is a critical lower limit in water content below which enzymes willnot terjemahan - is a critical lower limit in water content below which enzymes willnot Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

is a critical lower limit in water

is a critical lower limit in water content below which enzymes will
not be able to maintain their catalytic activities. However, too
much water can lead to undesired enzyme-catalyzed side reactions
such as hydrolysis (Kim, Garcia, & Hill, 2010). In the acidolysis
reaction, excess hydrolysis can adversely affect the yield of PC.
Application of vacuum is known to favour esterification in terms
of thermodynamics, by removing produced water (Rosu, Iwasaki,
Shimidzu, Doisaki, & Yamane, 1998). Thus, vacuum was applied
here to enhance the yield of PC via immobilized PLA1-catalyzed
esterification of n3 PUFA and LPC, the latter of which was initially
released by acidolysis. For these trials, water content, temperature,
enzyme loading, and molar ratio of PC to fatty acid were maintained
at 1.0% (based on total substrate weight), 55 C, 20% (based
on total substrate weight), and 1:8, respectively. Under these reac-
tion conditions, a sharp increase in incorporation of n3 PUFA was
observed whereas the yield of PC decreased significantly during
the first 3 h of reaction under atmospheric pressure. Meanwhile,
there were no significant differences in the incorporation and yield
after 9 h of reaction. Therefore, 3 and 9 h from the start of reaction
were selected as two different points for vacuum application. In
addition, as a reference, vacuum was applied continuously
throughout an entire reaction course. At each point of vacuum
application, the pressure of the reaction system was controlled at
0.7 kPa. The effect of vacuum on acidolysis reaction is shown in
Fig. 5. For reference trials in which vacuum was applied continuously
from the start of the reaction, the incorporation of n3 PUFA
into PC was negligible even though the yield of PC remained over
90 mol% throughout the reaction. Meanwhile, for the trials in
which vacuum was applied after 3 and 9 h from the start of
reaction, the yields of PC increased drastically as reaction time
increased whereas the extent of incorporation of n3 PUFA some-
what decreased after vacuum was applied. For example, for the trials
in which vacuum was applied after 3 h from the start of
reaction, the incorporation of n3 PUFA, and yield of PC were
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
adalah batas kritis kandungan air di bawah ini yang enzim akantidak akan mampu mempertahankan kegiatan katalitik mereka. Namun, terlalubanyak air dapat menyebabkan reaksi samping yang tidak diinginkan dikatalisasi enzimseperti hidrolisis (Kim, Garcia, & Hill, 2010). Di acidolysisreaksi, kelebihan hidrolisis dapat mempengaruhi hasil dari PC.Penerapan vakum dikenal untuk mendukung esterification dalam istilahtermodinamika, dengan menghapus diproduksi air (Rosu, Iwasaki,Shimidzu, Doisaki, & Yamane, 1998). Dengan demikian, vakum diterapkandi sini untuk meningkatkan hasil dari PC melalui bergerak dikatalisasi PLA1esterification n 3 PUFA dan LPC, yang pada awalnyadirilis oleh acidolysis. Untuk percobaan ini, kadar air, suhu,enzim loading, dan rasio molar antara PC untuk asam lemak yang dipertahankandi 1,0% (berdasarkan berat total substrat), 55 C, 20% (berdasarkanpada substrat total berat), dan 1:8, masing-masing. Di bawah ini reac-kondisi tion, peningkatan tajam dalam penggabungan n 3 PUFA adalahdiamati sedangkan hasil PC menurun significantly selamaposisi 3 h reaksi di bawah tekanan atmosfer. Sementara itu,ada tidak ada perbedaan significant dalam penggabungan dan hasilsetelah 9 h reaksi. Oleh karena itu, 3 dan 9 h dari awal reaksidipilih sebagai dua titik yang berbeda untuk aplikasi vakum. DalamSelain itu, sebagai referensi, vakum diterapkan secara terus menerusseluruh kursus seluruh reaksi. Pada setiap titik vakumaplikasi, tekanan sistem reaksi dikendalikan di0.7 kPa. Efek vakum pada reaksi acidolysis ditampilkan dalamGambar 5. Untuk referensi percobaan di mana vakum diterapkan secara terus menerusdari awal reaksi, penggabungan n 3 PUFAke PC itu diabaikan meskipun hasil dari PC tetap selamamol 90% sepanjang reaksi. Sementara itu, untuk ujian dalamvakum yang diterapkan setelah 3 dan 9 h dari awalreaksi, hasil PC meningkat secara drastis sebagai waktu reaksipeningkatan sedangkan sejauh pendirian n 3 PUFA beberapa -apa menurun setelah vakum diterapkan. Misalnya, untuk ujiandi mana vakum diterapkan setelah 3 h dari awalreaksi, penggabungan n 3 PUFA, dan hasil dari PC
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