We fought well.31600:24:06,140 --> 00:24:10,900Any explanation will pr terjemahan - We fought well.31600:24:06,140 --> 00:24:10,900Any explanation will pr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

We fought well.31600:24:06,140 -->

We fought well.

00:24:06,140 --> 00:24:10,900
Any explanation will probably seem like an excuse but

00:24:12,930 --> 00:24:15,040
please live.

00:24:16,240 --> 00:24:18,830
I'm so sorry, Min Cheol.

00:24:28,100 --> 00:24:30,070
What are you doing, Dr. An?

00:24:30,070 --> 00:24:31,590
Oh, Prof.

00:24:31,590 --> 00:24:33,950
What were doing, holding the patient's hand?

00:24:35,830 --> 00:24:37,420
Platelet count.

00:24:44,280 --> 00:24:49,420
A patient whose hand you were holding on so tightly to is about to go.

00:24:49,420 --> 00:24:51,470
You might as well prepare yourself.

00:24:51,470 --> 00:24:52,370

00:24:52,370 --> 00:24:54,420
The light will be gone,

00:24:54,420 --> 00:24:57,120
there will be no medicine or the blood.

00:24:57,120 --> 00:25:01,610
Even Japan, which is skilled in disaster relief, needs at least three days to provide supplies.

00:25:01,610 --> 00:25:05,850
Will this patient be able to last until then?

00:25:08,710 --> 00:25:11,690
You lost your reasoning because the patient was your friend

00:25:11,690 --> 00:25:15,090
and you were delirious to Doctor Lee Haesung's shocking show.

00:25:15,090 --> 00:25:19,830
The patient will leave soon and the hospital will end up taking more burdens.

00:25:19,830 --> 00:25:22,930
Become a doctor who expects at least that much.

00:25:22,930 --> 00:25:25,410
Don't just be emotional.

00:25:41,780 --> 00:25:44,770
Prof. as you can see I didn't even get to sleep

00:25:44,770 --> 00:25:45,970

00:25:46,710 --> 00:25:50,390
of course, I've been looking after him, so the patient has gotten a lot better.

00:25:50,390 --> 00:25:52,590
A doctor's sincerity is very important.

00:25:54,060 --> 00:25:56,420
He got better?

00:25:56,420 --> 00:25:58,850
What were you doing while the platelet count became like this?!

00:25:58,850 --> 00:26:01,760
Eh.. what?

00:26:03,290 --> 00:26:04,880
When did it drop so much?

00:26:04,880 --> 00:26:06,690
Go downstairs immediately and bring a blood platelet IV.

00:26:06,690 --> 00:26:07,550
Right away!!

00:26:07,550 --> 00:26:08,820

00:26:08,820 --> 00:26:10,700
The chart!!

00:26:10,700 --> 00:26:12,480

00:26:22,140 --> 00:26:26,430
Look, the oppa who saved you is doing fine, right?

00:26:27,300 --> 00:26:30,580
We will save him.
Don't worry.

00:26:33,090 --> 00:26:35,010
He didn't die.

00:26:35,010 --> 00:26:37,710
So, stop crying.

00:26:39,570 --> 00:26:41,370
Dr. An Daegil,

00:26:41,370 --> 00:26:44,880
take her somewhere, play with her, and console her.

00:26:44,880 --> 00:26:46,720
I'll do the baton touch for the emergency room.

00:26:46,720 --> 00:26:48,700
Why? why would I?

00:26:52,100 --> 00:26:53,620
Let's go.

00:26:59,120 --> 00:27:02,760

00:27:02,760 --> 00:27:04,110
What is it now?!

00:27:04,110 --> 00:27:05,860
Look at the platelet count examination!

00:27:05,860 --> 00:27:08,170
It dropped so much, can't you tell?

00:27:08,170 --> 00:27:13,710
No way, Prof. Han didn't say anything when he looked at the chart.
Why are you making a big deal?

00:27:13,710 --> 00:27:16,950
Prof. Han looked at the chart and didn't say anything, you say?

00:27:16,950 --> 00:27:19,300
Say something reasonable, will you?

00:27:19,300 --> 00:27:23,170
Hey, look at it yourself.
With your own eyes.

00:27:27,490 --> 00:27:29,310

00:27:30,090 --> 00:27:31,930
- Is this all you have?
- Yes.
subtitles ripped by riri13

00:27:31,930 --> 00:27:36,770
Is this even enough? Anyways, Professor Han Woojin is going to use this for the patient in the ICU.

