The Behringer FCB1010 is a popular product with musicians just st terjemahan -      The Behringer FCB1010 is a popular product with musicians just st Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

     The Behringer FCB1010 is a pop

   The Behringer FCB1010 is a popular product with musicians just stepping up to rack systems. Its attractive price, rugged build quality, and the widespread availability of Behringer products on dealer shelves make it an easy product to pick up at your local musician’s super-store. For rack system “newbies”, and even those of us with more rack programming experience, we found the FCB1010’s programming interface to be extremely challenging to figure out, and it may scare the uninitiated away from using MIDI-controlled rack systems.

On the positive side, if you want to play deep, the FCB1010 will welcome you with open arms. You can program as many as 100 presets to send Continuous Controller (CC) messages (so much for the six or eight CC message limitations with other boards!), and each pedal is capable of performing numerous operations concurrently.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a separate mode of operation that distinguishes between Program Change mode and CC mode, so if you’re making use of multiple CC pedals, you’ll need to more carefully plan out your foot controller implementation. In our Other Comments section, we provide advice on our preferred method of implementing this foot controller in your rack system.

If you’re new to using MIDI foot controllers, we have an in-depth tutorial on the subject that you may wish to read before diving into our foot controller product reviews.
Click here to read our MIDI foot controller tutorial.


Control of up to five MIDI devices.
Two expression pedals. Settings for the expression pedals are stored on a per-patch basis to provide flexibility in its configuration (ex. if you want these pedals to behave differently for different patches), but we would have preferred a global default behavior that could be set for each pedal, with the ability to override the settings on a per-patch basis.
Two switch jacks for analog channel switching of amps.
Simultaneous transmitting of up to five program changes and two CC messages per preset.
In addition to Program Change and CC messages, a selection can also transmit Tap Tempo rates, so pressing button #1 might set your effects processor to User Preset #36 and set the tempo to 120 BPM, while pressing button #2 could also select User Preset #36 but set the tempo to 136 BPM. This is a unique feature we haven’t found in similar products.
Rugged construction and one of the few (if any) foot controllers we’ve seen with an internal power supply – no wall wart!
You can use the FCB1010 to trigger musical notes on your synths, but this will require complex programming. More likely, you’ll only need to utilize this feature with certain effects processors that use MIDI notes for setting Tap Tempo (most use standard CC messages, but not all).
The FCB1010 also has some shortcomings to be aware of:
There is no mode of operation that toggles between CC messages and Program Change messages! Most advanced MIDI foot controllers enable you to switch from Program Change mode to CC mode instantly so that once you’ve selected a patch on your effects unit, you can then easily turn effect blocks On/Off, set Tap Tempo, Solo Boost, etc. Still other controllers provide buttons for Program Change messages and additional switches/pedals for CC messages without needing to change operating modes at all.

In the case of the FCB1010, you could confusingly intermingle some buttons sending CC messages, others sending Program Change commands, and others sending combinations of both message types. Careful planning is essential for successful use of this foot controller.

The two-digit LED display doesn’t enable you to name your presets.
No phantom power support.


With great power comes great responsibility, and in the case of the FCB1010, the responsibility is all yours for explicitly programming every action you require beyond the default Program Change commands. In fact, compared to other MIDI foot controllers we have used at all price points, the FCB1010 required significantly more programming effort. If all you require are simple program changes and use of the expression pedals, the FCB1010 will work fine with minimal configuration effort, but configuring various CC instructions requires a tedious amount of lengthy programming (typically only a one-time ordeal). We configured a pedal to send CC messages so that it could turn an effect block On/Off in one of our processors (a TC Electronic G-Major). This simple function required approximately 15 pedal selections, some simple numeric data entry, and required paying careful attention to status lights across the top of the controller. Setting up multiple pedals to behave in this manner can take an inordinate amount of time and, with so many steps to follow, it’s easy to hit a wrong button and confuse the process. Fortunately, the FCB1010 has a Preset Copy function that enables you to copy one patch to numerous other locations in memory. We recommend that once you configure a single pedal for CC messages, you copy that patch to all the other pedals you want to enable, and then edit each of those and change the CC value.

