Will Coloradans fire two legislators?The recall elections facing Color terjemahan - Will Coloradans fire two legislators?The recall elections facing Color Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Will Coloradans fire two legislator

Will Coloradans fire two legislators?
The recall elections facing Colorado state senators John Morse and Angela Giron are worth doing,says John Andrews in the July round of Head On TV debates. Susan Barnes-Gelt disagrees, branding the recalls an NRA-driven waste of money. John on the right, Susan on the left, also go at it this month over Obamacare’s troubles, Liz Cheney’s US Senate bid, NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and the Zimmerman verdict. Head On has been a daily feature on Colorado Public Television since 1997. Here are all five scripts for July:
1. Recall Giron & Morse?
Susan: Dem. State senators Angie Giron – Pueblo & John Morse – Colorado Springs face recall elections because of their responsible votes on gun safety. Election day is September 10 – turnout will be low. Recalls are a waste of taxpayer money. National NRA’ers should foot the bill.
John: Never since 1876 have Coloradans tossed out a legislator in mid-term for breaking faith with the people they’re supposed to represent. Morse and Giron brought this on themselves by signing up with the New York gun-grabbers in disregard of grassroots 2nd Amendment values. Let the people decide.
Susan: Every elected must balance the diversity of opinion of those he or she represents with the dictates of her (or his) personal values. The ideologue luddites who control our elections, ignore that balance, imperiling democracy in the process.
John: Owning firearms for self-defense is paramount in our constitution, which Morse and Giron swore to uphold. Arguably the didn’t. Having a vote on whether they’re now fit to continue in office – which is all the recall election is – you call “imperiling democracy”? That is democracy.
2. Snowden: Patriot or Traitor?
Susan: Is Edward Snowden, the American who leaked confidential information about the US government’s domestic spying – a patriot or a traitor? Both, I’d say. He exposed serious NSA violations of the 4th Amendment – privacy, potentially risking American lives. Global espionage is dirty business.
John: Point one, the NSA is not about domestic spying. Its anti-terrorist data mining looks for impersonal patterns in the public domain, not private information. Google does the same. Point two, Edward Snowden is no patriot. He wants to bring America down. Look at where he seeks asylum.
Susan: You’re giving him too much credit. Snowden is a young, naïve fool, who did something stupid. The American public is split about his guilt or innocence, reflecting anxiety about the erosion of personal privacy resulting from the internet, social media and the workplace. Government sanctioned spying is unacceptable.
John: Edward Snowden is an accomplice of our enemies and a traitor to his country. His hollow talk of free expression is belied by the repressive regimes he went running to. Brutal Beijing. Murderous Moscow. Tinpot dictators in Latin America. Even they won’t have him. What a scum.
3. Zimmerman Verdict
John: Two young men, confused and scared, got into a fight. The one on the bottom, fearing for his life, pulled a gun and killed the other one.. After a fair trial with the whole nation watching, the jury said self-defense. That’s the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin story. Period.
Susan: Wish that it were so simple. Obama got it right – it’s about race – not self-defense. A white guy vigilante armed with a gun is threatened by a black youngster in a hoody, armed with Skittles? And the jury of peers? Six white women from the south? The prosecutor should have asked for a change of venue. Justice was not served.
John: Yes, a lot of people want Travon Martin’s death to be about race. It caters to the white guilt syndrome, the black victim industry, and those who enjoy believing America is sick. But there was zero evidence for that. Zero. The prosecution admitted it. Black-on-black crime is the real tragedy.
Susan: Your Backbone Colorado puts Lake Woebegone to shame. In Backbone, not only is every kid above average and one day sunnier than the next, but the hard cold reality of human prejudice – sanctified by ignorant elected’s – like Florida’s Rick Scott and the Fox News boys – does not exist.
4. Obamacare in Trouble
John: Obama’s health care law is a bigger and bigger mess. Its very name is an Orwellian lie. Affordable care? Costs are rising. Patient protection? Quality’s going down. Democratic Senator Max Baucus, who helped write the law, calls it a train wreck. The White House is panicked. America deserves better.
Susan: Costs are rising because private insurance companies and for-profit hospitals conspire in gouging the public. Quality healthcare and ‘for profit’ make about as much sense as organic spam or homemade twinkies. There’s a reason why conservative states like Arizona are opting into Obamacare – it makes sense.
John: Nice try, but most states have opted out. Millions of individuals eligible for Obama’s supposed free health care have not signed up either. Thousands of companies have cut back hiring. This thing is a job killer. The president delayed his own corporate mandate. In defiance of law. Stop the madness.
