Another historical moment... This was first time ever in Mughal histor terjemahan - Another historical moment... This was first time ever in Mughal histor Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Another historical moment... This w

Another historical moment... This was first time ever in Mughal history that the Meena bazaar competition was won by an ordinary maid. It was not just unexpected but somewhat unbelievable for everyone. Now officially Shenshah E Hindustan will spend night and a day with an ordinary maid who is not even his concubine...
Everyone in Diwan was shocked... Some of them were looking at Radha and some at Shenshah and some of them were looking at Rukaiya... It was dumbfounded shock for Rukaiya to lose against a maid. In the past ten years she won this competition about eight times. Like every year, after announcement the entire room filled with claps but today there was no begum or bandi who dared to clap for Radha's victory. Instead this year the entire hall filled with murmurs, and gossips.
Maham Manga looked at Radha cynically... First time ever she was threatened by her, she realized little by little she was winning Jalal's heart. In last few days Jalal has done many things which amused her, she could sense Jalal's heart was opening for her gradually, so far she taken everything lightly but when she saw Jalal apologized to her in front of many people and announced her winner that utterly alarmed her head that she started to rule on Jalal's heart. Her arrogant and confident attitude always bothered her but she ignored since she was serving her purpose of taking care of Rahim and at the same time she was getting credit for finding perfect maid for Rahim but in no time Radha came so close to Jalal which really shocked her.
Finally breaking gaze from Radha, Jalal looked at Rukaiya's moist eyes; He could tell, she gulped her tears and was masking smile on her face. He was very well aware this was extreme defeat for Rukaiya, seeing her pale face his smile disappeared. He immediately got up and dismissed the DWK.
Radha couldn't understand what just happened. He apologized, announced her winner and now she has to spend night with him... It was too much for her to dilute, she stood there like she has seen a ghost. Sudden realization made her think... how I can spend night with him??? is that mean... he will... oh nooo way, I can't ... I have to talk to him ... but then another realization dawned on her which brought deep curve on her lips-'she has defeated Ruakaiya.' She looked at Rukaiya viciously and gave her victorious smirk...
Rukaiya immediately walked out after Jalal left. After Rukaiya left, lot of maids and some begums surrounded Radha to wish her... She veiled her puzzling expression and with smile responded to everyone. As soon as she saw Reva, she hugged her; without knowing that is out of happiness or worries.
Guard came inside and informed Radha that Shenshah wants see her immediately in next to diwan chamber.
Radha's felt curled in her stomach... she shivered utterly with everything happened entire day and in the court... She was in dilemma how she will deny spending night with him. If she says no, it will be like crushing his ego to extreme since this was publicly announced and Jalal might end up will killing her for her audacity.
First time in her life Radha feared inside, her feet felt numbed to walk few steps...
Jalal was waiting for her eagerly, he had victorious smile on his face.

Jalal watched her walking inside, he could sense fear of unknow in her walk and on her face, fear of unknown, she seemed scared than angry or happy...
Seeing her extremely scared Jalal cautiously said "Congratulation Radha."
Radha lowered her eyes asked him "Why are you playing with me Shenshah?" her sound was filled with deep fear and pain.