Documentation and Product Support

The User’s Manual that ships with the FCB1010 is enough to scare the average guitar player. The information is presented in much too compact a form (small text, tight line spacing), making it very hard to follow required programming steps without repeatedly losing your place. “The Quick Guide to Programming” was much easier to follow, but you’ll still need the User’s Manual. Download this handy document from the Behringer web site and read through it prior to tackling the User’s Manual.

We were not able to figure out the actual usability of this foot controller (the lack of a separate/dedicated CC mode, for example) without calling Behringer technical support. On the plus side, their support was excellent (and they had no idea we were calling for a magazine review). We got through to an engineer in only a minute, he answered our questions, and he even emailed me an unofficial support document written by an end-user providing useful tips on programming the FCB1010 for use with our G-Major.


The FCB1010 ($219.99) typically sells for near $150, which is an excellent price if this MIDI foot controller meets your needs.

Other Comments

If you’re like us, you’ll need multiple CC pedals for turning effect blocks On/Off, setting Tap Tempo, Solo Boost, Tuner Mute, and other random capabilities of your MIDI gear. You may also use the analog switches for changing amp channels. Because there is no dedicated CC mode independent of Program Change mode, you have to remove program change instructions from the pedals you assign for use as CC switches.

Assuming that ten pedals are enough to satisfy your lust for power, we would configure the first ten patches in the FCB1010 for CC use (or amp channel switching). Then, starting with patch #11 (bank 1, preset #1), use the pedals for Program Changes.

In this manner, you might select patch #11 or #12 which calls up some cool settings in your effects processor, then hit the bank down button once to access your bank of CC pedals and channel switchers. In a live situation, this kind of arrangement would facilitate rapid access to your program changes and simple access to your CC settings.

If the FCB1010 were upgradeable via a firmware download from Behringer, here’s what we would suggest that would make this foot controller infinitely more user friendly:

Holding down the Up or Down button for 2 seconds could switch the controller out of Program Change mode into CC mode. Then, all ten pedals could be used for sending CC messages that you configure once globally. By default, each foot switch (and the two expression pedals) would be pre-programmed to transmit a specific CC number so users could easily match those values in their rack-mounted effects (or customize them). Optionally, you could plug a latch pedal (On/Off) into one of the switch jacks and it would toggle between PC and CC modes instantly.

The expression pedals would be configurable globally for use with all presets that a user selects.

Enthusiasts have been quite busy trying to improve upon some of the FCB1010’s shortcomings. Though we have not tested their modifications and accessories (and will not make any formal recommendations at this time), there are physical modifications that add phantom power support, firmware updates that change functionality, and even a few computer-based editors that can make your configuration tasks much simpler.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]

Behringer FCB1010 adalah produk populer dengan musisi hanya melangkah ke sistem rak. Harga menarik, kasar membangun kualitas, dan ketersediaan luas Behringer produk di rak-rak dealer membuat produk yang mudah untuk menjemput di musisi lokal Anda Super store. Untuk rak sistem "pemula", dan bahkan mereka dengan rak lebih pengalaman pemrograman, kami menemukan antarmuka pemrograman FCB1010 menjadi sangat menantang untuk mengetahui, dan itu mungkin menakuti belum tahu dari menggunakan sistem rak dikendalikan MIDI.

Di sisi positif, jika Anda ingin bermain mendalam, FCB1010 akan menyambut Anda dengan tangan terbuka. Anda dapat memprogram sebanyak 100 preset untuk mengirim pesan terus-menerus Controller (CC) (begitu banyak untuk enam atau delapan CC pesan keterbatasan dengan papan lain!), dan masing-masing pedal mampu melakukan berbagai operasi secara bersamaan.

