Selling Costs (dollars)Level of Sales (dollars)|Fig. 15.5|Break-Even C terjemahan - Selling Costs (dollars)Level of Sales (dollars)|Fig. 15.5|Break-Even C Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Selling Costs (dollars)Level of Sal

Selling Costs (dollars)
Level of Sales (dollars)
|Fig. 15.5|
Break-Even Cost
Chart for the Choice
between a Company
Sales Force and
a Manufacturer’s
Sales Agency
Training and Motivating Channel Members
A company needs to view its intermediaries the same way it views its end users. It should determine
their needs and wants and tailor its channel offering to provide them with superior value.
Carefully implemented training, market research, and other capability-building programs can
motivate and improve intermediaries’ performance. The company must constantly communicate
that intermediaries are crucial partners in a joint effort to satisfy end users of the product.Microsoft
requires its third-party service engineers to complete a set of courses and take certification exams.
Those who pass are formally recognized as Microsoft Certified Professionals and can use this designation
to promote their own business. Other firms use customer surveys rather than exams.
CHANNEL POWER Producers vary greatly in their skill in managing distributors.
Channel power is the ability to alter channel members’ behavior so they take actions they
would not have taken otherwise.31 Manufacturers can draw on the following types of power to
elicit cooperation:
• Coercive power. A manufacturer threatens to withdraw a resource or terminate a relationship
if intermediaries fail to cooperate. This power can be effective, but its exercise produces resentment
and can lead the intermediaries to organize countervailing power.
• Reward power. The manufacturer offers intermediaries an extra benefit for performing specific
acts or functions.Reward power typically produces better results than coercive power, but intermediaries
may come to expect a reward every time the manufacturer wants a certain behavior to occur.
• Legitimate power. The manufacturer requests a behavior that is warranted under the contract.As
long as the intermediaries view the manufacturer as a legitimate leader, legitimate power works.
• Expert power. The manufacturer has special knowledge the intermediaries value. Once the
intermediaries acquire this expertise, however, expert power weakens. The manufacturer
must continue to develop new expertise so intermediaries will want to continue cooperating.
• Referent power. The manufacturer is so highly respected that intermediaries are proud to be
associated with it. Companies such as IBM, Caterpillar, and Hewlett-Packard have high
referent power.32
Coercive and reward power are objectively observable; legitimate, expert, and referent power are
more subjective and depend on the ability and willingness of parties to recognize them.
Most producers see gaining intermediaries’ cooperation as a huge challenge. They often use positive
motivators, such as higher margins, special deals, premiums, cooperative advertising allowances,
display allowances, and sales contests. At times they will apply negative sanctions, such as
threatening to reduce margins, slow down delivery, or terminate the relationship. The weakness of
this approach is that the producer is using crude, stimulus-response thinking.
In many cases, retailers hold the power.Manufacturers offer the nation’s supermarkets between 150
and 250 new items each week, of which store buyers reject over 70 percent.Manufacturers need to know
the acceptance criteria buyers, buying committees, and store managers use.ACNielsen interviews found
that store managers were most influenced by (in order of importance) strong evidence of consumer acceptance,
a well-designed advertising and sales promotion plan, and generous financial incentives.
CHANNEL PARTNERSHIPS More sophisticated companies try to forge a long-term
partnership with distributors.33 The manufacturer clearly communicates what it wants from its
distributors in the way of market coverage, inventory levels, marketing development, account
solicitation, technical advice and services, and marketing information and may introduce a
compensation plan for adhering to the policies.
To streamline the supply chain and cut costs, many manufacturers and retailers have adopted
efficient consumer response (ECR) practices to organize their relationships in three areas: (1)
demand side management or collaborative practices to stimulate consumer demand by promoting
joint marketing and sales activities, (2) supply side management or collaborative practices to
optimize supply (with a focus on joint logistics and supply chain activities), and (3) enablers and
integrators, or collaborative information technology and process improvement tools to support
joint activities that reduce operational problems, allow greater standardization, and so on.
