In fact, this set of swords­man­ship I al­ready gave the name to call  terjemahan - In fact, this set of swords­man­ship I al­ready gave the name to call  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In fact, this set of swords­man­shi

In fact, this set of swords­man­ship I al­ready gave the name to call the rid­ing the wind swords­man­ship, sprin­kles at will how­ever and with­out re­straint of style, this name the name that is suit­able this sword to incur.
The next quar­ter, the skill con­firmed that in the skill fence pre­sented the golden god level skill to ride the wind to cut.
【Rides the wind to cut】( God level): Starts cuts to strike to at­tack the front tar­get con­tin­u­ously, con­denses the strength of in ad­di­tion uni­verse to hold the sword blade edge, mak­ing each sword com­pared with the might of pre­vi­ous sword stronger, com­pre­hends the layer to be higher, the at­tack num­ber that then starts is higher, may break through 10 high, achieves 27, at pre­sent 10, the skill cools the Cooldown 60 min­utes!
Has drawn out the Longchi sword and town Yue Dao, when I trig­ger the in­stance that rides the wind to cut, at pre­sent sud­denly golden light glit­ter, the su­per­nat­ural power rises sud­denly, both hands speed­ily leave the move, rode the wind to cut is the monomer at­tack skill, the sword blade edge and knife punc­tured the air, „brushed” in the air surged the ice fierce en­ergy, al­most force­fully has out­put in 2 sec­onds 10 swords, and a sword strength strong in a sword, if changes into the player at pre­sent, I am un­able to imag­ine the at­tack that who can block me one time to ride the wind to cut!
Turns over to the sheath the sword, stand­ing silently there, Yang Yan bound­ary that many ad­van­tage, the sin­cer­ity has not thought un­ex­pect­edly.
At this time, „whish”, Han Yuanti the long blade was lift­ing the cur­tain of armed forces ac­count to walk, saw that I was de­lighted be­yond mea­sure: „, The gen­eral you re­gained con­scious­ness fi­nally, this rests is nearly one month, the palace guard waited for here for one month, gen­eral you , if not re­gain con­scious­ness, end also can only lead the palace guard to re­turn to the Tian Ling Em­pire bat­tal­ion to wait for you again!”
I, said: „Han did Yuan, how with the mat­ter of bar­bar­ian tribe dis­cuss?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Gen­eral not in the month, one group of ven­tur­ers re­placed us to butcher all pro­ces­sion of lanterns beasts, and en­tered the end­less place to root out the fu­ture trou­ble, the bar­bar­ian tribe to the em­pire thoughts of re­turn­ing home, has been will­ing to admit our of­fer­ing amnesty now, first dis­patched 50% peo­ple to go to Tian Ling Em­pire with us, Gen­eral, these tribe el­ders were wait­ing for that the gen­eral you acted!”
„Good, lead­ing me to go!”
Pub­lished the armed forces ac­count, pro­ceeds again not far, sees only one group of tribe lead­ers to en­cir­cle there, mak­ing the brave war­riors in tribe com­pare notes the abil­ity, but these bar­bar­ian brave war­riors have also put to­gether a brute force, is only in the palace guard can choose many peo­ple to de­feat them, for serveral days they were bored, think that lit­tle has not suf­fered loss in the palace guard hand.
When I walk goes for­ward, Long Xing, Xia Ye, Xiao Li three ex­cit­edly will walk: „Com­manded the Sir to come fi­nally!”
I nod, bows to­ward 14 tribe lead­ers, said: „Sorry, I some­what crit­i­cal mat­ter de­layed every­body, here has apol­o­gized to every­body, if no what im­por­tant im­por­tant mat­ter to dis­cuss that we in­stantly do start Tian Ling Em­pire?”
The peo­ple nod in abun­dance, these bar­bar­ians are al­ready think­ing can drinks spic­ily, al­ways feels bet­ter is eat­ing rough red­dish brown Kui who goes to Tian Ling Em­pire to be pop­u­lar here.
The armies move, lead­ing troop dense and nu­mer­ous bar­bar­ian clans­men to leave them to live for a long time place, led a cav­alry reg­i­ment to come to salute after Ba Huang City time An­gela, in fact ad­mon­ished, after all that many bar­bar­ians, once launched the at­tack, Ba Huang City shortly will be noth­ing left.
