Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Hauria VS. Kaisar - kemudian-Seperti lelucon, kepala dari inline berikutnya Kaisar, Bias, adalah mudah melemparkan ke udara.[...........][Itu kaisar berikutnya. Anda pengganti... dapat Anda beruang melihat itu, Anda dapat menanggung mendengar bahwa, itu sangat mengerikan][....... Aku seharusnya sudah mengatakan itu. Bahkan jika kita dibantai semua, saya tidak akan berjanji untuk apa pun. Hancur oleh kemarahan Kekaisaran][Untuk memiliki sikap semacam itu bahkan setelah anakmu yang terbunuh. MA ~, untuk mulai dengan, ia mungkin tidak pernah telah dicintai oleh Anda. Setelah semua, posisi Kaisar diputuskan melalui kemampuan, itulah sebabnya hal ini tidak biasa bagi saudara untuk mencoba dan membunuh satu sama lain]Itu persis seperti Cam berkata, kerabat bisa mendapatkan posisi Kaisar dengan memenangkan duel. Bahkan jika mitra tewas dalam duel hal tidak dianggap kejahatan.Gaharudo memiliki banyak selir yang melahirkan selain Ratu, Bias sendiri adalah anak dari seorang selir yang berhasil menjadi Pangeran mahkota melalui menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam duel. Itu cocok prinsip mereka, yang lemah akan mengikuti yang kuat! dan di sana Anda memilikinya.Mungkin karena itu, Gaharudo's ekspresi tidak berubah sama sekali. Sejak awal, standar yang lemah atau kuat, telah ada desas-desus bahwa ada cinta untuk nya putra dan putri... tidak tampaknya ada emosi yang tersembunyi, sehingga sangat baik mungkin benar. Sebaliknya, ajudan dari beberapa waktu lalu adalah satu-satunya waktu yang ia benar-benar terkena amarahnya.Gaharudo that was snorting towards Cam’s words.[If you know that it’s useless now then just stop][There’s no rush. You won’t pledge no matter what? You’ll continue tormenting the Demi-humans after this? You’ll continue tracking down our Haruia Tribe?][How repetitious][Is that so…..”Delta 1, this is Alpha 1, do it”]---------Alpha 1, this is Delta 1. RogerAll of the sudden, Cam started saying things which Gaharudo couldn’t comprehend. Though Gaharudo had a questioning expression, in the next moment, he felt and heard the roar of a huge explosion through his belly and the complexion of his face changed.[-. What was that just now!][What, it’s not that much of a big deal. We only blew up the barracks that were watching the slaves][Blew up? It can’t be……][Fumu, how many people were inside again…...anyways several hundreds of soldiers just died. It’s all your fault, Gaharudo][You bastards did it!][Nope, it was you, Gaharudo. Your decision claimed the lives of those soldiers. And……”Delta 1, this is Alpha 1, do it”]Once again, Cam muttered things which Gaharudo couldn’t comprehend, Gaharudo immediately called out to him. It was far too bad of a joke that they could remotely detonate explosives from this location.[Oi! Hauria~!]However, Gaharudo’s words were in vain, a second roar erupted. Not within the Imperial Castle. A large explosion occurred somewhere in the capital.Holding back his emotions, Gaharudo asked.[......Where was that explosion?][The hospital][Wha, damn you!][Be relieved. What blew up was the military’s hospital. The only ones that died were soldiers and their doctors…...to begin with, the public hospital, Inns, brothels, residential areas, though lots of people lost their homes and are living in temporary shelters after the Majinzoku’s attack, do you have any request?][Don’t go laying your hands on the general public! How far are you going to fall Hauria!][.......You guys always persecuted us Demi-humans. You’ve got no right to complain when the positions are turned around……”Delta, do it”][Wait~!]The entire Empire persecuted the Demi-humans, at this point how is the general public not involved? Cam showed a slightly amazed voice. Then, mercilessly gave out the order.The third explosion was heard, this time Gaharudo was grinding his teeth together as he was convinced that the publics buildings were bombed. But actually it was the drawbridge which allows entry into the Imperial castle. Since there will likely be reports coming from the capital about the explosions, the only route to enter the castle was destroyed.In addition, Cam’s words were partly a bluff, they never set any bombs in areas that weren’t related to the army. The explosions weren’t caused through remote methods either, a unit of Hauria’s that sneaked into the castle had to manually set them off, due to this they couldn’t set up bombs in many places.[If you won’t be pledging then we have no other choice. I’ll have to set off every bomb we’ve set up in the capital, you Imperial aristocrats and leaders here will be lending a hand in it. Thousands of people will be accompanying each other to the otherside. It’s not a bad way to end huh?]What he was saying was definitely terrorist-like. Who the heck taught him…...though some glances were focused on the boy in the corner of the hall, the actual person was indifferent.Towards the merciless demand, Gaharudo couldn’t decide quickly and became silent. Though he was looking through his head for a method of breaking out of the current situation, no bright idea’s came to mind. His expression was sour and breaking out in cold sweat, it showed that he was being cornered.And despite that Cam didn’t allow him any breathing room at all. Since the reply was slow he gave out orders.