Research has shown that although ECR has a positive impact on manufacturers’ economic performance
and capability development, manufacturers may also feel they are inequitably sharing the
burdens of adopting it and not getting as much as they deserve from retailers.34
Evaluating Channel Members
Producers must periodically evaluate intermediaries’ performance against such standards as salesquota
attainment, average inventory levels, customer delivery time, treatment of damaged and
lost goods, and cooperation in promotional and training programs. A producer will occasionally
discover it is overpaying particular intermediaries for what they are actually doing. One manufacturer
compensating a distributor for holding inventories found the inventories were actually held
in a public warehouse at its own expense. Producers should set up functional discounts in which
they pay specified amounts for the trade channel’s performance of each agreed upon service.
Underperformers need to be counseled, retrained, motivated, or terminated.
Modifying Channel Design and Arrangements
No channel strategy remains effective over the whole product life cycle. In competitive markets
with low entry barriers, the optimal channel structure will inevitably change over time. The change
could mean adding or dropping individual market channels or channel members or developing a
totally new way to sell goods.
CHANNEL EVOLUTION A new firm typically starts as a local operation selling in a fairly
circumscribed market, using a few existing intermediaries. Identifying the best channels might not
be a problem; the problem is often to convince the available intermediaries to handle the firm’s line.
If the firm is successful, it might branch into new markets with different channels. In smaller
markets, the firm might sell directly to retailers; in larger markets, through distributors. In rural
areas, it might work with general-goods merchants; in urban areas, with limited-line merchants. It
might grant exclusive franchises or sell through all willing outlets. In one country, it might use
international sales agents; in another, it might partner with a local firm.
Early buyers might be willing to pay for high-value-added channels, but later buyers will switch
to lower-cost channels. Small office copiers were first sold by manufacturers’ direct sales forces, later
through office equipment dealers, still later through mass merchandisers, and now by mail-order
firms and Internet marketers.
In short, the channel system evolves as a function of local opportunities and conditions, emerging
threats and opportunities, company resources and capabilities, and other factors. Consider some of
the challenges Dell has encountered in recent years.35
Dell Dell revolutionized the personal computer category by selling directly to customers
via the telephone and later the Internet. Customers could custom-design the exact PC they
wanted, and rigorous cost cutting allowed for low everyday prices. Sound like a winning formula?
It was for almost two decades. But by 2006, the company was encountering problems that led to
a steep stock price decline. First, reinvigorated competitors such as HP narrowed the gap in productivity
and price. Always focused more on the business market, Dell struggled to sell effectively to the consumer
market. A shift in consumer preferences to buying in retail stores didn’t help, but self-inflicted damage
from an ultra-efficient supply chain model that squeezed costs—and quality—out of customer service was
perhaps the most painful. Managers evaluated call center employees primarily on how quickly they finished
each call—a recipe for disaster as scores of customers felt their problems were ignored or not properly handled.

