Having more people would mean that they’d have to spend more spiritual terjemahan - Having more people would mean that they’d have to spend more spiritual Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Having more people would mean that

Having more people would mean that they’d have to spend more spiritual stones to maintain the force. After those major factions weighed the factors, of course they weren’t willing to accept those who were weak.

“Are we going to take them?” asked Lu Piao as he looked at Gu Bei. This was the first time an entire faction had decided to join them!

“Of course! Nie Li is a moneybags anyways, so we can afford it!” Gu Bei smiled as he continued, “Other factions have to worry about having too many burdens, so they aren’t willing to take them. But that’s not a problem for us, since Nie Li already told us to recruit as many people as possible!”

A short while later, the group that called themselves the Ancient Jade League appeared before Gu Bei and Lu Piao.

“Master Bei, my name is Heng Yan!” The leader of the Ancient Jade League cupped his hands towards Gu Bei. He was a youth in his twenties and didn’t have any family background worth speaking of. However, he acted neither humble nor pushy as he stood before Gu Bei and Lu Piao.

“If you join our Demon League, you’ll have to follow our rules. Will you comply?” Gu Bei’s face turned serious as he looked at Heng Yan.

Heng Yan immediately bowed and said, “I understand.”

Joining the Demon League would require them to sign a contract. Once the contract was set, they wouldn’t dare to betray him, especially with Gu Bei’s family background. After all, Gu Bei was the first-in-line successor of the Gu Clan!

“Good! Then sign the contract!” Gu Bei lightly smiled.

Heng Yan looked at Gu Bei as he asked, “Master Bei, we control a low grade Deity’s Lake. Although it’s nearly dried up, there are still dozens of people guarding it right now. Do you want it?”

Gu Bei straightforwardly said, “Naturally! After joining our Demon League, we will send some men over to collect your Deity’s Lake. Since you’ve decided to join us, you’ll be treated the same as everyone else who’s in the Demon League.”

Hearing Gu Bei’s words, Heng Yan and his group had their eyes light up. According to the rumors, the Demon League’s monthly salary was equivalent to their former yearly income! How could they possibly be unwilling?

Very quickly, Heng Yan and his people disbanded the Ancient Jade League. Once everyone present signed the contract, they became a part of the Demon League.

To Heng Yan, exchanging a nearly dried up Deity’s Lake for the generous treatment of the Demon League, was a profited for them. As far as Nie Li was concerned, it was a profit for him as well. All he had to do in exchange for a nearly dried up Deity Root, was pay Heng Yan and his group a tiny allowance every month.

The news travelled quickly. The Ancient Jade League had disbanded and its members had joined the Demon League.

The other smaller factions were also deliberating. Guarding a Deity’s Lake was bitter work. And in return, they received only a dozen or so spiritual stones per year. But if they chose to follow the Demon League, then they could get dozens of spiritual stones every month!

Some of the bosses of the smaller factions weren’t willing to disperse their own factions. However, they saw their brothers’ hearts shaking and understood that their factions couldn’t hold out for much longer. They too, disbanded and joined the Demon League.

In just a single month, dozens of factions had disbanded and joined the Demon League. The league itself was swelling and growing at a ferocious pace. Aside from accepting large numbers of new members, the Demon League had also received and controlled dozens of Deity’s Lakes. However, Nie Li had quickly removed the Deity’s Roots from all those lakes.

After taking dozens of factions, the Demon League’s size swelled to over three thousand experts. However, not everyone had a high cultivation. There were only a few dozen Heavenly Star Realm experts. However, their expansion was already extremely shocking, given the league was only a few months old.

