If one desired to train using the ‘Secret Dragonblood Manual’, one mus terjemahan - If one desired to train using the ‘Secret Dragonblood Manual’, one mus Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

If one desired to train using the ‘

If one desired to train using the ‘Secret Dragonblood Manual’, one must rouse up the Dragonblood in one’s veins. But there were only two possible ways by which one could agitate the Dragonblood in one’s veins. The first was to reach a certain minimum level of Dragonblood density in one’s veins. The second was to drink fresh blood from a live dragon.

But drinking blood from a living dragon was very dangerous.

Dragon’s blood, even when applied topically, would cause terrible pain, to say nothing of drinking it. However, everything in the world had its equal opposite. Blueheart Grass, when paired with dragon’s blood, made for an extremely potent mixture. But Blueheart Grass was extremely rare. Linley had previously asked about the price.

A single patch of Blueheart Grass was worth tens of thousands of gold coins. What’s more, it was a rare item that often couldn’t be bought even if one had the money. Doehring Cowart had once said: “Live dragon’s blood is incredibly powerful. Usually, a single patch of Blueheart Grass is insufficient. If you are going to drink a large amount of live dragon’s blood, you will need even more Blueheart Grass.”

A single patch of Blueheart Grass was already that expensive. How could Linley afford it? Perhaps his entire fortune of 70,000, acquired over this month, would only be enough to buy a single patch.

“Blueheart Grass, Blueheart Grass! Heaven is being so kind to me.” Linley felt unspeakable joy.

Linley energetically leapt down directly, falling several dozen meters before landing against the cliff on the other side. And then, he immediately began to mumble the words to a spell. In a short time, Linley’s entire body was surrounded by flowing air elemental essences, and flows of air began to surround him as well.

Wind-style spell of the fifth rank – Floating Technique.

At his current level, Linley was only able to allow his body to float, rather than actually fly. Floating meant allowing himself to float up or down vertically. Taking a step forward, Linley stood in mid-air before slowly beginning to float down, gradually descending into the deep, foggy canyon. Bebe enviously stood on Linley’s shoulder as they descended. Although Bebe was rather powerful, he wasn’t capable of flight. He wasn’t a flying-type magical beast, thus he would only be able to fly upon becoming a Saint-level magical beast.

This canyon was filled with the white fog, which roiled about. The deeper Linley went, the greater the distance between the canyon walls became. Quite soon, Linley landed near the Blueheart Grass.

“Blueheart Grass is deep green in color, but emanates a faint blue light. Blueheart Grass is cool to the touch. When the blades of grass are torn apart, they will leak out a dark green fluid which is very cool when drunk.” Linley remembered quite well this explanation in the Ernst Institute library about Blueheart Grass.

Staring at the Blueheart Grass growing out from the cliff, rustling gently in the wind, Linley took a deep breath, then carefully uprooted the Blueheart Grass.

“It really is cold.” When he touched the Blueheart Grass, he felt as though he had touched a piece of ice. He immediately placed the Blueheart Grass into his backpack, and then looked all around. “I wonder if there is any more Blueheart Grass here!”

A place which was capable of giving birth to one patch of Blueheart Grass was capable of giving birth to a second.

Using the Floating Technique, Linley continued to drift downwards into the roiling white fog. At the same time, Linley kept a close eye out, despite the fog making everything blurry. He could make out countless vines twisting about the cliffs.

“That’s huge!”

The farther down into the canyon he went, the more Linley realized how enormous this place truly was. At the top of the canyon, the distance between the two walls was perhaps only a few hundred meters, but by now, Linley was certain that the distance was absolutely at least several thousand meters. He continued to float close to the wall. Using his vision, his flotation speed, and his angle against the wall, he was able to guesstimate this distance.



All sorts of low-pitched growls emanated from below, occasionally sounding out. They came from all over the place. Just judging from the sound alone, there had to be over a hundred magical beasts below. Linley couldn’t help but feel his heart quail. “Magical beasts. There are many magical beasts below!” Just from hearing the sound, Linley could tell.

Linley fixed himself against the cliff walls while gripping onto the vines with his hands as he descended more slowly and more carefully.

“Boss, I can sense great danger below.” Bebe suddenly said to Linley through their mental link.

Linley also felt as though his heart was tightening. The further down he went, the clearer the growls of the magical beasts became. Those low growls were powerful. Clearly, they were coming from magical beasts of large size. Generally speaking, large magical beasts were not weak. Powerful magical beasts weren’t necessarily large, but large magical beasts were generally powerful.

