I smile awk­wardly: „You think that which went, am I a per­son who rec terjemahan - I smile awk­wardly: „You think that which went, am I a per­son who rec Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I smile awk­wardly: „You think that

I smile awk­wardly: „You think that which went, am I a per­son who rec­og­nizes eas­ily in­sti­gates? I thought that mak­ing these mas­ters make money, I am [Zhan Long] guild­mas­ter do not join in the fun, if Q Sword came to power to chal­lenge re­ally suc­cess­fully, I was glad to chal­lenge him ac­tu­ally very much, tried my this third-class trun­ca­tion rip­ple to deal with his third-class trun­ca­tion rip­ple!”
The Dong Cheng month said: „Um, this is our Li Xiao Yao, how can be dam­aged the con­fi­dence by Q Sword? Some op­por­tu­ni­ties want on, not hav­ing the op­por­tu­nity cre­ation op­por­tu­nity also to want on!”
I un­emo­tion­ally: „How this say­ing lis­tens is not being that a mat­ter”
Fin­ished eat­ing the break­fast, curled up­wards the morn­ing class, got on­line to brush the Pangu deep pool!
Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, has re­paired equip­ment, chooses the card in the ware­house, the liq­uid med­i­cines wait, then pri­vate chat­ted Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month, Yue Qing Qian and Li Mu, Song Han and other [Zhan Long] main core play­ers, one line of 17 peo­ple ap­pear nearby the Tian Ling Em­pire store­keeper, stares to visit me: „Free elder brother what mat­ter?”
I start to take out 11 lev­els of med­i­cine fire hose saliva pill from the ware­house, an at­tribute will shine at pre­sent, said: „Day step 1 level of liq­uid med­i­cines, every­one 30, kill BOSS and PK time uses again, should bet­ter have 5 along, other keeps in hero's wing to use, such PK has the su­pe­ri­or­ity, my goods in stock are not many, every­body saves!”
Li Mu in great sur­prise: „11 lev­els of liq­uid med­i­cines? By had 11 lev­els of liq­uid med­i­cines re­ally”
Wang Jian Dao: „Do not make much ado about noth­ing, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den cuts kills Ling Han the time, the free elder brother had 11 lev­els of liq­uid med­i­cines I to hear that [Hero’s Mound], [Leg­end] and fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily and other guilds also pre­sented 11 lev­els of liq­uid med­i­cines.”
Ran Min Momo nose: „These an­i­mals clash the elixir tech­nique the speed to be re­ally quick”
I grin: „Ac­tu­ally I al­ready 12 lev­els of elixir tech­niques, but could not find 12 lev­els of pur­ple spirit grass.”
Lin Wan Er saves the liq­uid med­i­cines, men­tioned dag­ger say­ing: „Was good, do not waste Cooldown, im­me­di­ately trans­mits Ba Huang City, we go to the Pangu deep pool from Ba Huang City, I arranged sev­eral peo­ple to guard in en­trance there of Pangu deep pool, we best quickly, do not act swiftly to get there first by other guild, can dis­cover such high-or­der map rarely.”
I nod: „Um!”
The peo­ple go to trans­mit, trans­mit­ted Ba Huang City one after an­other, but I have swept a heroic arena of dis­tant place, the above two play­ers were fight­ing with all might, seem­ingly was the play­ers who nine Licheng came, in ad­di­tion sev­eral hun­dred play­ers ob­served under the stage, the arena bonus ac­cu­mu­lated 5700 +, at pre­sent the gold coin and RMB ex­chang­ing rate tends 1 : 1, this 5700 RMB also being in­suf­fi­cient made the peak level mas­ter get rid, the play­ers of these sec­ond-class strengths also played very hap­pily.
