One of the continuing challenges of electronic resources is that techn terjemahan - One of the continuing challenges of electronic resources is that techn Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

One of the continuing challenges of

One of the continuing challenges of electronic resources is that technological
innovation often leads to technological obsolescence. Most technological innovations
have one of two relationships with the previous generation of hardware and software.
The relationship can be one of backward compatibility in which the new technology
accommodates the old. For example, newer CD-ROM drives usually play CD-ROMs
compiled under older standards. This is largely a result of the size and importance of
the installed base of the older technology. It would take a brave standard to render
millions upon millions of CD audio and CD-ROM discs obsolete. It is likely to happen
someday, but not yet. One complication of backward compatibility is the likelihood
that the newer technology is unable to be as innovative, efficient, or radical as it
could be. It represents a compromise between the possible and the achievable.

With many other technologies, the relationship is succession, in which the new
technology supersedes the older technology and leaves it behind. This is the result
when the projected improvements cannot be achieved within the framework of the
old. In another historical (if more recent) example, the larger capacity of the 3.5"
disks depended on a change in the way data is written and read that was incompatible
with the old 5.25" floppy disks. Therefore, the newer disks superseded the old and
produced a large number of old diskettes cannot be read on any current computer. At
the time of the introduction of the smaller diskette size, most computers came with
two disk drives, one for each size. Those users who had stored important data on the
larger floppies had to migrate their data to the new format while the equipment supporting
the old format was available.

Not everyone took advantage of this migration window. Consequently, there are offices
and desk drawers throughout the land that have floppies that are for all practical purposes
unusable. It may be that some large computer labs and specialized data recovery
companies can transfer the content to a more modern format, but this is an undertaking
that most users do not pursue. The floppy diskette is just one more step in a long line of
orphan technologies, ranging from the original 80-column punch cards to computer tapes
of various outmoded sizes, as well as a variety of other computer disk sizes. For data storage,
the DVD and the flash drive are rapidly replacing CD-ROMs and other disks.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
One of the continuing challenges of electronic resources is that technologicalinnovation often leads to technological obsolescence. Most technological innovationshave one of two relationships with the previous generation of hardware and software.The relationship can be one of backward compatibility in which the new technologyaccommodates the old. For example, newer CD-ROM drives usually play CD-ROMscompiled under older standards. This is largely a result of the size and importance ofthe installed base of the older technology. It would take a brave standard to rendermillions upon millions of CD audio and CD-ROM discs obsolete. It is likely to happensomeday, but not yet. One complication of backward compatibility is the likelihoodthat the newer technology is unable to be as innovative, efficient, or radical as itcould be. It represents a compromise between the possible and the achievable.With many other technologies, the relationship is succession, in which the newtechnology supersedes the older technology and leaves it behind. This is the resultwhen the projected improvements cannot be achieved within the framework of theold. In another historical (if more recent) example, the larger capacity of the 3.5"disks depended on a change in the way data is written and read that was incompatiblewith the old 5.25" floppy disks. Therefore, the newer disks superseded the old andproduced a large number of old diskettes cannot be read on any current computer. Atthe time of the introduction of the smaller diskette size, most computers came withtwo disk drives, one for each size. Those users who had stored important data on thelarger floppies had to migrate their data to the new format while the equipment supportingthe old format was available.Not everyone took advantage of this migration window. Consequently, there are officesand desk drawers throughout the land that have floppies that are for all practical purposesunusable. It may be that some large computer labs and specialized data recoverycompanies can transfer the content to a more modern format, but this is an undertakingthat most users do not pursue. The floppy diskette is just one more step in a long line oforphan technologies, ranging from the original 80-column punch cards to computer tapesof various outmoded sizes, as well as a variety of other computer disk sizes. For data storage,the DVD and the flash drive are rapidly replacing CD-ROMs and other disks.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Salah satu tantangan terus sumber daya elektronik adalah bahwa teknologi
inovasi sering menyebabkan usang teknologi. Kebanyakan inovasi teknologi
memiliki salah satu dari dua hubungan dengan generasi sebelumnya perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak.
Hubungan bisa menjadi salah satu kompatibilitas di mana teknologi baru
mengakomodasi lama. Misalnya, baru CD-ROM drive biasanya memutar CD-ROM
dikompilasi di bawah standar yang lebih tua. Ini sebagian besar merupakan hasil dari ukuran dan pentingnya
dasar terinstal teknologi yang lebih tua. Ini akan mengambil standar berani untuk membuat
berjuta-juta CD audio dan cakram CD-ROM usang. Hal ini mungkin terjadi
suatu hari nanti, tapi belum. Salah satu komplikasi kompatibilitas adalah kemungkinan
bahwa teknologi baru tidak dapat menjadi seperti inovatif, efisien, atau radikal seperti itu
bisa. Ini merupakan kompromi antara mungkin dan dapat dicapai.

Dengan banyak teknologi lain, hubungan itu suksesi, di mana baru
teknologi menggantikan teknologi yang lebih tua dan meninggalkan di belakang. Ini adalah hasil
ketika perbaikan diproyeksikan tidak dapat dicapai dalam kerangka
tua. Dalam sejarah (jika lebih baru) contoh lain, kapasitas yang lebih besar dari 3,5 "
disk tergantung pada perubahan dalam cara data ditulis dan dibaca itu tidak sesuai
dengan yang lama 5,25" floppy disk. Oleh karena itu, disk baru menggantikan yang lama dan
menghasilkan sejumlah besar disket lama tidak dapat dibaca pada setiap komputer saat ini. Pada
saat pengenalan ukuran disket kecil, kebanyakan komputer datang dengan
dua disk drive, satu untuk setiap ukuran. Para pengguna yang telah disimpan data penting pada
disket yang lebih besar harus bermigrasi data mereka ke format baru sementara peralatan pendukung
format lama yang tersedia.

Tidak semua orang mengambil keuntungan dari jendela migrasi ini. Akibatnya, ada kantor
dan meja laci di seluruh negeri yang memiliki disket yang untuk semua tujuan praktis
tidak dapat digunakan. Mungkin beberapa laboratorium komputer besar dan pemulihan data khusus
perusahaan dapat mentransfer konten ke format yang lebih modern, tapi ini adalah suatu usaha
yang sebagian besar pengguna tidak mengejar. Floppy disket adalah satu langkah lebih dalam garis panjang dari
teknologi yatim, mulai dari kartu punch 80-kolom awal kaset komputer
dari berbagai ukuran ketinggalan zaman, serta berbagai ukuran disk komputer lainnya. Untuk penyimpanan data,
DVD dan flash drive dengan cepat menggantikan CD-ROM dan disk lainnya.
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