“Blueheart Grass!”

Linley suddenly saw that directly below him, far away, was another patch of Blueheart Grass. Surrounding the Blueheart Grass was many green vines and shrubs. As Linley was not a fearful person to begin with, upon seeing the Blueheart Grass, Linley began float down while keeping his hands gripped to the rattan vines.

But at this point in time, Linley totally failed to notice…

Coiled up amidst the green vines surrounding the Blueheart Grass was a giant green python snake, at least twenty meters long and thick enough that it would take two men to put their arms around it. That giant python was very green and also coiled up like a rattan vine. Given that it was also covered slightly by the fog, Linley didn’t notice that it was there at all.

As he descended, Linley drew nearer and nearer to the Blueheart Grass.

“Boss, careful! That’s a monstrous python!” Bebe suddenly, urgently said to Linley through their link.

“Python?” Linley was startled.

Virtually all python-type magical beasts were exceedingly powerful. Even the weakest Trihorn Python was a magical beast of the sixth rank. Linley immediately surveyed his surroundings carefully. By now, Linley was roughly around a hundred meters away from the giant python. After carefully searching for it, he quickly located the giant python.

“Whoah.” Linley sucked in a deep breath.

That thirty-meter long python, as thick as a water barrel, made Linley’s heart quail. “Green Tattooed Python. A magical beast of the seventh rank – the Green Tattooed Python.” The information he knew about this type of Python immediately sprang to mind.

By now, Linley also realized why it was that this canyon had so much white fog.

“The Mist Technique is just a water-style technique of the first rank. A single Green Tattooed Python, a magical beast of the seventh rank, can generate enormous, almost unlimited amounts of white mist in its surroundings. With this canyon having so much mist of such density, there’s definitely more than one Green Tattooed Python here.”

Linley immediately came to this realization.

The canyon had a depth and width of around ten kilometers long. For such a huge canyon to be totally covered in white mist, one could only imagine how many Pythons were here. That Green Tattooed Python which lay hidden amidst the vines suddenly moved. Its enormous head turned to stare at Linley, and its two cold eyes stared death at him.


A terrifying sound rumbled out from the Green Tattooed Python’s maw, and at the same time, it shot forward at high speed.

“Rawr!” “Hiss!” “Grrr!” The entire canyon began to fill up with the calls of various beasts. At the same time, loud, sonorous movement sounds could be heard. Glancing below, Linley saw that over ten enormous creatures were moving towards him. And, Linley could tell that these ten made up just a tiny fraction of the creatures in this gorge.


Faced with the attack by the Green Tattooed Python, Linley immediately began floating up at maximum speed. Controlling the force of the wind, he was able to make the flotation pressure exceed his body weight, causing him to rocket upwards at an astonishing speed. While flying upwards, Linley could already see a monstrously large Green Tattooed Python crawl up after him along the cliff walls. Its cold, serpentine eyes stared at Linley, promising death while the serpent itself hissed nonstop.

“Screech! Screech!”

A high-pierced bird cry split the air, and from below, dozens of giant birds suddenly charged forward in pursuit of Linley.

