Most automakers require a 30-day notice to build vehicles, but Toyota  terjemahan - Most automakers require a 30-day notice to build vehicles, but Toyota  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Most automakers require a 30-day no

Most automakers require a 30-day notice to build vehicles, but Toyota Motor fills a
buyer’s new car order in just 5 days. Honda Motor was considered the industry’s fastest
producer, filling orders in 15 days. Automakers have for years operated under just-in-time
inventory systems, but Toyota’s 360 suppliers are linked to the company via computers on
a virtual assembly line. The new Toyota production system was developed in the company’s
Cambridge, Ontario, plant and now applies to its Solara, Camry, Corolla, and
Tacoma vehicles.
Production/operations activities often represent the largest part of an organization’s
human and capital assets. In most industries, the major costs of producing a product or service
are incurred within operations, so production/operations can have great value as a
competitive weapon in a company’s overall strategy. Strengths and weaknesses in the five
functions of production can mean the success or failure of an enterprise.
Many production/operations managers are finding that cross-training of employees
can help their firms respond faster to changing markets. Cross-training of workers can
increase efficiency, quality, productivity, and job satisfaction. For example, at General
Motors’ Detroit gear and axle plant, costs related to product defects were reduced
400 percent in two years as a result of cross-training workers. A shortage of qualified
labor in the United States is another reason cross-training is becoming a common
management practice.
Singapore rivals Hong Kong as an attractive site for locating production facilities
in Southeast Asia. Singapore is a city-state near Malaysia. An island nation of about
4 million, Singapore is changing from an economy built on trade and services to one
built on information technology. A large-scale program in computer education for older
(over age 26) residents is very popular. Singapore children receive outstanding computer
training in schools. All government services are computerized nicely. Singapore lures
multinational businesses with great tax breaks, world-class infrastructure, excellent
courts that efficiently handle business disputes, exceptionally low tariffs, large land
giveaways, impressive industrial parks, excellent port facilities, and a government very
receptive to and cooperative with foreign businesses. Foreign firms now account for
70 percent of manufacturing output in Singapore.
In terms of ship container traffic processed annually, Singapore has the largest and
busiest seaport in the world, followed by Hong Kong, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Busan
(South Korea), Rotterdam, Hamburg, New York, and Tokyo. The Singapore seaport is five
times the size of the New York City seaport.22
There is much reason for concern that many organizations have not taken sufficient
account of the capabilities and limitations of the production/operations function in formulating
strategies. Scholars contend that this neglect has had unfavorable consequences on
corporate performance in America. As shown in Table 4-8, James Dilworth outlined implications
of several types of strategic decisions that a company might make.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Most automakers require a 30-day notice to build vehicles, but Toyota Motor fills abuyer’s new car order in just 5 days. Honda Motor was considered the industry’s fastestproducer, filling orders in 15 days. Automakers have for years operated under just-in-timeinventory systems, but Toyota’s 360 suppliers are linked to the company via computers ona virtual assembly line. The new Toyota production system was developed in the company’sCambridge, Ontario, plant and now applies to its Solara, Camry, Corolla, andTacoma vehicles.Production/operations activities often represent the largest part of an organization’shuman and capital assets. In most industries, the major costs of producing a product or serviceare incurred within operations, so production/operations can have great value as acompetitive weapon in a company’s overall strategy. Strengths and weaknesses in the fivefunctions of production can mean the success or failure of an enterprise.Many production/operations managers are finding that cross-training of employeescan help their firms respond faster to changing markets. Cross-training of workers canincrease efficiency, quality, productivity, and job satisfaction. For example, at GeneralMotors’ Detroit gear and axle plant, costs related to product defects were reduced400 percent in two years as a result of cross-training workers. A shortage of qualifiedlabor in the United States is another reason cross-training is becoming a commonmanagement practice.Singapore rivals Hong Kong as an attractive site for locating production facilitiesin Southeast Asia. Singapore is a city-state near Malaysia. An island nation of about4 million, Singapore is changing from an economy built on trade and services to onebuilt on information technology. A large-scale program in computer education for older(over age 26) residents is very popular. Singapore children receive outstanding computertraining in schools. All government services are computerized nicely. Singapore luresmultinational businesses with great tax breaks, world-class infrastructure, excellentcourts that efficiently handle business disputes, exceptionally low tariffs, large landgiveaways, impressive industrial parks, excellent port facilities, and a government veryreceptive to and cooperative with foreign businesses. Foreign firms now account for70 percent of manufacturing output in Singapore.In terms of ship container traffic processed annually, Singapore has the largest andbusiest seaport in the world, followed by Hong Kong, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Busan(South Korea), Rotterdam, Hamburg, New York, and Tokyo. The Singapore seaport is fivetimes the size of the New York City seaport.22There is much reason for concern that many organizations have not taken sufficientaccount of the capabilities and limitations of the production/operations function in formulatingstrategies. Scholars contend that this neglect has had unfavorable consequences oncorporate performance in America. As shown in Table 4-8, James Dilworth outlined implicationsof several types of strategic decisions that a company might make.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kebanyakan mobil memerlukan pemberitahuan 30 hari untuk membangun kendaraan, tapi Toyota Motor mengisi
pesanan mobil baru pembeli hanya dalam 5 hari. Honda Motor dianggap tercepat industri
produser, mengisi pesanan dalam 15 hari. Mobil telah selama bertahun-tahun beroperasi di bawah just-in-time
sistem persediaan, tetapi Toyota 360 pemasok terkait dengan perusahaan melalui komputer di
jalur perakitan virtual. Baru sistem produksi Toyota dikembangkan di perusahaan
Cambridge, Ontario, tanaman dan sekarang berlaku untuk yang Solara, Camry, Corolla, dan
kendaraan Tacoma.