Susan: The 14 states opting out of Obamacare are leaving $9 billion on the table and 3.6 Americans without insurance. All tolled, those states will spend more than $1-billion more taxpayer dollars, on uncompensated care than they would by accepting the federal expansion. Now that’s madness!
5. Liz Cheney Seeks Wyoming Senate Seat
Susan: Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz packed up her carpetbag and moved to Wyoming – though she hales from Dallas & DC – to mount a primary challenge against 3-term Republican Mike Enzi. Young Liz makes up her own rules. We’ll see if her DC arrogance plays in Wyoming.
John: You Democrats are bossy. You’re already the governing party. Now you tell Republicans how to be the opposition party. We’ll manage that ourselves, thank you. It’s a free country. Conservative Wyoming can make up its own mind whether Liz Cheney or Mike Enzi can best stand up to Harry Reid.
Susan: C’mon John, Enzi’s voting record is down-the-line conservative. It’s his congenial, western personality that’s motivating Ms. Liz. Harry Reid isn’t the problem. The problem is the crude, strident tone that dominates your party. Wyoming voters won’t buy it.
John: Naturally the White House and the liberal media prefer GOP senators who politely compromise and cave. But most of us Republicans want fighters, Ted Cruz types. Hence the Wyoming shootout. If cowgirl Liz can show more testerone than cowboy Mike, into the Senate with her.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Akan Coloradans api dua legislator?Pemilihan ingat menghadapi Senator Negara Colorado John Morse dan Angela Giron patut dilakukan, kata John Andrews pada bulan Juli putaran perdebatan Kepala pada TV . Susan Barnes-Gelt tidak setuju, merek ingat NRA-driven buang-buang uang. John di sebelah kanan, Susan di sebelah kiri, juga pergi di itu bulan ini atas Obamacare's masalah, Liz Cheney Senat AS tawaran, NSA leaker Edward Snowden dan putusan Zimmerman. Kepala pada menjadi fitur harian pada televisi publik Colorado sejak tahun 1997. Berikut adalah script lima semua untuk Juli:1. ingat Giron & Morse?Susan: Senator Negara Dem. Angie Giron-Pueblo & John Morse-Colorado Springs wajah ingat pemilihan karena suara mereka bertanggung jawab pada keselamatan pistol. Hari pemilihan September 10-pemilih akan rendah. Ingat adalah buang-buang uang pembayar pajak. NRA'ers nasional harus membayar tagihan.John: Tidak pernah sejak 1876 Coloradans melemparkan keluar legislator dalam jangka menengah untuk melanggar iman dengan orang-orang yang mereka seharusnya untuk mewakili. Morse dan Giron membawa ini pada diri mereka sendiri dengan mendaftar dengan New York pistol-tangan-tangan hukum nilai-nilai amandemen 2 akar rumput. Membiarkan orang-orang yang memutuskan.Susan: Setiap dipilih harus menyeimbangkan keragaman pendapat tersebut mewakili dia dengan menentukan dia (atau dia) nilai-nilai pribadi. Luddites ideolog yang mengendalikan pemilihan kami, mengabaikan keseimbangan, imperiling demokrasi dalam proses.John: Memiliki senjata untuk membela diri yang terpenting dalam Konstitusi kita, yang Morse dan Giron bersumpah untuk menegakkan. Boleh dibilang tidak. Setelah memilih apakah mereka sedang sekarang cocok untuk terus di kantor-yang adalah semua pemilihan ingat-Anda menelepon "imperiling demokrasi"? Itulah demokrasi.2. Snowden: Patriot atau pengkhianat?Susan: Adalah Edward Snowden, Amerika yang bocor informasi rahasia tentang pemerintah AS domestik memata-patriot atau pengkhianat? Kedua, saya akan mengatakan. Dia terkena serius NSA pelanggaran Amandemen ke-4 – privasi, berpotensi mempertaruhkan nyawa rakyat Amerika. Global Spionase adalah bisnis kotor.John: Titik satu, NSA bukanlah tentang mata-mata domestik. Anti-teroris datanya pertambangan mencari impersonal pola dalam domain publik, informasi tidak pribadi. Google melakukan hal yang sama. Titik dua, Edward Snowden adalah patriot tidak. Dia ingin menurunkan Amerika. Lihat di mana ia mencari suaka.Susan: Anda sedang memberinya terlalu banyak kredit. Snowden adalah muda, naif bodoh, yang melakukan sesuatu yang bodoh. Publik Amerika dibagi tentang nya bersalah atau tidak bersalah, mencerminkan kecemasan tentang erosi privasi pribadi yang dihasilkan dari internet, media sosial dan tempat kerja. Memata-matai sanksi pemerintah tidak dapat diterima.John: Edward Snowden adalah kaki tangan dari musuh-musuh kita dan pengkhianat untuk negaranya. Pembicaraannya berongga Bebas berekspresi mengingkari oleh rezim represif yang ia lari ke. Brutal Beijing. Pembunuh Moscow. Tinpot diktator di Amerika Latin. Bahkan mereka tidak memilikinya. Apa sampah.3. Zimmerman VerdictJohn: Two young men, confused and scared, got into a fight. The one on the bottom, fearing for his life, pulled a gun and