ABOUT THE JOBAt the core of the Uber business is customer support. Our terjemahan - ABOUT THE JOBAt the core of the Uber business is customer support. Our Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ABOUT THE JOBAt the core of the Ube

At the core of the Uber business is customer support. Our organization understands that the way we handle the toughest, most challenging rider and partner-driver concerns has direct impact on our business.
This is why Uber is now looking for Community Support Representatives, who will champion rider and partner-driver support efforts for cities in Indonesia.
At Uber, we do everything in our power to make Uber unlike any other company out there by means of providing mindblowing support for both riders and partner-drivers. We’re always looking for unique and exciting ways to solve the most challenging problems riders and partners in cities we operate in encounter. Through excellent support, we take dissatisfied riders and turn them into our strongest evangelists; We will always work to have riders ride an Uber again and again. We also empower the livelihoods of our partners; We make sure that we take care of any concerns Uber partners may have so they can get out on the road and move riders around cities.
This role is about taking support to a whole new level, spreading UberLove all over Indonesia
Passionate and obsessed about growing Uber through excellent support. You will be revolutionizing the concept of support at Uber. You’re excited about tackling head on the most challenging problems and questions from riders and partner-drivers.
Cool and calm under pressure. Dealing with new and different challenges among a wide range of rider and partner-driver cultures excites you. You have a way to anticipate challenges that come your way and you like finding resolutions, using all resources available to you. You can move quickly with care. You embrace change and can absorb new information during times of pressure without losing composure during exchanges with the user.
Incredibly empathetic and understanding. You are easily adaptable to the emotion and tone of the rider or partner-driver you are dealing with. You are able to identify and resolve their issues quickly while knowing how to shift and adjust your approach with each of them.
Word and tech savvy. A rider or a partner-driver will appreciate having you on the other end of the line, as you are confident and knowledgeable of the product. This makes you awesome to exchange info with. You’re very comfortable using either written or spoken English to handle user concerns over email, through instant messaging or over a call. You also embrace most, if not all, things tech-related, thus your obsession with our product.
You are at the forefront of rebuilding Uber to be a brand not only known for its amazing product, but for its awesome customer service. You will deliver only the best customer service for riders and partner-drivers in Indonesia across multiple support platforms: email, live chat/ instant messaging and phone
You are that charming, natural problem-solver the riders and partner-drivers will love. You understand them and will do your best to reach the resolution needed. You will cause riders to continue riding, and partner-drivers to continue operating on the platform. You will also be the reason that riders and partner-drivers will rave about the brand and will advocate for us to get more people to be users of the app.
You are ambitious not only for the company and our vision, but also for your career. As you grow within the organization, you proactively share how you think we could improve the way we do things and drive these changes - after all, in Uber, we embrace new ideas and constant change.
Bachelor or diploma degree from a good institution, any field
Work experience of 2 - 5 years in a high intensity, fast paced environment
Excellent in both written and spoken English and also in Bahasa Indonesia.
Exceptional comprehension and writing skills
High proficiency using computers (typing, quickly navigating between various tools) and softwares
Excellent problem solving skills, able to connect effectively what users are asking for with answers to their true issues
Passion for creating support experiences that exceed users’ expectations
Willingness to work in a team environment, contributing to a synergistic work environment where people learn from one another and continuously improve processes on behalf of users
Willingness to work on different shifts, totalling 40 hours per week, including weekend and weekly evening shifts
An Uber evangelist — you care deeply about the product and getting others excited to ride and partner with Uber
Work experience in customer-centric industries (ex. Hotels, airlines, banking)
Extensive experience dealing with different markets (countries) and having good understanding of cultural differences
Ground floor opportunity with the team; shape the direction of the company
The rare opportunity to change the world such that everyone around you is using the product you built
We’re not just another social web app, we’re moving real people and assets and reinventing transportation and logistics globally
Sharp, motivated, hard-working co-workers in a fun office environment