The major factions of the outside world were extremely
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Having more people would mean that they’d have to spend more spiritual stones to maintain the force. After those major factions weighed the factors, of course they weren’t willing to accept those who were weak.“Are we going to take them?” asked Lu Piao as he looked at Gu Bei. This was the first time an entire faction had decided to join them!“Of course! Nie Li is a moneybags anyways, so we can afford it!” Gu Bei smiled as he continued, “Other factions have to worry about having too many burdens, so they aren’t willing to take them. But that’s not a problem for us, since Nie Li already told us to recruit as many people as possible!”A short while later, the group that called themselves the Ancient Jade League appeared before Gu Bei and Lu Piao.“Master Bei, my name is Heng Yan!” The leader of the Ancient Jade League cupped his hands towards Gu Bei. He was a youth in his twenties and didn’t have any family background worth speaking of. However, he acted neither humble nor pushy as he stood before Gu Bei and Lu Piao.“If you join our Demon League, you’ll have to follow our rules. Will you comply?” Gu Bei’s face turned serious as he looked at Heng Yan.Heng Yan immediately bowed and said, “I understand.”Joining the Demon League would require them to sign a contract. Once the contract was set, they wouldn’t dare to betray him, especially with Gu Bei’s family background. After all, Gu Bei was the first-in-line successor of the Gu Clan!“Good! Then sign the contract!” Gu Bei lightly smiled.Heng Yan looked at Gu Bei as he asked, “Master Bei, we control a low grade Deity’s Lake. Although it’s nearly dried up, there are still dozens of people guarding it right now. Do you want it?”Gu Bei straightforwardly said, “Naturally! After joining our Demon League, we will send some men over to collect your Deity’s Lake. Since you’ve decided to join us, you’ll be treated the same as everyone else who’s in the Demon League.”Hearing Gu Bei’s words, Heng Yan and his group had their eyes light up. According to the rumors, the Demon League’s monthly salary was equivalent to their former yearly income! How could they possibly be unwilling?Very quickly, Heng Yan and his people disbanded the Ancient Jade League. Once everyone present signed the contract, they became a part of the Demon League.To Heng Yan, exchanging a nearly dried up Deity’s Lake for the generous treatment of the Demon League, was a profited for them. As far as Nie Li was concerned, it was a profit for him as well. All he had to do in exchange for a nearly dried up Deity Root, was pay Heng Yan and his group a tiny allowance every month.The news travelled quickly. The Ancient Jade League had disbanded and its members had joined the Demon League.The other smaller factions were also deliberating. Guarding a Deity’s Lake was bitter work. And in return, they received only a dozen or so spiritual stones per year. But if they chose to follow the Demon League, then they could get dozens of spiritual stones every month!Some of the bosses of the smaller factions weren’t willing to disperse their own factions. However, they saw their brothers’ hearts shaking and understood that their factions couldn’t hold out for much longer. They too, disbanded and joined the Demon League.In just a single month, dozens of factions had disbanded and joined the Demon League. The league itself was swelling and growing at a ferocious pace. Aside from accepting large numbers of new members, the Demon League had also received and controlled dozens of Deity’s Lakes. However, Nie Li had quickly removed the Deity’s Roots from all those lakes.After taking dozens of factions, the Demon League’s size swelled to over three thousand experts. However, not everyone had a high cultivation. There were only a few dozen Heavenly Star Realm experts. However, their expansion was already extremely shocking, given the league was only a few months old.The major factions of the outside world were extremely
