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Menu WikiLeaks ‘Saudi Cables’ reveal secret push to stop Ahmadiyya in Indonesia June 28, 2015 • By Rabwah Times Whistle-blowing website Wikileaks has published more than 60,000 secret documents from Saudi Arabia and said that it had more than half a million additional documents that it will be releasing in the upcoming weeks as part of the “Saudi Cables”. The secretive organization, headed by 43-year-old Australian Julian Assange, was launched in December 2006. The organization facilitates the anonymous leaking of secret information through its website to expose the wrongdoing of governments and corporations. The Saudi Cables include identification cards, visa requests and summaries of news media coverage of the kingdom. The most informative are diplomatic cables from Saudi embassies around the world to the foreign ministry, many of which are then passed along to the office of the king for final decisions. The files, in Arabic, have mostly received a minimal amount attention in the United States press. However, multiple independent journalists around the world have been translating the documents to uncover revelations. Two of the cables reveal the secret role Saudi Arabia has been playing in stopping the spread of the persecuted Ahmadiyya Muslim sect, specifically in Indonesia. One of the cables which is dated March 14, 2012 and is written by the late Saudi Crown Prince Naif bin Abdil Aziz in reply to the several letters and reports received by the Prince from the Head of the Royal Court, Minister of Foreign Affairs and The Saudi Embassy in Jakarta relating to the activities of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Indonesia. The cable reads that “the issue of the Ahmadiyya was discussed by the preparatory committee of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs which came up with a plan to set up practical programs with the help of the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of the Islamic Affairs and the Supreme Islamic Council of Indonesia to stop the spread of Ahmadiyya in Indonesia. ” The cable further reads that “Saudi Embassy in Jakarta should be instructed to explain the danger of Ahmadiyya to the Indonesian Government”. On 23rd April 2012 just a month after the letter from then Crown Prince Naif bin Abdil Aziz a mob of Islamic extremists brutally attacked an Ahmadi mosque in the village of Cipakat in the town of Singaparna in West Java, Indonesia. The attack was attended by at least 80 people affiliated with local Islamic extremist movements, the building was repeatedly hit with rocks and stones, while some of the assailants stormed into the building destroying objects. The second cable is from the former Saudi King “Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud” and is in reply to the first cable by the Crown Prince “Naif bin Abdil Aziz”. In the cable which is dated 15 May 2012 the King recommends that the Crown Prince take following actions concerning the Ahmadiyya in Indonesia. Monitor and follow up on the developments occurring in Indonesia concerning the Ahmadiyya Community by the Kingdom’s Embassy in (Jakarta). (Have) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advise the international Islamic organizations to issue a statement that clarifies where they stand on this (Ahmadiyya) community. Follow up with Ministry of Islamic Affairs and ask Preachers for Endowments, Call and Guidance and the Muslim World League to warn against this (Ahmadiyya) community and its ideologies, while avoiding violence against its members. Have The Kingdom’s Embassy in (Jakarta) continue its support of the Supreme Islamic Council of Indonesia for Islamic Propagation (Islamic Dawa) in order to face this (Ahmadiyya) community and inform the Indonesian government of their position (beliefs). The author of the first cable Crown Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz who served as Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs died in June, 2012 while the author of the second cable King Abdullah died aged 90 in January, 2015. After his death his half-brother Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud became the King of Saudi Arabia. And In April 2015 King Salman appointed Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz’s son Muhammad bin Nayef as Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia which makes him first in line to the throne of Saudi Arabia. Hardline Islamic groups in Indonesia want the Ahmadiyya