Larvae of bees are soft, whitish, legless grubs (Fig. 4-1bd).In mass-p terjemahan - Larvae of bees are soft, whitish, legless grubs (Fig. 4-1bd).In mass-p Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Larvae of bees are soft, whitish, l

Larvae of bees are soft, whitish, legless grubs (Fig. 4-1bd).
In mass-provisioning bees, larvae typically lie on the
upper surface of the food mass and eat what is below and
in front of them, until the food is gone. They commonly
grow rapidly, molting about four times as they do so. The
shed skins are so insubstantial and hard to observe that
for the great majority of bees the number of molts is uncertain.
For the honey bee (Apis) there are five larval instars
(four molts before molting into the pupal stage);
and five is probably the most common number in published
reports such as that of Lucas de Olivera (1960) for
Melipona. In some bees, e.g., most nonparasitic Apinae
other than the corbiculate tribes (i.e., in the old Anthophoridae),
the first stage remains largely within the
chorion, leaving only four subsequent stages (Rozen,
1991b); such development is also prevalent in the Megachilidae.
In the same population of Megachile rotundata
(Fabricius) studied by Whitfield, Richards, and Kveder
(1987), some individuals had four instars and others five.
The first to third instars were almost alike in size in the two
groups, but the terminal fourth instar was intermediate in
size between the last two instars of five-stage larvae.
Markedly different young larvae are found in most
cuckoo bees, i.e., cleptoparasitic bees. These are bees
whose larvae feed on food stored for others; details are
presented in Section 8. Young larvae of many such parasites
have large sclerotized heads and long, curved,
pointed jaws with which they kill the egg or larva of the
host (Figs. 84-5, 91-6, 105-3). They then feed on the
stored food and, after molting, attain the usual grublike
form of bee larvae.
Other atypical larvae are those of allodapine bees,
which live in a common space, rather than as a single larva
per cell, and are mostly fed progressively. Especially in the
last instar, they have diverse projections, tubercles, large
hairs, and sometimes long antennae that probably serve
for sensing the movements of one another and of adults,
and obviously function for holding masses of food and retaining
the larval positions in often vertical nest burrows
(Fig. 90-6). Many of the projections are partly retracted
when the insect is quiet, but when touched with a probe
or otherwise disturbed, they are everted, probably by
blood pressure.
It has been traditional to illustrate accounts of bee larvae
(unfortunately, this is largely not true for adults). The
works of Grandi (culminating in Grandi, 1961), Michener
(1953a), McGinley (1981), and numerous papers by
Rozen provide drawings of mature larvae of many species.
Various other authors have illustrated one or a few larvae
each. Comments on larval structures appear as needed
later in the phylogenetic and systematic parts of this
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Larva lebah yang lembut, keputih-putihan, legless ulat (gambar 4-1bd).Di lebah penyediaan massal, larva biasanya berbaring dipermukaan atas dari makanan massa dan makan yang berada di bawah dandi depan mereka, sampai makanan hilang. Mereka umumnyatumbuh pesat, pergantian kulit sekitar empat kali ketika mereka melakukannya. Thekulit gudang begitu mantelnya dan sulit untuk mengamati bahwauntuk sebagian besar lebah jumlah molts tidak pasti.Untuk lebah madu (Apis) ada lima larva instars(empat molts sebelum menyilih ke tahap kegiatx);dan lima mungkin nomor yang paling umum di diterbitkanLaporan seperti Lucas de Olivera (1960) untukMelipona. Di beberapa lebah, misalnya, paling nonparasitic Apinaelain dari suku corbiculate (yaitu, dalam Anthophoridae lama),tahap pertama tetap sebagian besar dalamchorion, meninggalkan hanya empat tahap berikutnya (Rozen,1991b); Pembangunan tersebut juga lazim di Megachilidae.Dalam populasi yang sama dari Megachile rotundata(Fabricius) dipelajari oleh Whitfield, Richards dan Kveder(1987), beberapa individu mempunyai empat instars dan lain-lain lima.Instars pertama untuk ketiga yang hampir sama dalam ukuran duakelompok, tetapi instar keempat terminal adalah menengah dalamukuran antara dua instars lima tahap larva.Larva muda yang sangat berbeda yang ditemukan di sebagianCuckoo lebah, yaitu, cleptoparasitic lebah. Ini adalah lebahlarva yang memakan makanan yang disimpan untuk orang lain; rinciandisajikan dalam Bab 8. Muda larva banyak parasit sepertihave large sclerotized heads and long, curved,pointed jaws with which they kill the egg or larva of thehost (Figs. 84-5, 91-6, 105-3). They then feed on thestored food and, after molting, attain the usual grublikeform of bee larvae.Other atypical larvae are those of allodapine bees,which live in a common space, rather than as a single larvaper cell, and are mostly fed progressively. Especially in thelast instar, they have diverse projections, tubercles, largehairs, and sometimes long antennae that probably servefor sensing the movements of one another and of adults,and obviously function for holding masses of food and retainingthe larval positions in often vertical nest burrows(Fig. 90-6). Many of the projections are partly retractedwhen the insect is quiet, but when touched with a probeor otherwise disturbed, they are everted, probably byblood pressure.It has been traditional to illustrate accounts of bee larvae(unfortunately, this is largely not true for adults). Theworks of Grandi (culminating in Grandi, 1961), Michener(1953a), McGinley (1981), and numerous papers byRozen provide drawings of mature larvae of many species.Various other authors have illustrated one or a few larvaeeach. Comments on larval structures appear as neededlater in the phylogenetic and systematic parts of thisbook.
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