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Memiliki lebih banyak orang akan berarti bahwa mereka harus menghabiskan batu spiritual lebih untuk mempertahankan gaya. Setelah mereka faksi utama menimbang faktor, tentu saja mereka tidak mau menerima mereka yang lemah. "Apakah kita akan membawa mereka?" Tanya Lu Piao sambil menatap Gu Bei. Ini adalah pertama kalinya seluruh faksi telah memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan mereka! "Tentu saja! Nie Li adalah moneybags anyways, sehingga kami dapat membelinya! "Gu Bei tersenyum sambil melanjutkan," faksi lain perlu khawatir tentang memiliki terlalu banyak beban, sehingga mereka tidak bersedia untuk membawa mereka. Tapi itu tidak masalah bagi kami, karena Nie Li sudah mengatakan kepada kami untuk merekrut orang sebanyak mungkin! " Beberapa saat kemudian, kelompok yang menyebut diri mereka Kuno Jade Liga muncul sebelum Gu Bei dan Lu Piao. " Guru Bei, saya nama Heng Yan! "pemimpin Kuno Jade Liga menangkupkan tangannya ke arah Gu Bei. Dia adalah seorang pemuda berusia dua puluhan dan tidak memiliki latar belakang keluarga senilai berbicara tentang. Namun, ia bertindak tidak rendah hati dan tidak memaksa karena ia berdiri di hadapan Gu Bei dan Lu Piao. "Jika Anda bergabung Liga Siluman kami, Anda harus mengikuti aturan kami. Anda akan mematuhi? "Wajah Gu Bei berubah serius saat ia menatap Heng Yan. Heng Yan segera membungkuk dan berkata," Saya mengerti. " Bergabung Liga Iblis akan meminta mereka untuk menandatangani kontrak. Setelah kontrak yang telah ditetapkan, mereka tidak akan berani mengkhianati dia, terutama dengan latar belakang keluarga Gu Bei. Setelah semua, Gu Bei adalah penerus pertama-in-line dari Gu Clan! "Baik! Kemudian menandatangani kontrak! "Gu Bei ringan tersenyum. Heng Yan memandang Gu Bei saat ia bertanya," Guru Bei, kami mengontrol kelas Dewa rendah Danau. Meskipun itu hampir kering, masih ada puluhan orang menjaganya sekarang. Apakah Anda menginginkannya? " Gu Bei tedeng aling-aling mengatakan," Tentu! Setelah bergabung League Siluman kami, kami akan mengirimkan beberapa orang lebih untuk mengumpulkan Dewa Anda Lake. Karena Anda telah memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan kami, Anda akan diperlakukan sama dengan orang lain yang ada di Liga Iblis. " Mendengar kata-kata Gu Bei, Heng Yan dan kelompoknya memiliki mata mereka menyala. Menurut rumor, gaji bulanan Demon Liga setara dengan mantan pendapatan tahunan mereka! Bagaimana mungkin mereka tidak mau? Sangat cepat, Heng Yan dan rakyatnya membubarkan Kuno Jade League. Setelah semua yang hadir menandatangani kontrak, mereka menjadi bagian dari Liga Iblis. Untuk Heng Yan, bertukar hampir kering Dewa Danau untuk pengobatan murah hati Liga Iblis, itu sebuah keuntungan bagi mereka. Sejauh Nie Li khawatir, itu adalah keuntungan bagi dirinya juga. Semua harus ia lakukan dalam pertukaran untuk hampir kering Dewa Akar, adalah membayar Heng Yan dan kelompoknya tunjangan kecil setiap bulan. Berita itu perjalanan cepat. Kuno Jade Liga telah bubar dan anggotanya telah bergabung Demon League. Faksi yang lebih kecil lainnya juga berunding. Menjaga Dewa Danau adalah pekerjaan pahit. Dan sebagai imbalannya, mereka hanya menerima selusin atau batu sehingga spiritual per tahun. Tetapi jika mereka memilih untuk mengikuti Liga Iblis, maka mereka bisa mendapatkan puluhan batu spiritual setiap bulan! Beberapa bos dari faksi-faksi yang lebih kecil tidak bersedia untuk membubarkan faksi mereka sendiri. Namun, mereka melihat hati saudara-saudara mereka 'gemetar dan mengerti bahwa fraksinya tidak bisa bertahan lebih lama lagi. Mereka juga dibubarkan dan bergabung dengan Liga Iblis. Dalam hanya satu bulan, puluhan faksi telah bubar dan bergabung dengan Liga Iblis. Liga itu sendiri pembengkakan dan tumbuh pada kecepatan yang ganas. Selain menerima sejumlah besar anggota baru, Liga Siluman juga telah menerima dan dikendalikan puluhan Dewa ini Lakes. Namun, Nie Li telah dengan cepat dihapus Akar Dewa dari semua danau tersebut. Setelah mengambil puluhan faksi, ukuran Demon Liga membengkak menjadi lebih dari tiga ribu ahli. Namun, tidak semua orang memiliki budidaya tinggi. Hanya ada beberapa ahli Realm lusin Heavenly Star. Namun, ekspansi mereka sudah sangat mengejutkan, mengingat liga hanya berumur beberapa bulan. The faksi utama dari dunia luar sangat

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