Muslim sect to be banned – they say it deviates from the tenets of Islam, and therefore has no place in Indonesian society. Over the past few years these hardliners have become increasingly vocal in their demands – holding rallies in central Jakarta and airing their views in the media. In August 2010 then Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali was quoted as saying that Ahmadiyya “must be disbanded immediately”. If not, “problems would continue”. In February 2011, a violent mob bludgeoned three Ahmadi Muslims to death. Since then, houses and mosques have been attacked and protesters have vowed to escalate the violence if they do not get their way. It is these Hardline Islamic groups that the Saudi Government wants to use to exert pressure on the Indonesian government to restrict the Ahmadiyya activities in Indonesia. Another separate cable notes various items of payment to a range of publications in Indonesia, with amounts ranging from $US3,000 to $10,000. There is talk about expanding the involvement of the Saudi Ministry of Culture and Information via massive subscriptions to newspapers such as Kompas and the Jakarta Post. Rabwah Times Rabwah Times Pakistan PrintEmail Share on Tumblr Previous Post Muslims Invite Non-Muslims To 'Fast With A Muslim Friend' During Ramadan Leave a Reply Name* E-Mail* Website Publish Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. All content Copyright Rabwah Times Back to top MobileDesktop

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Menu WikiLeaks ‘Saudi Cables’ reveal secret push to stop Ahmadiyya in Indonesia June 28, 2015 • By Rabwah Times Whistle-blowing website Wikileaks has published more than 60,000 secret documents from Saudi Arabia and said that it had more than half a million additional documents that it will be releasing in the upcoming weeks as part of the “Saudi Cables”. The secretive organization, headed by 43-year-old Australian Julian Assange, was launched in December 2006. The organization facilitates the anonymous leaking of secret information through its website to expose the wrongdoing of governments and corporations. The Saudi Cables include identification cards, visa requests and summaries of news media coverage of the kingdom. The most informative are diplomatic cables from Saudi embassies around the world to the foreign ministry, many of which are then passed along to the office of the king for final decisions. The files, in Arabic, have mostly received a minimal amount attention in the United States press. However, multiple independent journalists around the world have been translating the documents to uncover revelations. Two of the cables reveal the secret role Saudi Arabia has been playing in stopping the spread of the persecuted Ahmadiyya Muslim sect, specifically in Indonesia. One of the cables which is dated March 14, 2012 and is written by the late Saudi Crown Prince Naif bin Abdil Aziz in reply to the several letters and reports received by the Prince from the Head of the Royal Court, Minister of Foreign Affairs and The Saudi Embassy in Jakarta relating to the activities of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Indonesia. The cable reads that “the issue of the Ahmadiyya was discussed by the preparatory committee of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs which came up with a plan to set up practical programs with the help of the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of the Islamic Affairs and the Supreme Islamic Council of Indonesia to stop the spread of Ahmadiyya in Indonesia. ” The cable further reads that “Saudi Embassy in Jakarta should be instructed to explain the danger of Ahmadiyya to the Indonesian Government”. On 23rd April 2012 just a month after the letter from then Crown Prince Naif bin Abdil Aziz a mob of Islamic extremists brutally attacked an Ahmadi mosque in the village of Cipakat in the town of Singaparna in West Java, Indonesia. The attack was attended by at least 80 people affiliated with local Islamic extremist movements, the building was repeatedly hit with rocks and stones, while some of the assailants stormed into the building destroying objects. The second cable is from the former Saudi King “Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud” and is in reply to the first cable by the Crown Prince “Naif bin Abdil Aziz”. In the cable which is dated 15 May 2012 the King recommends that the Crown Prince take following actions concerning the Ahmadiyya in Indonesia. Monitor and