Jalal in serious tone replied "Radha when you talk to me, I want you to look in my eyes and why am I playing...? Well, I don't think I have started playing with you yet..." his serious sound converted into teasing...
Radha replied dreadfully "WHAT??? What game are you talking about Shenshah?"
Jalal responded mischievously "Night game, Radha"
Radha stared at him meanly with squinted eyes and murmur silently... Jallad, sadu, akdu, monster, cruel...
Radha's fear disappeared with his attitude, she retorted with fury "I know what you doing Shenshah, but you will never be successful. Very well-played... but trust me you won't be able to get anything out of it. Take my advice and spend your night with your khaaas begums. You will not have fun playing your so called night game with me.
Jalal with deep sigh smirk and replied in compressed tone "Radha we have entire night to fight and play my so called games, by the way you don't need to advise me... I am really looking forward to spend time with you and none of my begums can give me this harmony which you can give me. When you are with me I feel heavenly peace. So now don't waste my time now, I want you to be in my chamber in one hour.
In a surprised shock she stared at him without a blink ... she thought, Oh, that's sooo weird, he feels peace with me...??? hmmm liar, how can it be peaceful??? We can't stand each other... he really has some mental issues, or maybe he talks to every girl like this... but why his eyes also agree with his words... he is really melodramatic actor... he can act as a Ravan in Ramleela...
Radha with exasperating tone "Shenshah, do you really think that I have no brain, I will get trapped in your sweet talk...??? hmmm... You feel heavenly... aww... You feel peaceful... isn't it too much...???"
Jalal narrowed his eyes and tetchily replied "Oh Radha!!! I am so glad to know that you have brain... So you better use it sometime!!!" with deep sighed out... he said "You can go now."
"But Shenshah..." she hitched a little then in trembling dim tone said "I don't want to sleep with you tonight, NOOO... I mean spend night with you." She deeply sighed...
Jalal replied in thick sound "Enough Drama Radha, go get ready and stop using your dirty useless mind... stop dreaming for so called night... and I really mean what I said I do enjoy spending time with you. Last warning Radha... GO."
Radha thinking... Oh he really means it... I can see truth in his eyes... He feels peace with??? But how??? She bafflingly gazed at him and walked out without saying anything and completely lost in thoughts.
Jalal walked back to his chamber with smile on his face.
Her mind repeating same words again and again "You give me peace..." her face started to glow thinking he really means it... her lips curved on a side, her cheeks blushed thinking he really likes to be with her. In excitement she almost ran to her cottage.
Reva was preparing for cooking... Radha came inside all happy and started to look in the closet for a change of clothes, she pulled almost all of her dresses one by one... suddenly her eyes caught Reva gazing at her with squinted eyes...
She tried to hide her excitement and said... Shenshah has ordered I need to be in his chamber in one hour...
Reva smirk sarcastically and said ... "Oh!!!"
Radha clarified "Reva, I told Shenshah, I don't want to spend night with him but he keep on insisting... You know that I don't want to go but I have no choice..."
Reva irritably said "Radha, he has charmed you again... Isn't it? Beware..."

Radha sadly in apologetic tone said "You are right Reva, Sorry... He said that I am the only one who gives him peace... and I felt he really means it, but you are right I will be careful and try not to get trapped in his sweet talk."

Reva affectionately said " Radha, I am not saying that he is lying, I have told you before and telling you again, he is very different with you... he really cares for you... today again he shocked everyone by apologizing and announcing you as a winner. The way he came back to the stall and bought the painting from you, it really shows that he has some feelings for you. Before today, I have not heard or seen anything like this, he never bent down for any women in his life... But anyway, I am sure, soon he will propose for you be his concubine... because he can't marry you officially since you are not so called Royal blood. Now you have to decide what is best for you and what your dreams are?
Radha listened very carefully to each of her word and said "Reva, I am blessed that you are here to guide me, I am sure you will always stay by my side in any situation and I promise you, I will never accept his proposition to be his concubine."

Knock on the Door...
Reva got up hastily and open door and saw big Royal thal, before maid say anything Reva dryly called "Radha."

Radha came out... maid said "Radha, Shenshah has send these clothes and jewelry for you and instruct you to wear this tonight.
Radha and Reva both came inside and took off the red cloth to see the dress... both of them got shocked said "WOW" together seeing the amazing Royal Rajvanshi outfit and very expensive rich jewelry.
Radha decided not wear the dress he sent, but she wore her favorite white and green cotton outfit with her silver jewelry... She clipped her hair from front and left rest of the hair open... She also put long deep eye liner (kajal) and small bindi...and matching Bangles and got ready quickly...

