Lin Xi­aowu a pair of beau­ti­ful eye looks at the sea level of dis­ta terjemahan - Lin Xi­aowu a pair of beau­ti­ful eye looks at the sea level of dis­ta Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Lin Xi­aowu a pair of beau­ti­ful e

Lin Xi­aowu a pair of beau­ti­ful eye looks at the sea level of dis­tant place, ex­plo­sion rays are pro­duc­ing an in­verted image in her pupil, she said with a smile slightly: „The NPC strength more and more can­not ne­glect, be­fore played the game to think that the player can lead all, now looks like, only then dili­gently and had the player of tal­ent to lead all, the or­di­nary player was also one crowd of foot­man, to say rad­i­cally in­suf­fi­cient.”
Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „Small dance, you are not foot­man were good, takes a broad view at en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire, the long-dis­tance at­tack out­puts of how many peo­ple can com­pared with you higher? Per­haps places in this back­ground, you in the eyes of these em­pire sergeant sol­diers al­ready were a gen­uine archery mas­ter.”
Lin Xi­aowu very 34 C, say­ing with a smile of being pleased: „In­ter­jec­tion in­di­cat­ing sur­prise ha-ha, was I so fierce?”
I lift the hand to draw out the Longchi sword, said: „Was fierce knew im­me­di­ately, formed a team to de­fend, the mon­ster came ashore im­me­di­ately, CD of Long Jing ar­tillery was too long, def­i­nitely could not block their of­fen­sive, wanted to block the army of Red­ding, but must de­pend on our crowd of om­nipo­tent foot­man!”
In the [Zhan Long] frontal line, one flock of pro­ces­sions of lanterns rode have drawn out the hell fire, the neat sword blade edge was point­ing to the dis­tant place.
Also is a ful­mi­na­tion, the war­ship that ap­proach shored was mass-crit­i­cized by Long Jing, im­me­di­ately trans­mit­ted great wolves to whoosh the sound, in the gun­smoke, a colos­sus flushed, was sec­ond and third, were get­ting more and more, these were not other, was this wave of at­tack branch of the ser­vices, the bar­baric wolf rode, the army that 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding pressed the bot­tom was they, these bar­bar­ians were melted by the demon, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion was fierce, in the hand wielded a han­dle long shape den­ti­cle blade on flush­ing, rode to rush in the bar­baric wolf. We about 200 yards time, Lin Xi­aowu, Lian Po and other archer of the ejec­tions flew, but I also take ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity at­tribute cap­ture shar­ing that the bar­baric wolf rides in the guild chan­nel
【Bar­baric wolf rides】( 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its)
Level: 166
At­tack: 19000-24300
De­fense: 19000
HP: 2500000
Skill: 【Heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side】 【Death bless­ing】 【Tor­nado cuts】
In­tro­duced: The bar­baric wolf rides, once in the main­land a sharpest bar­bar­ian cav­alry sol­dier, these bar­bar­ians came from the tribe of de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding, in­born su­per­nat­ural power, and they fused the heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side en­ergy, the strength is the large scale pro­mo­tion, in ad­di­tion the flagi­tious cruel place wolf, these bar­baric wolves rides be­came the night­mare of hu­man­ity
„De­fended care­fully!” I shouted to clear the way loudly.
[Zhan Long] long-dis­tance out­put al­most fire­power Qi Kai, one -and-a-half flocks of blood bar­baric wolves rides crazily clashes for­ward, many peo­ple di­rectly rum­ble by the magic and arrow arrow crash to fight the wolf dead, but more di­rectly clashes to ride to stran­gle to death with our pro­ces­sions of lanterns in the same place.
A bar­baric wolf rides to wal­lop to go for­ward, in the hand the den­ti­cle blade bran­dishes cut down to chop on shoul­der that in an iron blade edge rides, di­rectly has caused the dam­age of 2 W +, but the place wolf of his crotch can also at­tack un­ex­pect­edly, the yawn bit the sad­dle horse that the iron blade edge has rid­den, the warhorse whins to fall big sec­tion of HP and sad­dle horse tough­ness, re­sult bar­baric wolf rides comes tor­nado to cut loudly again, im­me­di­ately this iron blade edge rode is killed by the sec­ond.