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Selling Costs (dollars)Level of Sales (dollars)|Fig. 15.5|Break-Even CostChart for the Choicebetween a CompanySales Force anda Manufacturer’sSales Agency428 PART 6 DELIVERING VALUETraining and Motivating Channel MembersA company needs to view its intermediaries the same way it views its end users. It should determinetheir needs and wants and tailor its channel offering to provide them with superior value.Carefully implemented training, market research, and other capability-building programs canmotivate and improve intermediaries’ performance. The company must constantly communicatethat intermediaries are crucial partners in a joint effort to satisfy end users of the product.Microsoftrequires its third-party service engineers to complete a set of courses and take certification exams.Those who pass are formally recognized as Microsoft Certified Professionals and can use this designationto promote their own business. Other firms use customer surveys rather than exams.CHANNEL POWER Producers vary greatly in their skill in managing distributors.Channel power is the ability to alter channel members’ behavior so they take actions theywould not have taken otherwise.31 Manufacturers can draw on the following types of power toelicit cooperation:• Coercive power. A manufacturer threatens to withdraw a resource or terminate a relationshipif intermediaries fail to cooperate. This power can be effective, but its exercise produces resentmentand can lead the intermediaries to organize countervailing power.• Reward power. The manufacturer offers intermediaries an extra benefit for performing specificacts or functions.Reward power typically produces better results than coercive power, but intermediariesmay come to expect a reward every time the manufacturer wants a certain behavior to occur.• Legitimate power. The manufacturer requests a behavior that is warranted under the contract.Aslong as the intermediaries view the manufacturer as a legitimate leader, legitimate power works.• Expert power. The manufacturer has special knowledge the intermediaries value. Once theintermediaries acquire this expertise, however, expert power weakens. The manufacturermust continue to develop new expertise so intermediaries will want to continue cooperating.• Referent power. The manufacturer is so highly respected that intermediaries are proud to beassociated with it. Companies such as IBM, Caterpillar, and Hewlett-Packard have highreferent power.32Coercive and reward power are objectively observable; legitimate, expert, and referent power aremore subjective and depend on the ability and willingness of parties to recognize them.Most producers see gaining intermediaries’ cooperation as a huge challenge. They often use positivemotivators, such as higher margins, special deals, premiums, cooperative advertising allowances,display allowances, and sales contests. At times they will apply negative sanctions, such asthreatening to reduce margins, slow down delivery, or terminate the relationship. The weakness ofthis approach is that the producer is using crude, stimulus-response thinking.In many cases, retailers hold the power.Manufacturers offer the nation’s supermarkets between 150and 250 new items each week, of which store buyers reject over 70 percent.Manufacturers need to knowthe acceptance criteria buyers, buying committees, and store managers use.ACNielsen interviews foundthat store managers were most influenced by (in order of importance) strong evidence of consumer acceptance,a well-designed advertising and sales promotion plan, and generous financial incentives.CHANNEL PARTNERSHIPS More sophisticated companies try to forge a long-termpartnership with distributors.33 The manufacturer clearly communicates what it wants from itsdistributors in the way of market coverage, inventory levels, marketing development, accountsolicitation, technical advice and services, and marketing information and may introduce acompensation plan for adhering to the policies.To streamline the supply chain and cut costs, many manufacturers and retailers have adoptedefficient consumer response (ECR) practices to organize their relationships in three areas: (1)demand side management or collaborative practices to stimulate consumer demand by promotingjoint marketing and sales activities, (2) supply side management or collaborative practices tooptimize supply (with a focus on joint logistics and supply chain activities), and (3) enablers and
integrators, or collaborative information technology and process improvement tools to support
joint activities that reduce operational problems, allow greater standardization, and so on.
Research has shown that although ECR has a positive impact on manufacturers’ economic performance
and capability development, manufacturers may also feel they are inequitably sharing the
burdens of adopting it and not getting as much as they deserve from retailers.34
Evaluating Channel Members
Producers must periodically evaluate intermediaries’ performance against such standards as salesquota
attainment, average inventory levels, customer delivery time, treatment of damaged and
lost goods, and cooperation in promotional and training programs. A producer will occasionally
discover it is overpaying particular intermediaries for what they are actually doing. One manufacturer
compensating a distributor for holding inventories found the inventories were actually held
in a public warehouse at its own expense. Producers should set up functional discounts in which
they pay specified amounts for the trade channel’s performance of each agreed upon service.
Underperformers need to be counseled, retrained, motivated, or terminated.
Modifying Channel Design and Arrangements
No channel strategy remains effective over the whole product life cycle. In competitive markets
with low entry barriers, the optimal channel structure will inevitably change over time. The change
could mean adding or dropping individual market channels or channel members or developing a
totally new way to sell goods.
CHANNEL EVOLUTION A new firm typically starts as a local operation selling in a fairly
circumscribed market, using a few existing intermediaries. Identifying the best channels might not
be a problem; the problem is often to convince the available intermediaries to handle the firm’s line.
