Will become a great strength for humans including other good races.
Health, mana, and vitality recovery speed is increased by 40%.
All stats increase by 45.
Faith is permanently increased by 15.
Your footsteps are lighter.
Reduces the damage of black magic.
Reduces armor’s weight by more than a half.
Increases physical strength and enhances the probability to get items.
The brightness of the sculpture weakens evil monsters, making them reluctant to approach it.
- Angels’ blessings are granted.
Racial characteristics double except for every condition above.
If in reduced vitality and health, you can still continue in optimal state during battle.
The divine force will block the special attacks from monsters affiliated with the darkness.
Weed’s whole body was overflowing with strength. Due to the sculpture’s effect, the orc with ridiculous amount of muscle was overflowing with Herculean strength!
“This is an artwork by the master sculptor Daycram.”
It was as though sacred and noble angels just descended on Earth flushing in a magnificent sliver. Heroes tired after a long battle for the salvation of the continent will gather in front of the angels’ sculpture which seems to give hope. It was more fitting to be in a shrine or a royal palace.
“Made using Mithril, Holy shit.”
The sculpture was completely made with Mithril. If someone has a piece of Mithril, it would be a shame not to melt it to create a weapon. However, to be able to create a whole sculpture with Mithril!
Weed thought that buying wood from a sculpting store was a waste of money, so he cut his own wood. Obviously for stone, it was dug up from the vicinity and used. So with envy, Daycram was thought to be greater. To make artworks using Mithril means that he had very superior blacksmith skill similar to Weed.
“A rich sculptor master with intermediate to advanced level of Blacksmith skill.”
There were no more than five master sculptors on the continent! Weed decided to look for more accurate information on his seniors by identifying the sculpture.
- The Advent of the Seven Angels
The sculpture master Daycram’s magnum opus!
The world has not yet seen such a work.
If a sculpture of great work is known to the world, it will create a ripple effect.
It was made perfectly by refining Mithril without any impurities.
Do not know of any written means to maintain Mithril in perfect condition.
Mithril’s distinctive brilliance and robustness are showed precisely.
Hidden in the dungeon in Jigolaths, it was discovered by the sculptor Weed.
As time passes, the value of the artwork was added up.
Artistic merits: The work of a sculptor with divine skills: 57,900.
Options: During the day, the recovery rate of health, mana, and vitality are increased by 40%.
All stats increase by 45.
Moving speed is faster.
Various magic resistances are increased by 25%.
Black magic resistance is temporary added 80%.
The damage of black magic is reduced when you are hit.
Increase in the effectiveness of divine power near the sculpture.
A highly valued religious work: paladins and priests’ skills are permanently increased by 3%.
Depending on the profession, the faith stat is permanently increased from a minimum of 15 to 40.
An increase in drop rate for items and a higher chance of getting rare items.
Due to its high durability, it cannot be destroyed.
A manifestation of the angel’s blessings.
- Enjoying the artwork has raised the art stat by 87.
Art stat has exceeded 2,000.
When trying to create noble art, it will add slightly some additional effects and reduce the chance of failure.
By appraising a higher artwork, your sculpting skill has increased by 3.5%.
For discovering the Advent of the Seven Angels, your fame is increased by 1,450.
If you disclose it to the public, it will increase the influence of art in the world.
Daycram also made works with terrible options. Other sculptures were heavy or easily damaged so it was difficult to move them. However for the Advent of the Seven Angels, even if it was hard, it would worth of bringing back in Versailles continent.
Weed moved the angels to the wagon that Yellowy was made to drag, increasing Yellowy’s burden even more.
“The sculptures will only sell for a few gold…no, they should be melted and get sold as weapons!”
Weed was thinking of destroying the artworks.
“As expected in any field, reliable seniors lead and the juniors follow. Master sculptor Daycram is a really nice guy.”
Daycram wrote down some words on the wall behind the Advent of the Seven Angels.
Written by Daycram.