The trans­mis­sion went to Ba Huang City, the sum­mon fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse and an­tiq­uity god tiger, one group of [Zhan Long] elite play­ers have re­vealed the guild sym­bol on arm, im­me­di­ately the [Zhan Long] sym­bol of mil­i­tary might con­tin­u­ally a piece, and joined this mo­tion heavy Ar­mour is the player uni­form had the sad­dle horse com­pletely, Pi Jiaxi, Bu Jiaxi also com­pletely was five rev­o­lu­tions of play­ers, had five rev­o­lu­tions of skills, this weaponry comes to make Ba Huang City look askance less than 100 lev­els of play­ers im­me­di­ately, ex­claimed
„Look, the [Zhan Long] main force there Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Cang Tong, Cang Yue and gen­eral Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian all core main forces, does not know that which must go, but also thinks that
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I smile awk­wardly: „You think that which went, am I a per­son who rec­og­nizes eas­ily in­sti­gates? I thought that mak­ing these mas­ters make money, I am [Zhan Long] guild­mas­ter do not join in the fun, if Q Sword came to power to chal­lenge re­ally suc­cess­fully, I was glad to chal­lenge him ac­tu­ally very much, tried my this third-class trun­ca­tion rip­ple to deal with his third-class trun­ca­tion rip­ple!”The Dong Cheng month said: „Um, this is our Li Xiao Yao, how can be dam­aged the con­fi­dence by Q Sword? Some op­por­tu­ni­ties want on, not hav­ing the op­por­tu­nity cre­ation op­por­tu­nity also to want on!”I un­emo­tion­ally: „How this say­ing lis­tens is not being that a mat­ter”Fin­ished eat­ing the break­fast, curled up­wards the morn­ing class, got on­line to brush the Pangu deep pool!„Brushes!”Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, has re­paired equip­ment, chooses the card in the ware­house, the liq­uid med­i­cines wait, then pri­vate chat­ted Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month, Yue Qing Qian and Li Mu, Song Han and other [Zhan Long] main core play­ers, one line of 17 peo­ple ap­pear nearby the Tian Ling Em­pire store­keeper, stares to visit me: „Free elder brother what mat­ter?”I start to take out 11 lev­els of med­i­cine fire hose saliva pill from the ware­house, an at­tribute will shine at pre­sent, said: „Day step 1 level of liq­uid med­i­cines, every­one 30, kill BOSS and PK time uses again, should bet­ter have 5 along, other keeps in hero's wing to use, such PK has the su­pe­ri­or­ity, my goods in stock are not many, every­body saves!”Li Mu in great sur­prise: „11 lev­els of liq­uid med­i­cines? By had 11 lev­els of liq­uid med­i­cines re­ally”Wang Jian Dao: „Do not make much ado about noth­ing, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den cuts kills Ling Han the time, the free elder brother had 11 lev­els of liq­uid med­i­cines I to hear that [Hero’s Mound], [Leg­end] and fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily and other guilds also pre­sented 11 lev­els of liq­uid med­i­cines.”Ran Min Momo nose: „These an­i­mals clash the elixir tech­nique the speed to be re­ally quick”I grin: „Ac­tu­ally I al­ready 12 lev­els of elixir tech­niques, but could not find 12 lev­els of pur­ple spirit grass.”Lin Wan Er saves the liq­uid med­i­cines, men­tioned dag­ger say­ing: „Was good, do not waste Cooldown, im­me­di­ately trans­mits Ba Huang City, we go to the Pangu deep pool from Ba Huang City, I arranged sev­eral peo­ple to guard in en­trance there of Pangu deep pool, we best quickly, do not act swiftly to get there first by other guild, can dis­cover such high-or­der map rarely.”I nod: „Um!”
The peo­ple go to trans­mit, trans­mit­ted Ba Huang City one after an­other, but I have swept a heroic arena of dis­tant place, the above two play­ers were fight­ing with all might, seem­ingly was the play­ers who nine Licheng came, in ad­di­tion sev­eral hun­dred play­ers ob­served under the stage, the arena bonus ac­cu­mu­lated 5700 +, at pre­sent the gold coin and RMB ex­chang­ing rate tends 1 : 1, this 5700 RMB also being in­suf­fi­cient made the peak level mas­ter get rid, the play­ers of these sec­ond-class strengths also played very hap­pily.
The trans­mis­sion went to Ba Huang City, the sum­mon fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse and an­tiq­uity god tiger, one group of [Zhan Long] elite play­ers have re­vealed the guild sym­bol on arm, im­me­di­ately the [Zhan Long] sym­bol of mil­i­tary might con­tin­u­ally a piece, and joined this mo­tion heavy Ar­mour is the player uni­form had the sad­dle horse com­pletely, Pi Jiaxi, Bu Jiaxi also com­pletely was five rev­o­lu­tions of play­ers, had five rev­o­lu­tions of skills, this weaponry comes to make Ba Huang City look askance less than 100 lev­els of play­ers im­me­di­ately, ex­claimed
„Look, the [Zhan Long] main force there Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Cang Tong, Cang Yue and gen­eral Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian all core main forces, does not know that which must go, but also thinks that
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku tersenyum canggung: "Anda berpikir bahwa yang pergi, aku orang yang memberikan pengakuan mudah menghasut? Saya berpikir bahwa membuat master ini membuat uang, saya [Zhan Panjang] Guildmaster tidak bergabung dalam kegembiraan, jika Q Sword berkuasa untuk menantang benar-benar berhasil, saya senang untuk menantang dia sebenarnya sangat banyak, mencoba saya ini ketiga kelas ! pemotongan riak berurusan dengan pemotongan riak-kelas ketiga "
kata Dong Cheng bulan:" Um, ini adalah kami Li Xiao Yao, bagaimana bisa rusak kepercayaan oleh Q Pedang? Beberapa peluang inginkan pada, tidak memiliki kesempatan penciptaan kesempatan juga untuk inginkan pada "!