“Dragonhawks! Those are Dragonhawks!” Linley’s face immediately turned paper white.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jika salah satu diinginkan untuk melatih menggunakan 'Rahasia Dragonblood Manual', salah satu harus membangkitkan up Dragonblood dalam satu vena. Tapi ada hanya dua kemungkinan cara yang satu bisa menggelisahkan Dragonblood di pembuluh darah seseorang. Yang pertama adalah untuk mencapai tingkat minimum tertentu Dragonblood kepadatan di pembuluh darah seseorang. Yang kedua adalah untuk minum darah segar dari Naga hidup.Tapi minum darah dari Naga hidup sangat berbahaya.Darah naga, bahkan ketika dioleskan, akan menyebabkan sakit yang mengerikan, untuk mengatakan tidak minum. Namun, segala sesuatu di dunia telah sama sebaliknya. Blueheart rumput, bila dipasangkan dengan darah naga, dibuat untuk campuran yang sangat ampuh. Tapi Blueheart rumput ini sangat langka. Linley sebelumnya bertanya tentang harga.Satu patch Blueheart rumput itu bernilai ribuan koin emas. Terlebih lagi, itu barang langka yang sering tidak bisa dibeli bahkan jika seseorang memiliki uang. Doehring Cowart pernah berkata: "Live darah naga sangat kuat. Biasanya, satu patch Blueheart rumput tidak mencukupi. Jika Anda akan minum darah naga hidup dalam jumlah besar, Anda akan perlu lebih Blueheart rumput."Satu patch Blueheart rumput sudah yang mahal. Bagaimana Linley mampu membelinya? Mungkin seluruh hartanya 70.000, peroleh selama bulan ini, hanya akan cukup untuk membeli satu patch."Blueheart rumput, rumput Blueheart! Surga sedang begitu baik padaku." Linley merasa sukacita tak terkatakan.Linley penuh semangat melompat turun langsung, jatuh beberapa lusin meter sebelum mendarat terhadap tebing di sisi lain. Dan kemudian, ia segera mulai menggumamkan kata-kata untuk mantra. Dalam waktu singkat, Linley di seluruh tubuh dikelilingi oleh mengalir udara unsur esensi, dan aliran udara mulai mengelilingi nya juga.Angin-gaya mantra kedudukan kelima-teknik mengambang.Di tingkat saat ini, Linley ini hanya mampu memungkinkan tubuh untuk mengapung, daripada benar-benar terbang. Mengambang berarti membiarkan dirinya mengambang atas atau bawah vertikal. Mengambil langkah maju, Linley berdiri di udara sebelum perlahan-lahan mulai melayang turun, secara bertahap turun ke ngarai dalam, berkabut. Bebe iri berdiri di Linley di bahu seperti mereka turun. Meskipun Bebe agak kuat, ia tidak mampu penerbangan. Dia tidak terbang-jenis binatang magis, sehingga ia hanya akan mampu terbang setelah menjadi binatang magis Saint-tingkat.Lembah ini dipenuhi dengan kabut putih, yang bergolak di tentang. Pergi Linley lebih dalam, menjadi semakin besar jarak antara dinding canyon. Cukup segera, Linley mendarat dekat rumput Blueheart."Blueheart rumput hijau yang mendalam dalam warna, tapi memancar cahaya biru samar. Blueheart rumput sejuk dengan sentuhan. Ketika pisau rumput yang terkoyak, mereka akan bocor keluar cairan hijau gelap yang sangat dingin ketika mabuk. " Linley cukup baik diingat penjelasan ini di Perpustakaan Institut Ernst tentang rumput Blueheart.Staring at the Blueheart Grass growing out from the cliff, rustling gently in the wind, Linley took a deep breath, then carefully uprooted the Blueheart Grass.“It really is cold.” When he touched the Blueheart Grass, he felt as though he had touched a piece of ice. He immediately placed the Blueheart Grass into his backpack, and then looked all around. “I wonder if there is any more Blueheart Grass here!”A place which was capable of giving birth to one patch of Blueheart Grass was capable of giving birth to a second.Using the Floating Technique, Linley continued to drift downwards into the roiling white fog. At the same time, Linley kept a close eye out, despite the fog making everything blurry. He could make out countless vines twisting about the cliffs.“That’s huge!”The farther down into the canyon he went, the more Linley realized how enormous this place truly was. At the top of the canyon, the distance between the two walls was perhaps only a few hundred meters, but by now, Linley was certain that the distance was absolutely at least several thousand meters. He continued to float close to the wall. Using his vision, his flotation speed, and his angle against the wall, he was able to guesstimate this distance.