The liberated Rionne was held with one hand by Shin, who jumped back.W terjemahan - The liberated Rionne was held with one hand by Shin, who jumped back.W Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The liberated Rionne was held with

The liberated Rionne was held with one hand by Shin, who jumped back.

With Shin’s leg power, they were able to escape from Gilslay’s attack range in one jump. Tentacles of Gilslay pierced the place where Shin was before just one breath later.

The road they were on used a orichalchum mixture for the pavement. Only the strength of a rampaging middle class Dragon could crack it.

Even so, the tentacles of Gilslay had easily pierced the pavement.

“It penetrated through the orichalcum pavement…”

If it’s Shin’s armor strength, there was no problem receiving any number of attacks, even on his own body. However, knowing the hardness of the pavement, his face was stiff instinctively.

Even though there was no damage, Shin unleashed a single blow and blew out the tentacles. Did the Gislay judge him as a threat? Unlike when it was against Rionne, the Gilslay didn’t go easy.

“Shin, what is that? Is it really a slime?!”

“Calm down first, I’ll explain it to you. That is Gilslay, a monster that is strong at resisting physical attacks. Never confuse that with small-fry slimes from the grassy plains.”

Because it would be a problem if Gilslay charged again, Shin explained briefly what kind of opponent it was to Rionne.

It was indeed troublesome if he plunged into the enemy who didn’t match his power.

“…Sorry, it was careless of me. Even though we are in the Sacred Place.”

“Well, it’s inevitable if you only know about ordinary slimes. Gilslay has a gentle-looking appearance; however, be it slashing or striking, it’s a troublesome opponent since half-hearted attacks are reduced to nothing and have no effect.”

“Ah, it pierced through its body. For my weapon to really be repelled.”

Even though it was a slash without any skill, the attack of 『Muspelm』was repelled.

Looking at Rionne, who nodded seriously, Shin, who for now felt relieved, thought ‘Is this alright?’.

While Rionne was glaring at Gilslay and preparing 『Muspelm』, Shin thought about the plan. It wouldn’t be difficult to separate from Gilslay, as it was a high defense but low agility opponent.

If there was a problem, it lied in its tracking ability.

The monsters who didn’t rely on their five senses could perceive many things such as the opponent’s magic or presence and could pursue them.

Among them, slimes were especially good with this ability. Even if they thought they succeeded in escaping, there were many cases where it actually followed them.

In many places, leaving it alone would lead to more danger. It seemed better to defeat it, Shin concluded.

“This fellow has a considerably high sensing ability. Because we’ve already been targeted, it will chase us for a long time even if we escape. I think I’ll defeat it here, how’s that?”

“I won’t object for my future’s sake, but can you break through that defense, Shin?”

Rionne, who had experienced the firmness of the slime firsthand, had her eyes seem doubtful toward Shin.

The story would have been different if the attribute bestowed upon 『Muspelm』was flame or thunder, but it couldn’t be helped that she said that. Light attributes tended to be very effective against monsters such as undead and ghosts, but it were not very effective towards other monsters.

In other words, since Rionne’s attack was only a physical attack with light attribute, it was ineffective towards Gilslay.

“I’ve got few tricks up my sleeve. I can clear the way to the core, so please destroy the core with your strongest skill. Since the core itself is quite fragile, it should be good to go.”

Generally, monsters with cores were vulnerable to direct attacks on it. It was especially noticeable on the slime group.

It was said that it was the result of balance adjustments for having high defensive power except for the core. So, if given the chance, Shin judged that there would be no problem if it was Rionne’s skill and her weapon’s ability to break the core.

“Shin’s trump card huh? All right then. I’ll leave it to you.”

As if there was no uneasiness, Rionne faced towards the Gilslay.

『Muspelm』was carried on her shoulder and was ready to step up at any time. Rionne would’ve been knocked down by Gilslay if Shin wasn’t there――No, she would have been devoured. The binding force of the tentacles seemed to laugh at Rionne, who resisted desperately. It was frightening just remembering it.

However, with such a strong binding, Shin blew it away with only a single blow, which was why she said she would leave it to Shin.

‘It would be a disgrace as a woman if I didn’t go,’ Rionne thought and let her entire body be filled with power; at the same time, she got rid of idle thoughts from her consciousness.

This world’s mental improvement enhances precision and the power of skills. The original power increased a little, regardless of skills and arts.

Rionne, while waiting for Shin’s signal, prepared the skill that she would unleash.

“I have to meet his expectations.”