Saya tanpa emosi:" Bagaimana pepatah ini mendengarkan tidak menjadi yang peduli dengan "
Selesai makan sarapan, meringkuk ke atas kelas pagi, mendapat online untuk menyikat Pangu mendalam kolam renang!
Muncul di Tian Ling Empire, telah diperbaiki peralatan, memilih kartu di gudang, obat-obatan cair menunggu, maka swasta mengobrol Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan, Yue Qing Qian dan Li Mu, Lagu Han dan lainnya [Zhan panjang] pemain inti utama, satu baris dari 17 orang muncul di dekatnya pemilik toko Tian Ling Empire, menatap untuk mengunjungi saya: "? kakak Gratis apa peduli"
saya mulai untuk mengambil 11 tingkat dari obat api pil selang air liur dari gudang , atribut akan bersinar saat ini, mengatakan: "Hari langkah 1 tingkat obat cair, semua orang 30, membunuh BOSS dan waktu PK menggunakan lagi, harus lebih baik memiliki 5 bersama, lainnya terus di sayap pahlawan untuk menggunakan, PK tersebut memiliki keunggulan, barang saya di saham tidak banyak, semua orang menghemat! "
Li Mu di kejutan besar:" 11 tingkat obat cair? Dengan memiliki 11 tingkat cairan obat yang benar-benar "
Wang Jian Dao:" Jangan membuat banyak basa-basi tentang apa-apa, pemotongan den tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon membunuh Ling Han saat itu, kakak gratis memiliki 11 tingkat obat cair saya mendengar bahwa [Hero . gundukan], [Legenda] dan keluarga aristokrat keluarga terkenal dan guild lain juga disajikan 11 tingkat dari obat cair "
Ran hidung Min Momo:" hewan ini berbenturan teknik obat mujarab kecepatan untuk menjadi benar-benar cepat "
aku menyeringai:" Sebenarnya saya sudah 12 . tingkat teknik obat mujarab, tapi tidak bisa menemukan 12 tingkat rumput semangat ungu "
Lin Wan Er menyimpan obat cair, disebutkan belati mengatakan:" Apakah yang baik, jangan buang Cooldown, segera mengirimkan Ba Huang City, kita pergi ke Pangu dalam kolam renang dari Ba Huang City, saya mengatur beberapa orang untuk menjaga di pintu masuk ada dari Pangu kolam yang dalam, kami terbaik dengan cepat, tidak bertindak cepat untuk sampai ke sana pertama dengan serikat lainnya, dapat menemukan seperti peta-order tinggi jarang ".
aku mengangguk:" Um! "
orang-orang pergi untuk mengirimkan, ditransmisikan Ba Huang Kota satu demi satu, tapi aku telah menyapu arena heroik tempat yang jauh, di atas dua pemain berjuang dengan semua mungkin, tampaknya adalah pemain yang sembilan Licheng datang, selain beberapa ratus pemain diamati di bawah panggung, arena bonus akumulasi 5700 +, saat ini koin emas dan RMB bertukar tingkat cenderung 1: 1, 5700 RMB ini juga sedang cukup membuat master tingkat puncak menyingkirkan, para pemain dari kekuatan kelas dua ini juga bermain sangat bahagia.
transmisi pergi ke Ba Huang City, yang memanggil terbang sabit kuda perang lapis baja dan kuno dewa harimau, satu kelompok [Zhan panjang] pemain elit telah mengungkapkan simbol serikat di lengan, segera [Zhan panjang] simbol kekuatan militer terus sepotong, dan bergabung gerakan ini Armour berat adalah seragam pemain memiliki kuda pelana benar, Pi Jiaxi, Bu Jiaxi juga benar-benar adalah lima putaran pemain, memiliki lima revolusi keterampilan, persenjataan ini datang untuk membuat Ba Huang Kota terlihat curiga kurang dari 100 tingkat pemain segera, berseru
"lihat, [Zhan panjang] kekuatan utama ada Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Cang Tong, Cang Yue dan umum Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian semua kekuatan utama inti, tidak tahu bahwa yang harus pergi, tetapi juga berpikir bahwa
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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