The house had a five car garage in the back. Miles took me there and g terjemahan - The house had a five car garage in the back. Miles took me there and g Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The house had a five car garage in

The house had a five car garage in the back. Miles took me there and grabbed a set of keys off a pegboard near the door, walking me past a vintage Rolls Royce, a couple of big, black SUVs, and a BMW not unlike the one he owned back in Texas to a classic 1965 Mustang. I almost giggled as I took a seat on its white, faux-leather seats, thinking of one of my favorite movies and the identical red Mustang the main character drove. I’d always wanted to have one of these.
“My mom helped me buy it when I was fifteen, and I restored it myself, mostly. I had some help from the mechanic my father keeps on retainer, but only with the really complicated stuff.”
“It’s beautiful.”
He started the car, and it purred like a dream. And then we were driving through the night air, the convertible roof tucked away and the wind blowing all around us. I sat back and stared at the scenery, fascinated with everything. Miles reached over and touched my thigh, squeezing lightly before pulling away. I moved closer to him and lay my hand on his knee, happy when he didn’t brush it away.
We drove for a while, snaking along back roads surrounded by incredible oaks. I thought we were just going to drive, just keep going until his phone rang or the sun made an appearance over the trees. But then he pulled to the side of the road and jumped out, coming around and helping me out as well.
He held my hand as we walked into the woods. It was dark, and there was a lot of animal activity that didn’t grow as silent as one might imagine at the sound of our footsteps. But there was a smell that was like heaven—trees and flowers and compost—and a sort of peace that felt reassuring, somehow.
And then the trees opened up, and there was a beautiful body of water that was so calm the moon and the stars were reflected perfectly in its inky pool. I let go of Miles’ hand and walked close to the edge, squatting to slip my fingers into the cool water. Little ripples moved away from me, disturbing the calm of the water briefly, but then becoming a part of the beauty of it all.
“I discovered this place not long after I got my driver’s license. I used to come out here all the time, just stand here and stare out at the water. It was incredibly calming.”
“I can imagine.”
“I’m sorry about what happened at the hospital. I’m sorry you had to see all that.”
I stood and wiped my hands on my jeans, my eyes seeking his in the darkness.
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. You didn’t sign up for this.”
I wanted to ask him about the things his father had said and about the accusations he made, but I knew this wasn’t the time or the place. So I turned back to the water.
“What did you do out here?”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you study? Listen to music?” I glanced back at him. “Did you ever swim?”
“A little bit of all that.”
“Did you bring girls here?”
“No. You’re the first.”
I was honored, even though I had to warn myself again to be careful. It was a difficult night. The fact that he’d brought me here didn’t necessarily mean anything.
“I can’t imagine you as a teenager. I suppose you were wildly popular.”
He laughed. “Hardly. I was too tall, too clumsy, and more interested in comic books than sports.”
“I don’t believe that. I bet you had girls chasing you all over campus.”
“Sure. But mostly because of my name, not my looks.”
I shook my head. “Naw. I bet you were that guy that all the girls followed around while whispering about how perfect you were.”
Miles laughed. “If they were, I didn’t notice. I always had a comic book open when I walked down the hall. I walked into open locker doors more often than whispering girls.”
That I could almost imagine. It was actually a pretty endearing image. But I wasn’t going to tell him that.
“There’s always that boy in every high school, the one all the girls fight over, the one they all want to be ‘the one.’ Jimmy Martinez was that one at my school.”
“Did you have a thing for Jimmy Martinez?”
I blushed, glad he couldn’t see it in the dark. “No. I was more interested in Kyle Anderson. He was in all my classes, and he had the most amazing blond hair. I would waste whole class hours wondering what it would be like to wrap those curls around my fingers.”
“A rebel, then.”
“I suppose. Or maybe it had more to do with the fact that he was the only boy in my class I didn’t completely tower over.”
“It sucks being tall.”
I nodded. “Especially for a girl.”