Sayangnya, tidak ada terpisah modus operasi yang membedakan antara Program perubahan modus dan modus CC, jadi jika Anda membuat penggunaan beberapa CC pedal, Anda akan perlu untuk lebih hati-hati merencanakan pelaksanaan controller kaki Anda. Di bagian lain komentar, kami menyediakan saran pada kami metoda pelaksanaan controller kaki ini dalam sistem rak Anda.

Jika Anda baru untuk menggunakan MIDI controller kaki, kita memiliki tutorial yang mendalam pada subjek yang Anda mungkin ingin membaca sebelum menyelam ke ulasan produk controller kaki kami.
Klik disini untuk baca kami kaki MIDI controller tutorial.


mengendalikan hingga lima MIDI perangkat.
dua pedal ekspresi. Pengaturan untuk pedal ekspresi disimpan pada basis per-patch untuk memberikan fleksibilitas dalam konfigurasinya (Keluaran jika Anda ingin pedal untuk berperilaku berbeda untuk patch yang berbeda), tapi kami lebih suka perilaku global default yang dapat diatur untuk masing-masing pedal, dengan kemampuan untuk menimpa pengaturan pada dasar per patch.
dua beralih Jack untuk saluran analog switching ampli.
Simultaneous transmisi hingga lima program perubahan dan dua CC pesan per preset.
Selain Program perubahan dan CC pesan, pilihan dapat juga mengirimkan Tempo tekan harga, Jadi menekan tombol #1 mungkin diatur prosesor efek Anda ke #36 Preset pengguna dan mengatur tempo untuk 120 BPM, sementara menekan tombol #2 juga bisa memilih Preset pengguna #36 tetapi mengatur tempo 136 BPM. Ini adalah sebuah fitur unik yang belum kami temukan di produk serupa.
konstruksi yang kokoh dan salah satu pengendali kaki sedikit (jika ada) yang telah kita lihat dengan daya internal supply-kutil dinding tidak!
Anda dapat menggunakan FCB1010 untuk memicu catatan musik pada synths Anda, tetapi ini akan membutuhkan pemrograman yang rumit. Lebih mungkin, Anda hanya perlu untuk memanfaatkan fitur ini dengan prosesor efek tertentu yang menggunakan MIDI catatan untuk pengaturan tekan Tempo (kebanyakan menggunakan standar CC pesan, tapi tidak semua).
The FCB1010 juga memiliki beberapa kekurangan untuk menyadari:
Ada tidak ada modus operasi yang akan memindahkan pesan CC dan perubahan Program pesan! Paling maju MIDI kaki controller memungkinkan Anda untuk beralih dari Program perubahan mode ke CC mode langsung sehingga sekali Anda telah memilih patch pada unit efek Anda, Anda kemudian dapat dengan mudah mengubah efek blok On/Off, mengatur ketuk Tempo, meningkatkan Solo, dll. Masih kontroler lain menyediakan tombol untuk mengubah Program pesan dan Switch/pedal tambahan untuk CC pesan tanpa perlu mengubah mode operasi sama sekali.

Dalam kasus FCB1010, Anda bisa membingungkan berbaur beberapa tombol yang mengirim pesan CC, orang lain yang mengirim perintah perubahan Program, dan lain-lain mengirim kombinasi dari kedua jenis pesan. Perencanaan hati-hati penting untuk sukses menggunakan ini kaki controller.

dua digit tampilan LED tidak memungkinkan Anda untuk nama preset.
tidak kekuatan hantu dukungan.


