Optimization of the Metals ExtractionAs described in “Procedure for Me terjemahan - Optimization of the Metals ExtractionAs described in “Procedure for Me Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Optimization of the Metals Extracti

Optimization of the Metals Extraction

As described in “Procedure for Metal Extraction,” Zn was
determined in each experiment. In order to facilitate the
data interpretation, these values were normalized, with 100
being the highest value.
Figure 2 shows the probability graphic of the calculated
variables contrasts. The highest contrasts were observed for
mixing type (−24%), sample mass (−17%), and filtration
(−14%). In this case, when the ultrasound was used, a less intensive Zn extraction was observed. In the same way,
when a higher mass (200 mg) was used, poor Zn extraction
was obtained, probably due to a small interaction between
the solid sample and the liquid. In the case of filtration, it
could be observed that when the samples were not filtered,
more Zn was extracted due to the possible particles
introduction into the flame zone and consequently into the
optical path of the equipment. In order to avoid manipulation
and contamination, centrifuging of the samples was
indicated as an alternative for filtration. The other calculated
contrast values (mixing time, acid type, concentration, and
volume) showed negligible values (ranging from −10% to
6%—see the contrasts between the dotted vertical lines in
Fig. 2), thus proving that the use of either HCl or HNO3, for
instance, is of minor importance.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Optimization of the Metals ExtractionAs described in “Procedure for Metal Extraction,” Zn wasdetermined in each experiment. In order to facilitate thedata interpretation, these values were normalized, with 100being the highest value.Figure 2 shows the probability graphic of the calculatedvariables contrasts. The highest contrasts were observed formixing type (−24%), sample mass (−17%), and filtration(−14%). In this case, when the ultrasound was used, a less intensive Zn extraction was observed. In the same way,when a higher mass (200 mg) was used, poor Zn extractionwas obtained, probably due to a small interaction betweenthe solid sample and the liquid. In the case of filtration, itcould be observed that when the samples were not filtered,more Zn was extracted due to the possible particlesintroduction into the flame zone and consequently into theoptical path of the equipment. In order to avoid manipulationand contamination, centrifuging of the samples wasindicated as an alternative for filtration. The other calculatedcontrast values (mixing time, acid type, concentration, andvolume) showed negligible values (ranging from −10% to6%—see the contrasts between the dotted vertical lines inFig. 2), thus proving that the use of either HCl or HNO3, forinstance, is of minor importance.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Optimalisasi Logam Ekstraksi

Seperti yang dijelaskan dalam "Prosedur untuk Logam Ekstraksi," Zn
ditentukan dalam setiap percobaan. Dalam rangka memfasilitasi
interpretasi data, nilai-nilai ini dinormalisasi, dengan 100
menjadi nilai tertinggi.
Gambar 2 menunjukkan grafik probabilitas dihitung
variabel kontras. Kontras tertinggi diamati untuk
mencampur jenis (-24%), sampel massa (-17%), dan filtrasi
(-14%). Dalam hal ini, ketika USG digunakan, ekstraksi Zn kurang intensif diamati. Dengan cara yang sama,
ketika massa yang lebih tinggi (200 mg) digunakan, ekstraksi Zn miskin
diperoleh, mungkin karena interaksi kecil antara
sampel padat dan cair itu. Dalam kasus filtrasi, itu
dapat diamati bahwa ketika sampel tidak disaring,
lebih Zn diekstraksi karena partikel mungkin
pengenalan ke zona api dan akibatnya ke dalam
jalur optik peralatan. Untuk menghindari manipulasi
dan kontaminasi, pemusingan dari sampel
ditunjukkan sebagai alternatif untuk filtrasi. Lainnya dihitung
nilai kontras (waktu pencampuran, jenis asam, konsentrasi, dan
volume) menunjukkan nilai-nilai diabaikan (mulai dari -10% sampai
6% -lihat kontras antara garis vertikal putus-putus di
Gambar. 2), dengan demikian membuktikan bahwa penggunaan baik HCl atau HNO3, untuk
contoh, adalah kurang penting.
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