One preliminary contingent problem with much rights talk is easy to pi terjemahan - One preliminary contingent problem with much rights talk is easy to pi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

One preliminary contingent problem

One preliminary contingent problem with much rights talk is easy to pinpoint: the tendency to confuse legal and moral rights, which is of course just a variant of the general tendency to confuse moral and legal values referred to above. But, perhaps because legal rights are firmly encoded and are relatively easy to cite, the confusion between the two kinds of value is more tenacious and detrimental when we talk in terms of rights. It may also be that, since it is at least arguable that one has a moral obligation to obey the law, we tend to assume that any law that has been constitutionally enacted is a morally just law, which certainly need not be the case. Be that as it may, it is fairly uncontentiously the case that a lot of moral indignation and righteousness are inappropriately brought to bear on issues that are in fact matters of legal and not moral rights. We have all sorts of legal right that have nothing to do with morality and, conversely, many moral obligations that are not enshrined in law. For example, I have certain legal commitments, responsibilities, and expectations arising from my contract to write this book or, on an altogether different plane, there are many different legal rights to be considered by experts when the need to operate on Siamese twins joined at the head is at issue. Both of these examples may give rise to moral questions, but in themselves they present purely legal issues. To determine what I have to do, to determine what the surgeons may legitimately do, we go to lawyers, not moral philosophers. It is a question of interpreting the law and not of what the law ought to be. By contrast, I have various moral responsibilities to my friends that are not encoded in any law.
Countries with written constitutions may perhaps find this problem of disentangling the legal and the moral even more difficult, since legal experts are charged with interpreting the constitution, yet a constitution is often seen as a charter representing a nation’s highest moral aspirations. The degree of moral sentiment that surrounds the issue of the right to bear arms in the United States, for example, is palpable. But, quite apart from the vexed legal question of how the constitution is to be interpreted on this issue (since both sides of the debate appeal to the constitution), one thing is certain: the fact, if it is a fact, that the right of every citizen to carry arms is guaranteed by the constitution has got nothing at all to do with the question of whether they have a moral right to do so. Furthermore, the question of whether they have a moral right to do so is subtly different from the question of whether it is morally desirable that they should do so. One might even argue that it is not a moral issue at all, so much as a prudential one: is it actually sensible, is it in our interests, to maintain the gun culture that is familiar to us? Were we to approach the issue by asking that question, the whole tone and nature of the discussion, and possibly even its outcome, would be very different. By couching the debate in terms of ‘rights’, however, besides confusing legal and moral issues, besides bypassing the fundamental question of what grounds our moral values, we set the debate up in terms of moral righteousness, implacable positions, and confrontational rhetoric. You can discuss whether it is sensible to treat guns in this way or that; you can’t argue with a man who thinks you are challenging his inalienable right.
The prevalence of often fruitless and always costly litigation today is surely partly due, not simply to the rapacity of lawyers, and not only to the confusion between legal and moral issues, but to the tendency to talk in terms of rights rather than in terms of what ought to be done. Rights talk is always necessarily personalized. It is ‘my right’, ‘your right’, or ‘our right’. Even when the ultimate reference is to a so-called human right (say, the right to freedom), in particular cases it becomes an argument about infringement of somebody’s right to freedom. This leads directly to a confrontational style of debate. What, after all, can trump ‘my right’ in this inflated language game? Only ‘your’ right. Though there can be class-action suits, the language of rights is inherently individualistic rather than communal; it is agonistic, if not antagonistic. It is not conducive to conversation, genuine dialogue, or discussion, so much as to confrontation.