Jalal eagerly waiting for Radha, before she reached he ordered his special chef to cook ameri food for both of them... He took quick shower and got dressed in his night casual outfit without his crown and robe. he dried his hair quickly, sprayed his favorite perfume... His excitement was increasing every second while imagining in her green Rajvanshi outfit and jewelry. He informed the guards twice of Radha's arrival...
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Momen bersejarah yang lain... Ini adalah pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Mughal yang Meena bazaar kompetisi dimenangkan oleh pembantu biasa. Itu tidak hanya tak terduga tapi agak luar biasa bagi semua orang. Sekarang resmi Shenshah E Hindustan akan menghabiskan malam dan satu hari dengan pembantu biasa yang tidak bahkan selir... Semua orang di Diwan terkejut... Beberapa dari mereka sedang melihat Radha dan beberapa di Shenshah dan beberapa dari mereka sedang melihat Rukaiya... Itu tercengang mengejutkan bagi Rukaiya Hleb pembantu. Dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir ia memenangkan kompetisi ini sekitar delapan kali. Seperti setiap tahun, setelah pengumuman seluruh ruangan diisi dengan tepuk tangan tapi hari ini ada tidak ada begum atau bandi yang berani untuk bertepuk tangan untuk kemenangan Radha. Sebaliknya tahun ini seluruh lorong penuh dengan bergumam, dan gosip. Maham Manga melihat Radha sinis... Pertama kalinya dia terancam oleh dia, dia menyadari sedikit demi sedikit dia menang Jalal di jantung. Dalam beberapa hari terakhir Jalal telah melakukan banyak hal yang geli dia, dia bisa merasakan Jalal di jantung membuka untuknya secara bertahap, sejauh ia mengambil segala sesuatu yang ringan tetapi ketika ia melihat Jalal meminta maaf kepada dirinya di depan banyak orang dan mengumumkan pemenang nya yang benar-benar kepalanya yang ia mulai memerintah pada Jalal di hati. Sikap sombong dan percaya diri selalu diganggu padanya tapi ia diabaikan sejak dia menjabat tujuannya merawat Rahim dan pada saat yang sama ia semakin kredit untuk menemukan sempurna pembantu untuk Rahim tetapi dalam waktu singkat Radha datang begitu dekat Jalal yang benar-benar terkejut padanya. Akhirnya melanggar tatapan dari Radha, Jalal memandang Rukaiya's lembab mata; Dia tahu, dia menelan matanya dan adalah masking senyum di wajahnya. Ia adalah sangat menyadari ini adalah ekstrim kekalahan untuk Rukaiya, melihat wajahnya pucat senyumnya menghilang. Dia segera bangun dan diberhentikan DWK. Radha tidak mengerti apa yang baru saja terjadi. Dia minta maaf, mengumumkan pemenang nya dan sekarang dia harus menghabiskan malam dengan dia... Itu terlalu banyak untuk dia untuk mencairkan, ia berdiri di sana seperti dia telah melihat hantu. Realisasi mendadak membuatnya berpikir... Bagaimana saya bisa menghabiskan malam dengan dia??? itu berarti... ia akan... oh ada... cara .no, aku tidak bisa... Aku harus berbicara padanya... tapi kemudian realisasi lain sadar dia yang dibawa dalam kurva nya bibir-'dia telah mengalahkan Ruakaiya.' Dia memandang Rukaiya kejam dan memberi Dia menyeringai menang... Rukaiya segera berjalan keluar setelah meninggalkan Jalal. Setelah meninggalkan Rukaiya, banyak pelayan dan beberapa begums dikelilingi Radha ingin mengucapkan... Dia terselubung ekspresinya membingungkan dan dengan senyum menjawab kepada semua orang. Segera setelah ia melihat darisuhadi, dia memeluk dia; tanpa mengetahui bahwa kebahagiaan atau kekhawatiran. Penjaga datang dalam dan informasi Radha bahwa Shenshah ingin melihatnya langsung di sebelah diwan chamber. Radha yang merasa meringkuk di perutnya... dia menggigil benar-benar dengan segala sesuatu terjadi seluruh hari dan di pengadilan... Dia adalah dalam dilema bagaimana dia akan menyangkal menghabiskan malam dengan-nya. Jika ia mengatakan tidak, itu akan menjadi seperti menghancurkan egonya ekstrim karena ini diumumkan kepada publik dan Jalal mungkin akhirnya akan membunuh dia untuk audacity nya.Pertama kalinya dalam hidupnya Radha takut, kakinya merasa numbed untuk berjalan beberapa langkah... Jalal sedang menunggu untuk dia bersemangat, ia menang senyum di wajahnya. Jalal menyaksikan dia berjalan di dalam, dia bisa rasa takut unknow di kaki Nya dan di wajah, takut tidak diketahui, dia tampak takut daripada marah atau bahagia... Hati-hati melihat Jalal sangat takut Dia berkata "Selamat Radha." Radha diturunkan kepadanya mata bertanya "Mengapa Anda bermain dengan saya Shenshah?" suara dipenuhi dengan ketakutan yang mendalam dan rasa sakit. Jalal nada serius menjawab "Radha ketika Anda berbicara kepada saya, saya ingin Anda lihat di mataku dan mengapa saya bermain...? Yah, saya tidak berpikir saya sudah mulai bermain dengan Anda belum..."suara-Nya serius dikonversi menjadi menggoda... Radha menjawab sangat "apa??? Permainan apa yang Anda berbicara tentang Shenshah?" Jalal menanggapi nakal "Malam permainan, Radha" Radha menatapnya