00:27:36,770 --> 00:27:37,900
Yes, the ICU.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
We fought well.31600:24:06,140 --> 00:24:10,900Any explanation will probably seem like an excuse but31700:24:12,930 --> 00:24:15,040please live.31800:24:16,240 --> 00:24:18,830I'm so sorry, Min Cheol.31900:24:28,100 --> 00:24:30,070What are you doing, Dr. An?32000:24:30,070 --> 00:24:31,590Oh, Prof.32100:24:31,590 --> 00:24:33,950What were doing, holding the patient's hand?32200:24:35,830 --> 00:24:37,420Platelet count.32300:24:44,280 --> 00:24:49,420A patient whose hand you were holding on so tightly to is about to go.32400:24:49,420 --> 00:24:51,470You might as well prepare yourself.32500:24:51,470 --> 00:24:52,370Eh?32600:24:52,370 --> 00:24:54,420The light will be gone,32700:24:54,420 --> 00:24:57,120there will be no medicine or the blood.32800:24:57,120 --> 00:25:01,610Even Japan, which is skilled in disaster relief, needs at least three days to provide supplies.32900:25:01,610 --> 00:25:05,850Will this patient be able to last until then?33000:25:08,710 --> 00:25:11,690You lost your reasoning because the patient was your friend33100:25:11,690 --> 00:25:15,090and you were delirious to Doctor Lee Haesung's shocking show.33200:25:15,090 --> 00:25:19,830The patient will leave soon and the hospital will end up taking more burdens.33300:25:19,830 --> 00:25:22,930Become a doctor who expects at least that much.33400:25:22,930 --> 00:25:25,410Don't just be emotional.33500:25:41,780 --> 00:25:44,770Prof. as you can see I didn't even get to sleep33600:25:44,770 --> 00:25:45,970but,33700:25:46,710 --> 00:25:50,390of course, I've been looking after him, so the patient has gotten a lot better.33800:25:50,390 --> 00:25:52,590A doctor's sincerity is very important.33900:25:54,060 --> 00:25:56,420He got better?34000:25:56,420 --> 00:25:58,850What were you doing while the platelet count became like this?!34100:25:58,850 --> 00:26:01,760Eh.. what?34200:26:03,290 --> 00:26:04,880When did it drop so much?34300:26:04,880 --> 00:26:06,690Go downstairs immediately and bring a blood platelet IV.34400:26:06,690 --> 00:26:07,550Right away!! Yes.34500:26:07,550 --> 00:26:08,820Yes..34600:26:08,820 --> 00:26:10,700The chart!!34700:26:10,700 --> 00:26:12,480Here.34800:26:22,140 --> 00:26:26,430Look, the oppa who saved you is doing fine, right?34900:26:27,300 --> 00:26:30,580We will save him. Don't worry.35000:26:33,090 --> 00:26:35,010He didn't die.35100:26:35,010 --> 00:26:37,710So, stop crying.35200:26:39,570 --> 00:26:41,370Dr. An Daegil,35300:26:41,370 --> 00:26:44,880take her somewhere, play with her, and console her.35400:26:44,880 --> 00:26:46,720I'll do the baton touch for the emergency room.35500:26:46,720 --> 00:26:48,700Why? why would I?35600:26:52,100 --> 00:26:53,620Let's go.

00:26:59,120 --> 00:27:02,760

00:27:02,760 --> 00:27:04,110
What is it now?!

00:27:04,110 --> 00:27:05,860
Look at the platelet count examination!

00:27:05,860 --> 00:27:08,170
It dropped so much, can't you tell?

00:27:08,170 --> 00:27:13,710
No way, Prof. Han didn't say anything when he looked at the chart.
Why are you making a big deal?

00:27:13,710 --> 00:27:16,950
Prof. Han looked at the chart and didn't say anything, you say?

00:27:16,950 --> 00:27:19,300
Say something reasonable, will you?

00:27:19,300 --> 00:27:23,170
Hey, look at it yourself.
With your own eyes.

00:27:27,490 --> 00:27:29,310

00:27:30,090 --> 00:27:31,930
- Is this all you have?
- Yes.
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00:27:31,930 --> 00:27:36,770
Is this even enough? Anyways, Professor Han Woojin is going to use this for the patient in the ICU.

