Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Corruption or rasuah (Latin: corruptio of corrumpere verb meaning rotten, damaged, shake, memutarbalik, bribed) is the Act of a public official, either politicians or civil servants, as well as other parties involved in that action that is unnatural and not legal of abusing public trust are delegated to them to gain unilateral [1].From a legal point of view, the criminal acts of corruption generally meet the elements as follows:in tort,abuse of authority, or the opportunity, means,enrich yourself, others, or the Corporation, anddetrimental to the finances of the State or the economy of the country.Types of criminal acts of corruption of which, but not all, aregiving or receiving a gift or promise (bribery),embezzlement in Office,blackmail in the Office,participating in procurement (for civil servants/organizer of the country), andreceive gratuities (for civil servants/organizer of the country).In a broad sense, corruption or political corruption is the abuse of official position for personal gain. All forms of Government governance corruption prone | in practice. The severity of corruption vary, from the lightest in the form of the use of influence and support for giving and receiving help, up to the weight of the corruption which was inaugurated, and so on. Point the tip of the corruption is kleptokrasi, which literally rule by thieves, which pretended to act honestly did not exist at all.Korupsi yang muncul di bidang politik dan birokrasi bisa berbentuk sepele atau berat, terorganisasi atau tidak. Walau korupsi sering memudahkan kegiatan kriminal seperti penjualan narkotika, pencucian uang, dan prostitusi, korupsi itu sendiri tidak terbatas dalam hal-hal ini saja. Untuk mempelajari masalah ini dan membuat solusinya, sangat penting untuk membedakan antara korupsi dan kejahatan.Tergantung dari negaranya atau wilayah hukumnya, ada perbedaan antara yang dianggap korupsi atau tidak. Sebagai contoh, pendanaan partai politik ada yang legal di satu tempat namun ada juga yang tidak legal di tempat lain.
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