meanly dengan mata menyipit dan gumaman diam-diam... Jallad, sadu, akdu, Rakasa, kejam... Radha takut menghilang dengan sikap-nya, dia menukas dengan kemarahan "Aku tahu apa yang Anda lakukan Shenshah, tetapi Anda tidak akan berhasil. Sangat baik bermain... tapi kepercayaan saya Anda tidak dapat mendapatkan apa-apa dari itu. Mengambil nasihat saya dan menghabiskan malam Anda dengan begums khaaas Anda. Anda tidak akan bersenang-senang bermain permainan malam Anda disebut dengan saya. Jalal dengan seringai napas dan menjawab dalam nada yang dikompresi "Radha kami memiliki seluruh malam untuk melawan dan bermain permainan yang disebut saya, dengan cara Anda tidak perlu memberitahu saya... Saya benar-benar melihat ke depan untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan Anda dan tidak satupun dari begums saya dapat memberikan saya ini harmoni yang Anda dapat memberi saya. Ketika Anda dengan saya, saya merasa kedamaian surgawi. Jadi sekarang Jangan buang waktu sekarang, saya ingin Anda untuk menjadi di ruang saya dalam satu jam. Shock terkejut Ia menatap dia tanpa sekejap... dia berpikir, Oh, yang begitu aneh, ia merasa damai dengan saya...??? Hmmm pembohong, bagaimana bisa damai??? Kita tidak bisa berdiri satu sama lain... dia benar-benar memiliki beberapa masalah mental, atau mungkin ia berbicara kepada setiap gadis seperti ini... tapi kenapa matanya juga setuju dengan kata-kata... dia benar-benar melodramatis aktor... dia dapat bertindak sebagai Ravan di Ramleela... Radha dengan menjengkelkan nada "Shenshah, Apakah Anda benar-benar berpikir bahwa aku punya otak tidak, saya akan terjebak dalam berbicara manis Anda...??? hmmm... Anda merasa surgawi... ah... Anda merasa damai... Bukankah terlalu banyak...??? " Jalal menyipitkan mata dan tetchily menjawab "Oh Radha!!! Saya sangat senang mengetahui bahwa Anda memiliki otak... Sehingga Anda lebih baik menggunakannya kadang-kadang!"dengan mendalam mendesah keluar... dia berkata"Anda dapat pergi sekarang." "Tapi Shenshah..." dia memasang sedikit kemudian gemetar nada redup yang mengatakan "saya tidak ingin untuk tidur dengan Anda malam ini, NOOO... Aku berarti menghabiskan malam dengan Anda." Dia sangat menghela napas... Jalal menjawab tebal suara "cukup Drama Radha, pergi mendapatkan siap dan berhenti menggunakan pikiran tidak berguna Anda kotor... berhenti bermimpi untuk disebut malam... dan aku benar-benar berarti apa yang saya katakan saya menikmati menghabiskan waktu bersama Anda. Terakhir peringatan Radha... PERGI." Radha berpikir... Oh dia benar-benar berarti... Aku bisa melihat kebenaran di matanya... Ia merasa damai dengan??? Tapi bagaimana caranya??? Dia bafflingly menatap dia dan berjalan keluar tanpa mengatakan apapun dan benar-benar hilang dalam pikiran. Jalal berjalan kembali ke ruang nya dengan senyum di wajahnya. Kata-kata pikirannya mengulangi sama lagi dan lagi "kau memberiku kedamaian..." wajah mulai bersinar berpikir ia benar-benar berarti itu... bibirnya melengkung di sisi, pipi tersipu berpikir ia benar-benar suka bersamanya. Dalam kegembiraan dia hampir berlari ke pondok dia. Darisuhadi sedang bersiap-siap untuk memasak... Radha datang dalam semua bahagia dan mulai untuk melihat di dalam lemari untuk pakaian ganti, ia menarik hampir semua gaun nya satu persatu... tiba-tiba matanya tertangkap darisuhadi menatap dia dengan mata menyipit... Dia mencoba untuk menyembunyikan kegembiraan nya dan berkata... Shenshah telah memerintahkan saya perlu berada di ruang nya dalam satu jam... Darisuhadi menyeringai sinis dan berkata... "Oh!" Radha diklarifikasi "darisuhadi, kataku Shenshah, aku tidak ingin menghabiskan malam dengan dia tapi dia tetap bersikeras... Kau tahu bahwa aku tidak ingin pergi tapi aku tak punya pilihan..." Darisuhadi kesal berkata "Radha, ia telah terpesona Anda lagi... Bukan? Waspadalah..." Radha sayangnya dalam nada apologetik berkata "Anda tepat darisuhadi, maaf... Dia mengatakan bahwa saya satu-satunya yang memberinya perdamaian... dan saya merasa dia benar-benar berarti, tapi you are right saya akan berhati-hati dan mencoba untuk tidak terjebak dalam Pembicaraannya manis." Darisuhadi sayang berkata "Radha, saya tidak mengatakan bahwa dia berbohong, aku sudah mengatakannya kepadamu sebelum dan memberitahu Anda lagi, ia sangat berbeda dengan Anda... dia benar-benar peduli untuk Anda... hari ini lagi ia terkejut semua orang meminta maaf dan mengumumkan Anda sebagai pemenang. Cara dia kembali ke warung dan membeli lukisan dari Anda, itu benar-benar menunjukkan bahwa ia memiliki perasaan untuk Anda. Sebelum hari ini, saya tidak mendengar atau melihat sesuatu seperti ini, ia tidak pernah membungkuk untuk setiap perempuan dalam hidupnya... Tapi bagaimanapun, aku yakin, segera ia akan mengusulkan untuk Anda menjadi Selir... karena ia tidak bisa menikah Anda resmi karena Anda tidak begitu disebut Royal darah. Sekarang Anda harus memutuskan apa terbaik bagi Anda dan