00:27:36,770 --> 00:27:37,900
Yes, the ICU.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kami berjuang dengan baik. 316 00: 24: 06.140 -> 00: 24: 10.900 Setiap penjelasan mungkin akan tampak seperti alasan tapi 317 00: 24: 12.930 -> 00: 24: 15.040. Silahkan tinggal 318 00: 24: 16.240 -> 00: 24: 18.830 Aku sangat menyesal, Min Cheol. 319 00: 24: 28,100 -> 00: 24: 30.070 Apa yang kau lakukan, Dr. An? 320 00: 24: 30.070 -> 00 : 24: 31.590 Oh, Prof. 321 00: 24: 31.590 -> 00: 24: 33.950 Apa yang sedang dilakukan, memegang tangan pasien? 322 00: 24: 35.830 -> 00: 24: 37.420. trombosit hitungan 323 00 : 24: 44.280 -> 00: 24: 49.420 Seorang pasien yang tangan Anda memegang pada begitu erat adalah tentang untuk pergi. 324 00: 24: 49.420 -> 00: 24: 51.470. Anda mungkin juga mempersiapkan diri 325 00: 24: 51.470 -> 00: 24: 52.370 Eh? 326 00: 24: 52.370 -> 00: 24: 54.420 Cahaya akan hilang, 327 00: 24: 54.420 -> 00: 24: 57.120 ada akan ada obat atau darah. 328 00: 24: 57.120 -> 00: 25: 01.610 Bahkan Jepang, yang terampil dalam bantuan bencana, membutuhkan setidaknya tiga hari untuk memberikan pasokan. 329 00: 25: 01.610 -> 00: 25: 05.850 Akan pasien ini dapat bertahan sampai saat itu? 330 00: 25: 08.710 -> 00: 25: 11.690 Anda kehilangan alasan Anda karena pasien adalah teman Anda 331 00: 25: 11.690 -> 00: 25: 15.090 dan Anda mengigau ke Dokter Lee Haesung ini mengejutkan acara. 332 00: 25: 15.090 -> 00: 25: 19.830 Pasien akan meninggalkan segera dan rumah sakit akan berakhir mengambil lebih beban. 333 00: 25: 19.830 - -> 00: 25: 22.930 Menjadi seorang dokter yang mengharapkan setidaknya sebanyak itu. 334 00: 25: 22.930 -> 00: 25: 25.410 Jangan hanya menjadi emosional. 335 00: 25: 41.780 -> 00:25 : 44770 Prof. seperti yang Anda lihat saya bahkan tidak bisa tidur 336 00: 25: 44.770 -> 00: 25: 45.970 tapi, 337 00: 25: 46.710 -> 00: 25: 50.390 tentu saja, saya sudah mencari setelah dia, sehingga pasien telah mendapat jauh lebih baik. 338 00: 25: 50.390 -> 00: 25: 52.590 ketulusan seorang dokter sangat penting. 339 00: 25: 54.060 -> 00: 25: 56.420 Dia menjadi lebih baik ? 340 00: 25: 56.420 -> 00: 25: 58.850 Apa yang Anda lakukan sementara jumlah trombosit menjadi seperti ini ?! 341 00: 25: 58.850 -> 00: 26: 01.760? Eh .. apa 342 00: 26: 03.290 -> 00: 26: 04.880 Kapan drop begitu banyak? 343 00: 26: 04.880 -> 00: 26: 06.690 Go bawah segera dan membawa platelet darah IV. 344 00: 26: 06.690 - > 00: 26: 07.550 Segera !! Ya. 345 00: 26: 07.550 -> 00: 26: 08.820 Ya .. 346 00: 26: 08.820 -> 00: 26: 10.700 Bagan !! 347 00: 26: 10.700 -> 00: 26: 12.480 Berikut. 348 00: 26: 22.140 -> 00: 26: 26.430 Lihat, oppa yang menyelamatkan Anda adalah baik-baik saja, kan? 349 00: 26: 27.300 -> 00 : 26: 30.580 Kami akan menyelamatkannya. Jangan khawatir. 350 00: 26: 33.090 -> 00: 26: 35.010 Dia tidak mati. 351 00: 26: 35.010 -> 00: 26: 37.710 Jadi, berhenti menangis. 352 00: 26: 39.570 -> 00: 26: 41.370 Dr. Sebuah Daegil, 353 00: 26: 41.370 -> 00: 44.880: 26 membawanya ke suatu tempat, bermain dengannya, dan menghiburnya. 354 00: 26: 44.880 -> 00: 26: 46.720 Saya akan melakukan sentuhan tongkat untuk ruang gawat darurat. 355 00: 26: 46.720 -> 00: 26: 48.700 Mengapa? kenapa aku? 356 00: 26: 52.100 -> 00: 26: 53.620 Mari kita pergi. 357 00: 26: 59.120 -> 00: 27: 02.760 Hei! 358 00: 27: 02.760 -> 00:27: 04.110 Apa sekarang ?! 359 00: 27: 04.110 -> 00: 27: 05.860 Lihatlah pemeriksaan jumlah trombosit! 360 00: 27: 05.860 -> 00: 27: 08.170 Ini turun begitu banyak, tidak bisa Anda tahu? 361 00: 27: 08.170 -> 00: 27: 13.710 Tidak, Prof. Han tidak mengatakan apa-apa ketika dia melihat pada grafik. Mengapa Anda membuat masalah besar? 362 00: 27: 13.710 - -> 00: 27: 16.950 Prof. Han tampak pada grafik dan tidak mengatakan apa-apa, yang Anda katakan? 363 00: 27: 16.950 -> 00: 27: 19.300 Katakan sesuatu yang wajar, akan Anda? 364 00: 27: 19.300 -> 00: 27: 23.170 Hei, lihat sendiri. Dengan mata Anda sendiri. 365 00: 27: 27.490 -> 00: 27: 29.310 Trombosit ... 366 00: 27: 30.090 -> 00: 27: 31.930 - Apakah semua ini Anda memiliki ?. - Ya sub judul robek oleh riri13 367 00: 27: 31.930 -> 00: 27: 36.770 Apakah ini cukup bahkan? Anyways, Profesor Han Woojin akan menggunakan ini untuk pasien di ICU. 368 00: 27: 36.770 -> 00: 27: 37.900 Ya, ICU.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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