Month mon­ster Yan Qingjian goes for­ward, said: „Hurry up, has dead g terjemahan - Month mon­ster Yan Qingjian goes for­ward, said: „Hurry up, has dead g Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Month mon­ster Yan Qingjian goes fo

Month mon­ster Yan Qingjian goes for­ward, said: „Hurry up, has dead guild­mas­ter!”
Yue Qing Qian ac­tu­ally bites the sil­ver tooth to shake the head: „No, no one per­mits the dead ram­ble elder brother, we ex­tin­guished roll!”
Evening held up the sword to pass over gen­tly and swiftly, opened greatly gath­ers greatly, wipes the tea, one sec­ond of hero to ar­rive in three to strike is killed by the sec­ond, Lin Wan Er was di­vided to fall to fly with the iron um­brella by a sword, [Zhan Long] no­body can re­sist this ghost nian step BOSS, the fact also showed that the ghost nian step BOSS ter­ri­fy­ing de­gree went far be­yond our imag­i­na­tion, es­pe­cially in Level so high sit­u­a­tion.
„The prac­tic­ing med­i­cine back­lash, with­draws from 200 me­ters!” Wiped the tea the soul shape to say loudly: „Cang Tong vice- guild­mas­ter sac­ri­ficed 1 level of gang to re­sist, mak­ing them re­treat, oth­er­wise must die re­ally 100 peo­ple”
Lin Wan Er fills next blood bot­tle, raises the iron um­brella to kill, var­i­ous gods hold near in ad­di­tion, the ter­rain flight in the past, the chisel struck the dizzi­ness sud­denly BOSS, get lost by falling that the evening sword air/Qi surges, one group of [Zhan Long] play­ers have drawn back shortly, Lin Wan Er cir­cles in flight in air­borne, an arm pen­du­lum, the front step ac­com­plished Daoist priest win­ter cloth pan- the gloss, twee­dle re­volved slightly to­gether, forms the shock-wave to sweep across all around, in­cluded BOSS evening, the day sound of step ac­com­plished Daoist priest win­ter cloth praised the ef­fect, 100% dizzi­ness, but BOSS had the ef­fect to re­duce, orig­i­nally turned into 3.9 from 7 sec­onds Sec­ond, suf­ficed.
„Wan Er, a bit faster walks, strong hid­den!” Under my hur­ried soul shape said.
Lin Wan Er nods, the div­ing pos­ture walks, the flu­o­res­cence flashes through to­gether, van­ishes in air­borne, fi­nally, in the ground lay down al­to­gether 31 corpses in­clud­ing me, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. has also been hang­ing, var­i­ous equip­ment blew out place, but evening in being sep­a­rated from the bat­tle con­di­tion, HP re­turned fully, raised the sword to leap once again re­turns empty, Ao Li in cold wind medium our chal­lenges once more.
Prac­tic­ing med­i­cine 11 brings back to life, the next quar­ter, „brush­ing”, I stood above the stone-paved road once again, the brow tight wrin­kle, said: „My 1 W foun­da­tion de­fense can­not re­sist evening fiercely at­tack­ing un­ex­pect­edly”
Yue Qing Qian shows a faint smile, said: „Ram­ble elder brother, with the vi­o­lent method, su­per­im­poses your dragon hid­den Qingyan armor to 200% de­fense ef­fects, per­haps we have the op­por­tu­nity!”
I nod: „Um!”
Say­ing, I have been sep­a­rated from team, then has taken off all equip­ment be­sides dragon hid­den Qingyan armor, such HP and de­fense were lim­ited, then slightly said to Song Han, month coolly: „Your strik­ing power are sim­i­lar, are con­trol­ling, pro­jected on 50% blood not to hit, swam, Yaochi to add the blood, do not stint the blue liq­uid med­i­cines.”