If the firm is successful, it might branch into new markets with different channels. In smaller
markets, the firm might sell directly to retailers; in larger markets, through distributors. In rural
areas, it might work with general-goods merchants; in urban areas, with limited-line merchants. It
might grant exclusive franchises or sell through all willing outlets. In one country, it might use
international sales agents; in another, it might partner with a local firm.
Early buyers might be willing to pay for high-value-added channels, but later buyers will switch
to lower-cost channels. Small office copiers were first sold by manufacturers’ direct sales forces, later
through office equipment dealers, still later through mass merchandisers, and now by mail-order
firms and Internet marketers.
In short, the channel system evolves as a function of local opportunities and conditions, emerging
threats and opportunities, company resources and capabilities, and other factors. Consider some of
the challenges Dell has encountered in recent years.35
Dell Dell revolutionized the personal computer category by selling directly to customers
via the telephone and later the Internet. Customers could custom-design the exact PC they
wanted, and rigorous cost cutting allowed for low everyday prices. Sound like a winning formula?
It was for almost two decades. But by 2006, the company was encountering problems that led to
a steep stock price decline. First, reinvigorated competitors such as HP narrowed the gap in productivity
and price. Always focused more on the business market, Dell struggled to sell effectively to the consumer
market. A shift in consumer preferences to buying in retail stores didn’t help, but self-inflicted damage
from an ultra-efficient supply chain model that squeezed costs—and quality—out of customer service was
perhaps the most painful. Managers evaluated call center employees primarily on how quickly they finished
each call—a recipe for disaster as scores of customers felt their problems were ignored or not properly handled.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jual Biaya (dolar)
Tingkat Penjualan (dolar)
| Gambar. 15,5 |
Impas Biaya
Chart untuk Pilihan
antara Perusahaan
Sales Force dan
seorang Produsen
Badan Penjualan
Pelatihan dan Memotivasi Saluran Anggota
Sebuah perusahaan perlu melihat perantara yang dengan cara yang sama itu memandang pengguna akhir. Ini harus menentukan
kebutuhan dan keinginan mereka dan menyesuaikan saluran korban untuk menyediakan mereka dengan nilai superior.
Pelatihan hati-hati diterapkan, riset pasar, dan program kemampuan-bangunan lainnya dapat
memotivasi dan meningkatkan kinerja perantara '. Perusahaan harus terus berkomunikasi
yang perantara adalah mitra penting dalam upaya bersama untuk memuaskan pengguna akhir product.Microsoft
membutuhkan insinyur layanan pihak ketiga untuk menyelesaikan satu set program dan mengambil ujian sertifikasi.
Mereka yang lulus secara resmi diakui sebagai Microsoft Certified profesional dan dapat menggunakan sebutan ini
untuk mempromosikan bisnis mereka sendiri. Perusahaan lain menggunakan survei pelanggan daripada ujian.
CHANNEL DAYA Produsen sangat bervariasi dalam keterampilan mereka dalam mengelola distributor.
Daya Channel adalah kemampuan untuk mengubah perilaku anggota saluran 'sehingga mereka mengambil tindakan mereka
tidak akan mengambil otherwise.31 Produsen dapat menarik berikut jenis kekuatan untuk
memperoleh kerjasama:
• kekuatan koersif. Sebuah produsen mengancam untuk menarik sumber daya atau mengakhiri hubungan
jika perantara gagal untuk bekerja sama. Kekuatan ini bisa efektif, namun latihan yang menghasilkan kebencian
dan dapat memimpin perantara untuk mengatur kekuatan countervailing.
• Reward listrik. Produsen menawarkan perantara manfaat tambahan untuk melakukan spesifik
tindakan atau kekuasaan functions.Reward biasanya menghasilkan hasil yang lebih baik daripada kekuasaan koersif, tetapi perantara
mungkin datang untuk mengharapkan hadiah setiap kali produsen ingin perilaku tertentu terjadi.
• kekuatan yang sah. Produsen meminta perilaku yang dibenarkan di bawah contract.As
selama perantara melihat produsen sebagai pemimpin yang sah, karya kekuasaan yang sah.
