Customer service has emerged as one ofthe few remaining differentiator terjemahan - Customer service has emerged as one ofthe few remaining differentiator Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Customer service has emerged as one

Customer service has emerged as one of
the few remaining differentiators that busi-
nesses can sustain over time. Companies
that are winning in this environment provide
“stand-out” customer service by using
knowledge to empower contact center
agents and drive self-service interactions.
In delivering KM solutions to world-
class contact centers and self-service oper-
ations for more than 15 years, we have
compiled hundreds of best practices that
improve the odds of success in KM imple-
mentations, while maximizing ROI. Listed
below are some of the popular ones.
1. Quantify value.
Assessing expected and realized ROI
before and after the deployment helps you
justify the initial investment as well as
ongoing maintenance of the knowledge-
base (KB) while elevating your visibility
as a value creator for your business.
Best practice: Make sure the metrics
you use are aligned with business objec-
tives. For instance, if your main business
goal is to increase upsell and cross-sell
through knowledge-enabled contextual
offers, reduction in call handle times will
be a conflicting metric. As you assess ROI,
keep in mind that KM delivers positive
ROI in areas such as:
u Increase in first-time fixes and revenue
through upsell and cross-sell; and
u Reduction in escalations, transfers, repeat
calls, call handle times, training time, un-
warranted product returns, field visits and
staff wage premiums.
2. Build the right team.
Successful KM implementations start
with the right team for knowledge capture
and creation.
Best practice: Build a cross-functional
team that can bring a 360-degree approach
to knowledge creation. Best-practice teams
typically include:
u Lead expert: individual who decides how
the KB will be organized, which topics
will be covered, what the roles of various
people in the team are and plans for main-
u Users: high-performance contact center
agents who provide suggestions;
u Knowledge authors: individuals who are
trained to use authoring tools; and
u Project manager: individual who keeps
the project on track.
. Avoid the “swiss cheese” syndrome.
Ambitious deployments almost always
esult in a KB that is solid in places, but
ull of holes, like a slice of Swiss cheese.
This is a recipe for failure, because if users
an’t find the answers, or get inadequate or
wrong answers, they will quickly stop
sing the system.
Best practice: Focus on depth and qual-
ty rather than breadth. For instance, if an
nterprise sells printers, scanners and
opiers, the best approach would be to
over one product line thoroughly first.
. Maintain velocity.
A classic mistake in KM implementa-
ions is not making midcourse adjustments
o keep the project on track.
Best practice: If the deployment
ppears to be falling behind schedule,
arrow the scope of the KB and finish on
chedule. In fact, it is better to widen the
cope later to expand the benefits of the
eployment. As a rough guide, a typical
nterprise deployment should not take
more than three months after the initial
lanning, with three or four full-time peo-
le engaged. Deployment includes soft-
ware installation, knowledge gathering
nd testing both the quality of the KB and
ystem performance.
. Balance “ivory tower knowledge” with
street smarts.”
Enterprises often make the mistake of
elying solely on internally focused
omain experts who rarely speak to cus-
omers. It is sometimes difficult for
xperts to get down to the level of ordinary
ustomers who may not know technical
erms such as whether their mutual fund is
no load,” “frontloaded” or “back-loaded.”
Using jargon in questions posed by agents
or self-service systems is a guaranteed
way to increase escalations and customer
Best practice: Find KB contributors
who are both technically competent and
not too far removed from customer contact.
Successful customer service depends as
much on the questions posed to customers
as the answers.
6. Provide flexible content access.
People have different ways of finding
information, or the same person may use
different methods to suit the situation. A
flexible approach to information access
dramatically improves user adoption and
ROI. For instance, novice agents, whether
they are in-house or outsourced, may find
it difficult to wade through hundreds of
search hits to find the right answer, but
may fare better if they are guided through
a dialogue, powered by an inference
engine. On the other hand, experienced
agents may prefer to quickly process
search hits.
