The content of the request was: Subjugate Goblins that infested the fo terjemahan - The content of the request was: Subjugate Goblins that infested the fo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The content of the request was: Sub

The content of the request was: Subjugate Goblins that infested the forest south of Falnido. At least 5 bodies. 50 copper coins per body are added if any more Goblins are killed than that. Proof of subjugation is an ear.

“Is this expensive, or is it cheap?”

50 copper coins per Goblin. In his calculations, if he killed 4 of them, he could stay overnight in Bear Point Pavillion at Bayreuth from the income.

“It can be said that requests of rank D are in the easy income category. Goblins basically act in groups, so you can earn decent income if you defeat them altogether. Though there is a higher risk to a certain degree, too.”

Cuore explained it to Shin, who looked doubtful at the reward. The rank that was said to recognize an adventurer as finally becoming independent was rank D. People who leveled more than 100 began to appear when it comes to this rank. For such people, they could kill goblins relatively easy.

However, even for low-rank monsters like goblins, there was a possibility of danger when they came in a group. The goblins of THE NEW GATE have levels which range between 10 and 50.

Also in the game, it was a monster that couldn’t be underestimated, though it was only goblin. Many have died, from warrior types to magician types, because the adventurers who had their ranks rise got carried away and challenged them carelessly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The content of the request was: Subjugate Goblins that infested the forest south of Falnido. At least 5 bodies. 50 copper coins per body are added if any more Goblins are killed than that. Proof of subjugation is an ear.“Is this expensive, or is it cheap?”50 copper coins per Goblin. In his calculations, if he killed 4 of them, he could stay overnight in Bear Point Pavillion at Bayreuth from the income.“It can be said that requests of rank D are in the easy income category. Goblins basically act in groups, so you can earn decent income if you defeat them altogether. Though there is a higher risk to a certain degree, too.”Cuore explained it to Shin, who looked doubtful at the reward. The rank that was said to recognize an adventurer as finally becoming independent was rank D. People who leveled more than 100 began to appear when it comes to this rank. For such people, they could kill goblins relatively easy.However, even for low-rank monsters like goblins, there was a possibility of danger when they came in a group. The goblins of THE NEW GATE have levels which range between 10 and 50.Also in the game, it was a monster that couldn’t be underestimated, though it was only goblin. Many have died, from warrior types to magician types, because the adventurers who had their ranks rise got carried away and challenged them carelessly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Isi permintaan itu: menundukkan Goblins yang penuh hutan selatan dari Falnido. Setidaknya 5 mayat. 50 koin tembaga per tubuh ditambahkan jika ada lebih Goblins tewas dari itu. Bukti penaklukan adalah telinga. "Apakah ini mahal, atau itu murah?" Koin 50 tembaga per Goblin. Dalam perhitungannya, jika ia membunuh 4 dari mereka, ia bisa menginap di Bear Point Pavillion di Bayreuth dari pendapatan. "Dapat dikatakan bahwa permintaan dari peringkat D dalam kategori pendapatan mudah. Goblin dasarnya bertindak dalam kelompok, sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan yang layak jika Anda mengalahkan mereka sama sekali. Meskipun ada risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk tingkat tertentu, juga. " Cuore menjelaskan kepada Shin, yang tampak ragu pada pahala. Pangkat yang dikatakan untuk mengenali seorang petualang sebagai akhirnya menjadi mandiri adalah peringkat D. Orang yang diratakan lebih dari 100 mulai muncul ketika datang ke peringkat ini. Bagi orang-orang seperti itu, mereka bisa membunuh goblin relatif mudah. ​​Namun, bahkan untuk peringkat rendah monster seperti goblin, ada kemungkinan bahaya ketika mereka datang dalam kelompok. Goblin dari THE NEW GATE memiliki tingkat yang berkisar antara 10 dan 50. Juga dalam permainan, itu adalah rakasa yang tidak bisa diremehkan, meskipun itu hanya goblin. Banyak yang telah mati, dari jenis prajurit untuk jenis penyihir, karena petualang yang memiliki barisan mereka naik terbawa dan menantang mereka sembarangan.

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