Ethnocentric judgmentsThe judgments that people make about aech other  terjemahan - Ethnocentric judgmentsThe judgments that people make about aech other  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ethnocentric judgmentsThe judgments

Ethnocentric judgments
The judgments that people make about aech other are often ethnocentric.That is,they interpret,judge, and belave in a way that thay assume to be normal.correci, and therevore,universal however ,”normal”and’correct” often mean whai is “normal”ana”correc”in one’s own culture.When two people from different culture commuticate, they must continually ask themeselve.”Do people understand me the way someone from my own culture would understand me?”
Rules of speaking
In language, there are unspoken rules of speking.These rules exist in every language, bat differ significanly from culture to culture.The rules have to do with permissible degrees of directness,politeness, and formality, and they afect many of the functions of communicatin.The following communications funtctions are common to all langage,but their exppession can be very differen across culture.
“Small talk”
Conversation often begins with “small talk.” small talk is insportan because it often helps to maintain conversations (I,e, keep them going),and it can lead to interesting dissscusion in an introductory meeting,mainting a conversation is easier when to people find that they have in commen.In the following dialogue,the speaker use smalk talk (including questions)to discover what they have in common.Notice the “ping-pong”structure of the confersatin.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ethnocentric judgmentsThe judgments that people make about aech other are often ethnocentric.That is,they interpret,judge, and belave in a way that thay assume to be normal.correci, and therevore,universal however ,”normal”and’correct” often mean whai is “normal”ana”correc”in one’s own culture.When two people from different culture commuticate, they must continually ask themeselve.”Do people understand me the way someone from my own culture would understand me?”Rules of speakingIn language, there are unspoken rules of speking.These rules exist in every language, bat differ significanly from culture to culture.The rules have to do with permissible degrees of directness,politeness, and formality, and they afect many of the functions of communicatin.The following communications funtctions are common to all langage,but their exppession can be very differen across culture.“Small talk”Conversation often begins with “small talk.” small talk is insportan because it often helps to maintain conversations (I,e, keep them going),and it can lead to interesting dissscusion in an introductory meeting,mainting a conversation is easier when to people find that they have in commen.In the following dialogue,the speaker use smalk talk (including questions)to discover what they have in common.Notice the “ping-pong”structure of the confersatin.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Penilaian etnosentris
The penilaian yang dilakukan orang tentang aech lainnya sering ethnocentric.That adalah, mereka menafsirkan, hakim, dan belave dengan cara yang thay asumsikan sebagai normal.correci, dan therevore universal Namun, "normal" and'correct "sering berarti whai adalah "normal" ana "correc" di culture.When sendiri dua orang dari commuticate budaya yang berbeda, mereka harus terus-menerus bertanya themeselve. "Apakah orang-orang mengerti saya cara seseorang dari budaya saya sendiri akan mengerti?"
Aturan berbicara
In bahasa, ada aturan tak tertulis aturan speking.These ada di setiap bahasa, kelelawar berbeda secara signifikan dari budaya ke culture.The aturan harus dilakukan dengan derajat diperbolehkan langsung, kesopanan, dan formalitas, dan mereka afect banyak fungsi communicatin. The funtctions komunikasi berikut yang umum untuk semua langage, tapi exppession mereka bisa sangat differen seluruh budaya.
Percakapan sering dimulai dengan "obrolan ringan." obrolan ringan adalah insportan karena sering membantu untuk menjaga percakapan (I, e, terus mereka akan), dan dapat menyebabkan dissscusion menarik dalam pertemuan pendahuluan, mainting percakapan lebih mudah ketika orang-orang menemukan bahwa mereka memiliki di commen.In dialog berikut, penggunaan speaker smalk bicara (termasuk pertanyaan) untuk menemukan apa yang mereka miliki di common.Notice struktur "ping-pong" dari confersatin tersebut.
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