“Roar…”“Grrr….”All sorts of low-pitched growls emanated from below, occasionally sounding out. They came from all over the place. Just judging from the sound alone, there had to be over a hundred magical beasts below. Linley couldn’t help but feel his heart quail. “Magical beasts. There are many magical beasts below!” Just from hearing the sound, Linley could tell.Linley fixed himself against the cliff walls while gripping onto the vines with his hands as he descended more slowly and more carefully.“Boss, I can sense great danger below.” Bebe suddenly said to Linley through their mental link.Linley also felt as though his heart was tightening. The further down he went, the clearer the growls of the magical beasts became. Those low growls were powerful. Clearly, they were coming from magical beasts of large size. Generally speaking, large magical beasts were not weak. Powerful magical beasts weren’t necessarily large, but large magical beasts were generally powerful.“Blueheart Grass!”Linley suddenly saw that directly below him, far away, was another patch of Blueheart Grass. Surrounding the Blueheart Grass was many green vines and shrubs. As Linley was not a fearful person to begin with, upon seeing the Blueheart Grass, Linley began float down while keeping his hands gripped to the rattan vines.But at this point in time, Linley totally failed to notice…Coiled up amidst the green vines surrounding the Blueheart Grass was a giant green python snake, at least twenty meters long and thick enough that it would take two men to put their arms around it. That giant python was very green and also coiled up like a rattan vine. Given that it was also covered slightly by the fog, Linley didn’t notice that it was there at all.As he descended, Linley drew nearer and nearer to the Blueheart Grass.“Boss, careful! That’s a monstrous python!” Bebe suddenly, urgently said to Linley through their link.“Python?” Linley was startled.Virtually all python-type magical beasts were exceedingly powerful. Even the weakest Trihorn Python was a magical beast of the sixth rank. Linley immediately surveyed his surroundings carefully. By now, Linley was roughly around a hundred meters away from the giant python. After carefully searching for it, he quickly located the giant python.“Whoah.” Linley sucked in a deep breath.That thirty-meter long python, as thick as a water barrel, made Linley’s heart quail. “Green Tattooed Python. A magical beast of the seventh rank – the Green Tattooed Python.” The information he knew about this type of Python immediately sprang to mind.By now, Linley also realized why it was that this canyon had so much white fog.“The Mist Technique is just a water-style technique of the first rank. A single Green Tattooed Python, a magical beast of the seventh rank, can generate enormous, almost unlimited amounts of white mist in its surroundings. With this canyon having so much mist of such density, there’s definitely more than one Green Tattooed Python here.”Linley immediately came to this realization.The canyon had a depth and width of around ten kilometers long. For such a huge canyon to be totally covered in white mist, one could only imagine how many Pythons were here. That Green Tattooed Python which lay hidden amidst the vines suddenly moved. Its enormous head turned to stare at Linley, and its two cold eyes stared death at him.“Grrrr….”A terrifying sound rumbled out from the Green Tattooed Python’s maw, and at the same time, it shot forward at high speed.“Rawr!” “Hiss!” “Grrr!” The entire canyon began to fill up with the calls of various beasts. At the same time, loud, sonorous movement sounds could be heard. Glancing below, Linley saw that over ten enormous creatures were moving towards him. And, Linley could tell that these ten made up just a tiny fraction of the creatures in this gorge.“Flee!”Faced with the attack by the Green Tattooed Python, Linley immediately began floating up at maximum speed. Controlling the force of the wind, he was able to make the flotation pressure exceed his body weight, causing him to rocket upwards at an astonishing speed. While flying upwards, Linley could already see a monstrously large Green Tattooed Python crawl up after him along the cliff walls. Its cold, serpentine eyes stared at Linley, promising death while the serpent itself hissed nonstop.
“Screech! Screech!”