• daya Expert. Produsen memiliki pengetahuan khusus nilai perantara. Setelah
perantara memperoleh keahlian ini, bagaimanapun, daya ahli melemahkan. Produsen
harus terus mengembangkan keahlian baru sehingga perantara akan ingin terus bekerja sama.
• daya Referent. Pabrikan begitu sangat dihormati bahwa perantara bangga akan
terkait dengan itu. Perusahaan seperti IBM, Caterpillar, dan Hewlett-Packard memiliki tinggi
rujukan power.32
koersif dan kekuasaan imbalan secara objektif dapat diamati; sah, ahli, dan kekuasaan rujukan yang
lebih subjektif dan tergantung pada kemampuan dan kemauan dari pihak untuk mengenali mereka.
Sebagian besar produsen melihat mendapatkan kerjasama perantara 'sebagai tantangan besar. Mereka sering menggunakan positif
motivator, seperti margin yang lebih tinggi, penawaran khusus, premi, tunjangan iklan koperasi,
tunjangan layar, dan kontes penjualan. Pada saat mereka akan menerapkan sanksi negatif, seperti
mengancam untuk mengurangi margin, memperlambat pengiriman, atau mengakhiri hubungan. Kelemahan
pendekatan ini adalah bahwa produsen menggunakan pemikiran mentah, stimulus-respon.
Dalam banyak kasus, pengecer tahan power.Manufacturers menawarkan supermarket bangsa antara 150
dan 250 item baru setiap minggu, yang menyimpan pembeli menolak lebih dari 70 persen. Produsen perlu mengetahui
kriteria penerimaan pembeli, membeli komite, dan wawancara manajer toko use.ACNielsen menemukan
bahwa manajer toko yang paling dipengaruhi oleh (dalam urutan kepentingan) bukti kuat dari penerimaan konsumen,
iklan dan promosi penjualan rencana yang dirancang dengan baik, dan insentif keuangan yang murah hati.
KEMITRAAN CHANNEL perusahaan yang lebih canggih mencoba untuk menempa jangka panjang
kemitraan dengan produsen distributors.33 jelas berkomunikasi apa yang ingin dari yang
distributor di jalan cakupan pasar, tingkat persediaan, pengembangan pemasaran, akun
ajakan, saran teknis dan layanan, dan informasi pemasaran dan dapat
memperkenalkan. rencana kompensasi untuk berpegang pada kebijakan
Untuk merampingkan rantai suplai dan memotong biaya, banyak produsen dan pengecer telah mengadopsi
respon konsumen yang efisien (ECR) praktek untuk mengatur hubungan mereka dalam tiga bidang: (1)
manajemen sisi permintaan atau praktik kolaboratif untuk merangsang permintaan konsumen dengan mempromosikan
pemasaran bersama dan kegiatan penjualan, (2) manajemen sisi penawaran atau praktik kolaboratif untuk
mengoptimalkan pasokan (dengan fokus pada logistik bersama dan kegiatan rantai pasokan), dan (3) enabler dan
integrator , atau kolaboratif teknologi informasi dan alat-alat perbaikan proses untuk mendukung
kegiatan bersama yang mengurangi masalah operasional, memungkinkan standardisasi yang lebih besar, dan sebagainya.
Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa meskipun ECR memiliki dampak positif pada kinerja ekonomi produsen
'dan pengembangan kemampuan, produsen juga mungkin merasa mereka yang tidak adil berbagi
beban mengadopsi itu dan tidak mendapatkan sebanyak yang mereka layak dari retailers.34
Mengevaluasi Saluran Anggota
Produsen berkala harus mengevaluasi kinerja perantara 'terhadap standar seperti salesquota
pencapaian, tingkat persediaan rata, waktu pengiriman pelanggan, pengobatan rusak dan
barang hilang, dan kerjasama dalam program promosi dan pelatihan. Seorang produser kadang-kadang akan
menemukan itu membayar lebih perantara khusus untuk apa yang mereka benar-benar melakukan. Salah satu produsen
kompensasi distributor untuk menyimpan persediaan menemukan persediaan sebenarnya diadakan
di gudang publik atas biaya sendiri. Produsen harus mengatur diskon fungsional di mana
mereka membayar jumlah tertentu untuk kinerja saluran perdagangan yang masing-masing disepakati layanan.