Another aspect of the language of rights is that it tends to underplay reference to duties and responsibilities. Formally, one may argue that if you have certain rights then I have corresponding duties to respect your rights. But the fact remains that thinking of morality as primarily a matter of rights seems to weaken our awareness of the need for moral people to exercise responsibility and to act in certain ways, such as kindly and considerately, because it is good to do so rather than because we are obliged to acknowledge somebody’s rights. It would be difficult to dispute the claim that the litigious atmosphere of societies such as the United States, arising partly out of a stress on rights, has done a great deal to undermine the idea that morality is partly about giving, about respect, about acting in a principled manner, and about having duties and responsibilities, quite regardless of anyone else’s rights. To emphasize the right to bear arms, and to confine argument to whether or not that right is guaranteed by the constitution, inevitably distracts us from thinking in a dispassionate way about whether there are moral reasons for opposing the gun lobby.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
One preliminary contingent problem with much rights talk is easy to pinpoint: the tendency to confuse legal and moral rights, which is of course just a variant of the general tendency to confuse moral and legal values referred to above. But, perhaps because legal rights are firmly encoded and are relatively easy to cite, the confusion between the two kinds of value is more tenacious and detrimental when we talk in terms of rights. It may also be that, since it is at least arguable that one has a moral obligation to obey the law, we tend to assume that any law that has been constitutionally enacted is a morally just law, which certainly need not be the case. Be that as it may, it is fairly uncontentiously the case that a lot of moral indignation and righteousness are inappropriately brought to bear on issues that are in fact matters of legal and not moral rights. We have all sorts of legal right that have nothing to do with morality and, conversely, many moral obligations that are not enshrined in law. For example, I have certain legal commitments, responsibilities, and expectations arising from my contract to write this book or, on an altogether different plane, there are many different legal rights to be considered by experts when the need to operate on Siamese twins joined at the head is at issue. Both of these examples may give rise to moral questions, but in themselves they present purely legal issues. To determine what I have to do, to determine what the surgeons may legitimately do, we go to lawyers, not moral philosophers. It is a question of interpreting the law and not of what the law ought to be. By contrast, I have various moral responsibilities to my friends that are not encoded in any law.Countries with written constitutions may perhaps find this problem of disentangling the legal and the moral even more difficult, since legal experts are charged with interpreting the constitution, yet a constitution is often seen as a charter representing a nation’s highest moral aspirations. The degree of moral sentiment that surrounds the issue of the right to bear arms in the United States, for example, is palpable. But, quite apart from the vexed legal question of how the constitution is to be interpreted on this issue (since both sides of the debate appeal to the constitution), one thing is certain: the fact, if it is a fact, that the right of every citizen to carry arms is guaranteed by the constitution has got nothing at all to do with the question of whether they have a moral right to do so. Furthermore, the question of whether they have a moral right to do so is subtly different from the question of whether it is morally desirable that they should do so. One might even argue that it is not a moral issue at all, so much as a prudential one: is it actually sensible, is it in our interests, to maintain the gun culture that is familiar to us? Were we to approach the issue by asking that question, the whole tone and nature of the discussion, and possibly even its outcome, would be very different. By couching the debate in terms of ‘rights’, however, besides confusing legal and moral issues, besides bypassing the fundamental question of what grounds our moral values, we set the debate up in terms of moral righteousness, implacable positions, and confrontational rhetoric. You can discuss whether it is sensible to treat guns in this way or that; you can’t argue with a man who thinks you are challenging his inalienable right.The prevalence of often fruitless and always costly litigation today is surely partly due, not simply to the rapacity of lawyers, and not only to the confusion between legal and moral issues, but to the tendency to talk in terms of rights rather than in terms of what ought to be done. Rights talk is always necessarily personalized. It is ‘my right’, ‘your right’, or ‘our right’. Even when the ultimate reference is to a so-called human right (say, the right to freedom), in particular cases it becomes an argument about infringement of somebody’s right to freedom. This leads directly to a confrontational style of debate. What, after all, can trump ‘my right’ in this inflated language game? Only ‘your’ right. Though there can be class-action suits, the language of rights is inherently individualistic rather than communal; it is agonistic, if not antagonistic. It is not conducive to conversation, genuine dialogue, or discussion, so much as to confrontation.