“Hey, guys don’t have it much better. You can’t even begin to guess how many times I’ve hit my head on low ceilings or low door jambs.”
“Probably not as many times as I was called ‘Amazon’ in junior high when I was a full foot taller than most of the boys.”
“They must make them really short in your hometown.”
“No. I’m just an Amazon.”
“But I’ve got you beat by a full five or six inches.”
“Then you must be a giant.”
He grunted, but then it turned into laughter, as he gave me a little shove, catching me with his other hand just before I fell into the water.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The house had a five car garage in the back. Miles took me there and grabbed a set of keys off a pegboard near the door, walking me past a vintage Rolls Royce, a couple of big, black SUVs, and a BMW not unlike the one he owned back in Texas to a classic 1965 Mustang. I almost giggled as I took a seat on its white, faux-leather seats, thinking of one of my favorite movies and the identical red Mustang the main character drove. I’d always wanted to have one of these.“My mom helped me buy it when I was fifteen, and I restored it myself, mostly. I had some help from the mechanic my father keeps on retainer, but only with the really complicated stuff.”“It’s beautiful.”“Yeah.”He started the car, and it purred like a dream. And then we were driving through the night air, the convertible roof tucked away and the wind blowing all around us. I sat back and stared at the scenery, fascinated with everything. Miles reached over and touched my thigh, squeezing lightly before pulling away. I moved closer to him and lay my hand on his knee, happy when he didn’t brush it away.We drove for a while, snaking along back roads surrounded by incredible oaks. I thought we were just going to drive, just keep going until his phone rang or the sun made an appearance over the trees. But then he pulled to the side of the road and jumped out, coming around and helping me out as well.He held my hand as we walked into the woods. It was dark, and there was a lot of animal activity that didn’t grow as silent as one might imagine at the sound of our footsteps. But there was a smell that was like heaven—trees and flowers and compost—and a sort of peace that felt reassuring, somehow.And then the trees opened up, and there was a beautiful body of water that was so calm the moon and the stars were reflected perfectly in its inky pool. I let go of Miles’ hand and walked close to the edge, squatting to slip my fingers into the cool water. Little ripples moved away from me, disturbing the calm of the water briefly, but then becoming a part of the beauty of it all.“I discovered this place not long after I got my driver’s license. I used to come out here all the time, just stand here and stare out at the water. It was incredibly calming.”“I can imagine.”“I’m sorry about what happened at the hospital. I’m sorry you had to see all that.”I stood and wiped my hands on my jeans, my eyes seeking his in the darkness.“It’s okay.”“No, it’s not. You didn’t sign up for this.”I wanted to ask him about the things his father had said and about the accusations he made, but I knew this wasn’t the time or the place. So I turned back to the water.“What did you do out here?”“What do you mean?”“Did you study? Listen to music?” I glanced back at him. “Did you ever swim?”“A little bit of all that.”“Did you bring girls here?”“No. You’re the first.”I was honored, even though I had to warn myself again to be careful. It was a difficult night. The fact that he’d brought me here didn’t necessarily mean anything.“I can’t imagine you as a teenager. I suppose you were wildly popular.”He laughed. “Hardly. I was too tall, too clumsy, and more interested in comic books than sports.”“I don’t believe that. I bet you had girls chasing you all over campus.”“Sure. But mostly because of my name, not my looks.”I shook my head. “Naw. I bet you were that guy that all the girls followed around while whispering about how perfect you were.”Miles laughed. “If they were, I didn’t notice. I always had a comic book open when I walked down the hall. I walked into open locker doors more often than whispering girls.”That I could almost imagine. It was actually a pretty endearing image. But I wasn’t going to tell him that.