Arrived here at the end of a long journey.
For the revival of sculptures in the continent, I came here to find Helium.
“So, Daycram found the Helium.”
Weed desired to be the first one to sculpture the Helium. Being the first one in any fields of arts and magic, and not only sculpting, is highly praised. He could open the path to a new era, but he was more curious about Daycram’s sculpture that would have been made of helium.
Sculpture Life Bestowal, Sculpture Transformation, Sculpting Blade, Elemental Creation Sculpture! Daycram was one of the last master sculptors remaining and he wanted to acquire his skills. Then he could obtain something that was the basis of all sculpting.
Weed continued reading the post left by Daycram.
However, before the story of the Helium, I’ll try to talk a little about myself.
Without any disciples, I went to Jigolaths sculpting
I am a sculpting master, but no one wanted to be my disciple, so I went to Jigolaths due to holding a grudge for the painful solitude.
I never expect to meet another sculptor
Wood or stone or metal sculptures, making artworks was so much fun.
However, destroying nature to create a sculpture, is that really the right thing to do?
Magic skills didn’t develop in the past and many sculptures existed.
During those times, craftsmen didn’t destroy nature and regarded it as a friend.
Weed never had any trouble with it even once. He was greedy and only obsessed with obtaining stacks of rocks and harvesting trees in dense forest in good quality.
Weed muttered discontentedly as he kept reading.
“He is just worrying needlessly because things have gotten comfortable.”
Destroying nature in order to artwork was not the right idea.
So if possible, the materials for sculptures were not made from destroying it.
I was also willing to use branches from rotten trees that were eaten by insects.
Picking up fallen petals to make an artwork or make one out of clay.
Of course, the worse the materials were, the harder it was to complete the work.
The sculpture made of rotten tree didn’t look nice and the petals withered and quickly faded away.
I didn’t even attempt to make magnificent sculptures by carving stones and cliffs.
Thus, most of the works were made by melting iron.
After making the sculptures of steel, I was appreciating it alone.
Since I had to melt the steel again in order to create other sculptures, this was the way to cause the least damage to nature.
I was also no longer commissioned by the royal family and the nobles; I had to sell things to live.
I had 1 gold per month and to live, I had to quit drinking and reduce meals.
Without the help of the people around me, I might have died of starvation.
There were unusually rumors known about Daycram among the master sculptors. He was also known for not creating much artwork. Thereby, it was very difficult to find the details about the unexpected stories.
“The master sculptor was an environmentalist.”
Weed was about to let out a sigh.
“But Gayharl’s royal lineage unified the continent, and Zahab confessed his love for a queen.”
Daycram was showing his impoverished and Weed wanted mostly to look away from it. Looking at the angel, he thought that he was rich, but that was a mistake since he judged too quickly. However, Weed, in the end, still didn’t give up on hope.
“He should have something stashed away.”
As other sculpting masters were impressive, he believed that Daycram also held great power.
I even carved using other materials such as the materials discard away by farmers like straw or fertilizer.
When they saw a genuine sculpture by stacking loaf of fertilizer and pining grass on it, people thought of me as a madman.
The beauty that is never seen, but is anywhere.
So, I made a sculpture that is not a sculpture.
Going to the beach to build sand castles on the sand and also watching the waves washing it away leaving fragments of shells on it instead.
The trails on the ground left by the rain were also sculptures.
During that time I saw sculpting in a new light.
If it is a natural piece, then nature is returned to us intact which is great.
Even just fallen trees or rocks lodged deeply in the ground, they all had the breath of nature in them.
I learned the power of using even worthless things myself.
-You have learned Nature Sculpting skill.
You can make sculpture out of nature.
You should have high affinity with nature and sculpting.
Will raise the longevity of the sculpture’s materials.
Even with carvings of stone or wood, the remaining force of nature will not disappear quickly.
If you preserved as much as possible the force of nature, sculpted pieces will be preserved longer.