dengan kekuatan besar datang tanggung jawab besar, dan dalam kasus FCB1010, tanggung jawab itu semua milikmu untuk secara eksplisit pemrograman setiap tindakan yang Anda memerlukan melampaui perintah Program perubahan default. Pada kenyataannya, dibandingkan untuk kaki lainnya MIDI controller kami telah digunakan di semua harga poin, FCB1010 diperlukan upaya pemrograman yang lebih signifikan. Jika yang Anda perlukan adalah program yang sederhana perubahan dan penggunaan ekspresi pedal, FCB1010 akan bekerja dengan baik dengan usaha minimal konfigurasi, tetapi mengkonfigurasi berbagai petunjuk CC membutuhkan jumlah yang membosankan panjang pemrograman (biasanya hanya satu kali cobaan). Kita mengkonfigurasi pedal untuk mengirim pesan CC sehingga bisa berubah efek blok On/Off di salah satu dari kami prosesor (TC Electronic G-besar). Fungsi sederhana ini diperlukan kira-kira 15 pilihan pedal, beberapa entri data numerik yang sederhana, dan dibutuhkan membayar perhatian penuh terhadap status lampu di bagian atas dari controller. Menyiapkan beberapa pedal untuk berperilaku dengan cara ini dapat mengambil banyak waktu dan, dengan begitu banyak langkah yang diikuti, sangat mudah untuk memukul tombol salah dan membingungkan proses. Untungnya, FCB1010 memiliki fungsi Preset Copy yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menyalin satu patch ke berbagai lokasi lain dalam memori. Kami merekomendasikan bahwa setelah Anda mengkonfigurasi pedal tunggal untuk pesan CC, Anda menyalin patch tersebut ke semua pedal untuk Anda ingin mengaktifkan, kemudian mengedit setiap mereka dan mengubah nilai CC.

Dokumentasi dan dukungan produk

Panduan The pengguna yang kapal dengan FCB1010 sudah cukup untuk menakut-nakuti pemain gitar rata-rata. Informasi yang disajikan dalam banyak terlalu kompak bentuk (teks kecil, ketat spasi), sehingga sangat sulit untuk mengikuti diperlukan pemrograman langkah tanpa berulang kali kehilangan tempat Anda. "Panduan cepat untuk pemrograman" adalah lebih mudah untuk mengikuti, tapi Anda masih perlu panduan pengguna. Download dokumen berguna ini dari situs web Behringer dan membacanya sebelum menangani pengguna Manual.

Kami sudah tidak mampu mengetahui kegunaan sebenarnya ini kaki controller (kurangnya modus CC terpisah/dedicated, misalnya) tanpa menelepon dukungan teknis Behringer. Di sisi positifnya, dukungan mereka sangat baik (dan mereka tidak tahu kita memanggil untuk review majalah). Kita harus seorang insinyur di hanya berjalan, dia menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan kami, dan dia bahkan diemail saya resmi dukungan dokumen yang ditulis oleh pengguna-akhir memberikan tips berguna pada pemrograman FCB1010 untuk digunakan dengan kami G-Mayor.


The FCB1010 ($219.99) biasanya menjual untuk dekat $150, yang merupakan harga yang sangat baik jika MIDI controller kaki ini memenuhi kebutuhan Anda.

Komentar lain

jika Anda seperti kami, Anda akan memerlukan beberapa CC pedal untuk mengubah efek blok On/Off, pengaturan tekan Tempo, meningkatkan Solo, Tuner bisu, dan kemampuan lain acak dari gigi MIDI. Anda juga dapat menggunakan switch analog untuk mengganti saluran amp. Karena ada modus CC tidak khusus yang independen dari Program mengubah mode, Anda harus menghapus program perubahan instruksi dari pedal yang Anda tetapkan untuk digunakan sebagai CC switch.

Dengan asumsi bahwa sepuluh pedal cukup memuaskan Anda nafsu untuk kekuasaan, kita akan mengkonfigurasi patch sepuluh pertama dalam FCB1010 untuk penggunaan CC (atau pemindahan channel amp). Kemudian, mulai dengan patch #11 (bank 1, preset #1), menggunakan pedal untuk Program perubahan.