apa impian Anda? Radha sangat hati-hati mendengarkan setiap Firman-Nya dan berkata "darisuhadi, aku diberkati bahwa Anda berada di sini untuk membimbing saya, saya yakin Anda akan selalu tinggal dengan saya dalam situasi apa pun dan aku berjanji Anda, saya tidak akan pernah menerima nya proposisi menjadi Selir." Mengetuk di pintu... Darisuhadi bangun tergesa-gesa dan membuka pintu dan melihat besar Royal thal, sebelum pelayan mengatakan apa-apa darisuhadi dryly disebut "Radha." Radha keluar... pelayan mengatakan "Radha, Shenshah telah mengirim pakaian dan perhiasan ini untuk Anda dan menginstruksikan Anda untuk memakai ini malam ini. Radha dan darisuhadi keduanya datang dalam dan melepas kain merah untuk melihat pakaian... keduanya mendapat terkejut berkata "WOW" bersama-sama melihat menakjubkan Royal Rajvanshi pakaian dan perhiasan kaya sangat mahal. Radha memutuskan tidak memakai pakaian yang diutusNya, tetapi dia memakai pakaian katun putih dan hijau favorit nya dia perhiasan perak... Ia dipotong rambutnya dari depan dan kiri sisa terbuka rambut... Dia juga menempatkan panjang dalam mata liner (dariian) dan kecil bindi... dan pencocokan gelang dan bersiap-siap dengan cepat... Jalal sabar menunggu Radha, sebelum dia sampai ia memerintahkan koki-nya khusus untuk memasak makanan bagi mereka berdua ameri... Dia mengambil mandi cepat dan mendapat berpakaian dalam pakaian kasual malam nya tanpa mahkota dan jubah-Nya. Ia kering rambut cepat, disemprot parfum favorit nya... Kegembiraan meningkat setiap detik membayangkan di hijau Rajvanshi pakaian dan perhiasan. Dia memberitahu para penjaga dua kali kedatangan Radha...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Another historical moment... This was first time ever in Mughal history that the Meena bazaar competition was won by an ordinary maid. It was not just unexpected but somewhat unbelievable for everyone. Now officially Shenshah E Hindustan will spend night and a day with an ordinary maid who is not even his concubine...
Everyone in Diwan was shocked... Some of them were looking at Radha and some at Shenshah and some of them were looking at Rukaiya... It was dumbfounded shock for Rukaiya to lose against a maid. In the past ten years she won this competition about eight times. Like every year, after announcement the entire room filled with claps but today there was no begum or bandi who dared to clap for Radha's victory. Instead this year the entire hall filled with murmurs, and gossips.
Maham Manga looked at Radha cynically... First time ever she was threatened by her, she realized little by little she was winning Jalal's heart. In last few days Jalal has done many things which amused her, she could sense Jalal's heart was opening for her gradually, so far she taken everything lightly but when she saw Jalal apologized to her in front of many people and announced her winner that utterly alarmed her head that she started to rule on Jalal's heart. Her arrogant and confident attitude always bothered her but she ignored since she was serving her purpose of taking care of Rahim and at the same time she was getting credit for finding perfect maid for Rahim but in no time Radha came so close to Jalal which really shocked her.
Finally breaking gaze from Radha, Jalal looked at Rukaiya's moist eyes; He could tell, she gulped her tears and was masking smile on her face. He was very well aware this was extreme defeat for Rukaiya, seeing her pale face his smile disappeared. He immediately got up and dismissed the DWK.
Radha couldn't understand what just happened. He apologized, announced her winner and now she has to spend night with him... It was too much for her to dilute, she stood there like she has seen a ghost. Sudden realization made her think... how I can spend night with him??? is that mean... he will... oh nooo way, I can't ... I have to talk to him ... but then another realization dawned on her which brought deep curve on her lips-'she has defeated Ruakaiya.' She looked at Rukaiya viciously and gave her victorious smirk...
Rukaiya immediately walked out after Jalal left. After Rukaiya left, lot of maids and some begums surrounded Radha to wish her... She veiled her puzzling expression and with smile responded to everyone. As soon as she saw Reva, she hugged her; without knowing that is out of happiness or worries.
Guard came inside and informed Radha that Shenshah wants see her immediately in next to diwan chamber.
Radha's felt curled in her stomach... she shivered utterly with everything happened entire day and in the court... She was in dilemma how she will deny spending night with him. If she says no, it will be like crushing his ego to extreme since this was publicly announced and Jalal might end up will killing her for her audacity.
First time in her life Radha feared inside, her feet felt numbed to walk few steps...
Jalal was waiting for her eagerly, he had victorious smile on his face.

