To consider the particular role of qualitative methods in providing th terjemahan - To consider the particular role of qualitative methods in providing th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

To consider the particular role of

To consider the particular role of qualitative methods in providing the kinds
of information and understanding needed in social research, it is useful to
consider some of the broader functions of social investigation. These have
been defined in various ways, depending on the purpose of the classification.
In more theoretical research, for example, distinctions are often made
between the functions of theory building, hypotheses testing and content
illumination. Alternatively, in applied research, the policy-making cycle is
sometimes used to define the different types of research needed during the
key stages of policy-making - that is formulation, implementation and

From these and other such divisions, it is possible to identify a broad,
although comprehensive, classification as follows:
Contextual - describing the form or nature of what exists
• Explanatory - examining the reasons for, or associations between, what
• Evaluative - appraising the effectiveness of what exists
• Generative - aiding the development of theories, strategies or actions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
To consider the particular role of qualitative methods in providing the kinds
of information and understanding needed in social research, it is useful to
consider some of the broader functions of social investigation. These have
been defined in various ways, depending on the purpose of the classification.
In more theoretical research, for example, distinctions are often made
between the functions of theory building, hypotheses testing and content
illumination. Alternatively, in applied research, the policy-making cycle is
sometimes used to define the different types of research needed during the
key stages of policy-making - that is formulation, implementation and

From these and other such divisions, it is possible to identify a broad,
although comprehensive, classification as follows:
Contextual - describing the form or nature of what exists
• Explanatory - examining the reasons for, or associations between, what
• Evaluative - appraising the effectiveness of what exists
• Generative - aiding the development of theories, strategies or actions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Untuk mempertimbangkan peran tertentu metode kualitatif dalam memberikan jenis
informasi dan pemahaman yang diperlukan dalam penelitian sosial, hal ini berguna untuk
mempertimbangkan beberapa fungsi yang lebih luas investigasi sosial. Ini telah
ditetapkan dalam berbagai cara, tergantung pada tujuan klasifikasi.
Dalam penelitian lebih teoritis, misalnya, perbedaan sering dibuat
antara fungsi bangunan teori, hipotesis pengujian dan konten
pencahayaan. Atau, dalam penelitian terapan, siklus pembuatan kebijakan yang
kadang-kadang digunakan untuk menentukan jenis penelitian yang diperlukan selama
tahap kunci dari pembuatan kebijakan - yang merupakan formulasi, implementasi dan
penilaian. Dari dan divisi lain seperti, adalah mungkin untuk mengidentifikasi luas, meskipun komprehensif, klasifikasi sebagai berikut: Kontekstual - menggambarkan bentuk atau sifat apa yang ada • Penjelasan - memeriksa alasan, atau hubungan antara apa yang ada • Evaluatif - menilai efektivitas dari apa yang ada • generatif - membantu pengembangan teori, strategi atau tindakan.

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