[“Delta, this is Alpha 1…….do-”][Wait~!]Gaharudo called out in a panicking voice. And he slammed his head into the ground several times to calm himself down, looked up with a face as if giving up[Shi----, damn it all! I get it! It’s my defeat! I’ll accept your demands! That’s why, stop taking lives indiscriminately through explosions!][That’s excellent. Then pledge to the oath]Even though the demands were accepted, Cam replied indifferently. Gaharudo could only show a bitter smile. And while relaxing his shoulders, he talked to the remaining survivors within the hall.[Ha ~, sialan, aku minta maaf kalian. Saya dilakukan saat ini. ….. Di kerajaan kekuatan adalah segalanya. Ini Usagininzoku, Haura, menunjukkan melalui "membawa turun Istana Imperial". Memegang kehidupan orang-orang. Oleh karena itu, "sebagai wakil dari Hoelscher! Semua budak Demi-manusia harus dibebaskan! Kita tidak pernah akan mengganggu laut pohon! Sekarang saat ini, penganiayaan dan perbudakan Demi-manusia sekarang dilarang! Orang-orang yang melanggar sumpah-sumpah ini akan dihukum oleh Kekaisaran! Mereka akan juga ditetapkan sebagai undang-undang baru di Kekaisaran!" Jika kalian punya keluhan, datang ke tempat saya! Jika Anda dapat mengalahkan saya, Anda dapat melakukan apapun yang Anda inginkan kemudian!]Jika Anda ingin untuk mengobati Demi-manusia sebagai budak seperti biasa, memusnahkan semua yang menahan darah Hoescher's! Saya akan membawa Anda! Dia menyatakan. Dia benar-benar adalah seorang pria yang berpegang pada prinsip-prinsip bahwa kemampuan memerintah tertinggi. Kursus penilaian ini tidak ada salahnya Kekaisaran selain kehilangan hubungan dengan Demi-manusia, sebagaimana yang diharapkan, mereka kehilangan dalam pertempuran langsung memiliki dampak yang cukup besar.[Fumu, Anda telah akhirnya menjawab dengan benar]Bersama dengan kata-kata, lampu sorot menunjukkan turun ke semua orang di suku Kaisar. Cucu masih muda dan tertua yang seharusnya tidak berada di hall memiliki sebuah kalung dengan batu merah cerah di leher mereka.[Jika Anda tidak ingin darah Hoelscher untuk dimusnahkan, jangan lupa sumpah][I know][The content of the oath will be made public tomorrow, at the very least liberate all the slaves in the capital by the end of tomorrow][By tomorrow? Just how many slaves do you think there are in the Empire……][Do it][You dirty bastard! I just have to do it right, I’ll do it!][Free the slaves and send them directly to the Sea of Trees. Gaharudo. You must accompany them to Fair Bergen. And then repeat the oath in front of the elders][Alone? Wouldn’t I normally be killed?][We’ll return you back safely. If you died, various problems would arise?][Haa~, I got it. I’ve had a bad feeling ever since you guys broke out of prison. To think that we’d be pushed this far. …...Na~a, do you have a grudge against me or the Empire, Hajime Nagumo?]Gaharudo glared at Hajime through the darkness.However there was no answer from Hajime. While holding Ririana by the neck like a kitten, he was leaning against the wall and yawning. Right now was the Haruia tribe’s time to take the leading role. That’s why, he seemed to take on the stance “I’m only a spectator in this affair”.There weren’t any lights, even though Gaharudo couldn’t see his appearance, he at least figured that Hajime had no intentions of answering. Gaharudo grandly clicked his tongue.[Gaharudo, as a warning. We definitely obtained some help from our benefactor who changed us. However, that power had already became ours exclusively. If we wanted to, we could easily search for information and invade the castle at any time. It’s easy to scratch your neck when sleeping. If you don’t make the laws, even without the power of our benefactor our blades could easily cut your neck][Exclusive use. I’m quite jealous. To be able to use artifacts even though Demi-humans have no magical powers…...]Gaharudo’s crushed and sour expressions weren’t hard to believe. Because it was impossible for the Demi-humans to stand up against another race without magic, however with the use of artifacts that fact was easily destroyed.However, it isn’t enough to just say stop it, at best they could only curse out at them. [Jeez, what else could I do!], Gaharudo shouted his feelings towards Hajime.His army was burning down because of the person who created an artifact which allowed him to fly in the air and travel the distance which should have taken 2 months into just a day and a half, if anyone were to be armed with artifacts of that stature then the Hauria’s claim of being able to invade anywhere and carry out assassinations held lots of credibility.By the way, what was used this time around was the “Spider-typed Golem Scout”, “Improved Telepathy Stone
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