You will be part of a great team. We’re building something awesome that we get to share with the world. You must be ready to get your hands dirty, but also think strategically and bring the voice of Uber to everyone!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ABOUT THE JOBAt the core of the Uber business is customer support. Our organization understands that the way we handle the toughest, most challenging rider and partner-driver concerns has direct impact on our business.This is why Uber is now looking for Community Support Representatives, who will champion rider and partner-driver support efforts for cities in Indonesia. At Uber, we do everything in our power to make Uber unlike any other company out there by means of providing mindblowing support for both riders and partner-drivers. We’re always looking for unique and exciting ways to solve the most challenging problems riders and partners in cities we operate in encounter. Through excellent support, we take dissatisfied riders and turn them into our strongest evangelists; We will always work to have riders ride an Uber again and again. We also empower the livelihoods of our partners; We make sure that we take care of any concerns Uber partners may have so they can get out on the road and move riders around cities. This role is about taking support to a whole new level, spreading UberLove all over IndonesiaWHAT YOU AREPassionate and obsessed about growing Uber through excellent support. You will be revolutionizing the concept of support at Uber. You’re excited about tackling head on the most challenging problems and questions from riders and partner-drivers.Cool and calm under pressure. Dealing with new and different challenges among a wide range of rider and partner-driver cultures excites you. You have a way to anticipate challenges that come your way and you like finding resolutions, using all resources available to you. You can move quickly with care. You embrace change and can absorb new information during times of pressure without losing composure during exchanges with the user. Incredibly empathetic and understanding. You are easily adaptable to the emotion and tone of the rider or partner-driver you are dealing with. You are able to identify and resolve their issues quickly while knowing how to shift and adjust your approach with each of them.Word and tech savvy. A rider or a partner-driver will appreciate having you on the other end of the line, as you are confident and knowledgeable of the product. This makes you awesome to exchange info with. You’re very comfortable using either written or spoken English to handle user concerns over email, through instant messaging or over a call. You also embrace most, if not all, things tech-related, thus your obsession with our product.WHAT YOU’LL BE DOINGYou are at the forefront of rebuilding Uber to be a brand not only known for its amazing product, but for its awesome customer service. You will deliver only the best customer service for riders and partner-drivers in Indonesia across multiple support platforms: email, live chat/ instant messaging and phoneYou are that charming, natural problem-solver the riders and partner-drivers will love. You understand them and will do your best to reach the resolution needed. You will cause riders to continue riding, and partner-drivers to continue operating on the platform. You will also be the reason that riders and partner-drivers will rave about the brand and will advocate for us to get more people to be users of the app.
You are ambitious not only for the company and our vision, but also for your career. As you grow within the organization, you proactively share how you think we could improve the way we do things and drive these changes - after all, in Uber, we embrace new ideas and constant change.
Bachelor or diploma degree from a good institution, any field
Work experience of 2 - 5 years in a high intensity, fast paced environment
Excellent in both written and spoken English and also in Bahasa Indonesia.
Exceptional comprehension and writing skills
High proficiency using computers (typing, quickly navigating between various tools) and softwares
Excellent problem solving skills, able to connect effectively what users are asking for with answers to their true issues
Passion for creating support experiences that exceed users’ expectations
Willingness to work in a team environment, contributing to a synergistic work environment where people learn from one another and continuously improve processes on behalf of users
Willingness to work on different shifts, totalling 40 hours per week, including weekend and weekly evening shifts
An Uber evangelist — you care deeply about the product and getting others excited to ride and partner with Uber
Work experience in customer-centric industries (ex. Hotels, airlines, banking)
Extensive experience dealing with different markets (countries) and having good understanding of cultural differences
Ground floor opportunity with the team; shape the direction of the company
The rare opportunity to change the world such that everyone around you is using the product you built
We’re not just another social web app, we’re moving real people and assets and reinventing transportation and logistics globally
Sharp, motivated, hard-working co-workers in a fun office environment
You will be part of a great team. We’re building something awesome that we get to share with the world. You must be ready to get your hands dirty, but also think strategically and bring the voice of Uber to everyone!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada inti dari bisnis Uber adalah dukungan pelanggan. Organisasi kami memahami bahwa cara kita menangani terberat, paling menantang pembalap dan mitra-driver kekhawatiran memiliki dampak langsung pada bisnis kami.
Inilah sebabnya mengapa Uber sekarang mencari Komunitas Perwakilan Dukungan, yang akan juara pembalap dan mitra-driver upaya dukungan untuk kota di Indonesia.
Di Uber, kami melakukan segalanya dalam kekuasaan kami untuk membuat Uber tidak seperti perusahaan lain di luar sana dengan cara memberikan mindblowing dukungan untuk kedua pengendara dan mitra-driver. Kami selalu mencari cara yang unik dan menarik untuk memecahkan masalah pengendara yang paling menantang dan mitra di kota-kota kami beroperasi dalam pertemuan. Melalui dukungan yang sangat baik, kita mengambil pengendara tidak puas dan mengubahnya menjadi penginjil terkuat kami; Kami akan selalu bekerja untuk memiliki pengendara naik sebuah Uber lagi dan lagi. Kami juga memberdayakan mata pencaharian mitra kami; Kami memastikan bahwa kami mengurus keprihatinan apapun mitra Uber mungkin memiliki sehingga mereka bisa keluar di jalan dan bergerak pengendara di sekitar kota.
Peran ini adalah tentang mengambil dukungan untuk tingkat yang baru, menyebar UberLove seluruh Indonesia
Bergairah dan terobsesi tentang tumbuh Uber melalui dukungan yang sangat baik. Anda akan merevolusi konsep dukungan di Uber. Anda sangat gembira tentang mengatasi kepala pada masalah yang paling menantang dan pertanyaan dari pengendara dan mitra-driver.