A high-pierced bird cry split the air, and from below, dozens of giant birds suddenly charged forward in pursuit of Linley.

“Dragonhawks! Those are Dragonhawks!” Linley’s face immediately turned paper white.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jika salah satu yang diinginkan untuk melatih menggunakan 'Secret Dragonblood Manual', seseorang harus membangkitkan up Dragonblood dalam pembuluh darah seseorang. Tapi hanya ada dua kemungkinan cara dengan mana orang bisa mengagitasi Dragonblood dalam pembuluh darah seseorang. Yang pertama adalah untuk mencapai tingkat minimum tertentu Dragonblood kepadatan di pembuluh darah seseorang. Yang kedua adalah untuk minum darah segar dari naga hidup. Tapi minum darah dari seekor naga yang hidup sangat berbahaya. Darah Dragon, bahkan ketika dioleskan, akan menyebabkan rasa sakit yang mengerikan, untuk tidak mengatakan meminumnya. Namun, segala sesuatu di dunia memiliki berlawanan sama nya. Blueheart Rumput, ketika dipasangkan dengan darah naga, dibuat untuk campuran sangat ampuh. Tapi Blueheart Grass sangat langka. Linley sebelumnya telah bertanya tentang harga. Sebuah patch tunggal Blueheart Grass layak puluhan ribu koin emas. Terlebih lagi, itu adalah barang langka yang sering tidak bisa dibeli bahkan jika seseorang memiliki uang. Doehring Cowart pernah mengatakan: "Hidup darah naga ini sangat kuat. Biasanya, satu patch dari Blueheart Grass tidak cukup. Jika Anda akan minum sejumlah besar darah hidup naga, Anda akan perlu lebih Blueheart Grass. "Sebuah patch tunggal Blueheart Grass sudah mahal. Bagaimana Linley bisa membelinya? Mungkin seluruh kekayaannya dari 70.000, diperoleh selama bulan ini, hanya akan cukup untuk membeli satu patch. "Blueheart Grass, Blueheart Rumput! Surga begitu baik padaku. "Linley merasa sukacita yang tak terkatakan. Linley penuh semangat melompat turun langsung, jatuh beberapa puluh meter sebelum mendarat terhadap tebing di sisi lain. Dan kemudian, ia segera mulai bergumam kata-kata untuk mantra. Dalam waktu singkat, seluruh tubuh Linley yang dikelilingi oleh aliran udara esens unsur, dan arus udara mulai mengelilingi dirinya juga. Angin bergaya mantra dari peringkat kelima -. Mengambang Teknik Pada tingkat saat ini, Linley hanya mampu memungkinkan tubuhnya mengapung, bukan benar-benar terbang. Mengambang berarti membiarkan dirinya melayang ke atas atau bawah secara vertikal. Mengambil langkah maju, Linley berdiri di udara sebelum perlahan-lahan mulai mengapung ke bawah, secara bertahap turun ke dalam, ngarai berkabut. Bebe iri berdiri di bahu Linley saat mereka turun. Meskipun Bebe agak kuat, ia tidak mampu terbang. Dia bukan ke-jenis binatang ajaib, sehingga ia hanya akan bisa terbang setelah menjadi Saint-tingkat binatang ajaib. Canyon ini diisi dengan kabut putih, yang bergolak sekitar. Semakin dalam Linley pergi, semakin besar jarak antara dinding ngarai menjadi. Cukup segera, Linley mendarat di dekat Blueheart Grass. "Blueheart Rumput hijau yang mendalam dalam warna, tetapi berasal cahaya biru samar. Blueheart Rumput dingin untuk disentuh. Ketika pisau rumput yang terkoyak, mereka akan bocor keluar cairan berwarna hijau tua yang sangat dingin ketika mabuk. "Linley ingat cukup baik penjelasan ini di perpustakaan Ernst Institute tentang Blueheart Grass. Menatap Blueheart Grass tumbuh dari tebing , gemerisik lembut angin, Linley mengambil napas dalam-dalam, maka hati-hati mencabut Blueheart Grass. "Ini benar-benar dingin." Ketika dia menyentuh Blueheart Grass, ia merasa seolah-olah dia telah menyentuh sepotong es. Dia segera menempatkan Blueheart Grass ke ransel, dan kemudian melihat sekeliling. "Aku ingin tahu apakah ada yang lebih Blueheart Rumput di sini!" Tempat yang mampu melahirkan satu patch dari Blueheart Grass mampu melahirkan kedua. Menggunakan Teknik Mengambang, Linley terus melayang ke bawah ke dalam bergolak putih kabut. Pada saat yang sama, Linley terus menutup mata keluar, meskipun kabut membuat segalanya kabur. Dia bisa melihat tanaman merambat yang tak terhitung jumlahnya memutar sekitar tebing. "Itu besar!" Semakin jauh ke dalam jurang ia pergi, semakin Linley menyadari betapa besar tempat ini benar-benar adalah. Di bagian atas ngarai, jarak antara dua dinding itu mungkin hanya beberapa ratus meter, tapi sekarang, Linley yakin bahwa jarak benar-benar setidaknya beberapa ribu meter. Dia terus mengapung dekat ke dinding. Menggunakan visinya, kecepatan flotasi, dan sudut melawan dinding, ia mampu angka kira-kira jarak ini. "Roar ..." "Grrr ...." Segala macam geraman bernada rendah berasal dari bawah, sesekali terdengar keluar. Mereka datang dari seluruh tempat. Hanya menilai dari suara saja, harus ada lebih dari seratus