The Queen Bee
Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
The Queen Bee
Two kings' sons once went out in search of adventures, and fell into a wild, disorderly way of living, so that they never came home again. The youngest, who was called simpleton, set out to seek his brothers, but when at length he found them they mocked him for thinking that he with his simplicity could get through the world, when they two could not make their way, and yet were so much cleverer.
They all three traveled away together, and came to an ant-hill. The two elder wanted to destroy it, to see the little ants creeping about in their terror, and carrying their eggs away, but simpleton said, leave the creatures in peace, I will not allow you to disturb them.
Then they went onwards and came to a lake, on which a great number of ducks were swimming. The two brothers wanted to catch a couple and roast them, but simpleton would not permit it, and said, leave the creatures in peace, I will not suffer you to kill them.
At length they came to a bee's nest, in which there was so much honey that it ran out of the trunk of the tree where it was. The two wanted to make a fire beneath the tree, and suffocate the bees in order to take away the honey, but simpleton again stopped them and said, leave the creatures in peace, I will not allow you to burn them.
At length the three brothers arrived at a castle where stone horses were standing in the stables, and no human being was to be seen, and they went through all the halls until, quite at the end, they came to a door in which were three locks. In the middle of the door, however, there was a little pane, through which they could see into the room. There they saw a little gray man, who was sitting at a table. They called him, once, twice, but he did not hear, at last they called him for the third time, when he got up, opened the locks, and came out. He said nothing, however, but conducted them to a handsomely-spread table, and when they had eaten and drunk, he took each of them to a bedroom.
Next morning the little gray man came to the eldest, beckoned to him, and conducted him to a stone table, on which were inscribed three tasks, by the performance of which the castle could be delivered from enchantment. The first was that in the forest, beneath the moss, lay the princess's pearls, a thousand in number, which must be picked up, and if by sunset one single pearl was missing, he who had looked for them would be turned into stone. The eldest went thither, and sought the whole day, but when it came to an end, he had only found one hundred, and what was written on the table came true, and he was turned into stone. Next day, the second brother undertook the adventure, but it did not fare much better with him than with the eldest, he did not find more than two hundred pearls, and was changed to stone. At last it was simpleton's turn to seek in the moss, but it was so difficult for him to find the pearls, and he got on so slowly, that he seated himself on a stone, and wept. And while he was thus sitting, the king of the ants whose life he had once saved, came with five thousand ants, and before long the little creatures had got all the pearls together, and laid them in a heap.
The second task, however, was to fetch out of the lake the key of the king's daughter's bed-chamber. When simpleton came to the lake, the ducks which he had saved, swam up to him, dived down, and brought the key out of the water.
But the third task was the most difficult, from amongst the three sleeping daughters of the king was the youngest and dearest to be sought out. They, however, resembled each other exactly, and were only to be distinguished by their having eaten different sweetmeats before they fell asleep, the eldest a bit of sugar, the second a little syrup, and the youngest a spoonful of honey. Then the queen of the bees, whom simpleton had protected from the fire, came and tasted the lips of all three, and at last she remained sitting on the mouth which had eaten honey, and thus the king's son recognized the right princess.
Then the enchantment was at an end, everything was delivered from sleep, and those who had been turned to stone received once more their natural forms. Simpleton married the youngest and sweetest princess, and after her father's death became king, and his two brothers received the two other sisters.