Cara ini, Anda mungkin memilih patch #11 atau #12 yang menyebut beberapa pengaturan yang sejuk di prosesor efek Anda, kemudian tekan bank tombol sekali untuk mengakses bank Anda pedal CC dan beralih saluran. Dalam keadaan hidup, pengaturan semacam ini akan memudahkan akses cepat perubahan program Anda dan akses yang sederhana ke pengaturan CC Anda.

jika FCB1010 upgradeable via download firmware dari Behringer, Berikut adalah apa yang kami sarankan yang akan membuat controller kaki ini jauh lebih user friendly:

menahan Up atau tombol selama 2 detik bisa beralih controller dari Program perubahan mode ke CC mode. Kemudian, semua sepuluh pedal dapat digunakan untuk mengirim pesan CC yang Anda mengkonfigurasi sekali secara global. Secara default, masing-masing switch kaki (dan ekspresi dua pedal) akan pra-diprogram untuk mengirimkan nomor CC tertentu sehingga pengguna dapat dengan mudah sesuai dengan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam efek rack-mount mereka (atau menyesuaikan mereka). Opsional, Anda bisa pasang pedal kait (On/Off) ke salah satu Jack switch dan hal itu akan beralih antara PC dan CC mode langsung.

Pedal ekspresi akan dikonfigurasi secara global untuk digunakan dengan semua presets yang memilih pengguna.

penggemar telah cukup sibuk berusaha memperbaiki beberapa kekurangan FCB1010. Meskipun kita belum diuji mereka modifikasi dan aksesoris (dan tidak akan membuat rekomendasi resmi saat ini), ada modifikasi fisik yang menambahkan dukungan kekuatan hantu, Firmware Update bahwa fungsi perubahan, dan bahkan beberapa editor berbasis komputer yang dapat membuat tugas-tugas konfigurasi Anda jauh lebih sederhana.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

   The Behringer FCB1010 is a popular product with musicians just stepping up to rack systems. Its attractive price, rugged build quality, and the widespread availability of Behringer products on dealer shelves make it an easy product to pick up at your local musician’s super-store. For rack system “newbies”, and even those of us with more rack programming experience, we found the FCB1010’s programming interface to be extremely challenging to figure out, and it may scare the uninitiated away from using MIDI-controlled rack systems.

On the positive side, if you want to play deep, the FCB1010 will welcome you with open arms. You can program as many as 100 presets to send Continuous Controller (CC) messages (so much for the six or eight CC message limitations with other boards!), and each pedal is capable of performing numerous operations concurrently.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a separate mode of operation that distinguishes between Program Change mode and CC mode, so if you’re making use of multiple CC pedals, you’ll need to more carefully plan out your foot controller implementation. In our Other Comments section, we provide advice on our preferred method of implementing this foot controller in your rack system.

If you’re new to using MIDI foot controllers, we have an in-depth tutorial on the subject that you may wish to read before diving into our foot controller product reviews.
Click here to read our MIDI foot controller tutorial.


Control of up to five MIDI devices.
Two expression pedals. Settings for the expression pedals are stored on a per-patch basis to provide flexibility in its configuration (ex. if you want these pedals to behave differently for different patches), but we would have preferred a global default behavior that could be set for each pedal, with the ability to override the settings on a per-patch basis.
Two switch jacks for analog channel switching of amps.
Simultaneous transmitting of up to five program changes and two CC messages per preset.
In addition to Program Change and CC messages, a selection can also transmit Tap Tempo rates, so pressing button #1 might set your effects processor to User Preset #36 and set the tempo to 120 BPM, while pressing button #2 could also select User Preset #36 but set the tempo to 136 BPM. This is a unique feature we haven’t found in similar products.
Rugged construction and one of the few (if any) foot controllers we’ve seen with an internal power supply – no wall wart!
You can use the FCB1010 to trigger musical notes on your synths, but this will require complex programming. More likely, you’ll only need to utilize this feature with certain effects processors that use MIDI notes for setting Tap Tempo (most use standard CC messages, but not all).
The FCB1010 also has some shortcomings to be aware of:
There is no mode of operation that toggles between CC messages and Program Change messages! Most advanced MIDI foot controllers enable you to switch from Program Change mode to CC mode instantly so that once you’ve selected a patch on your effects unit, you can then easily turn effect blocks On/Off, set Tap Tempo, Solo Boost, etc. Still other controllers provide buttons for Program Change messages and additional switches/pedals for CC messages without needing to change operating modes at all.

