Factorial Designs In some experimental situations, it is not enough to terjemahan - Factorial Designs In some experimental situations, it is not enough to Melayu Bagaimana mengatakan

Factorial Designs In some experimen

Factorial Designs
In some experimental situations, it is not enough to know the effect of a single treatment on an outcome; several treatments may, in fact, provide a better explanation for the outcome. Factorial designs represent a modification of the between group design in which the researcher studies two or more categorical, independent variables, each examined at two or more levels (Vogt, 2005). The purpose of this design is to study the independent and simultaneous effects of two or more independent treatment variables on an outcome.
For example, in our civics–smoking experiment, the researcher may want to examine more than the effect of the type of instruction (i.e., lecture on health hazards of smoking versus standard lecture) on frequency of smoking. Assume that the experimenter wishes to examine the combined influence of type of instruction and level of depression in students (e.g., high, medium, and low scores on a depression scale) on rates of smoking (as the post test). Assume further that the investigator has reason to believe that depression is an important factor in rates of teen smoking, but its “interaction” or combination with type of smoking is unknown. The study of this research problem requires a factorial design. Thus, “depression” is a blocking or moderating variable and the researcher makes random assignment of each “block” (high, medium, and low) to each treatment instructional group. This design has the advantage of a high level of control in the experiment. It allows the investigator to examine the combination or interaction of independent variables to better understand the results of the experiment. If only a posttest is used, internal validity threats of testing and instrumentation do not exist. If you randomly assign individuals to groups, you minimize the threats related to participants and their experiences (history, maturation, regression, selection, mortality, and interaction of selection and other factors).
However, with multiple independent variables in a factorial design, the statistical procedures become more complex and the actual results become more difficult to understand. What does it mean, for example, that depression and type of instruction interact to influence smoking rates among teens? Which independent variable is more important and why? As researchers manipulate additional independent variables, more participants are needed in each group for statistical tests, and the interpretation of results becomes more complex. Because of this complexity, factorial designs typically include at most three independent variables manipulated by the researcher.
Let’s examine more closely the steps in the process of conducting a factorial design. The researcher identifies a research question that includes two independent variables and one dependent variable, such as “Do rates of smoking vary under different combinations of type of instruction and levels of depression?”
To answer this question, the experimenter identifies the levels of each factor or inde- pendent variable:
◆ Factor 1—types of instruction
• Level 1—a health-hazards lecture in civics class • Level 2—a standard lecture in civics class
◆ Factor 2—levels of depression • Level 1—high
• Level 2—medium
• Level 3—low
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Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
Factorial Designs In some experimental situations, it is not enough to know the effect of a single treatment on an outcome; several treatments may, in fact, provide a better explanation for the outcome. Factorial designs represent a modification of the between group design in which the researcher studies two or more categorical, independent variables, each examined at two or more levels (Vogt, 2005). The purpose of this design is to study the independent and simultaneous effects of two or more independent treatment variables on an outcome.For example, in our civics–smoking experiment, the researcher may want to examine more than the effect of the type of instruction (i.e., lecture on health hazards of smoking versus standard lecture) on frequency of smoking. Assume that the experimenter wishes to examine the combined influence of type of instruction and level of depression in students (e.g., high, medium, and low scores on a depression scale) on rates of smoking (as the post test). Assume further that the investigator has reason to believe that depression is an important factor in rates of teen smoking, but its “interaction” or combination with type of smoking is unknown. The study of this research problem requires a factorial design. Thus, “depression” is a blocking or moderating variable and the researcher makes random assignment of each “block” (high, medium, and low) to each treatment instructional group. This design has the advantage of a high level of control in the experiment. It allows the investigator to examine the combination or interaction of independent variables to better understand the results of the experiment. If only a posttest is used, internal validity threats of testing and instrumentation do not exist. If you randomly assign individuals to groups, you minimize the threats related to participants and their experiences (history, maturation, regression, selection, mortality, and interaction of selection and other factors).However, with multiple independent variables in a factorial design, the statistical procedures become more complex and the actual results become more difficult to understand. What does it mean, for example, that depression and type of instruction interact to influence smoking rates among teens? Which independent variable is more important and why? As researchers manipulate additional independent variables, more participants are needed in each group for statistical tests, and the interpretation of results becomes more complex. Because of this complexity, factorial designs typically include at most three independent variables manipulated by the researcher.
Let’s examine more closely the steps in the process of conducting a factorial design. The researcher identifies a research question that includes two independent variables and one dependent variable, such as “Do rates of smoking vary under different combinations of type of instruction and levels of depression?”