-An affinity with nature is created.
Since that day, it occurred to me who knew nothing before, to be friends with it
While you create a sculpture while thinking about nature.
I realized that when you a hitting, cutting and breaking to sculpture, you can share a conversation with nature through the skills.
While sharpening a rotten piece of wood, I could still capture mana from the surroundings.
However, people were only concerned about my boat sculpting.
My sculptures which were dirty, steep not good-looking or beautiful, they didn’t want to learn about them since they were hard to understand.
It was very difficult to find natural pieces with mana.
But, they did not believe me sin
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Will become a great strength for humans including other good races.Health, mana, and vitality recovery speed is increased by 40%.All stats increase by 45.Faith is permanently increased by 15.Your footsteps are lighter.Reduces the damage of black magic.Reduces armor’s weight by more than a half.Increases physical strength and enhances the probability to get items.The brightness of the sculpture weakens evil monsters, making them reluctant to approach it.- Angels’ blessings are granted.Racial characteristics double except for every condition above.If in reduced vitality and health, you can still continue in optimal state during battle.The divine force will block the special attacks from monsters affiliated with the darkness.Weed’s whole body was overflowing with strength. Due to the sculpture’s effect, the orc with ridiculous amount of muscle was overflowing with Herculean strength!“This is an artwork by the master sculptor Daycram.”It was as though sacred and noble angels just descended on Earth flushing in a magnificent sliver. Heroes tired after a long battle for the salvation of the continent will gather in front of the angels’ sculpture which seems to give hope. It was more fitting to be in a shrine or a royal palace.“Made using Mithril, Holy shit.”The sculpture was completely made with Mithril. If someone has a piece of Mithril, it would be a shame not to melt it to create a weapon. However, to be able to create a whole sculpture with Mithril!Gulma berpikir bahwa membeli kayu dari toko mematung adalah buang-buang uang, sehingga ia memotong kayu sendiri. Jelas untuk batu itu digali dari sekitar dan digunakan. Jadi dengan iri hati, Daycram dianggap lebih besar. Untuk membuat karya-karya seni yang menggunakan Mithril berarti bahwa ia pandai besi sangat unggul keterampilan mirip dengan gulma."Master pemahat kaya menengah ke tingkat lanjutan keterampilan Blacksmith."Ada tidak lebih dari lima master pemahat di benua! Gulma memutuskan untuk mencari informasi yang lebih akurat pada senior nya dengan mengidentifikasi patung."Kenali!"-Kedatangan tujuh malaikatPatung master Daycram magnum opus!Dunia belum terlihat seperti kerja.Jika sebuah patung pekerjaan besar dikenal dunia, itu akan membuat efek riak.Itu dibuat dengan sempurna oleh penyulingan Mithril tanpa kotoran.Tidak tahu cara tertulis untuk menjaga Mithril dalam kondisi sempurna.Mithril's kecemerlangan khas dan ketahanan menunjukkan tepat.Tersembunyi di penjara di Jigolaths, ditemukan oleh pemahat gulma.Dengan berjalannya waktu, nilai karya seni telah ditambahkan.Manfaat artistik: karya pematung dengan keterampilan ilahi: 57,900.Pilihan: Selama hari, tingkat pemulihan Kesehatan, mana dan vitalitas meningkat sebesar 40%.Semua statistik meningkatkan oleh 45.Kecepatan bergerak lebih cepat.Berbagai sihir resistansi meningkat sebesar 25%.Black magic perlawanan adalah sementara ditambahkan 80%.Kerusakan sihir hitam berkurang ketika Anda menekan.Meningkatkan efektivitas kuasa Ilahi dekat patung.Karya agama sangat dihargai: keterampilan paladins dan para imam secara permanen meningkat sebesar 3%.Tergantung pada profesi, iman stat secara permanen meningkat dari minimal 15 sampai 40.Peningkatan tingkat drop item dan kesempatan yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapatkan barang-barang langka.Karena daya tahan tinggi, itu tidak dapat dihancurkan.Manifestasi dari berkat-berkat malaikat.