killed the other one.. After a fair trial with the whole nation watching, the jury said self-defense. That’s the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin story. Period.Susan: Wish that it were so simple. Obama got it right – it’s about race – not self-defense. A white guy vigilante armed with a gun is threatened by a black youngster in a hoody, armed with Skittles? And the jury of peers? Six white women from the south? The prosecutor should have asked for a change of venue. Justice was not served.John: Yes, a lot of people want Travon Martin’s death to be about race. It caters to the white guilt syndrome, the black victim industry, and those who enjoy believing America is sick. But there was zero evidence for that. Zero. The prosecution admitted it. Black-on-black crime is the real tragedy.Susan: Your Backbone Colorado puts Lake Woebegone to shame. In Backbone, not only is every kid above average and one day sunnier than the next, but the hard cold reality of human prejudice – sanctified by ignorant elected’s – like Florida’s Rick Scott and the Fox News boys – does not exist.4. Obamacare in TroubleJohn: Obama’s health care law is a bigger and bigger mess. Its very name is an Orwellian lie. Affordable care? Costs are rising. Patient protection? Quality’s going down. Democratic Senator Max Baucus, who helped write the law, calls it a train wreck. The White House is panicked. America deserves better.Susan: Costs are rising because private insurance companies and for-profit hospitals conspire in gouging the public. Quality healthcare and ‘for profit’ make about as much sense as organic spam or homemade twinkies. There’s a reason why conservative states like Arizona are opting into Obamacare – it makes sense.John: Nice try, but most states have opted out. Millions of individuals eligible for Obama’s supposed free health care have not signed up either. Thousands of companies have cut back hiring. This thing is a job killer. The president delayed his own corporate mandate. In defiance of law. Stop the madness.Susan: The 14 states opting out of Obamacare are leaving $9 billion on the table and 3.6 Americans without insurance. All tolled, those states will spend more than $1-billion more taxpayer dollars, on uncompensated care than they would by accepting the federal expansion. Now that’s madness!5. Liz Cheney Seeks Wyoming Senate SeatSusan: Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz packed up her carpetbag and moved to Wyoming – though she hales from Dallas & DC – to mount a primary challenge against 3-term Republican Mike Enzi. Young Liz makes up her own rules. We’ll see if her DC arrogance plays in Wyoming.John: You Democrats are bossy. You’re already the governing party. Now you tell Republicans how to be the opposition party. We’ll manage that ourselves, thank you. It’s a free country. Conservative Wyoming can make up its own mind whether Liz Cheney or Mike Enzi can best stand up to Harry Reid.Susan: C'mon John, Enzi suara catatan adalah konservatif down-the-line. Ini adalah menyenangkan, Barat kepribadian yang memotivasi Liz ms. Harry Reid tidak masalah. Masalahnya adalah nada yang kasar, melengking yang mendominasi pesta Anda. Wyoming pemilih tidak akan membelinya.John: Alami Gedung Putih dan liberal media memilih GOP Senator yang sopan kompromi dan gua. Tapi kebanyakan dari kita Partai Republik ingin pejuang, jenis Ted Cruz. Maka Wyoming adu penalti. Jika cowgirl Liz dapat menunjukkan lebih testerone daripada koboi Mike, ke Senat dengannya.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Will Coloradans fire two legislators?
The recall elections facing Colorado state senators John Morse and Angela Giron are worth doing,says John Andrews in the July round of Head On TV debates. Susan Barnes-Gelt disagrees, branding the recalls an NRA-driven waste of money. John on the right, Susan on the left, also go at it this month over Obamacare’s troubles, Liz Cheney’s US Senate bid, NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and the Zimmerman verdict. Head On has been a daily feature on Colorado Public Television since 1997. Here are all five scripts for July:
1. Recall Giron & Morse?
Susan: Dem. State senators Angie Giron – Pueblo & John Morse – Colorado Springs face recall elections because of their responsible votes on gun safety. Election day is September 10 – turnout will be low. Recalls are a waste of taxpayer money. National NRA’ers should foot the bill.
John: Never since 1876 have Coloradans tossed out a legislator in mid-term for breaking faith with the people they’re supposed to represent. Morse and Giron brought this on themselves by signing up with the New York gun-grabbers in disregard of grassroots 2nd Amendment values. Let the people decide.