To answer this question, the experimenter identifies the levels of each factor or inde- pendent variable:
◆ Factor 1—types of instruction
• Level 1—a health-hazards lecture in civics class • Level 2—a standard lecture in civics class
◆ Factor 2—levels of depression • Level 1—high
• Level 2—medium
• Level 3—low
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Hasil (Melayu) 2:[Salinan]
Faktorial Designs
Dalam sesetengah keadaan eksperimen, ia tidak cukup untuk mengetahui kesan rawatan tunggal pada hasil yang; beberapa rawatan boleh, sebenarnya, memberikan penjelasan yang lebih baik untuk hasilnya. Reka bentuk faktorial mewakili suatu pengubahsuaian di antara kumpulan reka bentuk di mana penyelidik mengkaji dua atau lebih mutlak, pembolehubah bebas, setiap diperiksa di dua atau lebih peringkat (Vogt, 2005). Tujuan reka bentuk ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesan bebas dan serentak dua atau lebih pemboleh ubah rawatan pada hasil.
Sebagai contoh, dalam kita eksperimen sivik merokok, penyelidik mungkin mahu untuk memeriksa lebih daripada kesan jenis arahan ( iaitu, syarahan mengenai bahaya kesihatan merokok berbanding kuliah standard) kepada kekerapan merokok. Andaikan penguji kaji ingin memeriksa pengaruh gabungan jenis arahan dan tahap kemurungan di kalangan pelajar (contohnya, tinggi, sederhana, dan markah yang rendah pada skala kemurungan) pada kadar-kadar merokok (seperti ujian pasca). Andaikan selanjutnya bahawa penyiasat itu mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai bahawa kemurungan adalah satu faktor penting dalam kadar merokok remaja, tetapi "interaksi" atau kombinasi dengan jenis merokok adalah tidak diketahui. Kajian mengenai masalah kajian ini memerlukan reka bentuk yang faktorial. Oleh itu, "kemurungan" adalah menyekat atau sederhana berubah-ubah dan penyelidik membuat tugasan rawak setiap "blok" (tinggi, sederhana dan rendah) untuk setiap rawatan kumpulan pengajaran. Reka bentuk ini mempunyai kelebihan yang tinggi kawalan dalam eksperimen. Ia membolehkan penyelidik untuk mengkaji gabungan atau interaksi pembolehubah bebas untuk lebih memahami keputusan eksperimen. Sekiranya ujian pos yang digunakan, ancaman kesahan dalaman ujian dan instrumentasi tidak wujud. Jika anda secara rawak menetapkan individu kepada kumpulan, anda mengurangkan ancaman yang berkaitan dengan peserta dan pengalaman mereka (sejarah, kematangan, regresi, pemilihan, kematian, dan interaksi pemilihan dan faktor-faktor lain).
Walau bagaimanapun, dengan beberapa pembolehubah bebas dalam reka bentuk yang faktorial, yang prosedur statistik menjadi lebih kompleks dan keputusan sebenar menjadi lebih sukar untuk difahami. Apakah yang dimaksudkan, sebagai contoh, bahawa kemurungan dan jenis arahan berinteraksi untuk mempengaruhi kadar merokok di kalangan remaja? Pemboleh ubah bebas adalah lebih penting dan mengapa? Sebagai penyelidik memanipulasi pembolehubah bebas tambahan, lebih ramai peserta yang diperlukan dalam setiap kumpulan untuk ujian statistik, dan tafsiran keputusan menjadi lebih kompleks. Oleh kerana kerumitan ini, reka bentuk faktorial biasanya termasuk paling banyak tiga pembolehubah bebas dimanipulasi oleh pengkaji.
Mari kita meneliti dengan lebih teliti langkah-langkah dalam proses menjalankan reka bentuk faktorial. Penyelidik mengenal pasti soalan penyelidikan yang merangkumi dua pembolehubah bebas dan satu pembolehubah bergantung, seperti "Kadar Adakah merokok berbeza di bawah kombinasi yang berlainan jenis arahan dan tahap kemurungan?"
Untuk menjawab soalan ini, penguji kaji mengenal pasti tahap setiap faktor atau satu kebebasan tergantung berubah-ubah:
◆ Factor 1-jenis arahan
• tahap 1-a kesihatan bahaya bersyarah dalam kelas sivik • tahap 2-syarahan standard dalam sukatan pelajaran sivik kelas
◆ Factor 2-tahap kemurungan • tahap 1 tinggi
• tahap 2 -medium
• Tahap 3-rendah
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