„, This what strik­ing power?!” Wang Jian Ji­mang over­runs the in­ter­
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Lin Xi­aowu a pair of beau­ti­ful eye looks at the sea level of dis­tant place, ex­plo­sion rays are pro­duc­ing an in­verted image in her pupil, she said with a smile slightly: „The NPC strength more and more can­not ne­glect, be­fore played the game to think that the player can lead all, now looks like, only then dili­gently and had the player of tal­ent to lead all, the or­di­nary player was also one crowd of foot­man, to say rad­i­cally in­suf­fi­cient.”Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „Small dance, you are not foot­man were good, takes a broad view at en­tire Tian Ling Em­pire, the long-dis­tance at­tack out­puts of how many peo­ple can com­pared with you higher? Per­haps places in this back­ground, you in the eyes of these em­pire sergeant sol­diers al­ready were a gen­uine archery mas­ter.”Lin Xi­aowu very 34 C, say­ing with a smile of being pleased: „In­ter­jec­tion in­di­cat­ing sur­prise ha-ha, was I so fierce?”I lift the hand to draw out the Longchi sword, said: „Was fierce knew im­me­di­ately, formed a team to de­fend, the mon­ster came ashore im­me­di­ately, CD of Long Jing ar­tillery was too long, def­i­nitely could not block their of­fen­sive, wanted to block the army of Red­ding, but must de­pend on our crowd of om­nipo­tent foot­man!”In the [Zhan Long] frontal line, one flock of pro­ces­sions of lanterns rode have drawn out the hell fire, the neat sword blade edge was point­ing to the dis­tant place.„Bang!”Also is a ful­mi­na­tion, the war­ship that ap­proach shored was mass-crit­i­cized by Long Jing, im­me­di­ately trans­mit­ted great wolves to whoosh the sound, in the gun­smoke, a colos­sus flushed, was sec­ond and third, were get­ting more and more, these were not other, was this wave of at­tack branch of the ser­vices, the bar­baric wolf rode, the army that 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding pressed the bot­tom was they, these bar­bar­ians were melted by the demon, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion was fierce, in the hand wielded a han­dle long shape den­ti­cle blade on flush­ing, rode to rush in the bar­baric wolf. We about 200 yards time, Lin Xi­aowu, Lian Po and other archer of the ejec­tions flew, but I also take ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity at­tribute cap­ture shar­ing that the bar­baric wolf rides in the guild chan­nel【Bar­baric wolf rides】( 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its)Level: 166At­tack: 19000-24300De­fense: 19000HP: 2500000Skill: 【Heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side】 【Death bless­ing】 【Tor­nado cuts】In­tro­duced: The bar­baric wolf rides, once in the main­land a sharpest bar­bar­ian cav­alry sol­dier, these bar­bar­ians came from the tribe of de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding, in­born su­per­nat­ural power, and they fused the heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side en­ergy, the strength is the large scale pro­mo­tion, in ad­di­tion the flagi­tious cruel place wolf, these bar­baric wolves rides be­came the night­mare of hu­man­ity„De­fended care­fully!” I shouted to clear the way loudly.
[Zhan Long] long-dis­tance out­put al­most fire­power Qi Kai, one -and-a-half flocks of blood bar­baric wolves rides crazily clashes for­ward, many peo­ple di­rectly rum­ble by the magic and arrow arrow crash to fight the wolf dead, but more di­rectly clashes to ride to stran­gle to death with our pro­ces­sions of lanterns in the same place.
A bar­baric wolf rides to wal­lop to go for­ward, in the hand the den­ti­cle blade bran­dishes cut down to chop on shoul­der that in an iron blade edge rides, di­rectly has caused the dam­age of 2 W +, but the place wolf of his crotch can also at­tack un­ex­pect­edly, the yawn bit the sad­dle horse that the iron blade edge has rid­den, the warhorse whins to fall big sec­tion of HP and sad­dle horse tough­ness, re­sult bar­baric wolf rides comes tor­nado to cut loudly again, im­me­di­ately this iron blade edge rode is killed by the sec­ond.