Sev­eral peo­ple are in abun­dance un­der­stand­ing, in me, only then in the 2 W HP sit­u­a­tion raises the dag­ger to launch the at­tack to me, but one crowd of prac­tic­ing med­i­cine non- dif­fer­ence at­tacks, there­fore, the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor trans­mits the ef­fect su­per­im­po­si­tion un­ceas­ingly the ting!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Month mon­ster Yan Qingjian goes for­ward, said: „Hurry up, has dead guild­mas­ter!”Yue Qing Qian ac­tu­ally bites the sil­ver tooth to shake the head: „No, no one per­mits the dead ram­ble elder brother, we ex­tin­guished roll!”Evening held up the sword to pass over gen­tly and swiftly, opened greatly gath­ers greatly, wipes the tea, one sec­ond of hero to ar­rive in three to strike is killed by the sec­ond, Lin Wan Er was di­vided to fall to fly with the iron um­brella by a sword, [Zhan Long] no­body can re­sist this ghost nian step BOSS, the fact also showed that the ghost nian step BOSS ter­ri­fy­ing de­gree went far be­yond our imag­i­na­tion, es­pe­cially in Level so high sit­u­a­tion.„The prac­tic­ing med­i­cine back­lash, with­draws from 200 me­ters!” Wiped the tea the soul shape to say loudly: „Cang Tong vice- guild­mas­ter sac­ri­ficed 1 level of gang to re­sist, mak­ing them re­treat, oth­er­wise must die re­ally 100 peo­ple”Lin Wan Er fills next blood bot­tle, raises the iron um­brella to kill, var­i­ous gods hold near in ad­di­tion, the ter­rain flight in the past, the chisel struck the dizzi­ness sud­denly BOSS, get lost by falling that the evening sword air/Qi surges, one group of [Zhan Long] play­ers have drawn back shortly, Lin Wan Er cir­cles in flight in air­borne, an arm pen­du­lum, the front step ac­com­plished Daoist priest win­ter cloth pan- the gloss, twee­dle re­volved slightly to­gether, forms the shock-wave to sweep across all around, in­cluded BOSS evening, the day sound of step ac­com­plished Daoist priest win­ter cloth praised the ef­fect, 100% dizzi­ness, but BOSS had the ef­fect to re­duce, orig­i­nally turned into 3.9 from 7 sec­onds Sec­ond, suf­ficed.„Wan Er, a bit faster walks, strong hid­den!” Under my hur­ried soul shape said.Lin Wan Er nods, the div­ing pos­ture walks, the flu­o­res­cence flashes through to­gether, van­ishes in air­borne, fi­nally, in the ground lay down al­to­gether 31 corpses in­clud­ing me, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. has also been hang­ing, var­i­ous equip­ment blew out place, but evening in being sep­a­rated from the bat­tle con­di­tion, HP re­turned fully, raised the sword to leap once again re­turns empty, Ao Li in cold wind medium our chal­lenges once more.Prac­tic­ing med­i­cine 11 brings back to life, the next quar­ter, „brush­ing”, I stood above the stone-paved road once again, the brow tight wrin­kle, said: „My 1 W foun­da­tion de­fense can­not re­sist evening fiercely at­tack­ing un­ex­pect­edly”Yue Qing Qian shows a faint smile, said: „Ram­ble elder brother, with the vi­o­lent method, su­per­im­poses your dragon hid­den Qingyan armor to 200% de­fense ef­fects, per­haps we have the op­por­tu­nity!”I nod: „Um!”Say­ing, I have been sep­a­rated from team, then has taken off all equip­ment be­sides dragon hid­den Qingyan armor, such HP and de­fense were lim­ited, then slightly said to Song Han, month coolly: „Your strik­ing power are sim­i­lar, are con­trol­ling, pro­jected on 50% blood not to hit, swam, Yaochi to add the blood, do not stint the blue liq­uid med­i­cines.”Sev­eral peo­ple are in abun­dance un­der­stand­ing, in me, only then in the 2 W HP sit­u­a­tion raises the dag­ger to launch the at­tack to me, but one crowd of prac­tic­ing med­i­cine non- dif­fer­ence at­tacks, there­fore, the dragon hid­den Qingyan armor trans­mits the ef­fect su­per­im­po­si­tion un­ceas­ingly the ting!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bulan rakasa Yan Qingjian berjalan ke depan, mengatakan: "! Cepatlah, memiliki Guildmaster mati"
Yue Qing Qian sebenarnya gigitan gigi perak mengguncang kepala: "Tidak, tidak ada izin kakak mengoceh mati, kita dipadamkan gulungan!"