Susan: Every elected must balance the diversity of opinion of those he or she represents with the dictates of her (or his) personal values. The ideologue luddites who control our elections, ignore that balance, imperiling democracy in the process.
John: Owning firearms for self-defense is paramount in our constitution, which Morse and Giron swore to uphold. Arguably the didn’t. Having a vote on whether they’re now fit to continue in office – which is all the recall election is – you call “imperiling democracy”? That is democracy.
2. Snowden: Patriot or Traitor?
Susan: Is Edward Snowden, the American who leaked confidential information about the US government’s domestic spying – a patriot or a traitor? Both, I’d say. He exposed serious NSA violations of the 4th Amendment – privacy, potentially risking American lives. Global espionage is dirty business.
John: Point one, the NSA is not about domestic spying. Its anti-terrorist data mining looks for impersonal patterns in the public domain, not private information. Google does the same. Point two, Edward Snowden is no patriot. He wants to bring America down. Look at where he seeks asylum.
Susan: You’re giving him too much credit. Snowden is a young, naïve fool, who did something stupid. The American public is split about his guilt or innocence, reflecting anxiety about the erosion of personal privacy resulting from the internet, social media and the workplace. Government sanctioned spying is unacceptable.
John: Edward Snowden is an accomplice of our enemies and a traitor to his country. His hollow talk of free expression is belied by the repressive regimes he went running to. Brutal Beijing. Murderous Moscow. Tinpot dictators in Latin America. Even they won’t have him. What a scum.
3. Zimmerman Verdict
John: Two young men, confused and scared, got into a fight. The one on the bottom, fearing for his life, pulled a gun and killed the other one.. After a fair trial with the whole nation watching, the jury said self-defense. That’s the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin story. Period.
Susan: Wish that it were so simple. Obama got it right – it’s about race – not self-defense. A white guy vigilante armed with a gun is threatened by a black youngster in a hoody, armed with Skittles? And the jury of peers? Six white women from the south? The prosecutor should have asked for a change of venue. Justice was not served.
John: Yes, a lot of people want Travon Martin’s death to be about race. It caters to the white guilt syndrome, the black victim industry, and those who enjoy believing America is sick. But there was zero evidence for that. Zero. The prosecution admitted it. Black-on-black crime is the real tragedy.
Susan: Your Backbone Colorado puts Lake Woebegone to shame. In Backbone, not only is every kid above average and one day sunnier than the next, but the hard cold reality of human prejudice – sanctified by ignorant elected’s – like Florida’s Rick Scott and the Fox News boys – does not exist.
4. Obamacare in Trouble
John: Obama’s health care law is a bigger and bigger mess. Its very name is an Orwellian lie. Affordable care? Costs are rising. Patient protection? Quality’s going down. Democratic Senator Max Baucus, who helped write the law, calls it a train wreck. The White House is panicked. America deserves better.
Susan: Costs are rising because private insurance companies and for-profit hospitals conspire in gouging the public. Quality healthcare and ‘for profit’ make about as much sense as organic spam or homemade twinkies. There’s a reason why conservative states like Arizona are opting into Obamacare – it makes sense.
John: Nice try, but most states have opted out. Millions of individuals eligible for Obama’s supposed free health care have not signed up either. Thousands of companies have cut back hiring. This thing is a job killer. The president delayed his own corporate mandate. In defiance of law. Stop the madness.
Susan: The 14 states opting out of Obamacare are leaving $9 billion on the table and 3.6 Americans without insurance. All tolled, those states will spend more than $1-billion more taxpayer dollars, on uncompensated care than they would by accepting the federal expansion. Now that’s madness!
5. Liz Cheney Seeks Wyoming Senate Seat
Susan: Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz packed up her carpetbag and moved to Wyoming – though she hales from Dallas & DC – to mount a primary challenge against 3-term Republican Mike Enzi. Young Liz makes up her own rules. We’ll see if her DC arrogance plays in Wyoming.
John: You Democrats are bossy. You’re already the governing party. Now you tell Republicans how to be the opposition party. We’ll manage that ourselves, thank you. It’s a free country. Conservative Wyoming can make up its own mind whether Liz Cheney or Mike Enzi can best stand up to Harry Reid.
Susan: C’mon John, Enzi’s voting record is down-the-line conservative. It’s his congenial, western personality that’s motivating Ms. Liz. Harry Reid isn’t the problem. The problem is the crude, strident tone that dominates your party. Wyoming voters won’t buy it.
John: Naturally the White House and the liberal media prefer GOP senators who politely compromise and cave. But most of us Republicans want fighters, Ted Cruz types. Hence the Wyoming shootout. If cowgirl Liz can show more testerone than cowboy Mike, into the Senate with her.
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