“There’s always that boy in every high school, the one all the girls fight over, the one they all want to be ‘the one.’ Jimmy Martinez was that one at my school.”“Did you have a thing for Jimmy Martinez?”I blushed, glad he couldn’t see it in the dark. “No. I was more interested in Kyle Anderson. He was in all my classes, and he had the most amazing blond hair. I would waste whole class hours wondering what it would be like to wrap those curls around my fingers.”“A rebel, then.”“I suppose. Or maybe it had more to do with the fact that he was the only boy in my class I didn’t completely tower over.”“It sucks being tall.”I nodded. “Especially for a girl.”“Hey, guys don’t have it much better. You can’t even begin to guess how many times I’ve hit my head on low ceilings or low door jambs.”“Probably not as many times as I was called ‘Amazon’ in junior high when I was a full foot taller than most of the boys.”“They must make them really short in your hometown.”“No. I’m just an Amazon.”“But I’ve got you beat by a full five or six inches.”“Then you must be a giant.”He grunted, but then it turned into laughter, as he gave me a little shove, catching me with his other hand just before I fell into the water.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Rumah memiliki garasi lima mobil di belakang. Miles membawa saya ke sana dan meraih satu set kunci dari sebuah pegboard dekat pintu, berjalan saya melewati vintage Rolls Royce, beberapa besar, SUV hitam, dan BMW tidak berbeda satu miliknya kembali Texas untuk klasik 1965 Mustang . Aku hampir tertawa saat aku mengambil tempat duduk di atas putih, kursi faux-leather nya, memikirkan salah satu film favorit saya dan Mustang merah identik karakter utama melaju. Aku selalu ingin memiliki salah satu dari ini.
"Ibuku membantu saya membelinya ketika saya berusia lima belas tahun, dan saya dikembalikan sendiri, sebagian besar. Aku punya beberapa bantuan dari montir ayah saya terus punggawa, tetapi hanya dengan hal-hal yang benar-benar rumit. "
" Ini indah. "
" Ya. "
Dia mulai mobil, dan mendengkur seperti mimpi. Dan kemudian kita sedang berkendara melalui udara malam, atap convertible tersimpan dan angin bertiup di sekitar kita. Aku duduk kembali dan menatap pemandangan, terpesona dengan segala sesuatu. Miles mengulurkan tangan dan menyentuh paha saya, meremas ringan sebelum menarik diri. Aku mendekati dia dan meletakkan tangan saya di lututnya, bahagia ketika dia tidak mengusapnya.
Kami melaju untuk sementara waktu, mengular di sepanjang jalan-jalan dikelilingi oleh pohon ek yang luar biasa. Saya pikir kami hanya akan mendorong, hanya terus sampai telepon berdering atau matahari membuat penampilan di atas pohon. Tapi kemudian dia menarik ke sisi jalan dan melompat keluar, datang sekitar dan membantu saya keluar juga.
Dia memegang tangan saya saat kami berjalan ke hutan. Itu gelap, dan ada banyak kegiatan hewan yang tidak tumbuh sebagai silent yang dibayangkan pada suara langkah kaki kami. Tapi ada bau yang seperti surga-pohon dan bunga dan kompos-dan semacam kedamaian yang dirasakan meyakinkan, entah bagaimana.
Dan kemudian pohon-pohon membuka, dan ada tubuh yang indah air yang begitu menenangkan bulan dan Diulas tercermin sempurna di kolam renang bertinta nya. Aku melepaskan tangan Miles 'dan berjalan dekat dengan tepi, berjongkok untuk menyelinap jari saya ke dalam air dingin. Riak kecil menjauh dari saya, mengganggu ketenangan air sebentar, tapi kemudian menjadi bagian dari keindahan dari semua itu.
"Saya menemukan tempat ini tidak lama setelah aku SIM saya. Aku digunakan untuk datang ke sini sepanjang waktu, hanya berdiri di sini dan menatap keluar pada air. Itu sangat menenangkan. "
" Saya bisa membayangkan. "
" Aku minta maaf tentang apa yang terjadi di rumah sakit. Maaf Anda harus melihat semua itu. "
Aku berdiri dan menyeka tangan saya pada celana jeans saya, mata saya mencari di kegelapan.
