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A. POBUDKOWSKA, U. DOMAŃSKA: STUDY OF PH-DEPENDENT DRUGS… Chem. Ind. Chem. Eng. Q. 20 (1) 115−126 (2014)119pH p alog log log(1 10 )S S= + +0 − K (1a)and for monoprotic bases:p a pHlog log log(1 10 )S S= + +0 K − (1b)where S0 is the intrinsic solubility, S is the predictedsolubility at a given pH, and pKa is a pH at which theconcentration of unionized and ionized forms of amonoprotic drug in the solution are equal. The HHequation describes solubility as a function of pH. Thisequation always predicts an increasing solubility of allweak acids as pH increases, and descending solubility of bases when pH increases. In this paper allsolubility values, S (mol dm–3) are expressed as log Sand are calculated from the HH equation for monoprotic acids (Eq. (1a)). The intrinsic solubility, S0, wasdeveloped from the solubility-pH profile. Using the HHequation, the calculated curves were drawn for allexperimentally studied drugs.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe pKa of an ionisable compound is an important property, describing the charge state of the drugat a certain pH. However, according to Avdeef [6], it isnot recommended to determine pKa values from thesolubility-pH measurements (pKaS). The results listedin Table 3 show a reasonably good agreementbetween the results obtained by the two differentmethods at two temperatures: from the solubility-pHmeasurements (pKaS), and with the precise spectrophotometric Bates-Schwarzenbach method (pKaB-S).PKaS nilai-nilai yang Diperoleh dari persimpangandua baris interpolated dari poin eksperimental untukSerikat dan terionisasi bentuk obat pilihan.Parameter dan korelasi koefisien terdaftardalam tabel 3. Semua data literatur nilai-nilai pKa,Diperoleh dengan metode yang berbeda (termasuk kita di298.2 K untuk perbandingan) yang disajikan dalam tabel 4.Umumnya, nilai-nilai lebih tinggi daripada dari sastra kecuali MEF. Dalam pendapat kamiBates-Schwarzenbach metode lebih tepatkarena tidak menggunakan pelarut bersama dan nilai-nilai extrapolated untuk larutan murni.Metode klasik goyang-labu diterapkanmengukur kelarutan keseimbangan pada dua suhuuntuk obat-obatan lima atas berbagai pH berkisar dari 2 sampai 8 atau 9.Waktu aduk dipilih sebagai 24 h pada saat yang samasuhu dan pH untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berulang.Setelah pengadukan, dua fase (solusi dan bahan solid) solusi jenuh dipisahkan, dansetelah 6 h (waktu yang diperlukan diperlukan untuk pemisahan dua fase) supernatant dibawa keluarkonsentrasi obat pengukuran olehSpektrometri HPLC-UV-Vis. Kelarutan HH teoritis, S, diperkirakan berdasarkan nilai-nilai Rifqi-Sdan solubilities intrinsik, S0 ditentukan olehgoyang-labu metode pada dua suhu. Datatercantum dalam tabel 4 bersama-sama dengan data sastra S0.Hasilnya akan dibahas untuk masing-masing obat secara terpisah.Flufenamic acidDuring the last few years there were differentvalues of pKa and S0 discussed in the literature attemperature 298.2 K for FLU. Our value of pKa = 4.62[20] is close to the presented by Muñoz et al. [27],pKa = 4.17 and higher than all remaining data. In ouropinion, the reason may also be insufficient control ofthe equilibrium temperature. The same parametersare responsible also for the values of the intrinsicsolubility, S0. The value obtained in this work at T =Table 3. The linear regression parameters, a1, b1 for the unionized form and a2, b2 for the ionized form, the corresponding correlationcoefficients, R1 and R2, the pKaS developed from the solubility-pH profile and the pKaB-S obtained from the Bates-Schwarzenbach method
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