-Menikmati karya seni telah dibangkitkan stat seni oleh 87.Seni stat telah melampaui 2.000.Ketika mencoba untuk menciptakan seni yang mulia, akan menambahkan sedikit beberapa efek tambahan dan mengurangi kemungkinan kegagalan.Oleh menilai karya seni tinggi, keterampilan mematung telah meningkat sebesar 3,5%.Untuk menemukan munculnya tujuh malaikat, ketenaran meningkat oleh 1.450.Jika Anda memberikan kepada publik, akan meningkatkan pengaruh seni di dunia.Daycram juga dibuat bekerja dengan pilihan yang mengerikan. Patung-patung lainnya yang berat atau mudah rusak sehingga sulit untuk memindahkan mereka. Namun untuk munculnya tujuh malaikat, bahkan jika itu sulit, itu akan bernilai membawa kembali di Versailles benua."Jackpot!"Gulma pindah malaikat-malaikat ke gerobak yang Yellowy dibuat untuk menyeret, meningkatkan beban Yellowy's bahkan lebih."Patung-patung akan hanya menjual untuk beberapa emas... tidak, mereka harus mencair dan mendapatkan dijual sebagai senjata!"Gulma sedang berpikir untuk menghancurkan karya seni."Seperti yang diharapkan dalam bidang apapun, memimpin handal senior dan yunior mengikuti. Master pemahat Daycram adalah seorang pria benar-benar baik."Daycram menuliskan beberapa kata-kata di dinding di belakang munculnya tujuh malaikat.Ditulis oleh Daycram.Tiba di sini pada akhir perjalanan panjang.Untuk kebangkitan patung-patung di benua, saya datang ke sini untuk menemukan Helium."Jadi, Daycram menemukan Helium."Gulma diinginkan untuk menjadi yang pertama untuk patung Helium. Menjadi yang pertama dalam setiap bidang seni dan sihir, dan tidak hanya mematung, sangat dipuji. Ia bisa membuka jalan menuju era baru, tetapi ia lebih penasaran dengan patung Daycram itu yang akan telah dibuat helium.Patung hidup pemberian, patung transformasi, mematung pisau, unsur pembuatan patung! Daycram adalah salah satu pemahat menguasai terakhir yang tersisa dan ia ingin memperoleh keterampilan. Kemudian ia bisa mendapatkan sesuatu yang merupakan dasar dari semua mematung.Gulma terus membaca posting yang ditinggalkan oleh Daycram.Namun, sebelum cerita helium, saya akan mencoba untuk berbicara sedikit tentang diriku sendiri.Tanpa setiap murid, aku pergi ke Jigolaths mematungAku master mematung, tapi tak seorang pun ingin menjadi murid saya, jadi aku pergi ke Jigolaths karena dendam untuk menyendiri menyakitkan.Saya tidak pernah berharap untuk bertemu pematung lainKayu atau batu atau patung logam, membuat karya seni adalah sangat menyenangkan.Namun, merusak alam untuk menciptakan sebuah patung, apakah itu benar-benar hal yang benar untuk lakukan?Magic skills didn’t develop in the past and many sculptures existed.During those times, craftsmen didn’t destroy nature and regarded it as a friend.Weed never had any trouble with it even once. He was greedy and only obsessed with obtaining stacks of rocks and harvesting trees in dense forest in good quality.Weed muttered discontentedly as he kept reading.