follow up on the developments occurring in Indonesia concerning the Ahmadiyya Community by the Kingdom’s Embassy in (Jakarta). (Have) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advise the international Islamic organizations to issue a statement that clarifies where they stand on this (Ahmadiyya) community. Follow up with Ministry of Islamic Affairs and ask Preachers for Endowments, Call and Guidance and the Muslim World League to warn against this (Ahmadiyya) community and its ideologies, while avoiding violence against its members. Have The Kingdom’s Embassy in (Jakarta) continue its support of the Supreme Islamic Council of Indonesia for Islamic Propagation (Islamic Dawa) in order to face this (Ahmadiyya) community and inform the Indonesian government of their position (beliefs). The author of the first cable Crown Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz who served as Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs died in June, 2012 while the author of the second cable King Abdullah died aged 90 in January, 2015. After his death his half-brother Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud became the King of Saudi Arabia. And In April 2015 King Salman appointed Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz’s son Muhammad bin Nayef as Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia which makes him first in line to the throne of Saudi Arabia. Hardline Islamic groups in Indonesia want the Ahmadiyya Muslim sect to be banned – they say it deviates from the tenets of Islam, and therefore has no place in Indonesian society. Over the past few years these hardliners have become increasingly vocal in their demands – holding rallies in central Jakarta and airing their views in the media. In August 2010 then Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali was quoted as saying that Ahmadiyya “must be disbanded immediately”. If not, “problems would continue”. In February 2011, a violent mob bludgeoned three Ahmadi Muslims to death. Since then, houses and mosques have been attacked and protesters have vowed to escalate the violence if they do not get their way. It is these Hardline Islamic groups that the Saudi Government wants to use to exert pressure on the Indonesian government to restrict the Ahmadiyya activities in Indonesia. Another separate cable notes various items of payment to a range of publications in Indonesia, with amounts ranging from $US3,000 to $10,000. There is talk about expanding the involvement of the Saudi Ministry of Culture and Information via massive subscriptions to newspapers such as Kompas and the Jakarta Post. Rabwah Times Rabwah Times Pakistan PrintEmail Share on Tumblr Previous Post Muslims Invite Non-Muslims To 'Fast With A Muslim Friend' During Ramadan Leave a Reply Name* E-Mail* Website Publish Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. All content Copyright Rabwah Times Back to top MobileDesktopRead more at:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menu WikiLeaks 'Kabel Arab' mengungkapkan dorongan rahasia untuk menghentikan Ahmadiyah di Indonesia 28 Juni 2015 • By Rabwah Kali Whistle-blowing situs Wikileaks telah menerbitkan lebih dari 60.000 dokumen rahasia dari Arab Saudi dan mengatakan bahwa itu lebih dari setengah juta dokumen tambahan yang itu akan merilis dalam minggu-minggu mendatang sebagai bagian dari "Kabel Saudi". Organisasi rahasia, yang dipimpin oleh 43 tahun Australia Julian Assange, diluncurkan pada Desember 2006. Organisasi ini memfasilitasi anonim bocornya informasi rahasia melalui website untuk mengekspos kesalahan dari pemerintah dan perusahaan. Kabel Saudi termasuk kartu identifikasi, permintaan visa dan ringkasan dari liputan media berita kerajaan. Yang paling informatif adalah kabel diplomatik dari kedutaan Saudi di seluruh dunia untuk kementerian luar negeri, banyak yang kemudian diteruskan ke kantor raja untuk keputusan akhir. File, dalam bahasa Arab, sebagian besar telah menerima minimal jumlah perhatian di Amerika Serikat pers. Namun, beberapa wartawan independen di seluruh dunia telah menerjemahkan dokumen untuk mengungkap wahyu. Dua dari kabel mengungkapkan peran rahasia Arab Saudi telah bermain dalam menghentikan penyebaran dianiaya sekte Ahmadiyah Muslim, khususnya di Indonesia. Salah satu kabel yang tanggal 14 Maret 2012 dan ditulis oleh almarhum Saudi Pangeran Mahkota Naif bin Abdil Aziz dalam membalas beberapa surat dan laporan yang diterima oleh Pangeran dari Kepala Royal Court, Menteri Luar Negeri