Jalal watched her walking inside, he could sense fear of unknow in her walk and on her face, fear of unknown, she seemed scared than angry or happy...
Seeing her extremely scared Jalal cautiously said "Congratulation Radha."
Radha lowered her eyes asked him "Why are you playing with me Shenshah?" her sound was filled with deep fear and pain.

Jalal in serious tone replied "Radha when you talk to me, I want you to look in my eyes and why am I playing...? Well, I don't think I have started playing with you yet..." his serious sound converted into teasing...
Radha replied dreadfully "WHAT??? What game are you talking about Shenshah?"
Jalal responded mischievously "Night game, Radha"
Radha stared at him meanly with squinted eyes and murmur silently... Jallad, sadu, akdu, monster, cruel...
Radha's fear disappeared with his attitude, she retorted with fury "I know what you doing Shenshah, but you will never be successful. Very well-played... but trust me you won't be able to get anything out of it. Take my advice and spend your night with your khaaas begums. You will not have fun playing your so called night game with me.
Jalal with deep sigh smirk and replied in compressed tone "Radha we have entire night to fight and play my so called games, by the way you don't need to advise me... I am really looking forward to spend time with you and none of my begums can give me this harmony which you can give me. When you are with me I feel heavenly peace. So now don't waste my time now, I want you to be in my chamber in one hour.
In a surprised shock she stared at him without a blink ... she thought, Oh, that's sooo weird, he feels peace with me...??? hmmm liar, how can it be peaceful??? We can't stand each other... he really has some mental issues, or maybe he talks to every girl like this... but why his eyes also agree with his words... he is really melodramatic actor... he can act as a Ravan in Ramleela...
Radha with exasperating tone "Shenshah, do you really think that I have no brain, I will get trapped in your sweet talk...??? hmmm... You feel heavenly... aww... You feel peaceful... isn't it too much...???"
Jalal narrowed his eyes and tetchily replied "Oh Radha!!! I am so glad to know that you have brain... So you better use it sometime!!!" with deep sighed out... he said "You can go now."
"But Shenshah..." she hitched a little then in trembling dim tone said "I don't want to sleep with you tonight, NOOO... I mean spend night with you." She deeply sighed...
Jalal replied in thick sound "Enough Drama Radha, go get ready and stop using your dirty useless mind... stop dreaming for so called night... and I really mean what I said I do enjoy spending time with you. Last warning Radha... GO."
Radha thinking... Oh he really means it... I can see truth in his eyes... He feels peace with??? But how??? She bafflingly gazed at him and walked out without saying anything and completely lost in thoughts.
Jalal walked back to his chamber with smile on his face.
Her mind repeating same words again and again "You give me peace..." her face started to glow thinking he really means it... her lips curved on a side, her cheeks blushed thinking he really likes to be with her. In excitement she almost ran to her cottage.
Reva was preparing for cooking... Radha came inside all happy and started to look in the closet for a change of clothes, she pulled almost all of her dresses one by one... suddenly her eyes caught Reva gazing at her with squinted eyes...
She tried to hide her excitement and said... Shenshah has ordered I need to be in his chamber in one hour...
Reva smirk sarcastically and said ... "Oh!!!"
Radha clarified "Reva, I told Shenshah, I don't want to spend night with him but he keep on insisting... You know that I don't want to go but I have no choice..."
Reva irritably said "Radha, he has charmed you again... Isn't it? Beware..."