Shin took out a card. A blue flame-like pattern was drawn on the surface.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The liberated Rionne was held with one hand by Shin, who jumped back.With Shin’s leg power, they were able to escape from Gilslay’s attack range in one jump. Tentacles of Gilslay pierced the place where Shin was before just one breath later.The road they were on used a orichalchum mixture for the pavement. Only the strength of a rampaging middle class Dragon could crack it.Even so, the tentacles of Gilslay had easily pierced the pavement.“It penetrated through the orichalcum pavement…”If it’s Shin’s armor strength, there was no problem receiving any number of attacks, even on his own body. However, knowing the hardness of the pavement, his face was stiff instinctively.Even though there was no damage, Shin unleashed a single blow and blew out the tentacles. Did the Gislay judge him as a threat? Unlike when it was against Rionne, the Gilslay didn’t go easy.“Shin, what is that? Is it really a slime?!”“Calm down first, I’ll explain it to you. That is Gilslay, a monster that is strong at resisting physical attacks. Never confuse that with small-fry slimes from the grassy plains.”Because it would be a problem if Gilslay charged again, Shin explained briefly what kind of opponent it was to Rionne.It was indeed troublesome if he plunged into the enemy who didn’t match his power.“…Sorry, it was careless of me. Even though we are in the Sacred Place.”“Well, it’s inevitable if you only know about ordinary slimes. Gilslay has a gentle-looking appearance; however, be it slashing or striking, it’s a troublesome opponent since half-hearted attacks are reduced to nothing and have no effect.”“Ah, it pierced through its body. For my weapon to really be repelled.”Even though it was a slash without any skill, the attack of 『Muspelm』was repelled.Looking at Rionne, who nodded seriously, Shin, who for now felt relieved, thought ‘Is this alright?’.While Rionne was glaring at Gilslay and preparing 『Muspelm』, Shin thought about the plan. It wouldn’t be difficult to separate from Gilslay, as it was a high defense but low agility opponent.If there was a problem, it lied in its tracking ability.The monsters who didn’t rely on their five senses could perceive many things such as the opponent’s magic or presence and could pursue them.Among them, slimes were especially good with this ability. Even if they thought they succeeded in escaping, there were many cases where it actually followed them.In many places, leaving it alone would lead to more danger. It seemed better to defeat it, Shin concluded.“This fellow has a considerably high sensing ability. Because we’ve already been targeted, it will chase us for a long time even if we escape. I think I’ll defeat it here, how’s that?”“I won’t object for my future’s sake, but can you break through that defense, Shin?”Rionne, who had experienced the firmness of the slime firsthand, had her eyes seem doubtful toward Shin.The story would have been different if the attribute bestowed upon 『Muspelm』was flame or thunder, but it couldn’t be helped that she said that. Light attributes tended to be very effective against monsters such as undead and ghosts, but it were not very effective towards other monsters.In other words, since Rionne’s attack was only a physical attack with light attribute, it was ineffective towards Gilslay.“I’ve got few tricks up my sleeve. I can clear the way to the core, so please destroy the core with your strongest skill. Since the core itself is quite fragile, it should be good to go.”Generally, monsters with cores were vulnerable to direct attacks on it. It was especially noticeable on the slime group.It was said that it was the result of balance adjustments for having high defensive power except for the core. So, if given the chance, Shin judged that there would be no problem if it was Rionne’s skill and her weapon’s ability to break the core.“Shin’s trump card huh? All right then. I’ll leave it to you.”As if there was no uneasiness, Rionne faced towards the Gilslay.『Muspelm』was carried on her shoulder and was ready to step up at any time. Rionne would’ve been knocked down by Gilslay if Shin wasn’t there――No, she would have been devoured. The binding force of the tentacles seemed to laugh at Rionne, who resisted desperately. It was frightening just remembering it.However, with such a strong binding, Shin blew it away with only a single blow, which was why she said she would leave it to Shin.‘It would be a disgrace as a woman if I didn’t go,’ Rionne thought and let her entire body be filled with power; at the same time, she got rid of idle thoughts from her consciousness.This world’s mental improvement enhances precision and the power of skills. The original power increased a little, regardless of skills and arts.Rionne, while waiting for Shin’s signal, prepared the skill that she would unleash.“I have to meet his expectations.”Shin took out a card. A blue flame-like pattern was drawn on the surface.“