Another aspect of the language of rights is that it tends to underplay reference to duties and responsibilities. Formally, one may argue that if you have certain rights then I have corresponding duties to respect your rights. But the fact remains that thinking of morality as primarily a matter of rights seems to weaken our awareness of the need for moral people to exercise responsibility and to act in certain ways, such as kindly and considerately, because it is good to do so rather than because we are obliged to acknowledge somebody’s rights. It would be difficult to dispute the claim that the litigious atmosphere of societies such as the United States, arising partly out of a stress on rights, has done a great deal to undermine the idea that morality is partly about giving, about respect, about acting in a principled manner, and about having duties and responsibilities, quite regardless of anyone else’s rights. To emphasize the right to bear arms, and to confine argument to whether or not that right is guaranteed by the constitution, inevitably distracts us from thinking in a dispassionate way about whether there are moral reasons for opposing the gun lobby.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Satu masalah kontingen awal dengan bicara banyak hak mudah untuk menentukan: kecenderungan untuk membingungkan hak-hak hukum dan moral, yang tentu saja hanya varian dari kecenderungan umum untuk membingungkan nilai-nilai moral dan hukum tersebut di atas. Tapi, mungkin karena hak-hak hukum yang tegas dikodekan dan relatif mudah untuk mengutip, kebingungan antara dua jenis nilai lebih ulet dan merugikan ketika kita berbicara dalam hal hak. Hal ini juga mungkin bahwa, karena setidaknya dikatakan bahwa seseorang memiliki kewajiban moral untuk mematuhi hukum, kita cenderung menganggap bahwa hukum yang telah berlaku secara konstitusional adalah moral hukum yang adil, yang tentu saja tidak perlu terjadi. Jadilah bahwa mungkin, itu cukup uncontentiously kasus yang banyak kemarahan moral dan kebenaran yang tidak tepat dibawa untuk menanggung pada masalah-masalah yang sebenarnya masalah hak moral hukum dan tidak. Kami memiliki segala macam hak hukum yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan moralitas dan, sebaliknya, banyak kewajiban moral yang tidak diabadikan dalam hukum. Sebagai contoh, saya memiliki komitmen tertentu hukum, tanggung jawab, dan harapan yang timbul dari kontrak saya untuk menulis buku ini atau, pada pesawat yang sama sekali berbeda, ada banyak hak-hak hukum yang berbeda yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh para ahli ketika kebutuhan untuk beroperasi pada kembar siam bergabung di kepala yang menjadi masalah. Kedua contoh dapat menimbulkan pertanyaan moral, tetapi dalam diri mereka menyajikan isu-isu murni hukum. Untuk menentukan apa yang harus saya lakukan, untuk menentukan apa yang ahli bedah dapat melakukan sah, kita pergi ke pengacara, filsuf tidak bermoral. Ini adalah pertanyaan menafsirkan hukum dan bukan dari apa hukum seharusnya. Sebaliknya, saya memiliki berbagai tanggung jawab moral untuk teman-teman saya yang tidak dikodekan dalam hukum apapun.