In the case of the FCB1010, you could confusingly intermingle some buttons sending CC messages, others sending Program Change commands, and others sending combinations of both message types. Careful planning is essential for successful use of this foot controller.

The two-digit LED display doesn’t enable you to name your presets.
No phantom power support.


With great power comes great responsibility, and in the case of the FCB1010, the responsibility is all yours for explicitly programming every action you require beyond the default Program Change commands. In fact, compared to other MIDI foot controllers we have used at all price points, the FCB1010 required significantly more programming effort. If all you require are simple program changes and use of the expression pedals, the FCB1010 will work fine with minimal configuration effort, but configuring various CC instructions requires a tedious amount of lengthy programming (typically only a one-time ordeal). We configured a pedal to send CC messages so that it could turn an effect block On/Off in one of our processors (a TC Electronic G-Major). This simple function required approximately 15 pedal selections, some simple numeric data entry, and required paying careful attention to status lights across the top of the controller. Setting up multiple pedals to behave in this manner can take an inordinate amount of time and, with so many steps to follow, it’s easy to hit a wrong button and confuse the process. Fortunately, the FCB1010 has a Preset Copy function that enables you to copy one patch to numerous other locations in memory. We recommend that once you configure a single pedal for CC messages, you copy that patch to all the other pedals you want to enable, and then edit each of those and change the CC value.

Documentation and Product Support

The User’s Manual that ships with the FCB1010 is enough to scare the average guitar player. The information is presented in much too compact a form (small text, tight line spacing), making it very hard to follow required programming steps without repeatedly losing your place. “The Quick Guide to Programming” was much easier to follow, but you’ll still need the User’s Manual. Download this handy document from the Behringer web site and read through it prior to tackling the User’s Manual.

We were not able to figure out the actual usability of this foot controller (the lack of a separate/dedicated CC mode, for example) without calling Behringer technical support. On the plus side, their support was excellent (and they had no idea we were calling for a magazine review). We got through to an engineer in only a minute, he answered our questions, and he even emailed me an unofficial support document written by an end-user providing useful tips on programming the FCB1010 for use with our G-Major.


The FCB1010 ($219.99) typically sells for near $150, which is an excellent price if this MIDI foot controller meets your needs.

Other Comments

If you’re like us, you’ll need multiple CC pedals for turning effect blocks On/Off, setting Tap Tempo, Solo Boost, Tuner Mute, and other random capabilities of your MIDI gear. You may also use the analog switches for changing amp channels. Because there is no dedicated CC mode independent of Program Change mode, you have to remove program change instructions from the pedals you assign for use as CC switches.

Assuming that ten pedals are enough to satisfy your lust for power, we would configure the first ten patches in the FCB1010 for CC use (or amp channel switching). Then, starting with patch #11 (bank 1, preset #1), use the pedals for Program Changes.

In this manner, you might select patch #11 or #12 which calls up some cool settings in your effects processor, then hit the bank down button once to access your bank of CC pedals and channel switchers. In a live situation, this kind of arrangement would facilitate rapid access to your program changes and simple access to your CC settings.

If the FCB1010 were upgradeable via a firmware download from Behringer, here’s what we would suggest that would make this foot controller infinitely more user friendly:

Holding down the Up or Down button for 2 seconds could switch the controller out of Program Change mode into CC mode. Then, all ten pedals could be used for sending CC messages that you configure once globally. By default, each foot switch (and the two expression pedals) would be pre-programmed to transmit a specific CC number so users could easily match those values in their rack-mounted effects (or customize them). Optionally, you could plug a latch pedal (On/Off) into one of the switch jacks and it would toggle between PC and CC modes instantly.

The expression pedals would be configurable globally for use with all presets that a user selects.

Enthusiasts have been quite busy trying to improve upon some of the FCB1010’s shortcomings. Though we have not tested their modifications and accessories (and will not make any formal recommendations at this time), there are physical modifications that add phantom power support, firmware updates that change functionality, and even a few computer-based editors that can make your configuration tasks much simpler.
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