“He is just worrying needlessly because things have gotten comfortable.”Destroying nature in order to artwork was not the right idea.So if possible, the materials for sculptures were not made from destroying it.I was also willing to use branches from rotten trees that were eaten by insects.Picking up fallen petals to make an artwork or make one out of clay.Of course, the worse the materials were, the harder it was to complete the work.The sculpture made of rotten tree didn’t look nice and the petals withered and quickly faded away.I didn’t even attempt to make magnificent sculptures by carving stones and cliffs.Thus, most of the works were made by melting iron.After making the sculptures of steel, I was appreciating it alone.Since I had to melt the steel again in order to create other sculptures, this was the way to cause the least damage to nature.I was also no longer commissioned by the royal family and the nobles; I had to sell things to live.I had 1 gold per month and to live, I had to quit drinking and reduce meals.Tanpa bantuan dari orang-orang di sekitar saya, saya mungkin mati kelaparan.Luar biasa ada desas-desus yang diketahui tentang Daycram antara pematung master. Ia juga dikenal untuk tidak menciptakan banyak karya seni. Dengan demikian, itu sangat sulit untuk menemukan rincian tentang kisah-kisah tak terduga."Master pemahat adalah sebuah lingkungan."Gulma hendak mendesah."Tetapi keturunan diraja Gayharl's unified benua, dan Zahab mengakui kasih-Nya bagi seorang Ratu."Daycram adalah menampilkan dia miskin dan gulma ingin sebagian besar untuk melihat jauh dari itu. Melihat malaikat, ia berpikir bahwa ia seorang yang kaya, tetapi itu adalah kesalahan karena ia dinilai terlalu cepat. Bagaimanapun, rumput, pada akhirnya, masih tidak menyerah pada harapan."Ia harus memiliki sesuatu yang tersimpan saja."Sebagai Master lain patung itu mengesankan, dia percaya bahwa Daycram juga memegang kuasa yang besar.Aku bahkan mengukir menggunakan bahan lain seperti bahan membuang pergi oleh petani seperti jerami atau pupuk.Ketika mereka melihat sebuah patung asli oleh susun roti pupuk dan merana rumput di atasnya, orang berpikir saya sebagai orang gila.Keindahan yang tidak pernah dilihat, tetapi di mana saja.Jadi, saya membuat sebuah patung yang tidak sebuah patung.Pergi ke pantai untuk membangun istana pasir pasir dan juga menonton gelombang mencuci itu pergi meninggalkan fragmen kerang di atasnya sebagai gantinya.Jalur di atas tanah yang ditinggalkan oleh hujan itu juga patung.Selama waktu itu aku melihat mematung dalam terang yang baru.Jika itu adalah bagian alami, kemudian alam dikembalikan kepada kita utuh yang besar.Bahkan hanya jatuh pohon atau batu-batuan yang sangat bersarang di tanah, mereka semua memiliki nafas alam di dalamnya.Saya belajar kekuatan menggunakan hal-hal yang berharga bahkan diriku sendiri.Ding!-Anda telah belajar keterampilan alam mematung.Anda dapat membuat patung dari alam.Anda harus memiliki afinitas tinggi dengan alam dan mematung.Akan meningkatkan umur panjang bahan dengan patung.Bahkan dengan ukiran batu atau kayu, sisa kekuatan alam tidak akan lenyap dengan cepat.Jika Anda dipertahankan sebanyak mungkin kekuatan alam, patung potongan akan dipertahankan lagi.-Afinitas dengan alam dibuat.Sejak hari itu, hal itu terjadi kepada saya yang tahu apa-apa sebelumnya, untuk berteman dengan ituSementara Anda membuat sebuah patung sambil berpikir tentang alam.Saya menyadari bahwa ketika Anda menekan, memotong dan melanggar untuk patung, Anda dapat berbagi percakapan dengan alam melalui keterampilan.Sementara mengasah sepotong kayu busuk, aku masih bisa menangkap mana dari sekitarnya.Namun, orang-orang hanya peduli tentang perahu mematung.Saya patung yang kotor, curam tidak tampan atau indah, mereka tidak mau belajar tentang mereka karena mereka sulit untuk mengerti.Itu sangat sulit untuk menemukan potongan-potongan yang alami dengan mana.Namun, mereka tidak percaya saya dosa
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