The End
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Ratu lebahDongeng Grimm BersaudaraRatu lebahAnak-anak dua raja sekali keluar untuk mencari petualangan, dan jatuh ke sebuah liar, kacau cara hidup, sehingga mereka tidak pernah datang kembali ke rumah. Si bungsu, yang dipanggil bodoh, berangkat untuk mencari saudaranya, tetapi ketika panjang lebar ia menemukan mereka mereka mengejek Yesus untuk berpikir bahwa ia dengan kesederhanaan nya bisa melalui dunia, ketika mereka dua tidak bisa membuat jalan mereka, dan belum pandai begitu banyak.Mereka semua tiga bepergian bersama, dan datang ke semut-bukit. Penatua dua ingin menghancurkannya, untuk melihat semut-semut kecil yang merayap tentang di masa teror, dan membawa telur mereka pergi, tapi bodoh berkata, meninggalkan makhluk dalam damai, aku tidak akan membiarkan Anda mengganggu mereka.Kemudian mereka pergi dan seterusnya dan datang ke sebuah danau, di mana sejumlah besar bebek berenang. Dua saudara ingin menangkap beberapa dan panggang mereka, tapi bodoh tidak akan mengizinkan itu, dan berkata, biarkan makhluk dalam damai, saya tidak akan menderita Anda untuk membunuh mereka.Panjang mereka datang ke sarang lebah, pada yang tidak jauh adalah madu bahwa itu berlari dari batang pohon tempat itu. Keduanya ingin menyalakan api di bawah pohon, dan tercekik lebah untuk mengambil madu, tetapi bodoh lagi menghentikan mereka dan berkata, biarkan makhluk dalam damai, saya tidak akan memungkinkan Anda untuk membakar mereka.Panjang lebar tiga bersaudara tiba di sebuah kastil di mana batu kuda berdiri di kandang, dan tidak ada manusia yang terlihat, dan mereka pergi melalui semua aula sampai, cukup pada akhirnya, mereka datang ke pintu di mana yang tiga kunci. Di tengah pintu, namun, ada panel kecil, di mana mereka bisa melihat ke dalam kamar. Di sana mereka melihat sedikit abu-abu pria yang duduk di meja. Mereka memanggilnya, sekali, dua kali, tetapi ia tidak mendengar, pada akhirnya mereka memanggilnya untuk ketiga kalinya, ketika ia bangun, membuka kunci, dan keluar. Dia mengatakan apa-apa, namun dilakukan mereka ke tabel mahal-penyebaran, dan ketika mereka makan dan mabuk, dia membawa mereka ke kamar tidur.Keesokan paginya, laki-laki abu-abu kecil datang ke yang tertua, memberi isyarat kepadanya, dan dilakukan kepadanya satu meja batu, di mana yang tertulis tiga tugas, oleh kinerja yang benteng bisa dibebaskan dari pesona. Yang pertama adalah bahwa di hutan, di bawah moss, lay putri mutiara, seribu di nomor yang harus diambil, dan jika matahari terbenam satu satu mutiara yang hilang, dia yang telah melihat mereka akan berubah menjadi batu. Yang tertua pergi ke sana, dan mencari seluruh hari, tetapi ketika datang ke sebuah akhir, ia hanya menemukan seratus, dan apa yang ditulis di atas meja datang benar, dan ia berubah menjadi batu. Hari berikutnya, Abang kedua menjalani petualangan, tapi itu tidak laris jauh lebih baik dengan dia daripada dengan yang tertua, ia tidak menemukan lebih dari dua ratus mutiara, dan diubah menjadi batu. Pada akhirnya itu bodoh 's giliran untuk mencari di moss, tapi itu sangat sulit baginya untuk menemukan mutiara, dan ia mendapat di jadi perlahan-lahan, bahwa ia duduk sendiri di batu, dan menangis. Dan sementara ia justru duduk, raja semut yang hidupnya ia setelah disimpan, datang dengan lima ribu semut, dan sebelum lama makhluk kecil telah berkumpul semua mutiara, dan meletakkannya di tumpukan.Dalam tugas yang kedua, bagaimanapun, adalah untuk mengambil dari Danau kunci putri raja tidur-chamber. Ketika bodoh datang ke danau, bebek yang ia diselamatkan, berenang mendekatinya, Menyelam ke bawah, dan membawa kunci dari air.Tapi tugas ketiga adalah yang paling sulit, dari antara puteri tidur tiga raja adalah yang termuda dan tersayang dicari. Mereka, namun, persis mirip satu sama lain, dan hanya dapat dibedakan oleh mereka makan berbeda manisan sebelum mereka jatuh tertidur, yang tertua sedikit gula, kedua sedikit sirup, dan merupakan yang termuda sesendok madu. Kemudian Ratu lebah, yang bodoh telah dilindungi dari api, datang dan mencicipi bibir ketiganya, dan akhirnya dia tetap duduk di mulut yang makan madu, dan dengan demikian anak raja diakui sang putri yang tepat.Maka pesona itu berakhir, semuanya disampaikan dari tidur, dan orang-orang yang telah berubah menjadi batu sekali lagi menerima bentuk alami mereka. Bodoh menikahi putri bungsu dan manis, dan setelah ayahnya kematian menjadi raja, dan kedua saudaranya menerima dua saudara lainnya.Akhir Menciak
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