Crosses child Wushan, en­ters Tian Ling Em­pire w
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In fact, this set of swords­man­ship I al­ready gave the name to call the rid­ing the wind swords­man­ship, sprin­kles at will how­ever and with­out re­straint of style, this name the name that is suit­able this sword to incur.The next quar­ter, the skill con­firmed that in the skill fence pre­sented the golden god level skill to ride the wind to cut.【Rides the wind to cut】( God level): Starts cuts to strike to at­tack the front tar­get con­tin­u­ously, con­denses the strength of in ad­di­tion uni­verse to hold the sword blade edge, mak­ing each sword com­pared with the might of pre­vi­ous sword stronger, com­pre­hends the layer to be higher, the at­tack num­ber that then starts is higher, may break through 10 high, achieves 27, at pre­sent 10, the skill cools the Cooldown 60 min­utes!„Clang!”Has drawn out the Longchi sword and town Yue Dao, when I trig­ger the in­stance that rides the wind to cut, at pre­sent sud­denly golden light glit­ter, the su­per­nat­ural power rises sud­denly, both hands speed­ily leave the move, rode the wind to cut is the monomer at­tack skill, the sword blade edge and knife punc­tured the air, „brushed” in the air surged the ice fierce en­ergy, al­most force­fully has out­put in 2 sec­onds 10 swords, and a sword strength strong in a sword, if changes into the player at pre­sent, I am un­able to imag­ine the at­tack that who can block me one time to ride the wind to cut!Turns over to the sheath the sword, stand­ing silently there, Yang Yan bound­ary that many ad­van­tage, the sin­cer­ity has not thought un­ex­pect­edly.At this time, „whish”, Han Yuanti the long blade was lift­ing the cur­tain of armed forces ac­count to walk, saw that I was de­lighted be­yond mea­sure: „, The gen­eral you re­gained con­scious­ness fi­nally, this rests is nearly one month, the palace guard waited for here for one month, gen­eral you , if not re­gain con­scious­ness, end also can only lead the palace guard to re­turn to the Tian Ling Em­pire bat­tal­ion to wait for you again!”I, said: „Han did Yuan, how with the mat­ter of bar­bar­ian tribe dis­cuss?”The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Gen­eral not in the month, one group of ven­tur­ers re­placed us to butcher all pro­ces­sion of lanterns beasts, and en­tered the end­less place to root out the fu­ture trou­ble, the bar­bar­ian tribe to the em­pire thoughts of re­turn­ing home, has been will­ing to admit our of­fer­ing amnesty now, first dis­patched 50% peo­ple to go to Tian Ling Em­pire with us, Gen­eral, these tribe el­ders were wait­ing for that the gen­eral you acted!”„Good, lead­ing me to go!”„Yes!”Pub­lished the armed forces ac­count, pro­ceeds again not far, sees only one group of tribe lead­ers to en­cir­cle there, mak­ing the brave war­riors in tribe com­pare notes the abil­ity, but these bar­bar­ian brave war­riors have also put to­gether a brute force, is only in the palace guard can choose many peo­ple to de­feat them, for serveral days they were bored, think that lit­tle has not suf­fered loss in the palace guard hand.When I walk goes for­ward, Long Xing, Xia Ye, Xiao Li three ex­cit­edly will walk: „Com­manded the Sir to come fi­nally!”
I nod, bows to­ward 14 tribe lead­ers, said: „Sorry, I some­what crit­i­cal mat­ter de­layed every­body, here has apol­o­gized to every­body, if no what im­por­tant im­por­tant mat­ter to dis­cuss that we in­stantly do start Tian Ling Em­pire?”
The peo­ple nod in abun­dance, these bar­bar­ians are al­ready think­ing can drinks spic­ily, al­ways feels bet­ter is eat­ing rough red­dish brown Kui who goes to Tian Ling Em­pire to be pop­u­lar here.
The armies move, lead­ing troop dense and nu­mer­ous bar­bar­ian clans­men to leave them to live for a long time place, led a cav­alry reg­i­ment to come to salute after Ba Huang City time An­gela, in fact ad­mon­ished, after all that many bar­bar­ians, once launched the at­tack, Ba Huang City shortly will be noth­ing left.
Crosses child Wushan, en­ters Tian Ling Em­pire w
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bahkan, ini set pedang saya sudah memberi nama untuk memanggil naik pedang angin, taburan di akan namun dan tanpa menahan diri dari gaya, nama ini nama yang cocok pedang ini dikenakan.
Kuartal berikutnya, keterampilan menegaskan bahwa di pagar skill disajikan keterampilan tingkat dewa emas untuk naik angin untuk memotong.