Negara-negara dengan konstitusi tertulis mungkin dapat menemukan masalah ini menguraikan hukum dan moral bahkan lebih sulit, karena ahli hukum dibebankan dengan menafsirkan konstitusi, namun konstitusi sering dianggap sebagai sebuah piagam mewakili aspirasi moral yang tertinggi suatu negara. Tingkat sentimen moral yang mengelilingi isu hak untuk memanggul senjata di Amerika Serikat, misalnya, bisa diraba. Tapi, terlepas dari pertanyaan hukum jengkel bagaimana konstitusi harus ditafsirkan dalam masalah ini (sejak kedua sisi daya tarik debat konstitusi), satu hal yang pasti: fakta, jika itu adalah fakta, bahwa hak setiap warga negara untuk membawa senjata dijamin oleh konstitusi telah mendapat apa-apa sama sekali hubungannya dengan pertanyaan apakah mereka memiliki hak moral untuk melakukannya. Selain itu, pertanyaan apakah mereka memiliki hak moral untuk melakukannya adalah agak berbeda dari pertanyaan apakah secara moral diinginkan bahwa mereka harus melakukannya. Satu bahkan mungkin berpendapat bahwa itu bukan masalah moral sama sekali, begitu banyak sebagai kehati-hatian satu: apakah itu benar-benar masuk akal, adalah dalam kepentingan kita, untuk mempertahankan budaya senjata yang asing lagi bagi kita? Apakah kita mendekati masalah ini dengan mengajukan pertanyaan itu, seluruh nada dan sifat diskusi, dan bahkan mungkin hasilnya, akan sangat berbeda. Dengan meniarap perdebatan dalam hal 'hak', namun, selain masalah hukum dan moral yang membingungkan, selain melewati pertanyaan mendasar tentang apa alasan nilai-nilai moral kita, kita mengatur perdebatan dalam hal kebenaran moral, posisi kepala batu, dan retorika konfrontatif. Anda dapat mendiskusikan apakah masuk akal untuk mengobati senjata dengan cara ini atau itu; Anda tidak bisa berdebat dengan seorang pria yang berpikir Anda menantang hak mutlak nya.
Prevalensi sering sia-sia dan selalu mahal litigasi saat ini pasti sebagian karena, tidak hanya untuk kerakusan pengacara, dan tidak hanya untuk kebingungan antara hukum dan moral masalah, tetapi untuk kecenderungan untuk berbicara dalam hal hak dan bukan dalam hal apa yang seharusnya dilakukan. Hak bicara selalu harus dipersonalisasi. Ini adalah 'saya benar', 'Anda benar', atau 'kami benar'. Bahkan ketika referensi utamanya adalah untuk apa yang disebut hak asasi manusia (misalnya, hak untuk bebas), dalam kasus-kasus tertentu menjadi argumen tentang pelanggaran hak seseorang untuk kebebasan. Hal ini mengarah langsung ke gaya konfrontatif perdebatan. Apa, setelah semua, dapat truf 'saya benar' dalam game ini bahasa meningkat? Hanya benar 'Anda'. Meskipun bisa ada gugatan class action, bahasa hak secara inheren individualistis daripada komunal; itu atletik, jika tidak antagonis. Hal ini tidak kondusif untuk percakapan, dialog asli, atau diskusi, begitu banyak untuk konfrontasi.
Aspek lain dari bahasa hak adalah bahwa ia cenderung untuk meremehkan referensi tugas dan tanggung jawab. Secara formal, seseorang mungkin berpendapat bahwa jika Anda memiliki hak tertentu maka saya memiliki tugas yang sesuai untuk menghormati hak-hak Anda. Tapi kenyataannya tetap bahwa pemikiran moralitas sebagai terutama soal hak tampaknya melemahkan kesadaran kita tentang perlunya orang moral untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawab dan bertindak dengan cara tertentu, seperti baik dan bijak, karena itu baik untuk melakukannya daripada karena kita diwajibkan untuk mengakui hak-hak seseorang. Akan sulit untuk membantah klaim bahwa suasana sadar hukum masyarakat seperti Amerika Serikat, timbul sebagian dari stres pada hak, telah melakukan banyak untuk melemahkan gagasan bahwa moralitas sebagian tentang memberi, tentang rasa hormat, tentang akting secara prinsip, dan tentang memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab, cukup terlepas dari hak orang lain. Untuk menekankan hak untuk menanggung lengan, dan untuk membatasi argumen untuk apakah atau tidak benar yang dijamin oleh konstitusi, mau tidak mau mengalihkan perhatian kita dari berpikir dengan cara yang tidak memihak tentang apakah ada alasan moral untuk menentang lobi senjata.

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