Best practice: Provide users multiple
ways to access information—FAQ, browse,
search and guided help. The key here is to
make sure that the KB remains the same
and there are no content silos. z
eGain has helped world-class companies achieve and
sustain customer service excellence for more than a
decade. eGain Service™, the company’s top-rated cus-
tomer service and knowledge management software
suite, enables organizations to build customer interac-
tion hubs to provide best-in-class customer service and

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Layanan pelanggan telah muncul sebagai salah satubeberapa differentiators sisa busi bahwa -nesses dapat mempertahankan dari waktu ke waktu. Perusahaanyang menang dalam lingkungan ini menyediakanLayanan Pelanggan "stand-out" dengan menggunakanpengetahuan untuk memberdayakan pusat kontakagen dan berkendara swalayan interaksi. Dalam memberikan solusi KM ke dunia-kelas contact Center dan layanan mandiri oper-ations selama lebih dari 15 tahun, kami memilikidikompilasi ratusan terbaik praktik yangmeningkatkan peluang keberhasilan dalam KM imple-mentations, sekaligus memaksimalkan ROI. TerdaftarBerikut adalah beberapa yang populer. 1. mengukur nilai.Menilai diharapkan dan menyadari ROIsebelum dan sesudah penyebaran membantu Andamembenarkan investasi awal sertapemeliharaan pengetahuan-Base (KB) sambil mengangkat visibilitas Andasebagai pencipta nilai untuk bisnis Anda. Praktek terbaik: Pastikan metrikAnda menggunakan diselaraskan dengan bisnis keadan -tives. Misalnya, jika bisnis utama AndaTujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan upsell dan lintas-menjualmelalui pengetahuan-enabled kontekstualmenawarkan, pengurangan waktu menangani panggilan akanmenjadi sebuah metrik yang bertentangan. Karena Anda menilai ROI,perlu diingat bahwa KM memberikan positifROI di tempat-tempat seperti:u peningkatan dalam perbaikan pertama kali dan pendapatanmelalui upsell dan lintas-menjual; danu pengurangan di escalations, transfer, ulangipanggilan, panggilan menangani times, waktu pelatihan, un-dijamin produk kembali, bidang kunjungan danStaf upah premi.2. membangun tim yang tepat.Sukses Implementasi KM mulaidengan tim yang tepat untuk menangkap pengetahuandan penciptaan. Praktek terbaik: membangun lintas fungsionaltim yang dapat membawa pendekatan 360 derajatpenciptaan pengetahuan. Tim praktek terbaikbiasanya mencakup:u memimpin ahli: individu yang memutuskan bagaimanaKB akan diselenggarakan, topik yangakan dibahas, apa peran berbagaiorang-orang dalam tim dan rencana untuk utama-tenancte;u pengguna: kinerja tinggi pusat kontakagen yang memberikan saran-saran;u pengetahuan penulis: individu yangdilatih untuk menggunakan alat authoring; danManajer Proyek u: individu yang terusproyek di jalur. . Menghindari sindrom "keju swiss".Ambisius penyebaran hampir selaluesult dalam KB yang solid di tempat, tetapiakhirnya lubang, seperti irisan keju Swiss.Ini adalah resep untuk kegagalan, karena jika penggunaan't menemukan jawaban, atau mendapatkan tidak memadai ataujawaban yang salah, mereka akan segera berhentibernyanyi sistem. Praktek terbaik: fokus pada kedalaman dan kua -Ty daripada lebarnya. Misalnya, jikanterprise menjual printer, scanner danopiers, pendekatan yang terbaik adalah untuklini produk lebih dari satu benar-benar pertama. . Mempertahankan kecepatan.Kesalahan klasik di KM memusatkan perhatian-Ion tidak membuat penyesuaian pengendaliano menjaga proyek pada jalur.Praktek terbaik: jika penyebaranppears yang akan jatuh di belakang jadwal,panah lingkup KB dan selesai padachedule. Pada kenyataannya, itu lebih baik untuk memperluasmengatasi kemudian untuk memperluas manfaateployment. As a rough guide, a typicalnterprise deployment should not takemore than three months after the initiallanning, with three or four full-time peo-le engaged. Deployment includes soft-ware installation, knowledge gatheringnd testing both the quality of the KB andystem performance. . Balance “ivory tower knowledge” withstreet smarts.”Enterprises often make the mistake ofelying solely on internally focusedomain experts who rarely speak to cus-omers. It is sometimes difficult forxperts to get down to the level of ordinaryustomers who may not know technicalerms such as whether their mutual fund isno load,” “frontloaded” or “back-loaded.”Using jargon in questions posed by agentsor self-service systems is a guaranteedway to increase escalations and customerdefections. Best practice: Find KB contributorswho are both technically competent andnot too far removed from customer contact.Successful customer service depends asmuch on the questions posed to customersas the answers. 6. Provide flexible content access.People have different ways of findinginformation, or the same person may usedifferent methods to suit the situation. Aflexible approach to information accessdramatically improves user adoption andROI. For instance, novice agents, whetherthey are in-house or outsourced, may findit difficult to wade through hundreds ofsearch hits to find the right answer, butMei tarif lebih baik jika mereka dipandu melaluidialog, didukung oleh kesimpulanmesin. Di sisi lain, berpengalamanagen dapat memilih untuk cepat prosespencarian hits. Praktek terbaik: menyediakan pengguna beberapacara untuk mengakses informasi — FAQ, menelusuri,Cari dan Bantuan Berpanduan. Kuncinya di sini untukPastikan bahwa KB tetap samadan tidak ada konten Silo. zeGain telah membantu perusahaan-perusahaan kelas dunia yang mencapai danmempertahankan keunggulan layanan pelanggan untuk lebih dari satudekade. eGain Service™, perusahaan teratas cus-Tomer layanan dan pengetahuan manajemen perangkat lunakSuite, memungkinkan organisasi untuk membangun pelanggan interac-tion hub untuk menyediakan layanan pelanggan terbaik di kelasnya dan
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