Keren dan menenangkan di bawah tekanan. Berurusan dengan tantangan baru dan berbeda di antara berbagai pengendara dan mitra-driver budaya menggairahkan Anda. Anda memiliki cara untuk mengantisipasi tantangan yang datang dengan cara Anda dan Anda ingin menemukan resolusi, menggunakan semua sumber daya yang tersedia untuk Anda. Anda bisa bergerak cepat dengan hati-hati. Anda merangkul perubahan dan dapat menyerap informasi baru selama masa tekanan tanpa kehilangan ketenangannya saat pertukaran dengan pengguna.
Sangat empati dan pemahaman. Anda dengan mudah beradaptasi dengan emosi dan nada pengendara atau pasangan-driver Anda hadapi. Anda dapat mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah mereka dengan cepat sementara mengetahui bagaimana bergeser dan menyesuaikan pendekatan Anda dengan masing-masing dari mereka.
Word dan tech-savvy. Seorang pengendara atau mitra-driver akan menghargai memiliki Anda di ujung lain dari garis itu, seperti Anda percaya diri dan berpengetahuan dari produk. Hal ini membuat Anda yang mengagumkan untuk bertukar info dengan. Anda sangat nyaman menggunakan baik tertulis atau lisan bahasa Inggris untuk menangani kekhawatiran pengguna melalui email, melalui pesan instan atau lebih panggilan. Anda juga merangkul sebagian besar, jika tidak semua, hal-tech terkait, sehingga obsesi Anda dengan produk kami.
Anda berada di garis depan pembangunan kembali Uber untuk menjadi merek tidak hanya dikenal untuk produk yang menakjubkan, tetapi untuk yang layanan pelanggan yang mengagumkan. Anda akan memberikan hanya layanan pelanggan terbaik untuk pengendara dan mitra-driver di Indonesia di beberapa platform dukungan: email, live chat / instant messaging dan telepon
Anda yang menawan, alami masalah-solver pengendara dan mitra-driver akan cinta. Anda memahami mereka dan akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk mencapai resolusi yang dibutuhkan. Anda akan menyebabkan pengendara untuk terus naik, dan mitra-driver untuk terus beroperasi pada platform. Anda juga akan menjadi alasan bahwa pengendara dan mitra-driver akan rave tentang merek dan akan menganjurkan bagi kita untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak orang untuk menjadi pengguna dari aplikasi.
Anda ambisius tidak hanya untuk perusahaan dan visi kami, tetapi juga untuk karir Anda . Saat Anda tumbuh dalam organisasi, Anda secara proaktif berbagi bagaimana Anda pikir kita bisa memperbaiki cara kita melakukan hal-hal dan mendorong perubahan ini -. Setelah semua, di Uber, kita merangkul ide-ide baru dan perubahan konstan
Sarjana atau gelar diploma dari lembaga yang baik, setiap bidang
Pengalaman kerja 2 - 5 tahun dalam intensitas tinggi, serba cepat lingkungan
yang sangat baik di kedua menulis dan berbicara bahasa Inggris dan juga dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
pemahaman dan keterampilan menulis yang luar biasa
kemampuan tinggi menggunakan komputer (pengetikan, cepat menavigasi antara berbagai alat) dan software
baik keterampilan pemecahan masalah, mampu menghubungkan secara efektif apa yang pengguna minta dengan jawaban benar masalah mereka
Gairah untuk menciptakan pengalaman dukungan yang melebihi pengguna 'harapan
Kesediaan untuk bekerja dalam lingkungan tim, memberikan kontribusi untuk lingkungan kerja yang sinergis di mana orang belajar dari satu sama lain dan terus meningkatkan proses atas nama pengguna
Kesediaan untuk bekerja pada shift yang berbeda, dengan total 40 jam per minggu, termasuk akhir pekan dan malam mingguan menggeser
Seorang penginjil Uber - Anda sangat peduli tentang produk dan membuat orang lain bersemangat untuk naik dan bermitra dengan Uber
Kerja pengalaman dalam industri customer-centric (ex. Hotel, penerbangan, perbankan)
pengalaman luas berurusan dengan pasar yang berbeda (negara) dan memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang perbedaan budaya
lantai dasar kesempatan dengan tim; membentuk arah perusahaan
Kesempatan langka untuk mengubah dunia seperti yang semua orang di sekitar Anda yang menggunakan produk Anda dibangun
Kita tidak hanya lain aplikasi web sosial, kita bergerak orang yang nyata dan aset dan menciptakan kembali transportasi dan logistik global
Sharp, termotivasi, pekerja keras rekan kerja yang menyenangkan kantor lingkungan
Garis Dasar
Anda akan menjadi bagian dari tim yang hebat. Kami sedang membangun sesuatu yang mengagumkan bahwa kita bisa berbagi dengan dunia. Anda harus siap untuk mendapatkan tangan Anda kotor, tetapi juga berpikir secara strategis dan membawa suara Uber untuk semua orang!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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