi labu."Kami berdua melambaikan selamat tinggal sebelum Kristen yang dibuang dari pinggir jalan. Laki-laki Fallout terkutuk melalui speaker sebagai ia bergabung ke I-35. Malam datang hidup, dan segera pusat akan tersumbat dengan siswa menuju 6th Street untuk meniup sedikit Uap. Kami melewati pusat kota dan menuju ke Barat, menempatkan kota yang ramai di belakang kami. Setengah jam kemudian, kami tiba di apa yang saya pikir adalah bagian paling indah dari Austin. Jika Anda tinggal di pusat kota, Anda tidak pernah bisa tahu Austin bisa jadi hijau atau indah. Dengan matahari terbenam, birai berbatu di kedua sisi kita bersinar merah dan oranye, dicium oleh cahaya merah muda. Kemudian kami keluar ke lingkungan Kristen telah bertumbuh dalam. Rumah-rumah yang tergeletak di plot besar tanah, dengan danau yang menjalankan di belakang mereka. Perahu-perahu yang mengambang di garasi perahu dan dermaga jutted dari halaman belakang rakyat. Ketika kami melaju menyusuri jalan berkelok-kelok dan turun menjadi kaya-ville, Kristen berubah bagi saya."Terima kasih untuk melakukan ini. Saya telah meminta Chloe, tapi... "Dia membuntuti dan aku mengangguk dalam pemahaman. Chloe tidak memiliki kebijaksanaan untuk berurusan dengan orang Kristen ibu; Dia juga berbicara. Saya adalah sempurna untuk orang Kristen palsu pacar: cantik, tapi tidak terlalu cantik; keluar, tapi tidak blak-blakan; cerdas, tapi tidak semuanya."It's cool," kataku sebagai ia ditarik ke dalam drive melingkar orangtuanya. Rumah batu mereka tiga lantai, putih menjulang atas kita.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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