Underperformers perlu menasihati, dilatih ulang, termotivasi, atau dihentikan.
Memodifikasi Saluran Desain dan Tata
Tidak ada strategi saluran tetap berlaku atas seluruh produk lingkaran kehidupan. Di pasar yang kompetitif
dengan hambatan masuk yang rendah, struktur saluran yang optimal pasti akan berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Perubahan ini
bisa berarti menambah atau menjatuhkan saluran pasar individu atau anggota saluran atau mengembangkan
cara yang sama sekali baru untuk menjual barang.
CHANNEL EVOLUTION Sebuah perusahaan baru biasanya dimulai sebagai operasi lokal yang menjual dalam cukup
pasar dibatasi, menggunakan beberapa perantara yang ada. Mengidentifikasi saluran terbaik mungkin tidak
menjadi masalah; masalahnya adalah seringkali meyakinkan perantara yang tersedia untuk menangani lini perusahaan.
Jika perusahaan berhasil, mungkin cabang ke pasar baru dengan saluran yang berbeda. Dalam kecil
pasar, perusahaan mungkin menjual langsung ke pengecer; di pasar yang lebih besar, melalui distributor. Di pedesaan
daerah, mungkin bekerja dengan pedagang umum-barang; di daerah perkotaan, dengan pedagang terbatas-line. Ini
mungkin memberikan waralaba eksklusif atau menjual melalui semua outlet bersedia. Di satu negara, mungkin menggunakan
agen penjualan internasional; di lain, mungkin bermitra dengan perusahaan lokal.
pembeli awal mungkin bersedia membayar untuk saluran tinggi nilai-tambah, tetapi pembeli kemudian akan beralih
ke saluran-biaya yang lebih rendah. Mesin fotokopi kantor kecil pertama kali dijual oleh langsung pasukan penjualan produsen ', kemudian
melalui dealer peralatan kantor, masih kemudian melalui merchandiser massa, dan sekarang dengan mail-order
perusahaan dan internet marketer.
Singkatnya, sistem saluran berkembang sebagai fungsi peluang lokal dan kondisi, muncul
ancaman dan peluang, sumber daya perusahaan dan kemampuan, dan faktor lainnya. Pertimbangkan beberapa
tantangan Dell telah ditemui dalam years.35 terakhir
Dell Dell merevolusi kategori komputer pribadi dengan menjual langsung kepada pelanggan
melalui telepon dan kemudian internet. Pelanggan bisa custom-desain PC yang tepat mereka
inginkan, dan pemotongan biaya yang ketat diperbolehkan untuk harga murah setiap hari. Terdengar seperti formula kemenangan?
Itu selama hampir dua dekade. Tapi pada tahun 2006, perusahaan ini menghadapi masalah yang menyebabkan
curam penurunan harga saham. Pertama, pesaing kebangkitan seperti HP mempersempit kesenjangan produktivitas
dan harga. Selalu lebih terfokus pada pasar bisnis, Dell berjuang untuk menjual secara efektif kepada konsumen
pasar. Sebuah pergeseran preferensi konsumen untuk membeli di toko-toko ritel tidak membantu, tapi kerusakan yang ditimbulkan sendiri
dari model rantai pasokan ultra-efisien yang diperas biaya-dan berkualitas dari layanan pelanggan adalah
mungkin yang paling menyakitkan. Manajer mengevaluasi karyawan call center terutama pada seberapa cepat mereka selesai
setiap panggilan-resep untuk bencana sebagai nilai dari pelanggan merasa masalah mereka diabaikan atau tidak ditangani dengan baik.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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