【Rides angin untuk memotong】 (Tuhan tingkat): Mulai pemotongan untuk menyerang untuk menyerang target depan terus, mengembun kekuatan selain alam semesta untuk memegang ujung pedang pisau, membuat setiap pedang dibandingkan dengan kekuatan pedang sebelumnya kuat, memahami lapisan lebih tinggi, jumlah serangan yang kemudian mulai lebih tinggi, mungkin menerobos 10 tinggi, mencapai 27, saat ini 10, keterampilan mendinginkan Cooldown 60 menit!
Telah ditarik keluar pedang Longchi dan kota Yue Dao, ketika saya memicu contoh yang naik angin untuk memotong, saat ini gemerlapnya cahaya tiba-tiba emas, kekuatan supranatural naik tiba-tiba, kedua tangan cepat meninggalkan bergerak, naik angin untuk memotong adalah keterampilan serangan monomer, tepi pedang pisau dan pisau ditusuk udara, "disikat" di udara melonjak energi sengit es, hampir paksa memiliki output dalam 2 detik 10 pedang, dan kekuatan pedang yang kuat dalam pedang, jika perubahan ke pemain saat ini, saya tidak dapat membayangkan serangan yang yang dapat memblokir saya satu kali naik angin untuk memotong!
Ternyata ke sarungnya pedang, berdiri diam-diam di sana, yang Yan boundary bahwa banyak keuntungan, ketulusan belum berpikir tiba-tiba.
pada saat ini, "whish", Han Yuanti pisau panjang itu mengangkat tirai dari angkatan bersenjata akun untuk berjalan, melihat bahwa saya sangat gembira tak terkira: ", The umum Anda sadar akhirnya, ini bertumpu ! hampir satu bulan, pengawal istana menunggu di sini selama satu bulan, umumnya Anda, jika tidak sadar, akhirnya bisa juga hanya memimpin pengawal istana untuk kembali ke batalion Tian Ling Empire menunggu lagi "
I, mengatakan: "Han melakukan Yuan, bagaimana dengan soal suku barbar membahas?"
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan mengatakan: "Jenderal tidak dalam sebulan, satu kelompok venturer diganti kita untuk membantai semua prosesi lentera binatang, dan memasuki tempat yang tak ada habisnya untuk akar keluar masalah masa depan, suku barbar dengan pikiran kerajaan kembali ke rumah, telah bersedia mengakui kami menawarkan amnesti sekarang, pertama dikirim 50% orang untuk pergi ke Tian Ling Empire dengan kami, General, tetua suku ini sedang menunggu bahwa umum Anda bertindak! "
" Baik, membawaku pergi! "
" Ya! "
Diterbitkan akun angkatan bersenjata, hasil lagi tidak jauh, hanya melihat satu kelompok pemimpin suku untuk mengelilingi sana, membuat prajurit pemberani di suku membandingkan catatan kemampuan , tapi ini prajurit pemberani barbar juga mengumpulkan kekerasan, hanya di pengawal istana dapat memilih banyak orang untuk mengalahkan mereka, karena hari serveral mereka bosan, berpikir bahwa sedikit tidak menderita kerugian pengawal istana tangan.
Ketika saya berjalan berjalan ke depan, Long Xing, Xia Ye, Xiao Li tiga semangat akan berjalan: "diperintahkan Sir datang akhirnya!"
aku mengangguk, busur ke arah 14 pemimpin suku, mengatakan: "Maaf, saya peduli agak kritis tertunda semua orang, di sini telah meminta maaf untuk semua orang, jika tidak ada apa pun yang penting penting untuk membahas bahwa kita langsung lakukan mulai Tian Ling Empire? "
orang-orang mengangguk dalam kelimpahan, barbar ini sudah berpikir bisa minuman spicily, selalu merasa lebih baik adalah makan kasar berwarna coklat kemerahan Kui yang pergi ke Tian Ling Empire menjadi populer di sini.
Para tentara bergerak, memimpin pasukan padat dan banyak klan barbar meninggalkan mereka untuk hidup untuk tempat lama, memimpin resimen kavaleri datang untuk memberi hormat setelah waktu Ba Huang Kota Angela, pada kenyataannya menegur, setelah semua itu banyak barbar, sekaligus meluncurkan serangan, Ba Huang Kota lama akan ada yang tersisa.
Crosses anak Wushan, memasuki Tian Ling Empire w
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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