„, This what strik­ing power?!” Wang Jian Ji­mang over­runs the in­ter­
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lin Xiaowu sepasang mata yang indah terlihat pada permukaan laut dari tempat yang jauh, sinar ledakan yang menghasilkan gambar terbalik di pupil, dia berkata sambil tersenyum sedikit: "The NPC kekuatan lebih dan lebih tidak bisa mengabaikan, sebelum memainkan pertandingan untuk berpikir bahwa pemain dapat memimpin semua, sekarang tampak seperti, hanya kemudian rajin dan memiliki pemain bakat untuk memimpin semua, pemain yang biasa juga salah satu kerumunan bujang, mengatakan secara radikal tidak cukup ".
Lin Wan Er melempar senyum:" tari Kecil, Anda tidak bujang yang baik, mengambil pandangan yang luas di seluruh Tian Ling Empire, jarak jauh serangan output dari berapa banyak orang dapat dibandingkan dengan Anda lebih tinggi? Mungkin tempat di latar belakang ini, Anda di mata tentara kerajaan sersan ini sudah berada master memanah asli ".
Lin Xiaowu sangat 34 C, mengatakan dengan senyum yang senang:" Interjection menunjukkan kejutan ha-ha, aku begitu sengit? "
saya angkat tangan untuk menarik keluar pedang Longchi, mengatakan:" Apakah sengit langsung tahu, membentuk tim untuk membela, rakasa yang datang ke darat segera, CD Long Jing artileri terlalu lama, pasti tidak bisa memblokir serangan mereka, ingin memblokir tentara Redding, tetapi harus bergantung pada kerumunan kami bujang mahakuasa! "
dalam [Zhan panjang] garis frontal, salah satu kawanan prosesi lentera berkuda telah ditarik keluar api neraka, tepi pedang pisau rapi menunjuk ke kejauhan tempat.
Juga merupakan protes, kapal perang yang pendekatan ditopang telah massal dikritik oleh Long Jing, segera dikirim serigala besar untuk wusss suara, di Gunsmoke itu, raksasa memerah, kedua dan ketiga, yang mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih, ini tidak lain, adalah gelombang ini cabang serangan layanan, serigala barbar naik, tentara yang 7 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda, kejam Redding ditekan bagian bawah adalah mereka, barbar ini dicairkan oleh setan, wajah ekspresi sengit, di tangan memegang pegangan bentuk panjang denticle blade pada pembilasan, naik terburu-buru dalam serigala barbar. Kami sekitar 200 yard waktu, Lin Xiaowu, Lian Po dan pemanah lainnya dari ejections terbang, tapi saya juga memanfaatkan kesempatan atribut capture berbagi bahwa wahana serigala barbar di saluran serikat
【biadab serigala wahana】 (7 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda )
level: 166
Attack: 19.000-24.300
Pertahanan: 19000
HP: 2500000
Keterampilan: 【Hati pesona kesukaan pelindung dari pedesaan】 【Death berkat】 【pemotongan Tornado】
Diperkenalkan: wahana serigala barbar, sekali di daratan yang paling tajam tentara kavaleri barbar , barbar ini datang dari suku Redding kejam, kekuatan supranatural bawaan, dan mereka menyatu jantung pesona kesukaan pelindung energi pedesaan, kekuatan adalah promosi skala besar, selain itu menjijikkan kejam tempat serigala, rute barbar serigala wahana menjadi mimpi buruk kemanusiaan
"Dipertahankan hati-hati!" aku berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras.
[Zhan panjang] jarak jauh keluaran hampir senjata Qi Kai, satu -dan-a-setengah kawanan darah serigala barbar naik ayun bentrokan maju, banyak orang langsung gemuruh oleh sihir dan panah panah kecelakaan untuk melawan serigala mati, tetapi lebih langsung bentrokan naik mencekik sampai mati dengan prosesi kami lentera di tempat yang sama.
serigala barbar naik ke pukulan keras untuk maju, di tangan pisau denticle mengacung-acungkan ditebang untuk memotong di bahu yang dalam pisau besi tepi naik, langsung telah menyebabkan kerusakan dari 2 W +, tetapi serigala tempat selangkangannya juga dapat menyerang tiba-tiba, sedikit menguap kuda pelana bahwa pisau besi tepi telah naik, kuda perang yang Whins jatuh bagian besar dari HP dan ketangguhan kuda pelana, mengakibatkan barbar serigala wahana datang tornado untuk memotong keras lagi, segera besi ini tepi pisau berkuda dibunuh oleh kedua.
", ini apa yang mencolok listrik ?!" Wang Jian Jimang overruns antar para
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