Evening diadakan pedang untuk melewati lembut dan cepat, dibuka sangat mengumpulkan sangat, tisu teh, kedua pahlawan tiba di tiga mogok dibunuh oleh kedua, Lin Wan Er dibagi jatuh untuk terbang dengan payung besi oleh pedang, [Zhan panjang] tidak ada yang bisa menolak hantu nian ini langkah BOSS, fakta juga menunjukkan bahwa hantu nian langkah BOSS gelar menakutkan jauh melampaui imajinasi kita, terutama di tingkat situasi begitu tinggi.
"The praktek pengobatan reaksi, menarik diri dari 200 meter "Mengusap teh bentuk jiwa untuk mengatakan keras:" Cang Tong wakil Guildmaster dikorbankan 1 tingkat geng untuk melawan, membuat mereka mundur, jika harus mati benar-benar 100 orang "
Lin Wan Er mengisi botol darah berikutnya, menimbulkan payung besi untuk membunuh, berbagai dewa terus dekat di samping itu, penerbangan medan di masa lalu, pahat melanda pusing tiba-tiba BOSS, tersesat dengan jatuh bahwa udara pedang malam / Qi lonjakan, satu kelompok [Zhan panjang] pemain telah ditarik kembali tak lama, lingkaran Lin Wan Er dalam penerbangan di udara, sebuah pendulum lengan, langkah depan dicapai kain dingin imam Taois Pan gloss, Tweedle berputar sedikit bersama-sama, membentuk gelombang kejut untuk menyapu di sekitar, termasuk BOSS malam, suara hari langkah dicapai kain dingin imam Taois memuji efek, 100% pusing, tetapi BOSS memiliki efek mengurangi, awalnya berubah menjadi 3,9 dari 7 detik Kedua, cukup.
"Wan Er, sedikit lebih cepat berjalan, kuat tersembunyi!" Under jiwa bergegas saya bentuk kata.
Lin Wan Er mengangguk, postur menyelam berjalan, berkedip fluoresensi melalui bersama-sama, lenyap di udara, akhirnya, di tanah berbaring sama sekali 31 mayat termasuk saya, Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. juga telah menggantung, berbagai peralatan meniup tempat, tapi malam di dipisahkan dari kondisi pertempuran, HP kembali sepenuhnya, mengangkat pedang untuk melompat sekali lagi kembali kosong, Ao Li dalam medium angin dingin tantangan kita sekali lagi.
Praktik kedokteran 11 membawa kembali ke kehidupan, kuartal berikutnya, "menyikat", aku berdiri di atas jalan batu-diaspal sekali lagi, alis kerut ketat, mengatakan: "saya landasan pertahanan 1 W tidak bisa menahan malam garang menyerang tiba-tiba"
Yue Qing Qian menunjukkan senyum tipis , mengatakan: "mengoceh kakak, dengan metode kekerasan, superimposes naga Anda tersembunyi Qingyan armor efek pertahanan 200%, mungkin kita memiliki kesempatan!"
aku mengangguk: "! Um"
mengatakan, saya telah dipisahkan dari tim, maka memiliki diambil dari semua peralatan selain naga tersembunyi Qingyan armor, HP dan pertahanan seperti itu terbatas, kemudian sedikit kata ke Song Han, bulan dingin: "kekuatan mencolok Anda serupa, mengendalikan, diproyeksikan pada darah 50% untuk tidak memukul, berenang, Yaochi untuk menambahkan darah, tidak berhemat obat cair berwarna biru. "
Beberapa orang dalam memahami kelimpahan, di saya, hanya kemudian pada 2 W situasi HP menimbulkan belati untuk meluncurkan serangan kepada saya, tapi satu kerumunan praktek pengobatan non perbedaan serangan, oleh karena itu, naga tersembunyi Qingyan armor mentransmisikan efek superimposisi tak henti-hentinya ting!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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