" Tidak apa-apa. "
" Tidak, itu tidak. Anda tidak mendaftar untuk ini. "
Saya ingin bertanya kepadanya tentang hal-hal yang ayahnya mengatakan dan tentang tuduhan yang dibuatnya, tapi aku tahu ini bukan waktu atau tempat. Jadi aku kembali ke air.
"Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?"
"Apa maksudmu?"
"Apakah Anda belajar? Mendengarkan musik? "Aku melirik ke arahnya. "Apakah Anda pernah berenang?"
"Sedikit semua itu."
"Apakah kau membawa gadis-gadis di sini?"
"Tidak. Kau yang pertama. "
Saya merasa terhormat, meskipun saya harus memperingatkan diriku lagi untuk berhati-hati. Itu adalah malam yang sulit. Fakta bahwa ia membawa saya ke sini tidak berarti apa-apa.
"Saya tidak bisa membayangkan Anda sebagai seorang remaja. Saya kira Anda sangat populer. "
Dia tertawa. "Hampir tidak. Saya terlalu tinggi, terlalu kaku, dan lebih tertarik pada buku komik dari olahraga. "
" Saya tidak percaya itu. Saya yakin Anda memiliki gadis-gadis mengejar Anda di seluruh kampus. "
" Tentu. Tetapi karena sebagian besar dari nama saya, tidak saya terlihat. "
Aku menggeleng. "Naw. Aku yakin kau orang yang bahwa semua gadis diikuti sekitar sementara berbisik-bisik tentang bagaimana sempurna Anda. "
Miles tertawa. "Jika mereka, saya tidak melihat. Saya selalu memiliki buku terbuka komik ketika saya berjalan menyusuri lorong. Aku berjalan ke pintu loker terbuka lebih sering daripada berbisik anak perempuan. "
Bahwa aku hampir bisa membayangkan. Itu benar-benar gambar yang cukup menawan. Tapi aku tidak akan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa.
"Selalu ada yang anak di setiap sekolah tinggi, yang semua gadis berebut, yang mereka semua ingin menjadi 'satu'. Jimmy Martinez adalah bahwa satu di sekolah saya. "
" Apakah Anda memiliki hal untuk jimmy Martinez? "
Aku tersipu, senang dia tidak bisa melihat dalam gelap. "Tidak. Saya lebih tertarik pada Kyle Anderson. Dia berada di semua kelas saya, dan dia memiliki rambut pirang yang paling menakjubkan. Saya akan membuang-buang jam seluruh kelas bertanya-tanya apa akan seperti untuk membungkus mereka ikal sekitar jari-jari saya. "
" A pemberontak, kemudian. "
" Saya kira. Atau mungkin itu lebih berkaitan dengan fakta bahwa ia adalah satu-satunya anak laki-laki di kelas saya, saya tidak benar-benar menara di atas. "
" Ini menyebalkan menjadi tinggi. "
Aku mengangguk. "Terutama untuk seorang gadis."
"Hei, kalian tidak memilikinya jauh lebih baik. Anda bahkan tidak bisa mulai menebak berapa kali saya telah memukul kepalaku di langit-langit rendah atau jambs pintu rendah. "
" Mungkin tidak sebanyak yang saya dipanggil 'Amazon' di SMP ketika saya adalah seorang kaki penuh lebih tinggi dari sebagian besar anak laki-laki. "
" mereka harus membuat mereka benar-benar pendek di kota asal Anda. "
" Tidak. Aku hanya Amazon. "
" Tapi aku punya Anda mengalahkan oleh penuh lima atau enam inci. "
" Maka Anda harus raksasa. "
Dia mendengus, tapi kemudian berubah menjadi tawa, karena ia memberi saya sedikit mendorong, menangkap saya dengan tangannya yang lain sebelum aku jatuh ke dalam air.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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