Produksi / kegiatan operasi biasanya merupakan bagian terbesar dari organisasi
aset manusia dan modal. Di sebagian besar industri, biaya utama menghasilkan produk atau jasa
yang dikeluarkan dalam operasi, sehingga produksi / operasi dapat memiliki nilai yang besar sebagai
senjata kompetitif dalam strategi perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam lima
fungsi produksi dapat berarti keberhasilan atau kegagalan suatu perusahaan.
Banyak manajer produksi / operasi menemukan bahwa cross-pelatihan karyawan
dapat membantu perusahaan mereka merespon lebih cepat ke pasar berubah. Cross-pelatihan pekerja dapat
meningkatkan efisiensi, kualitas, produktivitas, dan kepuasan kerja. Misalnya, di General
Motors 'Detroit gigi dan poros tanaman, biaya yang berkaitan dengan cacat produk berkurang
400 persen dalam dua tahun sebagai akibat dari pekerja lintas-pelatihan. Kekurangan berkualitas
tenaga kerja di Amerika Serikat adalah alasan lain lintas-pelatihan menjadi umum
praktek manajemen.
Singapura saingan Hong Kong sebagai situs yang menarik untuk mencari fasilitas produksi
di Asia Tenggara. Singapura adalah sebuah negara kota dekat Malaysia. Sebuah negara kepulauan sekitar
4 juta, Singapura berubah dari ekonomi yang dibangun di atas perdagangan dan jasa untuk satu
dibangun di atas teknologi informasi. Sebuah program berskala besar dalam pendidikan komputer untuk lebih tua
(di atas usia 26) warga sangat populer. Anak Singapura menerima komputer yang beredar
pelatihan di sekolah-sekolah. Semua layanan pemerintah terkomputerisasi dengan baik. Singapura memikat
perusahaan multinasional dengan istirahat besar pajak, infrastruktur kelas dunia, baik
pengadilan yang efisien menangani sengketa bisnis, tarif sangat rendah, tanah yang luas
hadiah, taman industri mengesankan, fasilitas pelabuhan yang sangat baik, dan pemerintah sangat
menerima dan kerjasama dengan perusahaan asing. Perusahaan asing sekarang account untuk
70 persen dari output manufaktur di Singapura.
Dalam hal lalu lintas kapal kontainer diproses setiap tahun, Singapura memiliki terbesar dan
tersibuk pelabuhan di dunia, diikuti oleh Hong Kong, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Busan
(Korea Selatan), Rotterdam , Hamburg, New York, dan Tokyo. Singapura pelabuhan adalah lima
kali ukuran New York City seaport.22
Ada banyak alasan untuk kekhawatiran bahwa banyak organisasi tidak mengambil cukup
memperhitungkan kemampuan dan keterbatasan produksi / fungsi operasi dalam merumuskan
strategi. Ulama berpendapat bahwa pengabaian ini memiliki konsekuensi yang tidak menguntungkan pada
kinerja perusahaan di Amerika. Seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 4-8, James Dilworth diuraikan implikasi
dari beberapa jenis keputusan strategis yang perusahaan mungkin membuat.
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Bahasa lainnya
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