Radha sadly in apologetic tone said "You are right Reva, Sorry... He said that I am the only one who gives him peace... and I felt he really means it, but you are right I will be careful and try not to get trapped in his sweet talk."

Reva affectionately said " Radha, I am not saying that he is lying, I have told you before and telling you again, he is very different with you... he really cares for you... today again he shocked everyone by apologizing and announcing you as a winner. The way he came back to the stall and bought the painting from you, it really shows that he has some feelings for you. Before today, I have not heard or seen anything like this, he never bent down for any women in his life... But anyway, I am sure, soon he will propose for you be his concubine... because he can't marry you officially since you are not so called Royal blood. Now you have to decide what is best for you and what your dreams are?
Radha listened very carefully to each of her word and said "Reva, I am blessed that you are here to guide me, I am sure you will always stay by my side in any situation and I promise you, I will never accept his proposition to be his concubine."

Knock on the Door...
Reva got up hastily and open door and saw big Royal thal, before maid say anything Reva dryly called "Radha."

Radha came out... maid said "Radha, Shenshah has send these clothes and jewelry for you and instruct you to wear this tonight.
Radha and Reva both came inside and took off the red cloth to see the dress... both of them got shocked said "WOW" together seeing the amazing Royal Rajvanshi outfit and very expensive rich jewelry.
Radha decided not wear the dress he sent, but she wore her favorite white and green cotton outfit with her silver jewelry... She clipped her hair from front and left rest of the hair open... She also put long deep eye liner (kajal) and small bindi...and matching Bangles and got ready quickly...

Jalal eagerly waiting for Radha, before she reached he ordered his special chef to cook ameri food for both of them... He took quick shower and got dressed in his night casual outfit without his crown and robe. he dried his hair quickly, sprayed his favorite perfume... His excitement was increasing every second while imagining in her green Rajvanshi outfit and jewelry. He informed the guards twice of Radha's arrival...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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