compound 9'-cisneoxanthin, which is then cleaved to form the C40 Viola terjemahan - compound 9'-cisneoxanthin, which is then cleaved to form the C40 Viola Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

compound 9'-cisneoxanthin, which is

compound 9'-cisneoxanthin, which is then cleaved to form the C40 Violaxanthin is converted to the C 15 comlism include conjugation to form ABAß -D-glucosyl ester or oxidation to form phaseic acid and then dihydrophaseic acid. ZEP = zeaxanthin epoxidase; NCED = 9-cis-epoxycarotenoids dioxygenase. pound xanthoxal, previously called xanthoxin, a neutralgrowth inhibitor that has physiological properties similar to those of ABA. The cleavage is catalyzed by 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED), so named because it can cleave both 9cis-violaxanthin and 9'-cis-neoxanthin.

Synthesis of NCED is rapidly induced by water stress, suggesting that the reaction it catalyzes is a key regulatory step for ABA synthesis. The enzyme is localized on the thylakoids, where the carotenoid substrate is located. Finally, xanthoxal is converted to ABA via oxidative steps involving the intermediate(s) ABA-aldehyde and/or possibly xanthoxic acid. This final step is catalyzed by a family of aldehyde oxidases that all require a molybdenum cofactor; the aba3 mutants of Arabidopsis lack a functional molybdenum cofactor and are therefore unable to synthesize ABA.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
senyawa 9'-cisneoxanthin, yang kemudian membunuh untuk membentuk C40 Violaxanthin dikonversi menjadi comlism C 15 termasuk konjugasi untuk membentuk ABAß -D-glucosyl ester atau oksidasi asam phaseic formulir dan kemudian asam dihydrophaseic. ZEPPELIN = zeaxanthin epoxidase; NCED = 9-cis-epoxycarotenoids dioxygenase. pon xanthoxal, sebelumnya disebut xanthoxin, inhibitor neutralgrowth yang memiliki sifat-sifat fisiologis yang mirip dengan ABA. Belahan dada dikatalisis oleh 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED), dinamakan demikian karena itu dapat membelah 9cis-violaxanthin dan 9'-cis-neoxanthin.Sintesis NCED cepat disebabkan oleh stres air, menyarankan bahwa reaksi itu mengkatalisis adalah langkah peraturan kunci untuk ABA sintesis. Enzim diterjemahkan pada thylakoids, mana substrat karotenoid terletak. Akhirnya, xanthoxal dikonversi menjadi ABA melalui langkah-langkah oksidatif yang melibatkan intermediate(s) ABA-Aldehida dan/atau mungkin xanthoxic asam. Langkah terakhir ini dikatalisasi oleh sebuah keluarga dari Aldehida oksidase bahwa semua memerlukan suatu kofaktor molibdenum; mutan aba3 dari Arabidopsis kekurangan kofaktor molibdenum fungsional dan karena itu tidak dapat mensintesis ABA.
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