dan The Kedutaan Saudi di Jakarta yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan Ahmadiyah Komunitas Muslim di Indonesia. Kabel berbunyi bahwa "masalah Ahmadiyah dibahas oleh komite persiapan Dewan Tertinggi Urusan Islam yang datang dengan rencana untuk mengatur program praktis dengan bantuan dari Kementerian Luar Negeri, Kementerian Urusan Islam dan Agung Dewan Islam Indonesia untuk menghentikan penyebaran Ahmadiyah di Indonesia. "Kabel lanjut berbunyi bahwa" Arab Kedutaan di Jakarta harus diinstruksikan untuk menjelaskan bahaya Ahmadiyah kepada Pemerintah Indonesia ". Pada 23 April 2012 hanya sebulan setelah surat dari kemudian Putra Mahkota Naif bin Abdil Aziz gerombolan ekstremis Islam secara brutal menyerang sebuah masjid Ahmadiyah di Desa Cipakat di kota Singaparna di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Serangan itu dihadiri oleh setidaknya 80 orang yang berafiliasi dengan gerakan ekstrimis Islam lokal, bangunan itu berulang kali dipukul dengan batu dan batu, sementara beberapa penyerang menyerbu ke dalam gedung menghancurkan objek. Kabel kedua adalah dari mantan Raja Saudi "Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud" dan dalam menjawab kabel pertama oleh Putra Mahkota "Naif bin Abdil Aziz". Dalam kabel yang tanggal 15 Mei 2012, Raja merekomendasikan bahwa Putra Mahkota mengambil tindakan berikut mengenai Ahmadiyah di Indonesia. Memantau dan menindaklanjuti perkembangan yang terjadi di Indonesia tentang Komunitas Ahmadiyah oleh Kerajaan KBRI (Jakarta). (Apakah) Kementerian Luar Negeri menyarankan organisasi Islam internasional untuk mengeluarkan pernyataan yang menjelaskan di mana mereka berdiri di atas ini (Ahmadiyah) masyarakat. Menindaklanjuti dengan Kementerian Urusan Islam dan meminta Preachers untuk Wakaf, Call dan Bimbingan dan Liga Dunia Muslim untuk memperingatkan terhadap ini (Ahmadiyah) masyarakat dan ideologi, sementara menghindari kekerasan terhadap anggotanya. Memiliki Kerajaan KBRI (Jakarta) terus mendukung Dewan Islam Agung Indonesia untuk Dakwah Islam (Dawa Islam) dalam rangka menghadapi ini (Ahmadiyah) masyarakat dan menginformasikan pemerintah Indonesia dari posisi mereka (keyakinan). Penulis kabel pertama Mahkota Naif bin Abdul Aziz yang menjabat sebagai Wakil Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Dewan Agung untuk Urusan Islam meninggal pada bulan Juni 2012 sedangkan penulis kabel kedua Raja Abdullah meninggal pada usia 90 pada bulan Januari 2015. Setelah kematiannya saudara tirinya Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud menjadi Raja Arab Saudi. Dan Pada April 2015 Raja Salman diangkat anak Pangeran Naif bin Abdul Aziz Muhammad bin Nayef sebagai Putra Mahkota Arab Saudi yang membuat dia di baris pertama untuk tahta Arab Saudi. Kelompok Islam garis keras di Indonesia ingin sekte Ahmadiyah Muslim dilarang - mereka mengatakan itu menyimpang dari ajaran Islam, dan karena itu tidak memiliki tempat dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir kelompok garis keras ini telah menjadi semakin vokal dalam tuntutan mereka - memegang unjuk rasa di Jakarta Pusat dan ditayangkan pandangan mereka di media. Pada bulan Agustus 2010 lalu Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali Indonesia telah dikutip mengatakan bahwa Ahmadiyah "harus dibubarkan segera". Jika tidak, "masalah akan terus". Pada bulan Februari 2011, massa kekerasan dipukul tiga Muslim Ahmadi mati. Sejak itu, rumah-rumah dan masjid telah diserang dan pengunjuk rasa telah bersumpah untuk meningkatkan kekerasan jika mereka tidak mendapatkan jalan mereka. Ini adalah kelompok-kelompok Islam garis keras bahwa Pemerintah Saudi ingin gunakan untuk menekan pemerintah Indonesia untuk membatasi aktivitas Ahmadiyah di Indonesia. Kabel lain yang terpisah mencatat berbagai item pembayaran untuk berbagai publikasi di Indonesia, dengan jumlah mulai dari seharga 3.000 hingga $ 10.000. Ada berbicara tentang perluasan keterlibatan Kementerian Saudi Kebudayaan dan Informasi melalui langganan besar-besaran untuk koran seperti Kompas dan Jakarta Post. Rabwah Kali Rabwah Kali Pakistan PrintEmail Berbagi di Tumblr Sebelumnya Muslim Pasca Undang Non-Muslim Untuk 'Cepat Dengan Seorang Muslim Teman' Selama Ramadhan Tinggalkan Balasan Nama * E-Mail * Situs Publikasikan Beritahu saya akan tindak lanjut komentar melalui email. Beritahu saya tulisan baru melalui email. Semua konten Copyright Rabwah Kali Kembali ke atas MobileDesktop Baca lebih lanjut di:

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