binatang ajaib di bawah ini. Linley tidak bisa membantu tapi merasa puyuh hatinya. "Magical binatang. Ada banyak binatang ajaib di bawah ini! "Hanya dari mendengar suara, Linley tahu. Linley tetap dirinya terhadap dinding tebing sementara mencengkeram ke tanaman merambat dengan tangannya saat ia turun lebih lambat dan lebih hati-hati." Boss, saya bisa merasakan bahaya besar di bawah ini. "Bebe tiba-tiba dikatakan Linley melalui link mental mereka. Linley juga merasa seolah-olah hatinya pengetatan. Lebih bawah ia pergi, semakin jelas geraman binatang ajaib menjadi. Mereka geraman rendah yang kuat. Jelas, mereka datang dari binatang magis ukuran besar. Secara umum, binatang ajaib besar tidak lemah. Binatang ajaib yang kuat tidak selalu besar, tapi binatang ajaib besar umumnya kuat. "Blueheart Rumput!" Linley tiba-tiba melihat bahwa langsung di bawah dia, jauh, adalah patch lain dari Blueheart Grass. Sekitar Blueheart Grass adalah banyak tanaman merambat hijau dan semak-semak. Sebagai Linley bukan orang takut untuk memulai dengan, setelah melihat Blueheart Grass, Linley mulai mengapung sambil menjaga tangannya mencengkeram ke anggur rotan. Tapi pada saat ini dalam waktu, Linley benar-benar gagal untuk melihat ... spiral sampai di tengah-tengah tanaman merambat hijau sekitar Blueheart Rumput adalah hijau python ular raksasa, panjang setidaknya dua puluh meter dan cukup tebal bahwa itu akan mengambil dua orang untuk menempatkan tangan mereka di sekitarnya. Itu python raksasa sangat hijau dan juga melingkar seperti pohon anggur rotan. Mengingat bahwa itu juga dibahas sedikit oleh kabut, Linley tidak menyadari bahwa itu ada di sana. Saat ia turun, Linley mendekat dan lebih dekat ke Blueheart Grass. "Boss, hati-hati! Itu python mengerikan! "Bebe tiba-tiba, segera dikatakan Linley melalui link mereka." Python? "Linley terkejut. Hampir semua python-jenis binatang ajaib yang sangat kuat. Bahkan terlemah Trihorn Python adalah binatang ajaib dari peringkat keenam. Linley segera disurvei lingkungannya dengan hati-hati. Sekarang, Linley adalah kira-kira sekitar seratus meter dari python raksasa. Setelah hati-hati mencari untuk itu, ia dengan cepat terletak python raksasa. "Whoah." Linley menarik napas dalam-dalam. Itu tiga puluh meter python panjang, setebal barel air, membuat Linley Hati puyuh. "Hijau Tattooed Python. Sebuah binatang ajaib dari peringkat ketujuh -. Green Tattooed Python "Informasi yang ia tahu tentang jenis Python segera melompat ke pikiran. Sekarang, Linley juga menyadari mengapa hal itu bahwa canyon ini memiliki begitu banyak kabut putih." The Mist Teknik hanya teknik air-gaya peringkat pertama. Sebuah single Hijau Tattooed Python, binatang ajaib dari peringkat ketujuh, dapat menghasilkan yang sangat besar, jumlah hampir tak terbatas dari kabut putih di sekitarnya. Dengan canyon ini memiliki begitu banyak kabut kepadatan tersebut, pasti ada lebih dari satu Hijau Tattooed Python di sini. "Linley segera datang ke realisasi ini. Ngarai memiliki kedalaman dan lebar sekitar sepuluh kilometer. Untuk seperti canyon besar akan benar-benar tertutup kabut putih, satu hanya bisa membayangkan berapa banyak ular di sini. Itu Hijau Tattooed Python yang berbaring tersembunyi di tengah-tengah tanaman merambat tiba-tiba pindah. Kepala yang sangat besar berbalik untuk menatap Linley, dan dua mata yang dingin menatap kematian padanya. "Grrrr ...." Suara menakutkan bergemuruh keluar dari maw Green Tattooed Python, dan pada saat yang sama, itu melesat maju dengan kecepatan tinggi. " Rawr! "" Hiss! "" Grrr! "Seluruh canyon mulai mengisi dengan panggilan dari berbagai binatang. Pada saat yang sama, keras, suara nyaring gerakan bisa didengar. Melirik bawah, Linley melihat bahwa lebih dari sepuluh makhluk besar bergerak ke arahnya. Dan, Linley bisa mengatakan bahwa sepuluh ini terdiri hanya sebagian kecil dari makhluk di jurang ini. "Pergilah!" Menghadapi serangan oleh Green Tattooed Python, Linley segera mulai melayang dengan kecepatan maksimum. Mengendalikan kekuatan angin, ia mampu membuat tekanan flotasi melebihi berat tubuhnya, menyebabkan dia roket ke atas pada kecepatan yang mengagumkan. Sementara terbang ke atas, Linley sudah bisa melihat amat besar Hijau Tattooed Python merangkak naik setelah dia sepanjang dinding tebing. Dingin, mata ular yang menatap Linley, kematian menjanjikan sedangkan ular itu sendiri mendesis nonstop. "Memekik! Memekik! "Seekor burung menangis tinggi menusuk membelah udara, dan dari bawah, puluhan burung raksasa tiba-tiba dibebankan maju dalam mengejar Linley." Dragonhawks! Mereka adalah Dragonhawks! "Wajah Linley segera berbalik kertas putih.

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