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Rionne dibebaskan diadakan dengan satu tangan oleh Shin, yang melompat kembali. Dengan kekuatan kaki Shin, mereka mampu lolos dari jangkauan serangan Gilslay dalam satu lompatan. Tentakel Gilslay menembus tempat di mana Shin sebelum hanya satu nafas kemudian. Jalan mereka berada di digunakan campuran orichalchum untuk trotoar. Hanya kekuatan kelas menengah mengamuk Naga bisa memecahkannya. Meski begitu, tentakel Gilslay telah dengan mudah menembus trotoar. "Ini menembus melalui trotoar orichalcum ..." Jika itu kekuatan armor Shin, tidak ada masalah menerima sejumlah serangan , bahkan pada tubuhnya sendiri. Namun, mengetahui kekerasan trotoar, wajahnya kaku naluriah. Meskipun tidak ada kerusakan, Shin melepaskan pukulan tunggal dan meniup tentakel. Apakah yang Gislay menilai dia sebagai ancaman? Tidak seperti ketika melawan Rionne, yang Gilslay tidak pergi mudah. ​​"Shin, apa itu? Apakah itu benar-benar lendir ?! " " Tenang pertama, saya akan menjelaskan kepada Anda. Artinya Gilslay, sebuah rakasa yang kuat pada menolak serangan fisik. Tidak pernah bingung bahwa dengan slimes kecil-goreng dari dataran berumput. " Karena itu akan menjadi masalah jika Gilslay dikenakan biaya lagi, Shin menjelaskan secara singkat apa jenis lawan itu untuk Rionne. Itu memang merepotkan jika ia terjun ke musuh yang didn ' t cocok kekuatannya. "... Maaf, itu ceroboh saya. Meskipun kami berada di Sacred Place. " " Nah, itu tak terelakkan jika Anda hanya tahu tentang slimes biasa. Gilslay memiliki penampilan yang lembut tampak; Namun, baik itu memotong atau mencolok, itu adalah lawan merepotkan karena serangan setengah hati direduksi menjadi apa-apa dan tidak memiliki pengaruh. " " Ah, itu menembus tubuhnya. Untuk senjata saya untuk benar-benar akan ditolak. " Meskipun itu sebuah garis miring tanpa skill apapun, serangan「 Muspelm 」berhasil dipukul mundur. Melihat Rionne, yang mengangguk serius, Shin, yang untuk saat ini merasa lega, berpikir 'Apakah ini baik-baik saja? '. Sementara Rionne melotot Gilslay dan mempersiapkan 「Muspelm」, Shin berpikir tentang rencana tersebut. Ini tidak akan sulit untuk memisahkan dari Gilslay, karena itu adalah pertahanan yang tinggi tetapi kelincahan lawan rendah. Jika ada masalah, itu berbohong dalam kemampuan pelacakan. Monster-monster yang tidak bergantung pada pancaindra mereka bisa melihat banyak hal seperti sihir lawan atau kehadiran dan bisa mengejar mereka. Di antara mereka, slimes yang sangat baik dengan kemampuan ini. Bahkan jika mereka pikir mereka berhasil melarikan diri, ada banyak kasus di mana itu benar-benar mengikuti mereka. Di banyak tempat, meninggalkannya sendirian akan menyebabkan lebih banyak bahaya. Tampaknya lebih baik untuk mengalahkannya, Shin menyimpulkan. "Orang ini memiliki kemampuan penginderaan cukup tinggi. Karena kita sudah menjadi target, maka akan mengejar kita untuk waktu yang lama bahkan jika kita melarikan diri. Saya pikir saya akan mengalahkannya di sini, bagaimana itu? " " Aku tidak akan keberatan demi masa depan saya, tetapi dapat Anda menerobos pertahanan itu, Shin? " Rionne, yang pernah mengalami ketegasan lendir secara langsung, memiliki mata tampak ragu terhadap Shin. cerita akan berbeda jika atribut diberikan kepada 「Muspelm」 adalah api atau petir, tetapi tidak dapat membantu bahwa dia mengatakan bahwa. Atribut cahaya cenderung sangat efektif melawan monster seperti mayat hidup dan hantu, tetapi tidak sangat efektif terhadap monster lainnya. Dengan kata lain, sejak serangan Rionne ini hanya serangan fisik dengan atribut cahaya, itu tidak efektif terhadap Gilslay. "Saya punya beberapa trik lengan saya. Aku bisa jelas jalan ke inti, jadi silakan menghancurkan inti dengan keterampilan terkuat Anda. Karena inti itu sendiri cukup rapuh, itu harus baik untuk pergi. " Secara umum, monster dengan core yang rentan terhadap serangan langsung di atasnya. Itu terutama terlihat pada kelompok lendir. Dikatakan bahwa itu adalah hasil dari penyesuaian keseimbangan untuk memiliki kekuatan defensif yang tinggi kecuali untuk inti. Jadi, jika diberi kesempatan, Shin menilai bahwa tidak akan ada masalah jika itu keterampilan Rionne dan kemampuan senjatanya untuk memecahkan inti. "Kartu truf Shin ya? Baiklah kalau begitu. Aku akan pergi kepada Anda. " Seolah-olah tidak ada kegelisahan, Rionne menghadapi menuju Gilslay. 「 Muspelm 」dilakukan di bahunya dan siap untuk melangkah setiap saat. Rionne akan sudah tertabrak Gilslay jika Shin tidak ada - Tidak, dia akan telah melahap. Kekuatan mengikat dari tentakel tampak menertawakan Rionne, yang menolak putus asa. Itu menakutkan hanya mengingat itu. Namun, dengan seperti mengikat kuat, Shin meniup itu pergi dengan hanya satu pukulan, yang mengapa dia berkata dia akan meninggalkan ke Shin. "Ini akan menjadi aib sebagai seorang wanita kalau tidak ' t pergi, "pikir Rionne dan membiarkan seluruh tubuhnya dipenuhi dengan kekuasaan; pada saat yang sama, ia menyingkirkan pikiran menganggur dari kesadarannya. peningkatan jiwa ini dunia meningkatkan presisi dan kekuatan keterampilan. Kekuatan asli meningkat sedikit, terlepas dari keterampilan dan seni. Rionne, sambil menunggu sinyal Shin, menyiapkan skill bahwa dia akan melepaskan. "Saya harus memenuhi harapannya." Shin mengeluarkan kartu. Sebuah pola api-seperti biru digambar di permukaan. "

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